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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest hellogoodbye765

idk it depends

i have my pretty days when i'm like gorgeous

but then theres times when i just feel like ew why am i so ugly?!

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I indisputably rate myself a 7. I don’t deem/view myself as extensively beautiful nor homely. I’m content with my appearance even though I tend to oh-so-piddling nitpick about my image, but I think everybody’s their own worst critic. To be honest, I’m just grateful that I’m a healthy person at the moment.

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Guest hellogoodbye765

took the words right out of my mouth... on the edited part hahahah

i see someone ppl rating themselves 8-9

but if thats them in their avatar then..................................

sheesh ppl like hyori must be off the charts

this is how my 1-10 chart looks like


9 - very pretty!

8 - pretty

7 - cute/pretty

6- above average

5 - nothing much to look at

4 - i wouldn`t look twice at you

3 - somewhat unattractive

2 - ugly. there`s nothing else to say

1 - what are you doing on earth

i was thinking the same thing!

and a lot of pretty girls (i think) are underrating themselves?

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Guest paradox^

I think I'm ok. There are sometimes when I look into the mirror and I think "eww!"

but then there are times when I feel good about myself.

At least I'm happy about my appearance.

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Guest thepianist

It depends on people's standards. We don't really know what we look like from another persons perspective. =/

I say I'm average, I find myself pretty attractive.

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i dont find myself ugly .. just not that pretty lol i rate myself a 5 cus im just average (: at times when i wear something nice and i fix myself up, i find myself pretty but other than that, just average.

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yes, 9 i'm not perfect, but to me, it's not all about looks. it's about character. ^_^

everyone should be rated as a 9. everyone is pretty in a unique way.

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Guest pinkpiglet

...what kind of question is this.

it's either i'm really cocky or i'm really low self esteem.

tsk tsk 공주병들 lol jk! hahahaha

i guess it's good to be like that somewhat...

i mean you should have self confidence

and it gets really annoying if you are being modest too much.

but honestly i don't think i'm very attractive.

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i ratedd myself a 6.

i wouldn't say omg i'm so pretty though, because i try. with all the make up and cosmetic products, i'm sure we all look at least two points higher. hahahaha.

it's more of how everyone views looks though. you can't expect everyone to rate out of one perspective.

if you live in a community filled with "not too good looking" and you're "not too good looking" but you're prettier than the rest.. then your rating would be higher. and vise versa.

if i lived in cali or something.. i'd probably be like a 3-4 compared to all those girls! =(

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eh, I hate how i look most of the time.. my skin just got really gross.. and i cant smile nicely and stuff lke tha

but people sometimes tell me im pretty, i doubt they're telling the truth tho, but lots more people tell me i should be

a model or something because im tall and skinny...

eh, I'd say 6-7

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Guest Eunice!

i rated myself as a 5

i'm not overconfident

i hate that in people

but i'm not depressed about myself either

so idk i thinnk i'm average

if somebody tells me i'm cute

horray i'm cute. haha

idk its hard to explain...

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Guest xjunk!0_oprincessx

I voted 7 because I think i am average not pretty but not ugly either. but according to MaryMagdalin's chart to numbers I would be a 4-5 ish =X

I think i am average because I don't have any outstanding and pretty feature according to what people would consider pretty.

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

i ratedd myself a 6.

i wouldn't say omg i'm so pretty though, because i try. with all the make up and cosmetic products, i'm sure we all look at least two points higher. hahahaha.

it's more of how everyone views looks though. you can't expect everyone to rate out of one perspective.

if you live in a community filled with "not too good looking" and you're "not too good looking" but you're prettier than the rest.. then your rating would be higher. and vise versa.

if i lived in cali or something.. i'd probably be like a 3-4 compared to all those girls! =(

Lol.. you think cali is filled with gorgeous people?


okay, there are.


i'd be a 3 around them.. hahaha.

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Guest GingitsuneSpirit

i dont think i'm pretty in any way. i'm ugly, my face is weird looking, my skin is a disaster, i'm really short, i have no boobs, i'm also pretty fat, and i have really digusting legs... so....i gave myself a one.

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Guest chriquen

so far, the poll shows that most soompiers think they're 7, followed by 6, followed by 5 (aka average). does this mean that either soompiers are generally prettier than the average person, or that they think they are?. hm...

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Hmm. Well -- think about this.

Girls who think low of themselves are deemed not confident in themselves - has LOW self-esteem - and always taking what others say

Girls who think high of themselves as pretty, beautiful and good-looking, etc. are looked down upon by many as cocky, slutty, conceited.

So, to avoid those criticisms ^ there's an "average okay" look. =[

Society has really set its standards.

Everyone is beautiful -- Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.


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