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The Ideal Asian Girl?

Guest husssh

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Guest bababrandino

Everyone has different ideals, of course. That picture seems too...artificial?

Mine would most definitely be Kim Taeyeon. <3 haha

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Guest soy.milk

yeh people like girls who look avreage. by that i mean girlslook best when their eyes aren't too big, but aren't too small. They like noses that aren't too flat and not too pointy. They like lips that aren't too thin nor thick.

Kim Tae Hee is a perfect10/10 girl

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Guest DeadSmile

naw i wouldn't like DIE to look like tht

but i think the like prettiest asian girl is shin min hee. i would totally love to look like her! she's not rly well known but was in taeyang's MV-only look at me and when i saw her there i thought she was like the prettiest person everr >_< not to be homo or w.e


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Guest petiteange22

everyone's ideal is bound to be different. but the girl in the picture you posted is definitely pretty!

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Guest blackjackVip


i just scare my self looking at that picture....

she looks rather scary then pretty to me. @______@ *shivers*



since it's a bright morning day today, i decided to look at the picture again!

i commented last night when i'm the only one who's not asleep YET.

and the comment that u posted about the girl who commited suicide or something, made me scared to look at the picture, that's why i just quickly scrolled it down last night. LOL

Looking at it now, i think she is PRETTY. :D


i just wish to have a nose and skin like hers.

coz we have relatively the same eyes and face shape already.

just my nose isn't as tall and perfect as hers.

flat nose sucks. :angry:<_<-_-

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Guest whatanniewears

yeah i think she's really pretty, but i'm not sure that i will want to look like her...

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Guest lightofhonest

she's pretty but plain.

Very plain, it's just. she looks like every other girl.

And it's kind of creepy, that she reminds me of someone so yeah -.-

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Guest Kuria

It's not creepy D: It only looks creepy cause there's a pure white face on a black background and it's a large-ish picture. Even the most beautiful face would seem creepy if it was presented like that without any emotion or anything.

I find her pretty but if I saw her walking down the street she'd just be another pretty girl and not ZOMGWTFFFHOTTT! If they turned that girl into a celebrity she'd be very very very attractive and smexy and hot cause most plain girls that hits the celebrity circle has ridiculously good looks.

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Guest yellowsharpie

personally i think she looks like a homeless little girl whos starving on the streets or something..

i never really understood the white face thing

to me, white faces look ghastly or washed out by flash

and her eyelids just.. don't work with her face

its a more western and mature kind of eyelid with huge doll eyes and face

i've seen prettier korean girls , waaaay prettier


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Guest elley_max

you know those kinda girls who are just plain pretty, pretty but plain?? like they have everything: pretty eyes, pretty nose, flawless skin, cute lips, everything is nice to look at, absolutely nothing is ugly (i actually can think of a bunch of celebs right now), but still they are not what you can call gorgeous, or beautiful?? that's because those girls don't have that special feature that makes them outstanding for some people, but less attractive to others. those girls look pretty to anyone, but special to noone, just generally pretty, but in a boring and unspectacular kinda way

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Guest kikkie

^ wow elley_max has it down. The girl in the picture definitely has desirable features but it's not so special that it would make someone remember her. There are lots of girls like this, who are pretty, but I won't remember how they looked like a few minutes later. It's a generic type of pretty.

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Guest velvetsky

I think she looks kind of creepy

and it doesn't help with the black background lols

but she has a cute nose (:

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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

No, I think she looks more pale and more natural for an ideal Asian girl. I think people usually think of Asian girls like those who have dyed hair, ok well maybe the double eyelids and circle lenses, nice bodies and all that kinda stuff.

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Guest simpliciity

lol the picture kind of freaks me out.

i tried staring at it but i got scared

she looks like shes holding some grudge :ph34r:

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Guest chipmunkey

idk but i've always felt like the ideal asian girl should be like...han chae young . gorgeous , just gorgeous .

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Guest ShinyStuff

I'm glad I'm not the only one that found it creepy... its like shes staring at you.

She looks so real and not just a painting... I guess shes pretty anyways...

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Guest yum-o!

meh. i mean, i think oval shaped is a little prettier, with fuller lips.

but she's pretty. if she changed her hair, she'd be prettier.

but anyway, i agree, this picture is really creepy. especially after reading about that suicide thing... o_o

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