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who will admit that they have never been kissed?

green papaya

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Don't define yourself by have I or haven't I kissed? That doesn't make you a loser or anything. There's no rule that you have to be kissed by 16. It's not sad.

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Guest Rhapsodyy

I'm 18 and I haven't been kissed either. It's really no big deal. Unless you were like.. 80 or something I don't see a problem lol. You're 16, you have lots of time ^^

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Not to offend anyone or sound belittling.. But...OH com'on!

Why are KIDS- yes I consider anyone under 18 kids-- so caught up with these things now adays? Romance and kisses? It seems absurb to me. What happened to the days where we thought guys had cooties?! Kissing someone when you are still in Middle School or High School doesn't make you a bigger boy or girl. =/

So, to answer your question FINALLY. No, it's not weird and yes it's VERY common.

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Guest thisSHORTY

I think it's fine .. honestly, Idk if it's common or uncommon or whatever.

But I gotta say it's way better than the kids who are desperate enough to do it with anyone.

And you have plenty of time left :)

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Guest AzN_cHiC89

I'm 18 and I've never kissed a boy! Which is kind of sad because I've had boyfriends, but I'm old-fashion i guess. Anyways, I think its totally find. Don't think its a weird thing, it'll happen when you find that right boy. You don't want to give your first kiss away to someone special than having a meaningless kiss.

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Guest Gingging8

You are still young! no worries! haha

I'm turning 20 next month and I still haven't gotten my first kiss. I'm in no rush. :]

I want it to be special.

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