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Guest MooNy PigLEt

thanks HLI

i love u so much ^ ^ :D

guess we can always depend on you since you got like a HUMONGOUS collection of uhlzzangs' pics :)

LSE must have not updated his CY yet coz there's still no sign of his new pix :unsure:

I'm trying to sign up in CY but it wont allow me :tears: really frustrating @_@

I've been trying so many times and yet, it still wont allow me T____T

guess I should just forget about getting a CY account T___T

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^ yeahhh it wouldn`t let me sign up x_x

but you know what ?

i think there will be a U.S. cyworld coming soon

the site is


but sadly enough you can`t sign up right now because it is just a beta version

but i am just being patient and waiting for it to officially come out

i am excited :)

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^ i just tried and tried.. but then i couldn't get it.. so i just quit..

maybe i'll try later...

aniways.. what Hyesugn wrote under his picture was so kute!


US CYWORLD?!?!?!?!!?

INteresting.. do you know if we join the US version

can we still like post comments in like Korean ones..


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Guest wishesdocometrue99

^i hope we can doo that :D

i tried to make an account for korean cyworld, but it never work TT.TT i agve up lol

hope the us ver come out soon :D

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

US CY ???O_O

wow, sounds great

I'm getting excited already ^ ^

thanks kenn for the good news. Then I should just wait patiently for a little bit more tehe

I have the same question with baoi. Can you post comment or visist Korean CY version if u use US CY version?

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Guest LoveHLi


^yeah you don't need a cyworld to view their cyworlds but you need one to be able to comment on their cyworlds ^^

^i'm thinking maybe we could because it's all still under cyworld isn't? :unsure:

thanks HLI

i love u so much ^ ^ :D

guess we can always depend on you since you got like a HUMONGOUS collection of uhlzzangs' pics :)

hahaha..i don't even know how many pictures i have totally...i lost count after 3200 and that was from like two months ago ^^;

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Guest MooNy PigLEt


^yeah you don't need a cyworld to view their cyworlds but you need one to be able to comment on their cyworlds ^^

^i'm thinking maybe we could because it's all still under cyworld isn't? :unsure:

hahaha..i don't even know how many pictures i have totally...i lost count after 3200 and that was from like two months ago ^^;

i dont know but when I click on the link, it would just direct me to the main home page and I have no idea how to go to their page. It's all written in Korean there TToTT

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

hehe I finally can go to LSE's CY !!! YAY!! WONDERFUL!!!!

I've turned the blocker and it works.

Thanks for ur advice HLI =]

You really make my day ^ ^

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hehe I finally can go to LSE's CY !!! YAY!! WONDERFUL!!!!

I've turned the blocker and it works.

Thanks for ur advice HLI =]

You really make my day ^ ^

haha.. CONGRATS!!

you get to view LSE's hawt/kute cyworld!!

aren't you so happy?!?!?

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I made a quick translation of an very old post! ^^

If u find any error, feel free to correct.




Nom : Kim Kyung Rok

Né le : 18 juin 1984

Age : 21 ans

Taille : 174 cm

Poids : 54 kg

Groupe sanguin : A

Famille : mère, père, soeur

Kim Kyung Rok est un des Ulzzang les plus célèbres et aussi un des plus mignon .

Il a été repéré par des réalisateurs pour jouer dans un drama :The Guy was CooL .

Il pose aussi pour des magasines .



Nom : Park Han Byul

Né le : 17 novembre 1984

Age : 21 ans

Taille : 168 cm

Poids : 48 kg

Né à : Seoul, Coré

Groupe Sanguin : O

Métier : actrice

Park Han Byul est sans aucun doute l'ulzzang fémine la plus connue . Elle est devenue célèbre grâce à son physique . Elle pose pour des magazines, maintenant elle est actrice de cinema, son premier film Wishing Stairs est sortit en 2003, elle y incarne So-Hee une étudiente en danse .



Nom : Joo In Ho

Né le : 6/2/1985

Age : 20 ans

Taille : 170 cm

Poids : 52 kg

Groupe sanguin : AB

Sexe : masculin

Joo In Ho est un des Ulzzang les plus célèbre ( peut-être le plus célèbre ) . Il pose dans des magasines de mode et on le retrouve souvant en compagnie d'autres Ulzzang ( kim kyung rok , ...). Joo In Ho n'est peut-être pas le plus beau des Ulzzang mais il a énormément de charme .



Nom : Kim Namji

Né le : 19/07/88

Age : 16

Sexe : feminin

Résidence : Corée

Namji est une Ulzzang célèbre ( moins que Park Han Byul ) qui elle aussi , comme la plupart des autres Ulzzang joue dans des dramas . Elle a aussi été élue Miss Mode .



Nom : Kim Hye-Sung (Kim Hye-Seong)

Né le : 14/ 01/1988

Age : 17 ans

Taille : 168 cm

Poids : 52 kg

Sexe : masculin

Lieu de résidence : corée du sud

Kim Hye-Sung est un jeune Ulzzang qui a jouer dans un film "Jenny Juno" , il a une carrière très prometeuse puisque son statut actuel est acteur et non Ulzzang



Nom : Park Eun Byul

Né le : 20/05/1984

Age : 21 ans

Status : Etudiant

Famille : Père , mère , petit frère

Il aime : l'ordinateur , la musique

Sexe : Masculin

Voilà mon Uzzang préféré : Park Eun byul . Lui aussi est un ulzzang très connu autant que Kim Kyung Rok , Park Eun Byul danse très bien (voir la vidéo ) et est accro à son ordinateur .



Nom : Lim Da Hye

Surnom : Imda

Né en :5 février 1984

Age : 21 ans

Taille : 165 cm

Groupe sanguin : AB

Famille : père, mère et un petit frère

Sexe : Féminin

Imda est une jolie ulzzang (mon ulzzang féminin préféré ) qui aime le rap et le hip hop . Elle a posé avec beaucoup d'ulzzang : kim kyung rok, seo minwoo, kim hye sung, song mira ...



Nom : Song Mira

Né en :15 décembre 1984

Age : 21 ans

Taille : 172 cm

Poids : 52 kg

Groupe sanguin : B

Famille : père, mère

Song Mira est une des premières ulzzangs féminins que j'ai connu malheuresement je ne connait rien de plus sur elle . On la voit dans beaucoup de site d'ulzzangs .


//ORIGINAL FRENCH PROFILE// (they have two profile for yangyang)

Nom :Yang Qing

Surnom : yang yang

Nom Anglais : Ryo

Age :16 ans

Né le : 03/09/1988

Groupe sanguin : O

Habite : Taiwan

Taille : 164 cm

Poids : 50 kg

Langue parlé : Chinois anglais

Activité : dormir, faire du shopping

Voici Yang Yang , je sais pas du tout si c'est un Ulzzang , mais en tous cas j'ai trouvé un site entièrement consacré à lui . Je l'ai mis parceque je le trouvais beau .

Nom :Yang Qing

Surnom : yang yang

Nom Anglais : Ryo

Age :16 ans

Né le : 03/09/1988

Groupe sanguin : O

Habite : Taiwan

Taille : 164 cm

Poids : 50 kg

Langue parlé : Chinois anglais

Activité : dormir, faire du shopping

Bon alors je refais un article sur Yang Yang pour vous dire que en faite c'est une fille !!!

Au début je voulais pas le croire (on m'avais laissé, de stef, un com pour me le dire) donc j'ai fait mes recherches et j'ai trouvé des photo de lui, enfin plutôt d'elle, avec les cheveux longs et franchement elle est assez jolie.

Je sais aussi qu'elle est vraiment ulzzang, c'est une ulzzang taiwanaise, donc chinoise .



Nom : Yang Joon-Kyoo

Nom Anglais : Chris Yang

Né le : 09.06.1985

Age : 20 ans

Groupe sanguin : O

Résidence : Sydney, Australie

Chris est un beau ulzzang que je n'avais pas encore présenté avant car j'avais très peu de photo sur lui. Maintenant j'en ai un peu plus mais toujours pas beaucoup .


*credits: ulzzang.skyblog.com*

Name : Kim Kyung Rok

Born on The : June 18, 1984

Age: 21 years old

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Blood group: A

Family: Mother, Father, Sister

KKR is the one of the most famous Ulzzang and also one of the cutest. He had been spotted by directors to play in a drama: the guy was cool.

He poses for magazines too.

Name: Park Han Byul

Born on the: November 17, 1984

Age: 21 years old

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Born In: Seoul, Korea

Blood Group: O

Job: Actress

PHB is without any doubt the most well-know ulzzang girl. She became famous thanks to her body. She poses for magazines, now she is an cinema’s actress, her first movie Whishing Stairs was released in 2003, she plays So Hee a dance student.

Name: Joo In Ho

Born on the: February 6, 1985

Age: 20 years old

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Blood Group: AB

Sex: Male

JIH is the one of the most famous ulzzang (maybe the most famous). He poses for fashion magazines and we can often meet him in compagny with others ulzzang (kim kyung rok...) JIH is maybe not the most best looking but he has an awful lot of charm.

Name: Kim Nam Ji

Born on the: July 19, 1988

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Living in: Korea

Namji is a famous ulzzang (less than park han byul) who is too, as mostly of the others ulzzang plays in dramas. She has been chosen as Miss Fashion.

Name: Kim Hye Sung (Kim Hye Song)

Born on the: January 14, 1988

Age: 17 years old

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 52kg

Sex: male

Living in: South of Korea

KYS is a young ulzzang who played in a film “Jenny Juno”, he has a promising career since his current status is actor and not ulzzang.

Name: Park Eun Byul

Born on the: May 20, 1984

Age: 21 years old

Status: Student

Family: Father, Mother, smaller brother

Love: computer, music

Sex: Male

There is my favorite ulzzang (for the personn who wrote it on his website) . He is an very famous ulzzang too, as much as Kim Kyung Rok. Park Eun Byul dances very well (see the video – *don’t know which video*) and he is addict to his computer.

Name: Lim Dae Hye

Surname: Imda

Born on the: February 5, 1984

Age: 21 years old

Height: 165 cm

Blood Group: AB

Family: Father, mother and smaller brother

Sex: Female

Imda is a pretty ulzzang (my favorite ulzzang girl - *one more time, opinion of the personn who wrote this) who likes rap and hip hop. She poses with a lot of ulzzang : kim kyung rok, kim hye sung, song mira...

Name: Song Mira

Born on the: December 15, 1984

Age: 21 years old

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Blood Group: B

Family: Father, mother

Song Mira is one of the first ulzzang girl that i knew unfortunately I don’t know more on her. We can see her in a lot of ulzzangs sites. *opinions of the webmaster*

Name: Yang Qing

Surname: Yang Yang

English name: Ryo

Age: 16 years old

Born on the: September 3, 1988

Blood Group: O

Living in: Taiwan

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Can Speak: Chinese, english

Hobby: Sleeping, go to shopping

This is Yang Yang, I really don’t know if he is an ulzzang, but anyway i found a site completely devotes to him. I put him because I find he is handsome.

So then, I do again an article on Yang Yang to say that in fact he is a girl!!

In the beginning I didn’t want to believe that so I made researches and I found photos of him, well rather her, with long hair and frankly she is quite pretty.

I know that she is a real ulzzang too, she is an taiwanese ulzzang , so chinese.

(*crazy* lol)

Name: Yang Joon Kyoo

English Name: Chris Yang

Born on the: June 9, 1985

Age: 20 years old

Blood Group: O

Living: Sydney, Australia

Chris is a handsome ulzzang that I didn’t introduce yet before because I had not much photos on him. Now I have more but still not much.

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

haha.. CONGRATS!!

you get to view LSE's hawt/kute cyworld!!

aren't you so happy?!?!?

Yeah, My Gosh he's soooooooo cute

there are some pics that I havent seen before there..so I'm just becoming crazier

My mom practically asks me what happened coz I make so much noise (kumping up and down and even shouting ^O^) :sweatingbullets:

guess I get a bit carried away but i just cant help

man, now my dictionary changes a bit

LSE= cute + hot

Eric= perfection lol


btw, can u tell me SWS's CY, Shil SOl Ki's, PEB's and KJB's

^_^ I remember there is a list somewhere

so u just tell me the page and I went back there

thanks so much guys ^ ^

love u all hehe

really in good mood since I've got access to LSE's CY :phew::D


I think that list is too old and LSE's sure an uhlzzang

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Guest SwtKrnMuffinJjang012

^ is LSE not a Ulzzang??

or is he too good for that List?!?!?

Yeah!! and what about kang jungmi!! she IS the most famous girl ulzzang kinda lol well ex-ulzzang xD

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