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Guest CandyRain

so sad no Lee Jung Ha new pics...she is my fave now..

OMG she is in the same as me and cos of her pretiness and style she looks 5 years older than me.. >.<

starting a online shop in such a young age..awesome~

Song Jiyeong doesn't look much different with her recent photos.. i love all her photos!

she is so cute and reminds me with miyazawa aoi~

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Guest angela_bears























credits: cyworld & photobucket

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Guest l3lo

i just have a quick question that i want answered..i just thought of it one day...well anywho yeah you know as well as i know that these 'ulzzang' people get famous for being pretty online from the photos they've taken but the question is who is actually the one taking them? who's the one behind the camera? i mean some of those photos aren't even professional and believe me i've seen some of my share...some photos that are blurry, not a photographers way of taking it...so who does take these anonymous out of the blue pictures of these people? like their at the cafe, mall, store, street, bathroom, or what ever it is, its a photo of the 'ulzzang'. because i know ain't no paparazzi taking their photos just for fun even if their are any there or even if these ulzzangs get chased by the paps but anywho off topic :phew: . and are they getting paid for it or are they just doing it out of a favor/fun? i mean if they are getting paid for it, where can i find that job description? because i want to get in on it too. shoot, taking photos of 'ulzzang' people for no reason, out of the blue and getting paid for it.

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Guest smilexsayumi

^ I've always wondered the same thing! But I always thought that it was probably their friend. Like ulzzang takes picture for the other ulzzang and vice versa? So they help each other out? (: I'm not sure myself actually XD.

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Guest l3lo

hrm...i don't know...i do think its a close friend that does take some of the photos but sometimes the photos are just like...photos from a 'stalker'? ^_^ because its like the ulzzangs don't even know their there and theres photos of them just plain walking or doing whatever it is they do...i don't know some of their photos are just weird...anyways thanks to "happypie" for answering my earlier request but do you by chance have a before photo of her? or even where its posted?

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Guest Namine

wow there's been so much talking, and no photos in the past threads.

it always seems to go into such a phase.'

anyway, thank you so much for the oldschools mira and seominwoo <3

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Guest happypie

i'm not sure myself, but i think it's either their family (siblings) or friends. i doubt they're paid.

i was listening to sukira and one of their listeners submitted a scenario about her friend always making her follow her around to take pictures of her to post on her minihompy and about how some people make their friends or sisters/brothers follow them around everywhere such as cafes taking pictures that look 자연스러워 (~natural) so they can post on their cys.

i don't think pictures are taken by a "stalker" though. the ulzzangs probably ask their friends to taking a picture of them just walking around to make it look, like i said above, 자연스러워. haha

l3lo scroll down on page 2143 and you'll find a post that says it's her before picture.

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

can i request pics of uhllzhangs being choked? :x

HAHAHAHAHAH! funny funny ....... :lol:

and to everybody who says ulzzangs have their family/friends follow them everywhere just for the pics...well, in America (ahem outside of Korea in general), that'd look both strange and stupid. It's kinda poseur-celeb, perhaps, having pretend "paparazzi" follow one around...

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Guest :0486

that before pic of lee jung ha, is there one with her face towards the camera instead of more of a side profile? because is that really a before pic? it seems like it isnt...

and if it is, then she didn't need surgery at all LOL

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Guest Lady K


man...it seem

like the new uhljjang

remine me of the old

uhljjangs... i kinda see

some imda gurls too....

???but i dont know it just them

they all look good and cute....

but really there is a lot of people

that look kinda like the

old uhljjang.....

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Guest gemmakims

omggg seo minwooo <333 can someone post links to morepictures?? :]

part ii. park saeam


dudeee. park saeam looks so much like park boram its scary..

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Guest hannuhh

omggg seo minwooo <333 can someone post links to morepictures?? :]

dudeee. park saeam looks so much like park boram its scary..

well uh.. they're twins, aren't they?

hahaha :)

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Guest oshkoshbagosh18

I have to say the girls style of dress really interests me to no end

an over sized t-shirt and a skirt

shorts and tights

and I just thought the girls in america who wore their clothes like that were odd

now i see it's popular


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Guest alainachen_604

OMFG.. you guys found the website for lee jung ha :D

good for you guys.. lol

everyones like in love with her right now :)

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Guest s2_syj

HAHAHA ohhhh crap..

LJH's the same age as me...


all this time i was like "hmm maybe i can just as pretty as her when i grow up"

^__________^ :sweatingbullets:

^ LOL same here. she looks in her early twenties at least.

and she has really nice hair, i want her hair ~

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