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Guest squallie

Ohh my goodness, these spams are KILLIN IT! Thank you so much everyone! And Hli, PLEASE DO MORE Young suk! I <3 you so much! He's gorgeous, I can see why Yoora's with him.

Ohh Baoi, I love your spams! I loved the LJH and Mikki ones. :)

CAT! YAY, you put one of my favorite uljjangs, BORAM! Thank you! I rarely see you on AIM now. :(

Namji looks soooooo different. It looks as if she matured...alot. especially in her sense of style.

Karin, thank you so much for your spam! Greatly appreciated. I was able to catch your name on a previous post. My name is Pauline. :)

I know you're all gonna hate me for this comment but to tell you the truth, I ain't feelin' Lee Yoon Geun. I find him kinda....skinny, girly and unattractive. I really do think it's the hair though. His hair is throwing me off. BUT, he's very beautiful I must admit, but just not for my tastes.

EDIT//YAY, Owned a page. Been awhile. I'll post some pictures later!

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Guest catchthesky.


Isn't that guy an ulzzang? I forgot his name but he reminds me of someone...

Anyway I saw him in some fanfic and I've been wondering who he was ever since.

Erm, he might be an actor now that I think about it...

Did you cut that from the poster on my fanfic? (The Billionaire Thief)

Well, it's Yoo Geun. You can see his pictures like a page back. :mellow:

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^ yep.. that's Lee Yonn Geun.

I think that was cropped out of the fanfic poster A Billionaire Thief..

He's an Ulzzang.. i don't think he's an actor, but he models for an online shop!


that's all the spam for today..

mybrain is running out of battery..so im going to go to sleep

brb soon.

Oh. Everyone who is participating in the Lee JiHoo project..

the deadline for sending me the letters is the 28th. I WILL be sending

the letters to JiHoo March 1st.

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Guest LoveHLi

hey he is in a new boyband coming out called GM6!!

i didn't know he was an ulzzang~~~

acutally the one you're talking about is another ulzzang, kim sung je...they both look alike but yoon geun is just a model who does modeling for online sites and sometimes he does fashion shows...kim sung je is the one who's in the boyband and was also featured in MVs ^__^

i won't be home today so i can't fulfill requests nor do i have time to answer questions so i'll do them all when i'm back on monday...later peeps~^o^

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Guest SeungHye

^ NO EFFEN WAY!! are you sure?

any pictures?


i made a whole thread on the gorup

go here>>> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=107338

acutally the one you're talking about is another ulzzang, kim sung je...they both look alike but yoon geun is just a model who does modeling for online sites and sometimes he does fashion shows...kim sung je is the one who's in the boyband and was also featured in MVs ^__^

^+ohhh i see

they look the same~~

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i made a whole thread on the gorup

go here>>> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=107338

^+ohhh i see

they look the same~~

Hehe.. False alarm. none of those boys is Lee Yoon Geun.

If he was part of it, i am sure he wouldn't have time to model for

that shop.. and he would advertise his group.. none of the

GM6 guys is him.. but they boys are really kute!!


I scrolled down, and well.. i see the LEE YOON GEUN PICS!!

those pictures ARE lee Yoon Geun, but NONE of the boys

in group pictures is him........ flase alarm again..

[edit] wopps Hli already answered all the questions.

Aniways...... LAST CHANCE!!


Anyone still interested?


I wanted to give Lee JiHoo something to show him that we [his fans] exist. Not only that, I

wanted to help motivate him to finish the 2 years in the Korean Army as quickly as possible.

I feel that these letters shall ease his stress and help motivate him to become stronger. It's

a chance for us to tell him [almost] anything that we want to tell him or ask of him.

** I promise not to read any of your letters, I will respect your privacy,

BUT please keep it clean and nice.




+ Please keep letters PG-13

+ ABSOLUTELY NO PORN, Drug-related items, Nasty things, or Inappropriate things!

** Be careful with HUMOR/JOKES.. don't say something you think he might get

offended or things that may hurt his feelings. We want to cheer him up!! Not the other

way around. Thank you.

** Letters that are too big[wide/long] might be folded by me to fit in box.



Anyone who wants to send him a gift can send it to me, and I can include it in the package.

Please, shipping will kill me already, so keep the gifts as little as possible. Please nothing HUGE

like stuffed animals [they take up a lot of space]. If you are sending a gift, please inform me

that you are sending me a gift [at your own risk].

+ I will NOT be responsible for lost items in the mail [i'll be honest if i recieved something or not]

+ Keep gifts clean and appropriate!

+ ABSOLUTELY NO PORN, Drug-related items, nasty things, or Inappropriate things.

** Please be honest with me on this!!


OPTION ONE : Sending it to Baoi through PM or Email. You can write a letter and send

it to me through PERSONAL MESSAGE or to my personal EMAIL {myironiclife@hotmail.com}..

Either one is fine with me. I shall print them out and include it with the letters that I have

revieced from others. I can only print them out in BLACK & WHITE ink, therefore your color

images will not be as beautiful, that's why I STRONGLY advise that you send me a pretty

colorful letter!!

OPTION TWO : Sending it to Baoi via REAL MAIL. You can send a personalized, pretty,

colorful, and FULL OF LIFE letter. I bet JiHoo would rather see COLORS!! I will not read these!

I will add them to the package. BE CREATIVE!! Email or PM me for my address, if I have not

emailed/PMed you my address.


+ Introduce yourself

+ Say something you like about him

+ Wish him well and good health

+ Talk about the Ulzzang thread/family

+ Draw him something [Draw him?]

+ Make him Graphics, Posters, Banners, Avatars/Icons

+ Write him a poem


As you all should know, SHIPPING is going to be CRAZZY EXPENSIVE. So I, the poor

college student, am taking donations for the funding of this project. I don't need like

a ton of cash, a little can go a long way!! I PROMISE to use the money only for this project!

Whatever is collected will pay for the shipping, if there isn't enough, I will pay the rest, if

there is extra after shipping, i'll post what's left and we'll decide from there.


It has been decided that we will send JiHoo the box for White Day, which is March 14th.

Therefore, i shall ship things out on March 1st. Everyone must have their letters IN to

me, my MAIL/EMAIL/PM a week BEFORE March 1st. If I don't have it before March 1st,

it will not be included in the project package.

February 21st: Last items should be postmarked and sent today!

February 28th: Any collected letters/gifts shall be packaged.


* Anything recieved after March 1st will NOT be included with the package

** Please re-read the rules after writing your letters. Make sure it's appropriate!

If you want to send it DIRECTLY to JiHoo yourself

his Army Address is in this message:

경기도 양평군 개군면

부리 사서함 4호

제 8368부대 본부포대

이병 이지후

(우) 476-893

편지 많이 보내주기♡

일촌평싫어싫어 -_-)



I will post an UPDATED version tomorrow.


1. Janice

2. Ahyoung

3. Jina

4. Sophie


[b]USERNAME: [/b]

[b]NAME: [/b]

[b]METHOD: [/b]

METHOD means are you sending the letter to me via EMAIL/PM

or will you need my address so you can send me a

kute/decorated/color/handwritten letter via REAL MAIL?

I lost my list of current members who are participating..

but i WILL find it!! I'll PM everyone a reminder when i

find that list!!

It's NOT too late to join! C'mon! Send SEXCHII JIHOO a letter!!


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Guest ibooyou

Did you cut that from the poster on my fanfic? (The Billionaire Thief)

Well, it's Yoo Geun. You can see his pictures like a page back. :mellow:

Yeah, I did crop it out, only because I needed to know who it was.

Then I found out his name and got a lot of his pictures. So essentially

I should thank you for having that boy in your poster, because you led

me to such hotness. Thank youuu<33 and sorry if I shouldn't have

cropped him out. ;\ I did some pic spams of him too (a few pages back).

ibooyou She isn't, but Sang Ho has this girlfriend (rumored or true <_<) that looks like her. :D

Yuppp, that's what HLI said.

Here's the post on Lee Sang Ho and his gf-


Pauline Aww~~ he's too girly for you? I agree that his hair

is a bit too long and that he should get a haircut. But I think he's

still oh so irresistible. ^o^

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Guest straw.ME

DAFF! youre finally back!!

Where has alll the regulars gone?!

MUI? Kayce? Jen? Stephanie? Nicole? Kiera? Lisa? MIN?! Kenn?

it's friday afternoon, my brains are fried.. i can't think.

uploading KIM IN KEUN


I dunno i asked kayce why she hasnt been here i think

just forgot what she said ^^''

for Nicole I havent seen her on er anywhere! T-T

Jen I talked to her yesterday!

haha I dunno why she doesnt post here no more.


~Meishsh0rt <3

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Guest I <3 SUNGMIN

kim namji...

she changed...

doesn't look like an uhljjang.

she just looks like a really pretty model.

`cause you know how uhljjangs take pictures and such..

i liked the old psing nanji a lot..


i love the pictures that show her contacts very well..

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Guest thequondam


YOOOOOZZNXZXZ. I miss you too! I practically miss everyone :X


Yah!! Because we're living in different timezones. Exactly opposite. ;(

Next time, I'll try to come online really early.


:tears: You forgot me

Anyway, do you think you can include my link to his icons in your letter. I'm too busy to write a letter D:

Yesss, where are the 2 Nicole-s, Mir, Janice, Angie and Sophieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Oe di ya?!

Sua is so pretty and skinny ;)

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Guest JaCkiie

Is Sua modelling for an online shop now? If possible but can someone give the link for the store that she's modelling? hahas, I'm such a shopaholic!

Baoi Thanks for the spam, I don't think I would ever get sick of Lee Sang Ho =.='

I <3 SUNGMIN Yeah, I understand what you mean, she's looks ordinary now but her figure is great, but getting a bit onto the too skinny side now.

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Guest squallie

^I got a few to post up. :) I was gonna post them up anyway.






















You can tell that I love the Yoora and Young Suk couple. lol :)

credits: me and cyworld

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kim namji...

she changed...

doesn't look like an uhljjang.

she just looks like a really pretty model.

`cause you know how uhljjangs take pictures and such..

i liked the old psing nanji a lot..


i love the pictures that show her contacts very well..

Yeah. i agree. i loved her PSing.

she looks diffferent in the modeling pics.

but still pretty.


:tears: You forgot me

Anyway, do you think you can include my link to his icons in your letter. I'm too busy to write a letter D:

Yesss, where are the 2 Nicole-s, Mir, Janice, Angie and Sophieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Oe di ya?!

Sua is so pretty and skinny ;)


I would LOVE to include the link, what is the link?

Is Sua modelling for an online shop now? If possible but can someone give the link for the store that she's modelling? hahas, I'm such a shopaholic!

Baoi Thanks for the spam, I don't think I would ever get sick of Lee Sang Ho =.='

Jackie! you're so very welcome for the spams..

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Guest janex06

i just felt like i should say something cause i come in here alllllllllllllll the time

and just drool at all the pics~ keke

thank you guys sooooooooooo much for posting and being so dedicated to this forum

even though i don't contribute... [trust me i'm soooo not good with computer stuff

i'm pretty sure i'd just mess everything up] i appreciate all the hard work you guys

put into this forum~

i love all the pics and all the spams~ you guys are awesome and keep up the awesome work

lots and lots of love <333

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