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Guest twinkle_l0ve

^yeeaahh...havent seen much of cute kimhyesung and jooinho^^

someone wanna post pics of them to bring back they're faces back into this thread? =] =]

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Guest Oyasumiyabi

translated by tengy's request... its a survey Kim Kyung Rok did on his cyworld. ^^

1 . 나는 잘생긴편이다 ? i am handsome?

- No

2 . 나는 키가 170 이상이다 ? my height is over 170cm?

- Yes

3 . 나는 주량이 소주두병 이상이다 ? i can drink more than two bottles of soju?

- No......양주- 한병☆ 소주-3잔☆ 맥주-500cc도 다 못마셔. (foreign drink and three cups of soju and beer 500c--i can't even finish that)

4 . 나는 비밀을 털어놓을수 있는친구가 있다 ? i have a confidant? (a close friend that i can tell secrets to)

- Yes

5 . 나는 하루에 밥을 3끼다 먹는다 ? i eat three meals a day?

- No

6 . 나는 소개팅을 한 적이있다 ? i've gone to a blind date?

- Yes

7 . 나는 집에서 쫒겨난 적이 있다 ? i've been kicked out of the house before?

- No

8 . 나는 이성에게 사랑고백받은적이 있다 ? i've received a love confession from the opposite sex?

- Yes

9 . 나는 폰에입력되있는 전화번호가 50개 이상있다 ? i have more then 50 numbers in my cell phonebook?

- Yes

10 . 나는 지금 현금으로 5만원이상 있다 ? i have more then 50$ right now?

- No 피시방온다고 오천원 들고옴ㅡ3ㅡㆀ (i only brought five bucks for PCroom)

11 . 나는 거짓말을 3번이상 한적이 있다 ? ive lied more then 3 times?


12 . 나는 꿈속에서 이성이 자주나온다? i frequently dream of the opposite sex?

- No

13 . 나는 지금쓰고있는 핸드폰을 1년이상 사용하고있다 ? i've used the same cellphone for more then a year?

- No, 가로본능에서 sky8100으로 바꾼지 한달정도- (i changed to sky8100 for about a month now)

14 . 나는 결혼계획을 세워본적이 있다 ? i've planned out my marriage before?

- Yes 그냥생각만,, (just the thoughts)

15 . 나는 경찰서 출입한적이 있다 ? i've been to the police?

- No

16 . 나는 취중진담을 믿는다 ? i belive in the especially serious talk???

- Yes..? 말하는 사람에 따라 진실 or 거짓으로 받아들여진다. (depends on the person, i receive it as the truth or lies)

17 . 나는 첫눈에 반한적이 있다 ? I've fallen in love at first sight?

- Yes

18 . 나는 그냥 연락하고지내는 이성친구가 있다 ? i have a JUST a friend that i keep in touch with that's the opposite sex

- 그냥연락하는친구,? 있지~ someone that i keep in touch with? yea i do

19 . 나는 여자때문에 눈물흘린적이 있다 ? i've cried because of a girl

-Yes 항상그랬던거 같은데.. all the time because i've always liked the girl

상대방 날 좋아하는것보다 내가 여자를 더 좋아하니깐.. more then her liking me

20 . 나는 좋아하는 이성에게 먼저 고백한적이 있다 ? i've confessed my love to the opposite sex

- Yes 딱한번.. just once

21 . 나는 친구한테 배신당한적이 있다 ? i've been betrayed by a friend?

- Yes 두번이나..ㅎ twice

22 . 나는 죽고싶단 생각을 해본적이 있다 ? i've thought about suicide

- Yes 한번쯤은 이런생각 하지 않아? don't you think of it atleast once?

23 . 나는 혼자서 술마신적이 있다 ? i've drank alone before

- Yes,, 딱한번! just once!

24 . 나는 얼굴중에 고치고싶은부분이있다 ? there's something that i want to fix about my face

- Yes 너무 너무 많지ㅠ_ㅠ alllloooootttt

25 . 나는 일년에 3번이상 머리를 바꾼다 ? i change my hair more then three times a year

- Yes

26 . 나는 사귀는사람과 커플링&커플티를 한적이있다 ? i've worn a couple shirt/couple rings with my significant other

- Yes

처음으로 권xx양한테 커플티 사줬는데 같이 입어본적은 없어;; for the first time, i bought a couple shirt for Kwon XX but we never wore it together.

27 . 나는 술버릇이 2개이상있다 ? i have more then 2 habbits when i get drunk

-No 딱한가지- 잔다ㅠ_ㅠ just one----i sleep

28 . 나는 술마시면 뻗을때 까지 마신다 ? i drink till i drop

- No 술을 시러하는타입이라서ㆀ i don't like to drink

29 . 나는 옷을살때 1시간 이상걸린다 ? i take more then an hour when i buy clothes

- Yes 사고 나서 안입는것보다 신중히사서 이쁘게 입으면 좋잖아^^ it's better to be serious and make sure it looks good instead of buying it and not wearing it.

30 . 나는 할수있는 요리가 3가지 이상된다 ? i can cook more then 3 dishes

- Yes 왠만한 여자들보단 잘한다고 생각함.i think i can cook better then most women.

31 . 나는 목욕을 1시간 이상해본적이있다 ? one time, i took a bath for more then an hour

-Yes 자주 이렇게 오래하는데;; i usually do it that long

32 . 나는 이성과사귈때 양다리를 걸쳐본적이 있다 ? i've cheated when i had a significant other

- Yes 한창 놀때ㅡ3ㅡ; 지금은 안그러지~ yea when i used to "play". not anymore.

33 . 나는 술마실때 조용한것보단 시끄러운집이 더 좋다 ? when i drink, i prefer a loud place to a quiet place.

- Yes 친구들많을때는시끄러운집이좋다, when i have alot of friends, i prefer a loud place

34 . 나는 애인에게 차여본적이 있다 ? i've been dumped

- Yes

35 . 나는 누군가를 1시간 이상 기다린적이 있다 ? i've waited for more then an hour for someone

- Yes 권xx양을 10시간도 기다려봤다ㅡ3ㅡ; i've waited 10 hours for miss KwonXX

36 . 나는 인물보단 성격이 우선이라고 생각한다 ? i think personality matters more than looks?

- Yes

37 . 나는 돈보단 명예라고 생각한다? honor over money?

- Yes

38 . 나는 돈이생기면 나한테 먼저 투자를 한다 ? when i have money i use it on myself first

- Yes

39 . 나는 못먹는 음식이 5가지 이상된다 ? i have more then 5 foods that i can't eat

- No

40 . 나는 컴퓨터없인 못산다 ? i can't live without a computer

- Yes? 가끔씩 그렇게 생각해, sometimes i think so

41 . 나는 이성을 볼때 제일 먼저보는곳이 얼굴이다 ? i look at the face first when i see the opposite sex

-Yes 그럼어디봐,? 몸매? 성격은 눈으로 볼수 있는게 아니잖아. then where do you look? the body? you can't "see" the personality with eyes.

42 . 나는 지금 행복하다 ? i am currently happy


phew.... all done translating!!! IMO, YOU DON"T NEED TO FIX YOUR FACE KYUNGROK!!!! XP and that #$%# KWON!!!! grrr she doesn't seem like a nice girl friend... or ex now? no?

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thanks for the translation Oyasumiyabi! ^^

i found this part a tad funny for some reason..

"32 . 나는 이성과사귈때 양다리를 걸쳐본적이 있다 ? i've cheated when i had a significant other

- Yes 한창 놀때ㅡ3ㅡ; 지금은 안그러지~ yea when i used to "play". not anymore."

"play"... o_o

keke and he can cook better than most women? XDDD

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Is that the 100 Q&A from KKR's CY??

Does LSE have 100Q&A??

those 100Q&A are so popular now..

or were they always popular??


Opps, was that a little off-topic..

Aniways, I love those Mikki/LSE/Jihoon pics..

Post more of that 3-some..

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anybody have a good pic of that KKR guy in the spiky hair (like full head shot, not cut off >.>;; )?

it would make explaining to the hair people what I want a lot easier and without the need of a dictionary ^^;;;;;;

which hair are you talking about. . his blonde hair or his recent hair?

are you planning to cut your hair like his?

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Guest nyaachan

hii ^^ everyone, thank you for the translation :lol:

Ulzzang pix are funny i love them, but, some cyworld on the 1st page doesn't work, can someone give me chris yang 's website? (cyworld)?

thank you ^^ :blush:

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Guest LoveHLi

hii ^^ everyone, thank you for the translation :lol:

Ulzzang pix are funny i love them, but, some cyworld on the 1st page doesn't work, can someone give me chris yang 's website? (cyworld)?

thank you ^^ :blush:

his cyworld is http://www.cyworld.com/wnsrbek ...yeah that list is out of date...i was thinking of finding an up to date one on cyworld...i actually saw a few lists...but most of them had the same links..

Oyasumiyabi thanks for the translation! you rock!

so you guys are missing hyesung and inho huh? hahahaha...i'll post some of there pictures in a bit...i have to go find more of hyesung's pictures...i only saved a few of his :phew:

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omg thank you Oyasumiyabi !!! i am just wondering ... your screename thingy means goodnight elegance right ? cause i am sure oyasumi means goodnight and miyabi means elegance. correct me if i am wrong :lol: i am so noob at japanese :D but anyways sorry for getting off topic, it was so interesting reading the translation to his survey ^_^

once again thank you Oyasumiyabi

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Guest Oyasumiyabi

omg thank you Oyasumiyabi !!! i am just wondering ... your screename thingy means goodnight elegance right ? cause i am sure oyasumi means goodnight and miyabi means elegance. correct me if i am wrong :lol: i am so noob at japanese :D but anyways sorry for getting off topic, it was so interesting reading the translation to his survey ^_^

once again thank you Oyasumiyabi

you're welcome everyone. =) glad that i can be of service. and yea as for my user name it does mean that, but the main reason is because that's how Miyavi saids "oyasumi". I'm a die hard Miyavi fan. lol And back on topic, translating KKR's questions were actually fun since he's one of my fav. guy ulzzangs along with the adorkable monkey boy PEB. xD

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Oyasumiyabi ------ MIYAVI ROCKS! hahahah and thanks for the translation!!! kkr is so wonderful?... hehehe

19 . 나는 여자때문에 눈물흘린적이 있다 ? i've cried because of a girl

-Yes 항상그랬던거 같은데.. all the time because i've always liked the girl

상대방 날 좋아하는것보다 내가 여자를 더 좋아하니깐.. more then her liking me

thats sad...*sniff* so cute....

24 . 나는 얼굴중에 고치고싶은부분이있다 ? there's something that i want to fix about my face

- Yes 너무 너무 많지ㅠ_ㅠ alllloooootttt

seriously I see nothing wrong... hehehehe *pinches*

30 . 나는 할수있는 요리가 3가지 이상된다 ? i can cook more then 3 dishes

- Yes 왠만한 여자들보단 잘한다고 생각함.i think i can cook better then most women.

if only there were more men like that... its interesting... hehehehehe

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Guest LoveHLi

i'm uploading some kim hye sung pictures right now...so i'll post them in a bit...then i'll post some inho and then some new ulzzangs...some people are gonna pretty happy at who i found some pictures of :w00t: not gonna tell who he is until i post them :w00t: :w00t: yeah i'm evil :lol:


okay i'll give a hint...he's someone whom we do not have a lot of pictures of...and i mean most of us only have 4 or 5 of his pictures...mwahahahahaha :w00t: who is he?

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Guest laishanchu

is erm, wots his name kim minkyu? or sumtin -_____

forgot his name...

y is kkr so darn sweet ><

girl who broke his heart -____- wen i find u imam break ur neck =]]

i woner how many uhljjangs are in this world~~

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Guest LoveHLi

^no comment yet :lol: :lol: :lol:

here are only some of KIM HYE SUNG...

i'll hold back on my posting because i tend to want to post all the pictures at one time ^_^ ...don't want to overload the page :lol:











credits: me, cyworld, and naver

you guys know the rules. ^_^












credits: me, cyworld, and naver

no quoting. no hotlinking. upload on own server. thank you! ^__^

he has A LOT of .gifs and if you guys want them just ask and i'll upload them ^_^

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Guest miranduh

if some you guys want these .gifs of PARK HYUN JIN i uploaded them...they're the original sizes ^_^ they expire in 7 days...

credits: me and cyworld...


LOL. New Minwoo pics are exactly the same pose (and facial expression) just different clothes. xD

yeah thats what i thought too O_O

found a person who uses other ulzzangs

pictures to claim their him doin this & that.

go look. its kinda funny how he mixes it up~



i'm uploading some kim hye sung pictures right now...so i'll post them in a bit...then i'll post some inho and then some new ulzzangs...some people are gonna pretty happy at who i found some pictures of :w00t: not gonna tell who he is until i post them :w00t: :w00t: yeah i'm evil :lol:


okay i'll give a hint...he's someone whom we do not have a lot of pictures of...and i mean most of us only have 4 or 5 of his pictures...mwahahahahaha :w00t: who is he?

KIMMINKYUU O_________O!????! TTT__________TTT gahh i can't wait.

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