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Guest 2partsvodka

dreamcaster... that was most adorablest thing... haha !! so kyoote !


AWWW thats so cuteee....even though i dunt think those pictures are meant like that buh w.e. its still sweet hahah :)

haha..i was just thinking randomly..haha

but..yah..just my imagination..hahaha

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Guest blue_echo80

angela, that was wonderful... *sniff! sniff! sniff! sniff! *

must not cry... must not cry... *sniff! sniff! sniff! sniff! *

hehehehe!! that was the cutest post so far!!!


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Guest xEvil Veggie

10 reasons to fall for LEE SANG EUN!!!!!!

[images here]

This is the reason to fall for Lee Sang Eun...

becuase he is everything u want him to be...=]

GAH I"M GONNA MISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[

^^ omg.... that was so adorable.. SO CLEVER! SO IMAGINATIVE! I LOVE YOU FOR THAT <333

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^^to me it looks like he's saying his last goodbyes before leaving......cuz the way the picture was taken

he's so far away.....and it's like he's all alone....looking like u said "majestic"....but to me in a sad way >.<

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Guest 2partsvodka

aw.......the atmosphere in here is soo sad...gah....

another page own by me...but dedicated to Lee Sang Eun!!!!

hahaha...post them pictures up!!!!

brb wit more..haha

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Guest KPxAngelTears12

well LSE is gone people, I dont get why any of you are sad like hes a personal friend or something =P I hope you all have a nice thanksgiving =D its tomorrow right??

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Guest wingless_butterfly

if thanksgiving is tomorow...well its my birthday too tomroow.....TT__TT soo sad ..LSE is gone.....there aint going to be as more picutres....*sigh*

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