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@Phi, Eric turned down this role? I checked on link you posted, the news mentioned Eric's name is dated on Feb 26th 2014. I thought it is the latest news, guess I'm wrong :-D If Eric is turned down this cast of Golden Cross and prefer to put priority of Shinhwa activities instead his own project. Sounded a great Leader to me. :-)

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Guest newshen857.

@Phi, @Innasalvatore , I really hope that Eric will accept this drama. The plot is really interesting and he has not done this genre, which is thriller.
Praying hard for him to please accept this and for his schedule , regarding  Shinhwa's activities, can accommodate the shooting days. It has been a long time since Eric has graced the small screen, I think this year is the right time. I know that he gives priority to Shinhwa and that his own solo career always take a back seat whenever it will conflict with the group's activities ( even Dong Wan admitted it, right?) but he should realize that since they will be coming back later this year, him doing this series will help boost the image of the group and with him being visible to the fans, this  will entice them to support whatever is Shinhwa's project. Eric, stop dilly-dallying and grab that role. Although, the article just carelessly threw his name out there as one of the possible casts. I think this just a maneuver for him to be roused and be attracted in the drama.

@ Putri Raja, I am so happy for you for getting a ticket. Enjoy yourself and please don't faint when you see your Eric oppa :) I also very jealous, but consoling myself that I will be able to watch this later this year. Though not looking forward to be shivering in the coldness of Seoul during winter, I will be there . I have survived the Seoul winter , the lowest I experienced was  -17 degrees celsius, when I was there in January 2011, so I will definitely be there :) 

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@Innasalvatore, @newshen:it is the latest news regarding Golden Cross' casting but Eric & Kang Ji Hwan names were brought up in the article as unsuccesful casting for the male leads... We know JiHwan left Golden Cross for Big Man, and Eric also turned this down.  It just surprise to me that they mention Eric out of the blue.  Since unlike Jihwan, there wasn't any previous news about Eric considering of Golden Cross.

It was just my guess he didn't take Golden Cross because of the tight schedule for Shinhwa, it's also possible he's not drawn to this project and whatever else....

In any case, as much as the quick thriller/revenge plotting sound interesting for Golden Cross, it makes me wonder why both Eric & Jihwan not taking on this one, especially Jihwan (previously confirmed cast)

I actually wish they redo Wolf or something similar

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2014.02.26 Minwoo updates on Shinhwa members + talks about being dissed by Ga In

Shinhwa's Minwoo appeared on the February 26 episode of 'Radio Star' and gave an update on what the other members were up to these days. He also talked about his interaction with Ga In as the two were promoting music at the same time.


Asked about the other Shinhwa members, Minwoo said, "They are spending time on their own. Eric is completely absorbed in collecting swords and Dongwan is vacationing in Canada. Junjin is continuously enjoying drinking. Hyesung should be preparing for an album, but rather than preparing, he is immersed with virtual golf and baseball."


The MCs exclaimed, "Sounds like the usual schedules for some playboys," making everyone laugh.

Minwoo also said, "Ga In dissed my outfit," which took Ga In by surprise. He had actually brought to the studio a signed CD given to him by Ga In as proof of this jab. The CD had her signature as well as a message, "I am relieved that we made a comeback at the same time. I would have been a loner. I hope we don't have a couple look next week."

Minwoo explained, "That day, our red outfits were similar." The MCs teased Ga In, "So are you saying right now that the senior should change his clothes?" They then pointed out that their outfits on the show that day were also similar, which made Minwoo pretend to throw up to everyone's amusement.

As you can see in the screen captures, the two indeed donned similar red outfits for stage performances on the same day. Also on 'Radio Star,' they were both wearing elegant black apparel that made them look like a couple! Perhaps it's fate.


Source: Allkpop

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Minwoo also mentioned in Radio Star he only found out Dongwan went to Canada through a staff lol
Wonder why he didn't let the members know

On Eric's collecting of sword, it's not new :)
I posted it a few years ago >> HERE <<  But found a better one with added photos, so repost!!  :)
Eric was asked about his liking for sword more than 13 years ago in I Love Star interview (see the pink highlighted part)

And there was alos mention of BFF Youngbae waaaay back then!!!
(who needs too many friend when you can have such good long time friend like Youngbae lol)
I love how he used pun a lot :)  *thumbs up*

Lastly, from then till now, when asked about his future, "happy" is always in Eric's answers :D

Eric: My dream since preschool is to be a household head who’s always happy. Though it may not necessarily refer to a married man. Whether it’s at home or at work, I hope I’ll be a happy head of the family. -- 2012.04 Cosmo Magazine

[2000.09.05] ‘I Love Star’ Interview with Shinhwa Eric

We’re curious about the cute leader, Eric!

Interviewer: You’re currently gaining a lot of respect from the fans as the curiosity seeking king. What do you think about this?
Eric: “Eumm… I wanna eat some seaweed. …Hey! Wife! …Is this seeking curiosity too? ^^

Interviewer: What are three reasons why you don’t like mosquitoes?
Eric: First… just because. (T/N: his first response was a pun with the word mosquito in Korean.) Second… because mosquitoes are nasty. (T/N: another pun.) And third… because mosquitoes don’t like me either!

[Eric the mosquito on You & I and in Spy Myung Wol!]

Interviewer: A while ago, you found your girlfriend through [TV Neun Sa Lang Eul Shid Go]. How did you feel when you first saw her?
Eric: It was weird. Her face was just like before, it didn’t change…but she got a lot taller. In any case, it was very strange.

Interviewer: Suggest a song that is nice to hear in the summer time.
Eric: Shinhwa’s immortal song, Eusha Eusha!
[shinhwa performing Eusha Eusha on Radio Star on 120328. It is indeed a timeless song. :)]

Interviewer: You seem to really like swords. Is there any specific reason?
It’s the best stress reliever. When I get really stressed, I take a box and stand it up so that I can cut it and pierce it with a sword. I also have a throwing double-edged sword, which is very fun, too. (I Love Star: He really is like a bizarre curiosity seeking king! ^^)

[He must have really enjoyed using the swords during the Strongest Chil-Woo filming.]

Interviewer: You’re gaining a lot of popularity these days through your imitation of a recent sock commercial. Is it something that you practice separately?
It was just something I made up while traveling from place to place, so when they suddenly asked me to do it, I was kind of shocked. Well, it’s not something that I practice separately. I just do it naturally.

Interviewer: What do you think brings Shinhwa so much popularity?
Dongwan’s muscles, Eric’s airplane hat, Jin’s reggae hair, Andy’s sunglasses, Minwoo’s blue hair, and Hyesung’s… wouldn’t it be Hyesung’s hairstyle! The end!

[12 years later Andy starts his Redele line in Korea!]

Interviewer: Do you ever post in the fancafe? There are so many posers out there.
Before our 3rd album, I did post a couple messages. But these days, we’re so busy that I can’t even post messages anymore.

Interviewer: What do you think of when you hear the word “pure”?? And who is a person you know that you think is very ‘pure’?
When I hear pure, I oddly think of the color white. And a person that I think is very pure is “Mister Bin.” You know who I’m talking about, right? He seems like he’s not all there, but is at the same time very funny. He seems like a very pure person.

Interviewer: If the Earth was about to blow up and everyone had to go to a different planet, where would you want to go?
Namek.  (Note: Namek is an imaginary planet in the anime Dragon Ball Z. Seems like Eric is a fan of the anime. In 2006 during their State of the Art tour, Eric and Andy’s homemade MV of Kris Kross’s ‘Jump’ was revealed. In the MV the duo did a ‘fusion’ from Dragon Ball Z.)


Interviewer: Do you like your new hairstyle and concept? By any chance is there a style that couldn’t be used this time, but one that you would really like to try out?
Yes, I really like it. And a hairstyle that I really want to try is the cricket hairstyle. Can you imagine that?

Interviewer: What is your all time favorite song between all of the songs on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd albums?
The 2nd album title song T.O.P.

Interviewer: What is your favorite nickname?
I have a lot, but my favorite is “GON.”

Interviewer: A cartoon character you think you look like….
The character that I’ve been nicknamed after, “GON!”

Interviewer: When you have children later on, what are you going to name them?
If it’s a son, Jae Ah, and if it’s a daughter, Uh Gong Ju ^^. And since my last name is Mun, their names would be Mun Jae Ah and Mun Uh Gong Ju. (Translator's note: Eric has once again used puns. “Moon Jae Ah” in Korean means “problem child” and “Moon Uh Gong Ju” means “mermaid”)

[Looks like you have 2 more names to go!]

Interviewer: What do you think when you see IDs like “so and so’s wife”?
It’s cute!

Interviewer: There are lots of “couple stories” with characters within the members. What do you think about them?
I don’t really pay attention, but the homosexuality part is kind of… weird. ^^

[Weird? Are you sure about that?]

Interviewer: What kind of music do you enjoy listening to these days? What books do you enjoy reading?
I’m enjoying listening to some freestyle rap that my friend Young Bae gave me, and as for books, I enjoyed reading “Mut Ji Dah, Mah Sah Soo.”

[bFFs for life, Eric & Youngbae]

Interviewer: Do you still remember the first time you met your fellow members?
It’s been a while since I’ve erased that from my memories. ^^

Interviewer: If you were able to switch styles with another member, who would it be?
Hyesung. I want to know what it would be like having Hyesung’s style right now.

[Forever RicSyung eh?]

Interviewer: This was my dream 10 years ago…
To be the president!!

Interviewer: What I’ll be like in 10 years.. this is something that I definitely will be doing!
I want to have a happy family.

[Part of a happy family indeed :) ]

Source/Translation: soul.mysticshrine.com + tsinoy.com
Repost by: Iheartshinhwa tumblr

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Guest Putri Raja

He was and still so weird... :)). I couldn't stop giggle when reading his interviews.
Probably, Eric's hobby for collecting knife also related to his interested in martial arts things. He needs to pull out the stress because Hyesung reject him so many times…huahahaa...

We can't expect serious answers when someone interviewing him…kkkk.. I hope he'll back on the screen soon. I even don't care type of role he'll take. I just need to see him…loll..Tired for waiting too long already…Mr.Mun..:(:(:(
@newshen857, I am preparing myself to be strong in front of him during anni concert

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[News] Mention of Eric in ‘Golden Cross’ article

Actress Lee Siyoung to return to the small screen for the first time in 2 years with KBS2’s ‘Golden Cross’

[Photo and content omitted]

'Golden Cross' is a piece written by screenwriter Yoo Hyunmi of 'Bridal Mask', and is about how a man tries to have his revenge after losing his family to a conspiracy. Lee Siyoung will appear in the drama as a female prosecutor. Kang Jihwan, Eric, and other actors were put on the list of possibles for the male lead, who becomes a prosecutor to avenge his bank clerk father and little sister, but none were ultimately cast. A decision is expected to be reached on the male lead soon.


Source: Sports Seoul

Credit to http://shinhwastuff.tumblr.com/post/77874628535/news-mention-of-eric-in-golden-cross-article

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Guest newshen857.

@innasalvatore, yes I do want to see him back on small screen, it has been a long time since his fans saw Mun Jung Hyuk the actor,  although, I really want him to concentrate on being a movie actor :) So sad that the article you posted has confirmed @Phi's info from Korean fans that none of the actors first considered did not land the role.

@Phi,  However, I was just wondering how come only Eric's name was only two of those identified while the other actors' names were not revealed. Also, I noticed the article did not even mention that it was "Eric Mun" or "Eric of the idol band Shinhwa" but everyone just everyone was sure it was ERIC. This only proves that when you mention the name Eric in South Korea, everyone knows its the Leader. Only shows he is still very popular and holds a strong clout in K showbiz :) 

But perhaps, him not landing the role is for the best since it will also star Junjin's old flame, I bet it will be extra awkward for him. BTW, @Phi since you have been a long-time fan, do you think Junjin, Eric and Minwoo were aware that their former girlfriends undergone plastic surgeries. I was just curious since I saw this article that a Chinese man sued his wife for giving birth to their children who were not "beautiful" as their mother. It was only then that he found out that the wife went under the knife to improve her looks. I was thinking perhaps, the three were aware but just fell for the girls since they fit their ideal women.

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@newshen857, yesterday when read @Phi posted the link, my search engine gone crazy browse the news :-D but I couldn't find any an official information about it. Then today I stop by to Shinhwa Stuff and found the confirmation. I'm sad too. But I believe Eric has his reason not to participate. And, it shall be a good reason. I don't think it's because Junjin ex-gf since Eric is professional actor, I more prefer his turned down because Shinhwa schedule is fixed meanwhile drama shooting is near the corner. Yes, let's wrap it like that. :-D

Big possibility that Park Si Hoo is taking the role since right now he's reviewing the script's Golden Cross.


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@PutriRaja, after checking with my friend, she said it's actually knives, jack knives to be exact :D  In his home (shown at one of the video screening years ago) there was a long blade sword if I remember correctly.

From Mix Martial Art, to games, to swords/jack knife collecting, uri Eric obviously likes the very manly stuffs :)

@innasalvatore, thanks for sharing the post from Shinhwastuff.  Even though it it's a no go from Eric with Golden Cross, I'm glad he's still getting acting offers.   I remembers some one said, during one of the flight back to Seoul from an overseas concert last year. Eric was reading a thick stack of papers while other members were either playing games or sleeping or watching movie... she think he was reading scripts :)

Park Shi Hoo is reviewing Golden Cross?  I thought he's working in China for a movie or drama, I forgot

@newshen857, I think they know.  Beside, having ps wasn't any secrets with their ex-es.  The gals talked about it themselves before.  I think they only revealed Jihwan & Eric's names possibly cus they had turned down the project?  or possible the production is trying to drum up the casting for the male leads.... they should be finalizing the casting soon for the filming to start to make the April premiere date

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2014.02.14 Fanaccount of a Visit to the Shinhwa Broadcast's Dog Shelter

Finally got time to pay a visit to the dog shelter. Today was such a pleasant and lovely day. Thank you to the 2 aunties for sharing all the stories and making it such a memorable day.


I am not going to lie, I was so excited and nervous the moment I saw Ari!! She is so beautiful! As you all know Ari needed more time to open up her heart to people because she has been hurt in the past. Ari was almost sold to a dog dealer hence its very cautions towards humans. But Aunty Denni told me that Ari has finally opened up her heart after the Shinhwa Broadcast filming. Eric praised for doing such a great job! Eric oppa!! I am very proud of you!!

Ari ya~ Ari ya~ Ari ya~ Ari ya~

By the way, I played the Shinhwa Broadcast video clip (the part where Eric was trying to warm Ari up to him and showered her with loves and cares. Ari ya~ Ari ya~) to Ari, and Ari got so excited! I guess Ari really misses Eric!

Aunty Denni said Ari ran away from the dog shelter last night (Waeyo? searching for Eric oppa?) LOL :D


P/S: I will share more detailed stories tomorrow. I am feeling so tired and exhausted now. Annyeong~

- LuvEiEi | 22-02-14 | Incheon

Source: Luveiei


Adding some more from what she chatted with me :)

  • Andy's dog 돌이 Dori has been adopted. Minwoo's dog Raon got stolen 1~2weeks after SB. Junjin's dog died. Eric's Ari & Hyesung's dogs are still at the shelter
  • The gal (Pei) showed Ari the Shinbang clip when Eric called her and she got excited. Aunty Denni said Ari recognizes Eric's voice. Hahaha.
  • Eric played a big role in opening up Ari's heart to humans again. I am very proud of Eric!
  • Aunty Mija was totally fan-girling over Eric! *she blushed* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Aunty Denni and Aunty Mija kept praising Eric. They said Eric is such a heartwarming person 마음이 따뜻한 남자, so lovely and caring
  • We were chatted with the aunties for hours, they were so sweet and friendly. Aunty Denni drove me & my friend to the bus station <3 <3 Awww~

Credit: Luveiei

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Guest newshen857.

@innasalvatore, I agree with you, i bet he has a good reason in turning down the role. I did not think that working with Junjin's ex was  his primary reason in saying "no" to the drama, I was just thinking, it would be awkward for Eric to meet the woman since he would also be thinking of how Junjin would react, since I think Eric is such a considerate person that he always put the feelings of his member ahead of his. Anyways, just like what you said it was done and over with since he already made his decision. But just like @Phi, it was so  nice to know that he does get offers and it was him who was holding back :) And thank you for doing 
@Phi, thank you for the article and the pictures of the dog shelter.It was so nice to know that Shinhwa's good deeds were truly appreciated by the "little myths". 

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Guest newshen857.

@innasalvatore, I am sorry  I did not finish what I was writing since my wifi went bonkers on me. I would like to thank you for doing the research to get confirmation on that story, are you a reporter or an investigator in any case :) 

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Guest Putri Raja

Waaaaa……Ari…long time no see. How happy I can see her again. She looks healthy. I can see in her eyes that she really needs more love and someone who loves and taking care of her. Still wish one day Eric could adopt her, or at least see her again there. So sad that she still recognize Eric's voice even though only from video. Ari must missing Eric so much…TT. 
Aunty Misa fangirling over Eric??? I can't blame her. Remembering in Shinbang, when Jinnie asked which member she prefer for escorting her, she chose Eric without hesitation and her expression became so bright..lol..(fangirl is always be fangirl^^).
Jack knife?? I searched on google because I really don't have any idea what kind of knife it is. Hmm..it looks like knife that can be used for fighting. I saw it many times in kungfu movies….kkkk.
I forgot to tell that last time (around three month ago) when I was sending present for Eric, post officer a bit surprised when he saw the name and address of my package. I wrote Eric/ Mun Jung Hyuk, Shinhwa Company. And he asked the content of my package. I told her it's just T-shirt. But, he doesn't believe me. He even wanted to opened it again. I like…What??? I never found this kind of things before even though I sent package through this post office several times (actually this post office is inside my univ). Then, he was asking me whether I'm Shinhwa fan or not and since when I became their fan. Oh my….this ajushi was really annoying. Aigoo..But, unfortunately, I'll send another present for Eric's birthday next week. Hopefully, this time I'll not meet him. Otherwise he'll ask so many things AGAIN.
I hope we can hear some news related to Eric's comeback soon. Miss Actor Mun soooo mucchhhh...

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Heart rate slowed down reading about the dogs.. I hope Eric will pay a visit to Ari anytime soon.. they really are meant for each other..I'm So Proud of Eric I could draw tears.. :((

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@Phi, I think Eric did get several offers. I remember on Radio Star (2013) he revealed that he got offer for drama but he turned down because there's a scene needs him to sit striptease in front of Piano. He said if he's taking that role then other members may laughing on him for years. Regarding Ari even though I loves cat instead dog but Ari is cute. The look of Ari eyes is really hooked me. Sadness eyes.. Anyway Park Si Hoo is coming back to Korea, I read an articles on allkpop (if I'm wrong) about it.

@newshen857, I'm not reporter. I remember last time @ay1m asked whether I'm part of Salvatore family (Vampire) :-D it would be amazing if I become "Vampire reporter"? Just kidding. I'm just average girl who loves Shinhwa :-)

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@ay1m, I'm glad Andy's dog got adopted, that cute baby. Jin's dog was sad... I remember we heard about her death before the episode was aired and it was a sob fest watching the dog fashion episode.  It's bittersweet... sending one off while celebrating the other one getting warm up to trusting people again. I really hope whoever stole Minwoo's dog will take good care of the doggie.

Ari isn't a cute type of dog but she's a good looking dog and that nice golden coat of fur... Any one know what breed she is?

Very proud of Eric, shy & quiet but he has that warm side of him that shines when occasion arises.  It's even more precious since we won't get to see it often.  It's just his nature not to be showy

@PutriRaja, jacknife is pocket knife or the popular Swiss army knife. The styles vary from countries as well as when it's made. I'm guessing he's collecting the antique or unique looking ones...   Think you already saw but here are some examples...



@lhjj, I really hope we'll get to see Actor Mun back this year.  I was thinking it might not happen till 2015 but a new management and casting buzzes... it looks promising?  Really hope he'll find something suitable before Shinhwa making a comeback later this year.

@innasalvatore, oh I didn't know PSH has returned to Korea from China. I read another article from Hancinema PSH is considering that role, it doesn't say confirmed yet but it sounds very likely. 

Yes I remember the one he mentioned the movie on Radio Star, playing piano on a glass flow with light shining down from above ahahaha forever wonder what this movie is lol.... There was also news article last year saying Eric got acting offers but he turned it down because it was during their concert tour (I think Dongwan also?)

I think Golden Cross' timing really not suitable for Eric since it's in the mid of their concert preparation and IF Minwoo taking on Laws of Jungle, I don't see Eric taking any thing in March. lt  has more work for this concert since they have to change the choreo and the singing parts for Andy's absence.  Not that Eric is doing all that but probably involve a lot... and there's also approving & bills paying. In an 2012 interview, they were on the filming set of Venus MV, Eric groaned teasingly when and ppl coming with bills for him to sign off  

Any way, I really hope things works out and we'll get to see him back on screen soon.... and better luck with the drama this time too.

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Guest newshen857.

Hi all, it seems everyone is saying "no" to the role of leading man for the "Golden Cross", I just read that Park Si Hoo, turned it down due to conflict in his schedule since he will start promoting his movie and shooting his commercials in China and if I am not mistaken, this is the guy who was accused of rape. That was only last year and he is now contemplating a comeback. 
I pity Andy for in his case, he did not hurt anyone. Indeed, he lost money, but it was his money and it should not be anyone's business. I am not condoning gambling, it's just that a guy accused of rape, can attempt to stage a comeback in a year while Andy has to hide almost the same number of months for betting on some game.

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