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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest Mushy

I was having a deep convo with the guy I'm datin tonight. I said some stuff that made him sad but yet he still managed to says something sweet that really melt my heart.

him: of course I'm worry when you don't pick up my phone calls!

him: I'm always thinking and worrying about you!

him: I don't want us to last 7 weeks... I want us to last 7 years and more...

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Guest onlycpics

me: I am so stupid, I think no body likes me and they all thing i'm weird

him: (he just looks at me for the longest time) Hey you, don't ever change because as long as i know you; you will be perfect the way you are.


another one, during prom season

he came to my house after hearing some other boy (very socially awkward boy) asked me and i already said yes

him: hey, i know that you are too nice of a person to say no to chris after saying yes. and i know i probably don't stand a chance with a girl like you but i wanted to give you these anyway (pulls out roses) because i heard chris didn't get you any and you deserve them. you also deserve to have a great time at prom, so if you are willing or you have any second thoughts please know that i am not going to go anymore just in case you change your mind

me: i can't. i have to go with him.

him: and that's what i like about you. you are the perfect girl and i just wanted you to have the perfect prom and i spent the entire month trying to figure out the perfect way to ask you out. i am sorry i have been such an idiot, i should've just asked you. i'm sorry this is such a bad way to ask you to prom. just know that i will be waiting for you either way.

then he left and then i texted him like 30 minutes later after realizing that i might've made a mistake: don't worry. i couldn't think of a better way to get asked to prom. that was perfect.

but i still went with the guy who asked me first.

which ended up really creepy cuz he just wanted.. well.. to touch a woman. it was gross. real gross.

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Guest nightfall738

lol this was something that happened yesterday. I was hanging out with my boyfriend and his friend, Jon, and another girl.

Jon always says to me "IS THAT A WOMAN??" to me, because he likes to make fun that I'm a man. ><


me: WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT? Am i not a woman?! Do I LOOK like a man?

Jon: Um... I don't know. I didn't say you weren't a woman! lol.I just asked if you were.

Boyfriend: Of course she is. If not, then I'm gay.

LOL. Iono why but I found that funny. Hm...... let me see if i can remember something else we said.

It was extremely windy this one day...

me:: would you miss me if i was blown away?

him: i'd chase after you. but then realize i dont' run that fast and just attatch a sail to myself and fly to you

me: lol then when you somehow catch up to me, your big sail would knock me right out of the sky and i'd fall into the grand canyon

him: but then i'd detach myself from the sail and plummet after you so i can catch you and break your fall

<3 haha

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Guest bLuE_rOsE87

the sweetest things that i've heard all came from my bf. sometimes, the stuff he says just leaves me speechless. the words continue to resonate in my heart.

when we were gazing at the stars one night, both of us decided to make a wish. i asked him what wish he made and he said "i wished that you'll always be happy"

one we were talking about traveling and he said "we'll travel together, live together, be happy together, laugh together, be sad together, be angry together... let's do everything together". after he said that, he made me pinky promise him that we'll do everything together.

we were talking on the phone and he asked me how i felt about him. i told him to say it first and he said "the more time i spend with you, the more that i know you and the closer we get. i feel comfortable when i'm with you... it's like we're in harmony.. like ying and yang. when you're not there, it's like a part of me is missing". i was smiling like crazy.

"i'm so glad i met you"

"the best feeling is being able to say good morning to you"

"i can't afford to lose you"

"no matter where you are, you're always here" *points to his heart*

we were leaving his house to go somewhere else. i asked him "you got everything?" he said "yea, i got everything.. i got you". i pretended i didnt understand what he meant when he said that. i said "yea, i provide you with everything". he said "you don't get it? when you asked if i got everything, i said i got you. that means you are my everything"

i asked him if he could go anywhere in the world, where would he go. he replied "i'll go to where you are". i told him to be serious. he thought about it and said ""i dont know where i wanna go because i dont know many places. but for sure i know that i wanna be with you".

i was looking at his palm and his life line. he said "i would like to use his lifeline". i asked him "use it for what?" he said "i would like to call _______ (my name)". he said "this is the million dollar question. do you like _______ (his name)?"

i was laying on his chest and i told him i could hear his heart beat. then he said "did it skip a beat?" i told him it stopped beating. he said "its because you're around. i get nervous when you're around. i think i'm overworking it".

we were in the car and talking about getting lost. he said "i like to get lost.....in your heart". i said "my heart's a maze". he said "i know". i said "you'll be stuck in there forever". then he said "i know the way out.. but why would i wanna get out when i'm so happy there".

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Guest defeatedstar

Me: So what went wrong..?

Him: I don't know. I guess I just wanted to hear you say it.

Me: Say what?

Him: I love you.

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well, my best guy friend said this to me. usually i wouldn't care, but since i've liked him for like 17 months, i was really happy.

me: i like him but he doesn't like me >: (

him : who wouldn't like you?

me : him

him : then he's stupid because you mean the world to me, don't forget that.

me : huh?

him : you're the best, don't you ever change girl

then he skips away screaming "[my name] KICKS richard simmons"

i was smiling for the whole day after that..

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Guest miss lisa

hes going away for a few weeks over the summer and we were talking about whether or not he would hook up with other girls while he was away since we dont have any sort of title and he goes "why would i hook up with anyone over there when i've got the prettiest girl back home?"

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"Are you okay?

You haven't been talking recently. :["

I felt so touched that my two friends who aren't

very close with me but sit next to me

could tell something was wrong.

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Guest Lilly_pandy

Me:I voted for you for most inspirational

Him: Really? I voted for you too..well I voted for you for most everything.

Me: For real?

Him: Yeah cause your like.....like...

Me: like what...?



Him: Hey....your wearing the elephant(homemade clay) that I gave you around your neck.

Me: Yep! I really like it~!

Him: Aw...she's so cute~ I'm going to make you a crocodile next

Me:...why a crocodile...I don't bite..

Him: because your My little rebel.

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Guest ChloeP

we were arguing abt sumthing ytd night...

and in the middle of all that, he said...

"everything about you turns me on, your smell, your voice, your touch...."

and it just made me wanna forget what we were arguing and hug him really hard...

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Guest Sidereal

me: hey, I'll have my own concert soon *I love to sing*

him: that's great. will I have free tickets since i'm your guy?

me: why should you?

him: that is so mean. will these tickets be expensive? 'coz you know I won't make big money.

me: they'll be expensive for sure.

him: then I'll have to sell my liver to get the ticket. I'll be your no.1 fan. don't start blushing when you see me standing in the audience.

me: omfg, I'll have to send you backstages o_O *ALL AWWW"

I like how he says he IS my guy. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kkkkk

e: the problem is i like u

k: but 'you like me' is not a problem. because i like you back. i like you back = solution to the problem

e: ok, the fact is that i like u

k: then i like you is also a fact. fact + fact = ok


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the sweetest things that i've heard all came from my bf. sometimes, the stuff he says just leaves me speechless. the words continue to resonate in my heart.

when we were gazing at the stars one night, both of us decided to make a wish. i asked him what wish he made and he said "i wished that you'll always be happy"

one we were talking about traveling and he said "we'll travel together, live together, be happy together, laugh together, be sad together, be angry together... let's do everything together". after he said that, he made me pinky promise him that we'll do everything together.

we were talking on the phone and he asked me how i felt about him. i told him to say it first and he said "the more time i spend with you, the more that i know you and the closer we get. i feel comfortable when i'm with you... it's like we're in harmony.. like ying and yang. when you're not there, it's like a part of me is missing". i was smiling like crazy.

"i'm so glad i met you"

"the best feeling is being able to say good morning to you"

"i can't afford to lose you"

"no matter where you are, you're always here" *points to his heart*

we were leaving his house to go somewhere else. i asked him "you got everything?" he said "yea, i got everything.. i got you". i pretended i didnt understand what he meant when he said that. i said "yea, i provide you with everything". he said "you don't get it? when you asked if i got everything, i said i got you. that means you are my everything"

i asked him if he could go anywhere in the world, where would he go. he replied "i'll go to where you are". i told him to be serious. he thought about it and said ""i dont know where i wanna go because i dont know many places. but for sure i know that i wanna be with you".

i was looking at his palm and his life line. he said "i would like to use his lifeline". i asked him "use it for what?" he said "i would like to call _______ (my name)". he said "this is the million dollar question. do you like _______ (his name)?"

i was laying on his chest and i told him i could hear his heart beat. then he said "did it skip a beat?" i told him it stopped beating. he said "its because you're around. i get nervous when you're around. i think i'm overworking it".

we were in the car and talking about getting lost. he said "i like to get lost.....in your heart". i said "my heart's a maze". he said "i know". i said "you'll be stuck in there forever". then he said "i know the way out.. but why would i wanna get out when i'm so happy there".

Omg wow, your boyfriend is so sweet! (:

Mine is toooooo hehe. But I'll keep them to myself <3

Too many to list haha.

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Guest babiicream

this was the first time i was at my boyfriend's house.. and when I was about to go home.. I walked out of his room and he was behind me.. I guess he didn't want me to go, so he hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheeks and told me not to leave and let's get married so we could always sleep & wake up with eachother forever til we're old.. He always asked me to marry him but I'm only an sophmore in Highschool & it's just too soon. But I thought it was cute cause he acted serious.. gave me butterflies.. and then he took me home (:

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Guest squishyyytomato

ok so one of my best friends (who's a guy) said this to me...(btw background info..he's going to korea for vacation this summer)

so it was the last day of school and it was really hot and the entire school was sitting outside during the awards ceremony...so i was in a really bad mood and all complaining..

i said "OMG. i am going to DIE!!!!" *wipes sweat off head*

then he looks straight at me in the eye and he says "you cant die yet..."

i said "why?"

and he said "because if you died i wouldnt b able to give you alfred" *smiles*

PS he is referring to joo ji hoon's teddy bear alfred in princess hours (i'm a drama addict)


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