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Microsoft Word Help!

j i w o n.

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backspacing problems.
So whenever I highlight something and then press backspace, the thing I highlighted does not get deleted....
and when I highlight things and type other stuff over it so that I can replace it doesn't work either.
the replacing text that I type after highlighting just adds on right after the highlighted stuff.

This happened before but my computer died so I replaced the harddrive and reinstalled everything and the old Microsoft problem I had (which I got used to by just using the delete button) was solved.

^ I have a feeling that sentence did not make any sense -__-

so does anyone know how to fix this problem?
It's reallllyyy annoying and being the odd person I am... I want it fixed right away.

The backspace just started not working 30 minutes ago.
I have a feeling I pressed something? while I was typing up a write up and falling asleep at the same time..
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You can try and see if this works. The replace option might just be turned off.

Go to Tools>>Options>>Edit

Under the Edit tab, is the first box checked? It's the "Typing replaces selection" option. If it is not checked, click it to turn it on. When I disabled the option, I went back to Word and tried typing, hi-liting, backspacing and got the same problem you did. Good luck.

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