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Guest vizion_

They say the reason for Lebron James leaving is that his own mother had a affair with ex-teammate Delonte West.

lmao, i heard the same thing, at first, i thought this couldnt be true, but then more sources appeared, lebron's gonna kill a bitc

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Guest ooBah

You're saying it's impossible, that is dumb. Lebron, Wade, and Bosh all take a bigger paycuts then they need to so Miami can sign Carmelo next off season.

Not saying they would, but I just created a scenario where it is possible. Highly unlikely? Yes. Impossible? No. So you're wrong, cap space can be created.

Ok. That is possible, but I am saying it's impossible because NBA is all business. There is no way megastars like the four of them are going to take paycuts to the point where each makes around 10mil a year while they are in their PRIME to "build a dynasty."

On the other hand, LMAO. Lebron is gonna kill a B if west really did that.

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Guest melo.breeze

never thought i'd be saying this ever, but i can't help but feel sorry for cleveland. not so much of the fact that lebron is leaving them(this was pretty much expected), but moreso for the sole reason that lbj decided to go on national tv in an hour long special just to take a dump on the city that nurtured him.

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Who will sacrifice more.. Lebron or Wade?

I think LeBron would have to sacrifice a bit more because the ball's always been exclusively in his hands for his entire career (even more than Wade), and he accounted for the pretty much the whole Cleveland offense in one way or another. His game might have to change a bit too to make this work. He could be forced to rely more on his post game and be more effective off the ball.

Who do you think is in the worst-case scenario now? Cleveland? New York (or should I say, Amare?) New Jersey? Other?

I think Cleveland.

New York has been awful for a long time now. Even if they kept a lot of the players they shipped away to clear cap space, they would have still been awful. When you're consistently one of the worse teams in the NBA, you have nothing along with nothing to lose by going out and taking a shot at acquiring LeBron. They were still able to land one big name in Amare and currently have some ample cap space, along with Eddy Curry's contract set to expire after this upcoming season. No matter how bad that team is though, they're still going to make money just because of where and who they are.

New Jersey has a pretty good, young nucleus to build around. Outlaw was a nice pickup, and Derrick Favors might pan out into a pretty good player. They have flexibility with their cap space as well.

It's hard to imagine just how much impact one player can have on a franchise nonetheless a city, but LeBron meant everything to Cleveland basketball aside. He put that franchise on his back, turned it around, and has done a lot for that city. When you look at the pieces they surrounded LeBron with year-in and year-out, you couldn't help but wonder, what if they ever got a legitimate number two guy to play beside him. LeBron aside, their current roster is really just average now. Just the fall from being the best team in the regular season with championship aspirations to really nothing more than a first round exit in the playoffs, makes me say Cleveland is the worst case scenario.

Both NY and NJ have brighter futures, while Cleveland will just kind of be stuck at where they're at right now.

BTW, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the letter Dan Gilbert wrote to the Cleveland fans:



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Guest mz simmonz


BTW, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the letter Dan Gilbert wrote to the Cleveland fans:



sorry to cut your post but what a d-bag letter! i almost thought it was fake and made up by some immature teenager lol.

i guess it's because i'm not an avid Cavs fan, I don't feel 'betrayed' but the response is just intense. I'm from NY and support the Knicks but the response of some people are are ridiculous too..I mean c'mon NY never had a chance, and as for Cleveland, it sucks that they lost Lebron but it's a 2way street. Cleveland may have "nurtured" him but Lebron revolutionized the entire franchise and changed the face of the city in terms of basketball. They're just sore losers. oh well !

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Dan Gilbert's gotta lay off the booze.

I'd be pissed too if I was the Cavs owner and just seen the value of the franchise drop by half or more. He's going to lose a lot of money over the next few years.

Was it professional? No, but when you lose a big chunk of your investment, I could certainly understand his feelings.

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Guest ooBah

Mike Miller agrees to 5 year 30 million with Miami

the trio must've taken a bigger pay cut than expected.

I think they used up most of the money from the pay cut to sign miller, which is key because they really need a 3point shooter. I heard they are going after Dooling for some more back court help, which is good, bc Dooling is another 3point shooter. With Dooling and Chalmers, backcourt is set. Now they desperately need to sign some big bodies up front and with the money they have left.. doubt they can get anyone solid.

Reports are also saying that they are putting Miller in starting lineup and will run a point-forward system with James at point. Which means he's going to have to develop his low-post game because he can overpower smaller defenders and to open up teammates.

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Guest heartbreakkid

A lot of people are handing the 2010-2011 nba title over to Miami too early. I'm just going to wait out and see how they fill up their roster first. Besides, there's one person in league who's not scared of this new Big 3.


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Guest melo.breeze

with rondo getting better each year, i wouldn't rule out boston in the east just yet. they'll surely make things tough for the heat if they meet in the playoffs. the boston front court will completely destroy miami's. bosh and a min contract center just ain't going to cut it.

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Guest xsilentangel

^ Yeah the Celtics will struggle throughout the season though due to Perkins' torn ACL. He'll be back in late November - early January. I think we can kick richard simmons in the playoffs though.. but this is coming from a crazy @ss celtics fan lol.

Wow Chicago is very solid indeed Oobah. Korver is a great addition to the team. Although the Bulls were weak during the regular season, they are a great playoff team. They have a lot of passion and when they have the momentum going, it's rather scary.

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Guest ooBah

^^darn.. celtics just lost Tony Allen to Grizz. that's not good :/

^ Yeah the Celtics will struggle throughout the season though due to Perkins' torn ACL. He'll be back in late November - early January. I think we can kick richard simmons in the playoffs though.. but this is coming from a crazy @ss celtics fan lol.

Wow Chicago is very solid indeed Oobah. Korver is a great addition to the team. Although the Bulls were weak during the regular season, they are a great playoff team. They have a lot of passion and when they have the momentum going, it's rather scary.

Yeah it's about time they have a reliable 3pt shooter in miller and an inside presence in Boozer. And I think Brad Miller will step it up this year because Miller is the type that can score and distribute very well if a big on the team can take defense away from him, like back in Sacramento playing alongside Webber. Boozer reminds me of a younger Webber but more physical.. who can score at low post with ease while having a respectable mid-range. He can easily open up Brad and Brad can make a good pass or shoot an open jump shot. If their coach can run the right system for this team.. this is a very scary team in the playoffs.

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^ I think Brad Miller's still a free agent, up to this point.

Phoenix making some noise, traded a second round pick to Atlanta for Josh Childress through a sign-and-trade, and traded Barbosa to Toronto for Turkoglu, using part of their remaining trade exception from the Amare sign-and-trade for both deals.

Along with the addition of Hakim Warrick, they're looking like the 05-06 Suns now, when Amare was out for the season and Diaw emerged.

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Guest ooBah

^didnt realize brad miller is free agent.

Didn't realize pheonix made the trades too! I'm excited. Hopefully Hedo will thrive in this system. But even though they now have the rights to Childress, isn't it still up to Childress on whether he wants to remain overseas or come back to NBA?

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