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Guest lenakeem

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it was partly to do with jinnie being critisized over an incident at shoot dori when it appeared (due to editing) that he didnt rushout on the field to help one of shoot dori that got a little hurt. The editing made it look like he didnt care when in reality he was following the rules and waiting for permission from the ref to be allowed on the field.


edit: the media was already anti jin because of the DUI incident - saying he shouldn't be around kids etc. I think as well they complained that he had a couple of drinks in a bar in germany - like he was abandoning the kids to go have fun. The commentator who takes alot of the shoot dori pics noted how he was so despairing at the time


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Guest apricot

Stupid critic... If you don't like the music, then don't listen to it!!! No one is forcing you to... I bet he's just plain jealous of Shinhwa. *whistle* And Eric is sharp with his words. Haha, I like the last sentence "It's not easy to meet Shinhwa". It's NOT easy, dammit. And it's not easy to be Shinhwa.

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Guest roylester


Me too.. like shinhwa..all of them..i will never get bored if i watch them..they are so cool and funny..i watch all of their shows even if i don't understand them because i'm not a korean.....SHINHWA! HYUNG! fighting!!!

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Guest zung21

For me , I've never a very big fan of K-pop . But to Shinhwa , I salut them . They have all my respect for such special friendship . They are the one who made me look back inside of myself and re-evaluate my values for life. Their heartful friendship just grabs my heart tightly.

There was a very difficult time when I didnt know if I should have continued my studying further in Europe or should have just come back to my country to be near my friends and my family. It was such a hard decision for a young girl like me , you know. On one hand, you are just too young and so in love with challenges and adventures , and Europe is in front of you , waiting for you ; but on the other hand, it's very lonely and very depressing in the winter. Living alone in a foreign country always a pain in the richard simmons. You surely would have grown up alot but the loneliness is too damn painful. It's non sense if you travel to France, seeing Eiffel alone or travel to Prague just wandering alone on those romantic roads ? Watching your favourite TV shows or American Idols alone is depressing. It's just so much more fun for me just to go to the candy shop near my house with my best friends. It would be perfect to have best friends with you traveling around the world.....but , life's not that easy .

Then I found Shinhwa , and all in a sudden, I cried when I saw Junjin rested his head on Hyesung's shoulder. I then knew that I wanted to go home and life 's a damn long journey without any real destinations. So I want to enjoy the ride with my friends and my family. I want to be their for them and they will always be there for me, for all the best and the worst times in our life. I want to hit my friends with ballon stick when I'm 28 years old and still dancing silly moves while singing karaoke with them.

Thank you , Shinhwa . There's always a choice.

Best regards

Shinhwa -Dancing in the moonlight

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Guest nutzie

wow.. i see a lot of people commenting on eric's response, and they're all positive too.. i'm so proud of my colorful brat =P

kriza - hahaha i love how you think eric's "the weird good-for-nothing leader who loves kissing people".. that's so cutee!!

mj - i think.. he just wanted some attention? hahaha.. well, he succeeded, in a bad way.. he got the attention of the focus of his article, but he got bashed in return =P i don't think he got the guts to meet/contact eric after that.. maybe he thinks it's cool to bash people? well, he's got a taste of his own medicine then..

i think there's a topic lying around about who's the best leaders and whatnot, and i'm proud to say that a lot of people said eric.. and here's probably one of the best piece of evidence there is that shows how matured and controlled he is in handling the situation..

did anybody save dongwan's entry about junjin? cos saharial provided the links to the articles, but i also want to know what dongwan said..

ps. zung21 - that clip is so adorable!! every song is more meaningful [to me] when it's related to shinhwa =P

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Well...I just came from reading the um....contradictory (for lack of a better word) article that "critic" wrote...um................yeah, whats the korean word for idiot again? oh yeah...바보. I have to admit, I was very impressed with Eric's reply (although I do think the ps was unnecessary although not untrue :D ). I think it was very well thought out and I liked how he justified all of his thoughts. I have to admit, when I first learned that Eric was the 'leader' of Shinhwa, I didn't think that he was much of one, but its situations like these that shows he's a pillar of strength and how he knows when and just what to say.

Kriza_09, '..weird good for nothing leader who loves kissing people...' thats hilarious...yet true :lol: (well, not the good for nothing part )

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Guest xbabii_M


No one answered yet, right? ^^

Yes, someone did bash ShinHwa's 7th jib...actually if I remember correctly, many reviewers didn't like ShinHwa's seventh very much and didn't give good ratings (though it did end up getting them the daesang and it's one of my fave albums...sure proved them wrong). I guess when a long time group like shinhwa gives the reviewers something new, it'll go either way. One is that it's admirable they're bringing something new or they say, "this doesn't sound like ShinHwa at all". Unfortunately, before the daesang, the majority of the reviews were of the later. There was one that particularly pissed Eric off. It's been a while, but I remember Eric saying that though taste in music is personal preference, the writer had no right to attack the people who work hard to make the music. And I remember clearly that Eric elluded to the writer being a coward, and if he had anything to say he could say it in front of ShinHwa. And in the postscript he reminded the author that it's not that easy to get to see ShinHwa.

There was some controversy between netizens and fans about whether Eric was justified in writing the response or immature...

I didn't save the translations, so I hope what I wrote is correct for the most part :sweatingbullets:

Just because they think that it's not that good doesn't mean that everyone one thinks so too. I mean a lot of people like love their 7th jib. I love it as well. Well I love all their albums ^^ But anyways, I hate it wheh people think that everyne else thinks the same just because they feel that way! And if I were the Shinhwa members, I would be really pissed too. I mean if you were them, wouldn't you have written a response to it. I would have probably have liked screamed and yelled with fustration. LOL I think he handled it in a mature way (:

it was partly to do with jinnie being critisized over an incident at shoot dori when it appeared (due to editing) that he didnt rushout on the field to help one of shoot dori that got a little hurt. The editing made it look like he didnt care when in reality he was following the rules and waiting for permission from the ref to be allowed on the field.


edit: the media was already anti jin because of the DUI incident - saying he shouldn't be around kids etc. I think as well they complained that he had a couple of drinks in a bar in germany - like he was abandoning the kids to go have fun. The commentator who takes alot of the shoot dori pics noted how he was so despairing at the time


Never heard about this. Junjin is so caring and fun. Why would they think such a thing??? Oh yes, does anyone have the youtube link to the shootdori episode where minwoo comes out as well? Or does anyone at least know what date??? I remember watching it on youtube but i can't seem to find it anymore.

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Guest theLEGEND

saharial: Thank you for posting the articles but I'm really curious what did Dongwan write about that. Anyone? :)

nutzie: If he wanted some attention, he got it but he made a mistake I guess. He wanted to seek the attention from the wrong group. Yeah, I've seen that thread who's the best leader and I've seen Eric's name all over. That's good. He deserves the recognition of one of the best leaders in the group. OOH, I've forgotten something, I was from QSS' thread yesterday and I've seen so many people gave a good respond about Eric's acting. Some of them aren't even Eric's fan and now, they do because they watched him in this drama. Some people said that they don't really like Eric's acting before but after watching QSS, they've changed their perspective. So many good reviews and responds about Eric, the actors/actresses and the drama itself. Proud of ya Eric! :D

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Guest nutzie

hahaha.. i'm so proud of my colorful brat~ i agree though, his acting in qss, he acts as tae joo so naturally, sometimes i can't differentiate between the 2.. i can't imagine tae joo being played by anyone else except for him.. the tj-es couple is sooo cutee!! i think this might be the best couple so far that involves eric.. definitely my favorite couple.. i hope they get together in the end =D well, i got to know shinhwa through the actor eric, not the singer/rapper eric.. so yeah, but still, singer/rapper eric is what made me fall so hard for him.. so i like both of them equally.. and the fact that they're the same person just makes me love him even more..

i'm talking nonsense ain't i? maybe i should start studying -_-"

heheh as expected, i still haven't started studying.. but i found a funny clip..

look at them being shocked to death.. and hyesung ended up on the floor =P i don't get what the voting thingies are for though O_o

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^ nutzie lol hehe i havent started studying either XD! lol awww poor hyesungie he ended on the floor. haha minwoo was'nt really that scared was he? lolz. omg yes i love eric's drama i think i like this one more than his other drama's that i have seen. they are a nice couple. can't wait to see episode 7!! i hate the other lead girl character sho evil. well i think she looks evi O.o

Actually I just bought it two days ago. I bought it from annyoung.com and I believe it's still available. The one that I can't find is Shinhwa's Winter Story Album 2003-2004. It's sold out everywhere ><" Anyway.. kriza might be able to attend Shinhwa's Sneakers Party. It'd be so cool! :D

Btw.. I read somewhere before that someone actually bashed Shinhwa when they released their 7th jib (not too sure about this one) and Eric was the one who did comment back about the bashing matter. Does anyone of you know what happened during that period of time?

i looked on anyoung.com and i found it ^^ now all i need is permisson to buy it lol xD thanks for giving me the link ^___^. ah lucky i want shinhwa sneakers too XD wonder where i can buy them hehe. i would'nt even try to wear them outside hah XD! do fashion walk inside with shinhwa sneakers haha hilarious im weird sorry bout that =P.

wah?!...i was looking forward to another one of junjin's drama. :(

well i hope his promos in China do well, and hopefully he won't overwork himself becuase he has the 9th jib this year too


did you mean pictures like these?

wah! so many pictures!! is that your photobucket account? O.O cuz thats a lot of shinhwa pictures. i dont even have that much. btw do u have any pictures of jin with a ponytail? i just loved that hair of his but he had to change it. i miss that hair so much . it grew on me and then he changed it lol

we aren't musicians but the public's singer. We are icons for the teens and perform to give joy to an audience. Just as each person has their own particular food suited to their taste from the large variety of foods, if our food does not suit your taste, eat something else. We dont cook for people who dont like our food. Luckily there are people that love the food that we work so hard to make and again we just work hard for those people. Of course when doing music there are indeed parts that can recieve contraints. Since it's something we do as an occupation not like a garage band for fun, we do need aid from above.

We lacked a lot, but just from the attempts, each of us gained so much. And that's enough for us.

Shinhwa are lucky people. When we autograph saying to go well in an exam for the fans, they come back with report cards showing that they came first. With the music and stage we perform, the audience goes wild and is happy. From those fans we gain strength and we work even harder and perform. Give happiness and gain happiness....what more do you need?

wow. i dont know what to say. but that got me really thinking at a diff way i like how the person said about food. where not everyone likes the same kind of food. yes i think i do the same thing to raise my grades up and before i know if shinhwa comes out with a new album. and we get more support.

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Guest iheartjoojihoon

thanks for the links on the entire "review" that one critic wrote! just finished reading it and eric's response. like all of you, i totally agree that the critic doesn't really know what he's talking about. what i really got out of that "review" was him criticizing all of the shinhwa members instead of critiquing the music...isn't that what a music review suppose to be about? it made me really pissed when i got to the part where he criticized each one of them individually. has he really seen all of their individual works? it seemed to me that he was just dissatisfied with the fact that they are able to succeed in other areas other than music because he thought that they didn't even deserve to be in the music industry in the first place. and honestly, what does he expect of new actors? it usually takes actors a lot of experience before they start really acting well. and the one point that he made that is really lame is that Shinhwa is only money driven. of course money comes with success but no entertainer will succeed unless they have fans and are good at what they do. the overall feeling i got from this is that this critic just doesn't understand/appreciate the fan culture and so he just bashed at a group that has created such a large fan base.

as for eric's response..bravo!! he did such a good job with that response. its clear, direct and respectable. he made really clear points that not only defended shinhwa but the fans as well. yeah eric!! :wub:

thanks to whoever brought this topic up first. i really would have never known that a music critic actually wrote something like that about Shinhwa. after reading this article and eric's response, my love for shinhwa has just grew even more! no matter how old they are i will always support them! :D:wub:

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Guest theLEGEND

hahaha.. i'm so proud of my colorful brat~ i agree though, his acting in qss, he acts as tae joo so naturally, sometimes i can't differentiate between the 2.. i can't imagine tae joo being played by anyone else except for him.. the tj-es couple is sooo cutee!! i think this might be the best couple so far that involves eric.. definitely my favorite couple.. i hope they get together in the end =D well, i got to know shinhwa through the actor eric, not the singer/rapper eric.. so yeah, but still, singer/rapper eric is what made me fall so hard for him.. so i like both of them equally.. and the fact that they're the same person just makes me love him even more..

i'm talking nonsense ain't i? maybe i should start studying -_-"

heheh as expected, i still haven't started studying.. but i found a funny clip..

look at them being shocked to death.. and hyesung ended up on the floor =P i don't get what the voting thingies are for though O_o

I remember something, Hyesung did tell us on YSMM that he was really afraid of ghosts. Maybe that can explain why he ended up on the floor :lol: I don't understand about the voting stuffs either.

i looked on anyoung.com and i found it ^^ now all i need is permisson to buy it lol xD thanks for giving me the link ^___^. ah lucky i want shinhwa sneakers too XD wonder where i can buy them hehe. i would'nt even try to wear them outside hah XD! do fashion walk inside with shinhwa sneakers haha hilarious im weird sorry bout that =P.

You found it? Yay.. No problem. I really hope you''ll get the permission to buy the album. Me too, I really wanted to buy Shinhwa Sneakers. Why don't they sell it to overseas fans as well? I'm sure alot of Shinhwa fans willing to buy the sneakers. OOH, I wouldn't want to wear them out either. ;)

thanks to whoever brought this topic up first. i really would have never known that a music critic actually wrote something like that about Shinhwa. after reading this article and eric's response, my love for shinhwa has just grew even more! no matter how old they are i will always support them! :D:wub:

Haha.. I'm the person who brought this topic up. I'm glad I did because I would have never known that something happened during that year. Shinhwa is LOVE<3. That makes me feel very fortunate to know Shinhwa and to become one of Shinhwa HUGE fans. I'll never regret letting Shinhwa to become a part of my life. I'm so corny, I know :P SHINHWA SARANGHAE~!! :D

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Anybody feels the same as me?

Today I just had a mad mad mad sense of needing Shinhwa together for something..I really miss them together.

Eventhough the fanmeeting was just in February but boy..why does it feel so long ago?

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Guest hahahoha

oh my god, being a shinhwa fan i didn't know there was such a bash on their 7th album back then. the critic was definitely a babo, coz "brand new" was actually my favourite shinhwa song of all time!!!

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Guest zung21

With the music and stage we perform, the audience goes wild and is happy. From those fans we gain strength and we work even harder and perform. Give happiness and gain happiness....what more do you need?

This is so true. To me , a normal person , I'm always deeply attracted to people who have passion in whatever they do. It's not only their appearances or their singings or their dancings. It's the way they do it for us, their forever fans :blush:

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Guest kfosho

Anybody feels the same as me?

Today I just had a mad mad mad sense of needing Shinhwa together for something..I really miss them together.

Eventhough the fanmeeting was just in February but boy..why does it feel so long ago?

februrary was a long time ago. its been like a couple of months. they need to have some kind of reunion!

oh my god, being a shinhwa fan i didn't know there was such a bash on their 7th album back then. the critic was definitely a babo, coz "brand new" was actually my favourite shinhwa song of all time!!!

wow people didn't like thier 7th album?!? that was like my favoirte album too! hmmm

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Guest miss':bella

It's been such a long time since I came here!

A little busy with school! HEHE ^_^

I'm still up to par with my Shinhwa news and videos though! <3

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Guest jerrybabie26

its been a really long while since i had a dose of shinhwa love... and since i cant help it anymore i need to attempt to get a dose of them at least for awhile ... =p

i was trying to read like a 100 pages of backlogs but i couldn't finish ... anyway... i just read the dongwan nose surgery thing and i also found an article about it through asian fanatics where it said " he had a nose job after having previously lied that he fell off the stage during a perf and broke his nose..."

after reading the article it got me a bit ticked off coz it seemed very negative when in fact it shouldn't be... and they make it sound like people like dongwan, as a celebrity, have no right to make such decisions... whatever the reason maybe its still personal and i feel that its just too much intrusion for dongwan or for any celeb for that matter...

okay i'll leave that off i just wanted to blow off steam... on a lighter note i just bough myself a copy of their shinhwa colours photobook... and for a whole hour all i could was stare hahahahaha i've seen most of the photos but to own the photobook itself is heavenly hahahaha... it left me poor but its okay since hyesung, wannie and minus album wont be coming out yet... right??? o__O

i've also been hearing that eric would be releasing an album a 2nd one? what was his 1st? i know he had that song city of mine with minwoo and accent but i didn't know he had released one. could anyone tell me where i could manage to get a copy?

okay... i'll officially stop now and just stalk the forum... ^_^

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