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Guest lenakeem

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Guest vietgirl604

Wow. Eric and Yoon Eun Hye? You u guys remember the whole Eric and Yoon Eun Hye and Kim Jong Gook love triangle on X-man!?!?!!? lolz. YEH's dream w/Eric is coming true 3 YEARS later!!!!! wow. keke. that's kinda funny^^~

And Dongwan fans are so cool! Do u notice that the fans' personality matches each of their members? Like Dongwan's fans are very much like Dongwan and Minwoo fans are very much like Minwoo and Andy fans are very much like Andy etc!!! lolz....kinda cool us SHiNHWA fans^-^~~

Haha, that's KIND OF true..how the fans are like their favourite Shinhwa member lols. I never really noticed that..


strawberry16 Don't quote pictures. Please unquote it if you can please. ..We wouldn't want this thread getting closed or anything/

I don't mind YEH that much but she wouldn't be the first actress I'd prefer Eric to act with. I want him acting with like..Shin Mina, Han ChaeYoung, or better yet, PARK SHIYEON. I don't really see him with the kind of girls that are "innocent" looking LOL..for some reason.


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Guest Sakurasdr3am

Hi Everyone,

My names Jenny, and well i just found this thread, and just getting use to use soompi and all the other forums. Hope to get more news about our favortie Oppas hehe, When is Dongwan's solo album coming out? i know hyesung's album is coming in march but not sure about dongwan. Shinhwa HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::D

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I don't mind YEH that much but she wouldn't be the first actress I'd prefer Eric to act with. I want him acting with like..Shin Mina, Han ChaeYoung, or better yet, PARK SHIYEON. I don't really see him with the kind of girls that are "innocent" looking LOL..for some reason.


I don't think PSY is high on the list for a collaboration for me. I do not prefer to see their work and personal life gets mixed up.

I believe they've both said that they want to respect each other's place in the entertainment world.

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oooo ok thanks for telling me ^^ ill make sure not to buy from yesasia

ahhhh i love shinhwa fans sooo much they are so sweet gave 100 sets of salad i mean like wow thats a lot of salad lol :w00t:

i know! omg O.O a bed scene ahhh must know who its gonna be

Please do not quote pics. Read rule No. 5.

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Guest x_sadendings

linh - hahahah.. let's go kill my bro!! [that rhymes!!] but he's not home tonight.. hahaha.. so we can't really kill him.. and i'm sorry i can't go on gabbly with you guys.. i explained myself in oc..

joyce - dongwan and the baby is sooo cuteeee!!! geez, he really looks like a father O_o go get married already!!

wheee~~ i own a page!!!

lols lets go kill your bro xD yes. and everyone seems so tired these days ><

funny how i talked about that to rozzy xD, but said wan is more of an oppa type figure.

asdkdj he's leaving teh babeh and his wife >( i dont like his character AT all

yes shin ae isnt that pretty.. hahaha(but shes so lucky to have hwanhee and minwoo as ex-bfs)

yoon ji min is pretty but kim hee sun is prettier..hahahaha(sorry)



credits: yahoo.co.kr, naver, tw1nkle (ask tw1nkle's permission before you take out!)

tw1nkle combined like two articles into this one.


credits: yahoo.co.kr, tw1nkle (ask tw1nkle's permission before you take out!)

Yah. So much praises already. along the lines of "big hit" "best couple" "best singer turned actor"

though i dont have anything to say about the e/e pairing. im excited for erics new drama 8D


Que sera sera~ what ever will be will be~

lols the title for the article cracks me up xD too much power for the small screens

ERIC WILL WIN (;. lols. I like Han Ga In. gosh march is going to be a wonderful month.

thank you for sharing ginnie!


Don't you guys mind im joining this big family here?.... im newbie fan but love them to dead.

My favorite member??? i think my name said it all :phew:

i'll be back often since it seems like a very friendly forum without bashing.

Hello Jin4ever! of course you can join the eve growing shinhwa family! (:

*fake gasp* of course there isn't any bashing. fighting over members yes *coughdongwanerscough* but bashing never xD

anyways WELCOME!

Hi Everyone,

My names Jenny, and well i just found this thread, and just getting use to use soompi and all the other forums. Hope to get more news about our favortie Oppas hehe, When is Dongwan's solo album coming out? i know hyesung's album is coming in march but not sure about dongwan. Shinhwa HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::D

Hi Jenny!


Dongwans solo is coming out in may x)

asdajkd *excited*

I don't think PSY is high on the list for a collaboration for me. I do not prefer to see their work and personal life gets mixed up.

I believe they've both said that they want to respect each other's place in the entertainment world.

ditto. i just dont think that their carrers and love life should be mixed. because we see what happens when that happens o.o

[for example remember gilo with ben and jennier lopez?... nice relationship that turned out..]

oh yah i came to the thread because i was feeling a little blue.

i was watching the new xman with battle in it and i started singing along with perfect man and just went

x.x IF ONLY. I can see the members together on a variety again or a perf of perfect man x3

*ends rant*

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Guest angel2nyt

Haha, that's KIND OF true..how the fans are like their favourite Shinhwa member lols. I never really noticed that..


strawberry16 Don't quote pictures. Please unquote it if you can please. ..We wouldn't want this thread getting closed or anything/

I don't mind YEH that much but she wouldn't be the first actress I'd prefer Eric to act with. I want him acting with like..Shin Mina, Han ChaeYoung, or better yet, PARK SHIYEON. I don't really see him with the kind of girls that are "innocent" looking LOL..for some reason.


i dont think park shi yeon would be too keen on the role.. because its i guess too cutesy for her.. besides shes busy with when spring comes(which is great by the way..monday-tuesday dramas on this timeslot 9.55pm korean time has great dramas..jumong and the person i love)

i dont know.. mnikss was great the first time i watched it, now i dont want to watch it anymore because it now bores me

eric is the only actor who has confirmed to que sera sera..(gosh i hate that song whenever my mom sings it)

uurrrggghhh i will try to watch this drama for the sake of eric(i watched invisible parachute agent JUST FOR HIM and han ji min(because her drama with uhm tae woong was amazing)).. but witch yoohee's story sounds so much more interesting

and for the shin ae issue... yes guys hwanhee too.. unlike her relationship with minwoo.. she had a relationship with hwanhee before minwoo

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guys, let's try not to get anymore warning.. i think we've had more warnings in the past few days compared to the past couple of months or so.. please restrain for posting up link or quoting pictures [the 2 rules we seem to break quite a couple of times these days] i'm pretty sure nobody wants the thread to be closed right? not me, cos this is my primary place of finding info about shinhwa..

anyways.. my brother has finally caught on the hallyu fever [probably from his friends, since he's always made fun of my koreanization O_o"] he's been watching xman, and apparently introduced to love letter [season 1's always the best =D] and earlier, i introduced him to ya shim man man [yes, i showed him the episodes with shinhwa in it =P] oh by the way, he seemed amused by hyesung's crab dance and mommy i want that dance =P

and now he wants me to send "korean songs that are slow".. just watch.. i'll send him shinhwa songs too =P let him just choose which ones he wants.. well in anyway, most of my korean songs are from shinhwa, some from super junior and sung shi kyung, and some other random ones.. but mostly shinhwa, so before long, i'll get to listen to shinhwa songs from his laptop too =D at least there's an improvement so far.. he doesn't make fun of me anymore when i mentioned the shinhwa sota dvd to him..

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Guest vietgirl604

I don't think PSY is high on the list for a collaboration for me. I do not prefer to see their work and personal life gets mixed up.

I believe they've both said that they want to respect each other's place in the entertainment world.

Oh..I think I know what you mean. Yeah, now that I think about it..it's not so great if they did a drama together.

What about ShinAe are you guys talking about?

and I agree with nutzie..let's try not to get warned anymore.


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Guest kriza_09

anyways.. my brother has finally caught on the hallyu fever [probably from his friends, since he's always made fun of my koreanization O_o"] he's been watching xman, and apparently introduced to love letter [season 1's always the best =D] and earlier, i introduced him to ya shim man man [yes, i showed him the episodes with shinhwa in it =P] oh by the way, he seemed amused by hyesung's crab dance and mommy i want that dance =P

and now he wants me to send "korean songs that are slow".. just watch.. i'll send him shinhwa songs too =P let him just choose which ones he wants.. well in anyway, most of my korean songs are from shinhwa, some from super junior and sung shi kyung, and some other random ones.. but mostly shinhwa, so before long, i'll get to listen to shinhwa songs from his laptop too =D at least there's an improvement so far.. he doesn't make fun of me anymore when i mentioned the shinhwa sota dvd to him..

hey.. my lil brother likes shinhwa too!!! it all started when i played once in a lifetime in my family's car.. my whole family loves the song!!! they thought it was sung by a vocal group or a choir or something!! well, before they only knew chinese boybands like energy, 5566, f4, etc.. and chinese boybands usually have nice songs but don't have nice voices.. so yeah, they were surprised to know that it was sung by a boyband.. lol.. and i have to agree with them.. once in a lifetime really shows off their vocals.. i myself was amused when i first heard their voices in that song.. oh and my brother said hyesung's voice makes his heart feel peace.. lol.. but still, they didn't know what they looked like.. except my mom who apparently watched super rookie because she loves han ga in.. lol.. so she knew eric is in a group called shinhwa and she thought eric was the LEAD singer.. lol.. then my brother saw me watching loveletter season 1.. well actually he (along with all my family members and some of my neighbors) heard my laughing like crazy.. hahah.. again, he was surprised to see those guys in training suits who got snapped were the same guys who sing once in a lifetime.. and he was shocked to see the guy who was very happy to snap other people and got ridiculed a lot was the owner of the angelic voice.. lol.. and he asked me to burn loveletter files into CDs.. so i gave him one of my harddrive and he also asked for all shows with shinhwa in it, all shinhwa songs, and all shinhwa performance.. i think it's because shinhwa is not like the typical boyband who always keeps the cool image.. gosh my brother is the only one with whom i can satisfy all my fangirling needs.. none of my friends knows or likes shinhwa.. apparently undergraduate engineering students are not supposed to be fangirling and stuff like that.. -_-"

and i do think that even guys would like shinhwa if they don't have those prejudices and preassumptions that boybands are gays.. i hate it when people say that.. if you don't bother to read the articles about the struggle and hard times they went through, just SHUT UP!!!

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^ heeh thats cool. my lil brother loves shinhwa too... but i think recently hes been liking big bang anymore. well anywhooooooo

you're right, once in a lifetime is a very great song that excellently shows off their vocals. like seriously, hyesungs voice.. theres something about it..

so smooth

so melodic <-- is that even a word rofl!

angelic for sure

just incredible

and lets not forget about the other vocalistsssssss!

i love dongwans voice, the texture of it. how his voice sounds. he sometimes has this nasal-ish sound, but that was because of his nose/breathing problem. but aside from that, i love his voice just as much as i love hyesungs.

and minwoos! omg. even though his vocal ability isnt quite at the level of hyesungs and dongwans, the amount of emotion, and just the sound of his voice.. puts the cherry on top of my ice cream, anyday. i especially love that quiver in his voice when he puts in emotions. heck, i just love him in general!

junjins voice has evolved quite a bit. although i miss his old voice from back then, during the 2getehr 4ever days, his voice was so soft and smooth.. and now its like not as soft, it has .. iono .. it sounsd sexy though! :w00t: and hes finally showing that hes not just hte dancer, not just the rapper. but he can hella sing tooooo!

eric and andy, can their rapping get any hotter? my oh my. i love erics voice when he raps live, cuz den hes somewhat outta breath, and its just hot. and andy damn. i have his "if i take u out to shop you go whoah" in my head, i love that part. hehehehehee...

this post is realli long..a nd its rambling on about me talking about their voices.. WHICH IS A FIRST! i usually talk about their looks :lol:

i guesss im not as shallow as i thought i was :D

i dont feel as crazed, as fan-girl as i was before. i think i have matured as a fan of shinhwa. although i miss being super fangirly and obsessive, i culd get used to this. haha.

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Guest angelix

26/1 [diary] Dongwan: actually not broadcasting is a good thing


Its Oppa!

Subject: [Dongwan] actually not broadcasting is a good thing

watched the 4th episode

and waited for one week again

very tiring indeed.

after finishing the 4th episode, i was also curious at how the 5th episode went

no matter what.. not broadcasting it is a good thing. just like that..

p.s. i have the same setiments as a senior, JP

i myself have not been a good senior, i get really shy when i greet the juniors.

note: because of U-NEE's death, JP (singer) said on the 25th "ive always been hurt on purpose", showing that U-NEE's death is linked to purposeful hurting of her.

credits// goodemg + ocean6 + chouszesze @ Bestshinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.com/forum

Taken from this thread ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=585.0

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Guest picklypickly

I think Dongwan's entry probably has to do w/ the whole to-do over U;nee's funeral and the lack of celebrities that attended. From her thread:

kim jin pyo, after visiting unee's funeral, wrote on the internet about how the korean singers like isolating each other from other singers and how it was so improper for no one to show up at unee's funeral, even though she was a fellow singer.

kim jin pyo didn't know unee in person <i believe> but he still showed up because he wanted to pay respect to his fellow colleague.

so he basically wrote a post saying how all the singers should be ashamed of ignoring their colleague and the whole point of creating a national korean society for singers is useless if the singers don't pay respect to a fellow singer's death in person.

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rofl, its like 2 45am

and i just finished watching the first episode of super rookie

yes its a shame that i just started wtching now


wow its damn good, and eric is sooo hilarious in it.

hes a pretty good actor

and damn


i love his character, at times he cares about hsi pride but other times its like where the hell is his dignity?! LOL!

man oh man. after watching this.. eric will be my favourite member from shinhwa LOL


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Guest vietgirl604

rofl, its like 2 45am

and i just finished watching the first episode of super rookie

yes its a shame that i just started wtching now


wow its damn good, and eric is sooo hilarious in it.

hes a pretty good actor

and damn


i love his character, at times he cares about hsi pride but other times its like where the hell is his dignity?! LOL!

man oh man. after watching this.. eric will be my favourite member from shinhwa LOL


Haha you JUST started watching?! On youtube or what? Haha, I have the whole thing and could lend it if you want LMAO..but then you'd have to come see me and RAWR! Yeah, Eric is a really great actor..my favorite hehe. His character is SO AWESOME. Haha, your favorite?! He was ALMOST my fav once. MinWoo then Eric for me..forever!


Man, I'm still up and it's 3:35 xtine..LOL.


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Guest angelix

28/1 [news] Kim Dongwan, hwang jung eum kiss scene NG four times



Kim Dongwan and hwang jung eum, who are both currently working together in SBS drama "person i love", has been hot talk because of their kiss scene.

Kim Dongwan and hwang jung eum's kiss scene was filmed on 17/1, from 12mn, lasted for one hour.

especially for Dongwan who had filmed a scene of being worried about his family and work, and downing five bottles of strong beer and had a huge crying session, his emotions were easily protrayed throughout the scene.

after brushing their teeth, the director told Dongwan and hwang jung eum that this scene was important, and that if they dint get it right they'll have to work through the night.

having encouragements, the two actor and actress kissed just like real lovers.

in the end the scene was only done after 4 NGs, the kiss scene will be shown in 29/1.

credits// ocean6 + 打糕@shinhwachina&万有引力 + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=602.0

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Guest poloblue

well i hope lee da hae will replace eunhye in eric's upcoming drama

i like lee da hae better than yoon eun hye too!!!!!

i can't wait this march!

i have a great feeling about Eric's new drama (:

hope Eric will become a hallyu star not only as a singer but also an actor

i hope so too!!!!!


Don't you guys mind im joining this big family here?.... im newbie fan but love them to dead.

My favorite member??? i think my name said it all :phew:

i'll be back often since it seems like a very friendly forum without bashing.

HI!!!!!!!!! im DV, and im a guy!! im the only guy in this thread, well theres also another two guys, but they dissapeared

Hi Everyone,

My names Jenny, and well i just found this thread, and just getting use to use soompi and all the other forums. Hope to get more news about our favortie Oppas hehe, When is Dongwan's solo album coming out? i know hyesung's album is coming in march but not sure about dongwan. Shinhwa HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::D

Hi jenny, im a guy btw and my name is DV.

28/1 [news] Kim Dongwan, hwang jung eum kiss scene NG four times



Kim Dongwan and hwang jung eum, who are both currently working together in SBS drama "person i love", has been hot talk because of their kiss scene.

oooh, kissy kissy! bet u krizza's jealous now!!!!! puahahahahaha, im gonna have this pic as my dp on msn from now on when i talk to krizza XD

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Guest vietgirl604

^^ Haha DV, you're the only guy I know in this thread. Maybe I should get barbie to join..then there'll be two!

28/1 [news] Kim Dongwan, hwang jung eum kiss scene NG four times

credits// ocean6 + 打糕@shinhwachina&万有引力 + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=602.0

Oh wow..LOL his eyes should be ..closed? But wow!


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I'm little confused. Isn't there already Japan Inspiration Live Concert DVD? Is this different? If so, when is the release date?

^ Hi mommie Alice,

FujiTV did broadcast ShinHwa's concert in Bukodan with its interview with Shinhwa...so that's the concert floating around for download and not the actual dvd. If you look at the song list, you can see that not the entire concert and song list was broadcasted (i.e. They only showed Dongwan singing 'Cry sour grapes' for his solo and not 'Tears') Hope that cleared things up for you ^^ And if the broadcast was any sample of the filming...captured everything at the right times...I think it's going to be a worthwhile dvd.


Wow...so many pages to go through...

Been staying up to sub KSA 12...should be out in about half an hour on youtube...*hits self in the head*

Even the english subbed dvd is out and I've still not finished subbing this series ^^; *embarassed*


Wannie is a sweetheart responding to JP's message about U;nee unni

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Wow...so many pages to go through...

Been staying up to sub KSA 12...should be out in about half an hour on youtube...*hits self in the head*

Even the english subbed dvd is out and I've still not finished subbing this series ^^; *embarassed*


Wannie is a sweetheart responding to JP's message about U;nee unni

Amy, I really appreciate your work subbing KSA. I don't think the subbed DVD can do as well of a job as you've been doing. You even included small notes here and there to help us understand the show from a cultural standpoint. I've been watching KSA on your "Crystalis Channel" these couple days. heehee...

I am not sure if you know about some agency (Interactive Media or something that sounds like that) has been contacting some uploaders on youtube about taking off their videos. I think if you want to be safe...you can not include full names of shows or make the title as subtle as possible.

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Guest Jin4ever

guys, let's try not to get anymore warning.. i think we've had more warnings in the past few days compared to the past couple of months or so.. please restrain for posting up link or quoting pictures [the 2 rules we seem to break quite a couple of times these days i'm pretty sure nobody wants the thread to be closed right? not me, cos this is my primary place of finding info about shinhwa..

read and understood :D


im so excited right now about Eric new drama

about the main actress...i haven't seen any drama with eun hye so i can't comment much about her acting skill. I know her previous work (Goong) was a real success but i didnt had the chance to watch it yet. i just know her through XMEN and she is very cute though.

But Lee Da Hae is an awesome actress i love her since My girl. My favorite right now. ill be in heaven if LDH can join Eric in the new drama even if i know my wish wont come true.

And what about Wolf???? Are they manage to finish this drama....i watched the 3 first epi and i liked it.


And where is JUNJIN these days...any news about him? I miss him ;)

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