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Guest lenakeem

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i think his english is fluent, although he's got a bit of accent.. accent doesn't always mean bad english.. i know somebody who's got a really thick singlish accent, yet he's an english tutor and in the dean's honor roll [in english of course] in my school.. which is really hard, if you know what my school is like -_-"

but i agree, usually westerners kinda look down at people with accents, and give them the stereotypical role of "fobs" and kinda make fun of them in a way [from what my friends told me about the japanese guy in heroes, well his character is well loved i guess, but it's more comical than the other heroes, so i take it as if he's never taken seriously or something]

but you know what, anything with eric is divine to me.. i just hope he's got quite a bit of screen time, not just 5-10 secs of show time.. right now, we're still in speculation right? he hasn't even officially accepted the role yet..

i hope he does though..

whee~!! i own a page!!

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Guest shinhinm

haha.. i think han eun jung's gonna be prohibited from wearing heels.. dongwan's gonna be the one with heels instead =P maybe he'll be wearing those shoe inserts to make him taller =P

also, don't forget about lee so yeon [who acted in super rookie wth eric] in heroine 6, when she had to choose between eric and dongwan..

if i'm not wrong, dbsk got both daesang and bonsang for the award show?? how does that happen??

i just came from the battle thread, and oh my goodness.. all of them are younger than meeee!!! i feel old now >_<" even the oldest is like, a couple of days younger than i am T-T

hmm, i thought eric's a pretty good actor.. like my friend said, he's got many faces.. he can act out emotions really well.. when i was watching super rookie [ie. before i knew he was in shinhwa] i didn't even figure out that he's actually a singer [well, a rapper]

about dbsk i dont think they both got a daesang and a bonsang


the ones who voted for those actors were producers, production staff

eric was halfway between the good and the bad

The judge choose 10 Bonsangs ~ And then from 10 Bonsangs,they'll choose 1 Deasang ~ So an artist receives Deasang has to receive Bonsang first ~

Like in 2004,Shinhwa won both Bonsang and then Deasang :D

That's all I know :P

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

okies, krizza is really lazy right now.

she was able to keep up with the thread then but now... ahrgh! the thread just grows like boom!!!!!

which is a good thing ^^

so krizza will just reply on certain topics... okies?

to all the new posters in this wonderful ORANGE-y thread....

hello and welcome!

i'm krizza and i love cheese! ^^

about the eric stuff and hollywood....

if eric is going to come out as a sidekick or an extra in some hollywod movie, i'd totaly watch it. hehe, even if he'll just play a sidewalk vendor or something ^^ heck, that'd be one hot vendor! :D

but i hope it's good role and that he will agree on it if it IS. i don't want eric landing up a role that's not good enough for him. but a realy good small role will be fine cause through it, some big producer might want him and a casting agency might offer him a bigger role next time and who knows? it can be shinhwa's path to hollywood. haha.

and i read that eric's english is not that fluent? hm, i'd say it is. i've watched clips where he's talking in english and i can say that he's pretty fluent. just not THAT fluent.

to everyone who posted links and pictures....

thanks for those! i saved all and watched every clip! ^^

to those who shared news....

thansk too!

andy's been up and about doing lots of things eh?

You guys,please don't bash other artists *cough*dbsk*cough* just because so and so won an award and shinhwa did not -_- This is a shinhwa thread. not a bashing thread... it is considered as SPAM. Please be respectful fans and dont bash other artists, especially when you have a grudge/hatred/no feeling or w/e it is against someone. Please do it in a chatroom etc, not on a thread.

okies, i don't think you read our posts here correctly?

we weren't bashing dbsk. or anyother artists.

we were just saying what everybody's been saying...

how the awards have lost their meaning anymore because teh competition isn't what it used to be.

if you think that we were bashing dbsk in anyway, we are really sorry ^^ no hard feelings.

but i tell you that we weren't bashing them, we're merely stating truth and facts, if truth and facts cannot be accepted by dbsk fans because dbsk won lots of awards this year, i completely understand because imagine how we would feel if people were saying these exact same things back in 2004 when shinhwa won lots of daesangs?

but that is behind the point. beside it. wherever or whatever point of reference you wanted my point to be, the bottom line is this : i haven't posted about the awards yet so there weren't any dbsk bashing... YET.

haha. because if i've already posted, then rest assured there's a line or two, or a paragraph if i'm in a bashing mood, about the many cons of the awards show favoring dbsk.


joke only though.

but i honestly think that.... okies, i'll express my opinions on the daesangs later.

my wannie playing an evil role...


i have a thing for the bad guys (don't we all?) so if wannie plays a the bad guy or an evil character in this new drama then heck i am so watching every episode and downloading it and ..... ahhh!!!!!

about eric in the states...

heck if i see eric on the streets i'd probably walk up to him and die.


then i'd be in an eric mode for the rest of my life.


riz, you should really go down there and befriend the muns...

like sell some cookies or something then when you're pretty close with them ask them if their koreans cause of their names and say, "really? wow! i love kpop! i actually love shinhwa! do you know them?" haha! then they'd be like "oh! our son is a member fo shinhwa! his name is eric!" then yo'd smack your forehead and say, "really??? so that's why.. oh.. yes, mun.. mun.. ah!!!!"

and then make them meet eric. ^^

about xtine screaming "ERICC AHH YOU SEXY MOFO!"

can you add "from all the shinhwa lovers in soompi"? then recite our names ^^

and also about that minu incident,


if i was there... minu wouldn't even be able to go out of the place. cause..... :ph34r:

about the news that fortuneteller posted from SHCJ...

the boys are really busy eh?

but i can't really wait for minu's concert NOW! haha... dec 2!!~~~ and i know battle's going to perform there too!

i want some SEXYYYY pictures!!!!!

and then sungie's album.. ah! another album from the prince of ballads...

actually, them having many activites gives us more stuff to spazz on.. but i still want to see shinhwa together!

i was hoping they'd come to see minu on his concert... really hope so.

hmm.. actualli alot of artiste is like keep promoting DBSK..

is there a special reason.. ?? like when they go x man..

KJK or haha will like give them special treatment?? hmmm..

cause they're afraid of the fans.

dbsk fans are kinda scary. well, really scary.

plus it became the "IN" thing so if you suck up to dbsk, you're doing the "IN" thing cause currently, dbsk is the "IN" thing. okies, i just read what i typed and i think it's a saying-the-truth-while-you-are-bashing type of comment.

hope that helped.

about the best singers turned actors...

i'm surprised!

where the heck is KIM JUNG HOON? haha. i think he's really good, you know?

but then again...

ah well, i'm really happy to see dongwan up there cause he really IS a good actor. my mom was impressed with his acting in the SG wannabe song.

but eric? i really like eric's acting! what the heck is wrong with those voters?

nutzie, you might be right. they're just jealius cause eric's so goodlooking and they're not.

i mean!!! RAIN? haha. honestly, i don't like rain's acting. i like him singing but not acting. his crying is tooo... i don't know. i'm not bashing him though!!!!! i know someone here loves BI! ^^

about minu producing a single...

minu really WANTS to do everything!

i bet you he'll be starting his own company soon or even his own tv station and call it the M channel or something.. *remembers linh*

minie_k89, hello! i really want to answer your question but it might come off as bashing.

i don't want to risk anything.

mandoo-gongju, you stole the words out of my mouth.

about shinhwa not winning the awards they deserved in the past daesang awards night....

actually... i don't really care anymore.

i mean, heck, give all the daesangs in the world to dbsk for all i care.

cause next year, there will probabaly be another artist that will get all the daesangs again just like what shinhwa did in 2004.

like last night, (for all the filipinos out there) kamikazee one al the major awards in the NU 13th rock awards and mind you, i didn't even know them up until last year but i was screaming my head off when they won artist of the year award, why? cause THIS IS THEIR YEAR.

next year, it won't be their year so give them a BREAK!


though i still am pissed of.

just not in a bashing mood.

maybe i will be in a bashing mood later on. :P

but of course, to those who mentioned me, i just gotta answer you guys... ^^

aindy, ai!!!! :P

lols, krizza? dedicated?

YEAH 100x!

dedicated to SHINHWA!

and gawsh! is that jinsyung i see????

lols, mommy and baby bird!

where's daddy eric? cough cough

DV!, haha, you womanizer! haah. you've had 2 girls in your life in less than a year! haha. joke! i'm hyper...

anyways, shinhwa won the YEPP netizen award and the overseas popularity award ^^ so that means they didn't win the best artist and the best group award. hmpf.

strawberry16, naomi! haha.. are my replies too long? joyce thinks so too....

RIZ! start blogging again! haha, so we can be buddies and exchange links and blog and blog about shinhwa!!!! and spread shinhwa love! bwahhaha! MINBONG sexiness... is overflowing. actually, i wanted to feature a whole post about minu's sexy abs. haha...

knowing shinhwa, is one of the best thing that ever happened to me.

and thanks for the comment!!!!

and lols on xtine handcuffing minu to her.... i can see xtine like that... :P probably wearing an orange shirt with the caption "I WANT TO EAT MINU FOR DINNER!" haha... though i'd probably wear one too in the near future. but let's not get to that...

and the secret santa!!! i think i participated in that a while back in some forums.. vortexmb.com? or was it disastermb.org? hm. so i'm in!!!!! i'll try okies?

LINH! woo... princeton! that's why it sounded so familiar, because i've heard it when i was in highschool. i think it was one fo those school's that they were talking about when we were discussing which shcool we would rather be in or go to or something... if ever we can, that is. ^^ yeah, students in my highscool were kinda school freaks, the school's ttile is very important to them ^^ CONGRATS TO YOU!

and see? the ricsyung-ness of the eric bunny sig is too much!!!

haha, eric really loves hyesung, even his siggy is connected to sungie... i remember that clip where sungie was singing the BUNNY song and they saw a real bunny on the road! ^^ i love bunnies!

eric cheating... haha. actually, i think he'll be the one suggesting it and then he'll say he won't be included in the ones to be picked cause he's the game's moderator or something. haha, then the other five will have no other choice but to follow with the game without eric cause he's the leader. bwahah! eric's too cute sometimes!

and gawsh, rising sun to brand new and hug to perfect man? haha! that's too good to be true! haha... i would love to see her face! did you take pictures? ^^

and thansk for the jinnie pics. haha, jinnie can be such a camwhore. ^^ i remember him and eric as camwhores.... lols. always taking pictures together...


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hi you guys,

i was just watching shinhwa's performances when i thought of something: although it's obvious that all of the guys in Shinhwa are talented in soooooooo many ways, i can't help but notice that some sing more than others. this might be because it's hard to incorporate rap into all of their songs, but i was just curious if you guys noticed to.

who are the lead singers/rappers of the group? How would you rank them?

for me, the leads for vocals are (1) Hyesung (this is obvious); (2) Dongwan (i find that he sings a lot of the verses of the songs, and he often does the background vocals); (3) Minwoo (he's talented, but he always either sings in the beginning...i don't remember any songs where he dominated the vocal parts); (4) Junjin (this is only because they've finally given him larger vocal roles in the songs.)

Rapping: (1) Eric (this is obvious cause he evens writes the rap lyrics); (2) Andy; (3) Junjin (this is only because he sings and raps, so it balances out).

Please don't get mad at what i've said, it's just an opinion. :)

also, i saw a really cute clip:

. it's Dongwan and this girl. they look very good and cute together. can anyone tell me if this is a date or a cooking show? and why did Dongwan drink the wine so quickly at the end? thanks to all. man, i think i'm getting obsessed with Shinhwa!!! :D
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also, i saw a really cute clip:

. it's Dongwan and this girl. they look very good and cute together. can anyone tell me if this is a date or a cooking show? and why did Dongwan drink the wine so quickly at the end? thanks to all. man, i think i'm getting obsessed with Shinhwa!!! :D

I watched this clip before too..dongwan is just too cute!! :D They were playing a game where 1 person ask a question n the other person have to answer honestly. If you don't want to answer, you have to drink the wine. The girl asked him who was the last artist you dated and he went hahaha..he was so embarassed. The second question from the girl was do you like anyone right now? Again he went hahaha and drank the wine instead of answering ;)

p/s This is some dating show, i think..dongwan brought her to some taekwondo place during the previous part

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Guest miss':bella

My Perspective : Seoul Gayo Daesang Award 2006

As many of you guys know, Shinhwa did not attend the ceremony.

All of them were in fact busy with their hectic schedules.

Most, if not all, of the viewers were upset with this year's ceremony.

Big names including Hyori, Boa, Shinhwa, and Bi did not perform.

Everything was just a bit dull for me.

These singers just liven up the stage if you tell me with their sexy charisma + dance moves + LIVE.

The reason SHINHWA did not even receive a BONSANG was due to their unpresence at the ceremony.

This also goes for Hyori, Boa, and Bi.

I'm upset of course.

I'm more upset that SG WANNABE was not the winner.


1. Sold most album of the year

2. Promoted for the longest (My Partner in Life)

Everytime I think of this ceremony, I'm just disgusted and sad.

I'm wishing for a better ceremony next year! SHINHWA FIGHTING!

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Yes he did and the instructor made him demonstrate a spinning kick cuz he starred in SpinKick lolz And he said had some self defense moves he wanted to show the girl and ended up tricking her into hugging him. That dork XD

@coollady6- Yes, Hyesung is obviously lead vocal. If you listen to earlier albums, Minu definitely had larger parts than wannie. I've never really noticed Dongwan's improvement until end 6th-8th album. He'd often mess up during pre-7th lives :sweatingbullets: Wannie's voice has become so addictive though! And though they say Jinnie had larger parts in 8th...I don't think it's really that big a difference from previous albums. He's always pretty much had the same amount of parts pre-8th jib...except it's harder to recognize his voice and it was less publicized?

Rappers. Yes, Eric is obviously lead rapper. I believe Jinnie is a much stronger rapper than Andy though...most definitely. Andy hardly rapped before...he only had those before and after narrations during live perfs. It's only end-7th-8th jib that Andy's improved a lot.


For some reason I'm so addicted to Yo! and All your dream perfs lately. I think it was triggered by somebody who commented that Shinhwa's perfs aren't as powerful or syncronized as some new boybands and that's why they prefer them to ShinHwa. I've always thought that no one's as syncronized as ShinHwa and no one performed quite as powerfully as dear Minbong.

I then thought, must be the impression given by their recent concerts where they can't go all out because it's 3+ hours and because their 7th jib perfs that people are most acquainted with deal more with footwork than power.

I wanted to lecture those people...but then I was afraid I might come on too strong and hurt their feelings lolz

When I watch kpop group dances these days...I always get a 'been there done that' feeling...must be the result of too much sechkies and shinhwa perfs lolz It's like people aren't bothering to find out or because they're almost a decade old that they've forgotten or just don't know what kind of perfs these two groups used to pulled off.

Anyways...I really like the RicJIn flip in All your dreams. I saw it in someone's perf recently and people were so impressed...but I can't for the life of me remember...was it on new xman?:


And the jumps + Jinnie's popping in Yo!. Plus Minu was helluva hot :)


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I agree with miss':bella with the Seoul Gayo Daesang Award 2006. I'm dissapointed that shinhwa didn't win just because they didn't attend. aw well. There's still next year.

hi you guys,

i was just watching shinhwa's performances when i thought of something: although it's obvious that all of the guys in Shinhwa are talented in soooooooo many ways, i can't help but notice that some sing more than others. this might be because it's hard to incorporate rap into all of their songs, but i was just curious if you guys noticed to.

who are the lead singers/rappers of the group? How would you rank them?

for me, the leads for vocals are (1) Hyesung (this is obvious); (2) Dongwan (i find that he sings a lot of the verses of the songs, and he often does the background vocals); (3) Minwoo (he's talented, but he always either sings in the beginning...i don't remember any songs where he dominated the vocal parts); (4) Junjin (this is only because they've finally given him larger vocal roles in the songs.)

Rapping: (1) Eric (this is obvious cause he evens writes the rap lyrics); (2) Andy; (3) Junjin (this is only because he sings and raps, so it balances out).

Please don't get mad at what i've said, it's just an opinion. :)

I agree some sing more than the others. Minwoo I thought he dominated the vocals in wedding? And yeah, listening to shinhwa's songs, minwoo does usually sing the beginning.

Did you guys heard the song I believe by Ncholas Tse? I heard the song and there are some background vocals and I'm pretty sure after listening to the song, Shinhwa sings the background vocals in the song. Correct me if I'm wrong. For those who didn't listen to the sing before, here's the link to download:


Oh and I thought eric' english is really good and fluent?

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Guest shinhinm

~ Hyesung's the main vocal and Eric the main rapper :D ~ But I love JUNJIN's rap more than Eric's voice :x It's so smooth and addictive :x

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Guest himang34

eric oppa points for acting.. seem to be the worst --""


anw daesang is like first prize and bonsang is like second prize is it??

hai.. DBSK jus swipe away all the prizes..

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Guest himang34

hee.. i tink their voice is unique in their own way!!

andy and eric rap are nice.. hmm minwoo voice is abit raspy and low..

haha so i tink he usually start the song..

and jinnie oppa the voice is low and abit thick?

hmmm.. and of cos dongwannie oppa voice is nice..

and sungie oppa is for those draggin high notes part.. :)

so put them together.. u get the perfect group!!


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Guest taiyjung

My Perspective : Seoul Gayo Daesang Award 2006

As many of you guys know, Shinhwa did not attend the ceremony.

All of them were in fact busy with their hectic schedules.

Most, if not all, of the viewers were upset with this year's ceremony.

Big names including Hyori, Boa, Shinhwa, and Bi did not perform.

Everything was just a bit dull for me.

These singers just liven up the stage if you tell me with their sexy charisma + dance moves + LIVE.

The reason SHINHWA did not even receive a BONSANG was due to their unpresence at the ceremony.

This also goes for Hyori, Boa, and Bi.

I'm upset of course.

I'm more upset that SG WANNABE was not the winner.


1. Sold most album of the year

2. Promoted for the longest (My Partner in Life)

Everytime I think of this ceremony, I'm just disgusted and sad.

I'm wishing for a better ceremony next year! SHINHWA FIGHTING!

the first.., i really upset after that i and my friends .. ..

and ., i realy sad..

but i really think..the same to u

I'm wishing for a better ceremony next year! SHINHWA FIGHTING!


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Guest sunnydays.

dongwannie evil? but dongwannie looks too angelic and beautiful to be evil T__T

well whateve.r he'll be sexy! LOL

:o thats terrible! "fun to rape a shinhwa member" LOL!

eric IS hotter than the lead, i can tell ut hat right now.

omg when im in the theatre watching it

.. everytime hes on

im gon stand up in my seat

and scream


and then im gon get kicked out. LOLS!


but yeah, i wus in the vancouver thread a LONG time ago, and yeah somebody saw minwoo and she wus like "omg r u minwoo!" cuz you know, jus a natural reaction to say that when u see a celebrity. anyways the manager wus like "no , no." and rushed him out of there ! ROFL !

befriend his family?



LOL. OH Xtine, we could always count on you to do the crazy things in life. HAHAHA. XDD; No, but I would do that too... seriously, whenever I see Eric, I go crazy. O__O My friend like, has to whack me several times to get me to stop screaming. XDD So the guy in Vancouver was really Minbong? OMGG! Haha, it should've been obvious though. The girl should've not asked and just tackled him down. U__U;; Act first, speak later. LOL. So then, you won't miss your chance. (;

OH NO YOU DIDN'TTTT. LOOOL. I'm going to befriend them! ...I'll work as a maid. (wtf? XD) I'd sneak around the house to find things about Eric. u__U;;

Singers-Turned-Actors: the Best and the Worst




They're just jealous because Eric is not as hot as Bi. U__U;;

(even though I do think that Bi is a pretty good actor... *cough*)

A Love To Kill was a very heavy drama. Bi played the character very well, and he did evoke that emotion and passion that was required. But it's not fair to compare that to Eric, because all of (most) Eric's roles have been light-hearted and more on the comedic side. He hasn't really showed his ability to play roles such as that Bi played in A Love To Kill.


... on the other hand, Congrats to Wannie, and he will definately capture their hearts even more later on. With his new drama coming up (and he's playing the bad guy! He's been wanting that so badly ~), he's gonna rock the worllldddd! ... LMAO

about eric in the states...

heck if i see eric on the streets i'd probably walk up to him and die.


then i'd be in an eric mode for the rest of my life.


riz, you should really go down there and befriend the muns...

like sell some cookies or something then when you're pretty close with them ask them if their koreans cause of their names and say, "really? wow! i love kpop! i actually love shinhwa! do you know them?" haha! then they'd be like "oh! our son is a member fo shinhwa! his name is eric!" then yo'd smack your forehead and say, "really??? so that's why.. oh.. yes, mun.. mun.. ah!!!!"

and then make them meet eric. ^^

about xtine screaming "ERICC AHH YOU SEXY MOFO!"

can you add "from all the shinhwa lovers in soompi"? then recite our names ^^

and also about that minu incident,


if i was there... minu wouldn't even be able to go out of the place. cause..... :ph34r:

RIZ! start blogging again! haha, so we can be buddies and exchange links and blog and blog about shinhwa!!!! and spread shinhwa love! bwahhaha! MINBONG sexiness... is overflowing. actually, i wanted to feature a whole post about minu's sexy abs. haha...

knowing shinhwa, is one of the best thing that ever happened to me.

and thanks for the comment!!!!

and lols on xtine handcuffing minu to her.... i can see xtine like that... :P probably wearing an orange shirt with the caption "I WANT TO EAT MINU FOR DINNER!" haha... though i'd probably wear one too in the near future. but let's not get to that...

and the secret santa!!! i think i participated in that a while back in some forums.. vortexmb.com? or was it disastermb.org? hm. so i'm in!!!!! i'll try okies?

Hahaha cookies. U__U I can't be trusted with cookies, I'll end up eating them. I think I'll work as a maid. (: Hopefully they don't abuse me... LOL I don't think the Mun's are the kinds of people who would abuse their maid... right? >__> I'll be an extremely kind and hard working maid. 8D And when Eric comes... BAM I'll rape him in his room. LOLOLOL. that's so terrible. u__U;;

Hahaha "I want to eat Minu for dinner"? XD;; OMGG! That would be... kinda scary to see. I don't think fans have ever shown Shinhwa members banners that says those things... or have they? LOL. If I were them, I'd be KIIIINDA scared. Haha ~ I'll see about blogging, but I never have time anymore. =\ Even now, it's hard to make time to go on soompi & Orange Crush. But i'll visit your blogggg (:

Side note -- juss commenting on Shinhwa and their roles in the group... I like Dongwan's voice more than Hyesung's, but Hyesung's vocal ability is better. Hyesung has a great range. O__O Gives me chills up my spine. Dongwan's voice is more deep and powerful, it's sexxy. (; JunJin's singing is definately getting better, his vibrato is so cute! LOL. Minbong, he definately improved throughout the years. I would have to say though that Jinnie's singing would be better than Minbong's now, but perhaps it's cuz Jinnie focuses more on his singing than Minbong does? Whatever, Minbong has the SEXXY DANCE MOVESSSS RAWWRR. >:] Eric's english rap lyrics are HILARIOUS. When I hear it, I just can't help but think "what a fob." LOL. But it's sooo cuute <3 His voice is wowww. *___* Andy rapping is adorable. Haha, after seeing him on xman and seeing his totally cute side, it's hard to think of him as a rapper, don't you think? ^^; But yeah... I LOVED Andy's part in "How Do I Say?" The beggining, where he's talking about that "fine girl" LMAO. Sooo adorable. (:

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Guest hammie2010

Singers-Turned-Actors: the Best and the Worst

Aigo :blink: ... ERIC is NOT tt bad wat ...Aish.. Bad Critics =X


also, i saw a really cute clip:

. it's Dongwan and this girl. they look very good and cute together. can anyone tell me if this is a date or a cooking show? and why did Dongwan drink the wine so quickly at the end? thanks to all. man, i think i'm getting obsessed with Shinhwa!!! :D

thanks for sharing the link =) WANNIE is sooo cute n hot in there x____x He's so funny as well.. cant think of any questions to ask n didnt want to answer those sensitive questions - goes HAHAHAHA. He even sang a song to the girl XD... n the PD said WANNIE is a fool coz he forgot the girl's name -_-

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Being honest about Eric's acting...I'm not really surprise at the present rating...and here are my reasons:


Sorry Eric, I didn't watch >.<


His line delivery was a little awkward in phoenix


He didn't really speak much here either since he usually played the same role and spoke romantic sauve lines as he did in Phoenix or the tough gangster of few words

Bittersweet Life

Well, no sweat in this one...all Eric did was shoot some people and 'speak' with his eyes as the director put it :sweatingbullets:

Super Rookie

Breakthrough here! Finally a different role. But I still felt the awkwardness when Eric belted out his lines. It's his speaking voice...almost like an unintentional accent that stuck out like a sore thumb amongst ther rest of the cast. Overall, Eric did pull it off and things were more smooth towards the finale ^^


You can see Eric improving here. His acting was natural as was his speaking. He was funny when he needed to be, serious and disturbed when the scene called for it. Unfortunately, he had a very minor role despite the all the publicity and his face was like 'HUGE' on the cover. Heck...the killer's dead kid had more screen time than ERic. So he also wasn't able to demonstrate his abilities.

Invincible Parachute Agent

Finally, Eric's time to shine. His winks, his laughs, his expressions, his sadness, his timing, his line delivery were all spot on. Eric may be what you a 'decent' if not 'good' actor. But UNFORTUNATELY IPA also had one of SBS lowest viewer ratings in history due to simaltaneous releases of MBC's What's up fox? and KBS's Hwang Jini :( So this drama got much less exposure then it deserved. And since it wasn't a drama rating much sucess....the staff voting in this article probably unconsciously ignored it, and didn't take into account just how much Eric has improved.

So pre-IPA, the ratings are reasonable if you look at it from this standpoint.

What is unfair is for them to say that Eric is solely relying on his good looks. What entertainer doesn't? Why is it always the goodlooking people who get bashed on? Why not the not so goodlooking people? Would MC Yoo or KHD or PMS be half as funny doing what they do if they didn't look the way they do?

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GAHHHH. I'm just so pissed that they criticized Eric so badly.. ARGH.. Stupid people..

I hope he accepts the Iron Man role.. whatever it may be? If he's playing the main villain then maybe it's Mandarin (for those of you who read Marvel) cos I heard that's the villain they chose for this movie.. that's such a dumb name for a character though.. even for a supervillain.

If he does appear in Iron Man it'll prob be the first Hollywood flick I'd have watched in ages.. :D

P.S. Been reading this thread for some time now but this is the first time I've posted! hehe... hello people!

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My Perspective : Seoul Gayo Daesang Award 2006

As many of you guys know, Shinhwa did not attend the ceremony.

All of them were in fact busy with their hectic schedules.

Most, if not all, of the viewers were upset with this year's ceremony.

Big names including Hyori, Boa, Shinhwa, and Bi did not perform.

Everything was just a bit dull for me.

These singers just liven up the stage if you tell me with their sexy charisma + dance moves + LIVE.

The reason SHINHWA did not even receive a BONSANG was due to their unpresence at the ceremony.

This also goes for Hyori, Boa, and Bi.

I'm upset of course.

I'm more upset that SG WANNABE was not the winner.


1. Sold most album of the year

2. Promoted for the longest (My Partner in Life)

Everytime I think of this ceremony, I'm just disgusted and sad.

I'm wishing for a better ceremony next year! SHINHWA FIGHTING!

i agree...the award ceremonies seemed to be lossing their touch..kinda screwed :fury:

and im sad that lee sooyoung didnt win the bonsang...she didnt attend as well right?

it seemed that true talents are being buried.

im nt meaning that dbsg doesnt have any talent..well they DO have talents but i mean outstanding gasoo like sg wannabe deserved to be appreciated and recognised too for their hard work and results.

i wish shinhwa attend the remaining 3 ceremonies to appease the fans? i mean i bet they'll surely win some great awards if they attend. i really hope....

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welcome to our happy family queenj..wheeeeee...x33

what i have found..the best prices for things have been found at a site called


:]..the seoul concert dvd is selling for $26.99. however...i don't kno how much the shipping and handling is..i'll find out. :D..

also!! the shinhwa photo album - personal history is selling there for $35.99..wheee..

okay..sry for my excitedness. =X. i wonder if there's goin to be any news reports on minwoo's concert..wheee...


shipping is expensiveee..but the photo album is still cheaper than yesasia right now..even after the $20.99 shipping and handling. =.=. i wish i bought it wen yesasia was selling it for like..$45.99..rawrz.

for the seoul dvd..shipping nd handling was $11.99..lolz

rawrz..i'm juss goin to order frm yesasia..lolz. more reliable. =X.

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but you know what, anything with eric is divine to me.. i just hope he's got quite a bit of screen time, not just 5-10 secs of show time.. right now, we're still in speculation right? he hasn't even officially accepted the role yet..

i hope he does though..

whee~!! i own a page!!

even if its just 5-10 sec, we fangirls can still have our moment to scream xD

LOL. OH Xtine, we could always count on you to do the crazy things in life. HAHAHA. XDD; No, but I would do that too... seriously, whenever I see Eric, I go crazy. O__O My friend like, has to whack me several times to get me to stop screaming. XDD So the guy in Vancouver was really Minbong? OMGG! Haha, it should've been obvious though. The girl should've not asked and just tackled him down. U__U;; Act first, speak later. LOL. So then, you won't miss your chance. (;

OH NO YOU DIDN'TTTT. LOOOL. I'm going to befriend them! ...I'll work as a maid. (wtf? XD) I'd sneak around the house to find things about Eric. u__U;;


puhaha work as a maid?.. :ph34r: *coughstalkercough* :lol:

congrats to wannie for making third on the best list. i didn't have a chance to watch goodbye sadness [i was to lazy to download the episodes..because there are about 50 of them T___T] but i watched SpinKIck. AHHH we was too FIONNNNE in that. haha esp when he had his shirt off xP

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