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Guest lenakeem

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hmm.. i wonder what would be better, all of them go together for 2 years with or each of them go separately but you still get a little dose of them in a longer span of time?

also, i have a question.. when all of them are in the army, does it mean that they cannot produce anything at all? what about kim jong kook? he had a single out when he was in the army right? is that possible?

i wonder if the members would meet each other when they're serving the army.. hahaha.. that would be so cute.. the guys who are serving with them should feel so lucky.. i mean, it doesn't really happen once in a lifetime you know.. if i were them, i would befriend them~ maybe i can become famous too =P

mommie alice i think i understand good emg's decision to send them one by one though, since they're just a small entertainment company.. their sole support is basically shinhwa, otherwise they would have nothing right? and i don't think they want that to happen.. maybe if they're like smtown, they have the choice to do so..

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Guest p00hpal

Someone asked earlier for more youtube links with Shinhwa on 1000gok... I found one more: http://youtube.com/watch?v=j_Ip24aNWRA. Enjoy.

"Mommie" Alice: your rationality about sending the Shinhwa boys all at once a poor business decision make sense. But, I thought Hyesung and Junjin are exempt. If so, maybe they can help stay in contact with fans...then when the other 4 members completed their duties, they can resume activities as a group. LOL. Wishful thinking ^_^

Can someone help me cap pictures from the DVD? And I can't view the DVD from the Inspiration #1 and State of the Art :-( Why is that?

Well, heading off for happy hours now. I think most of the gals and guy(s) in the forum are studying hard ^_^

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I didn't know Kim Jongkook has a single (is it different from his 4th CD?) If single you are talking about is same as 4th CD then CD came out first before he went to army. And also, Kim Jongkook is doing "desk job" (I think that's what I read). Most likely if Hyesung goes, he'll also be doing "desk job" because of his knee.

I haven't been paying attention lately to stars who went to army but I remember long time ago, they use to do documentary of star's lives in the army. If Shinhwa does go together, it'll be so good if we can have documentary of their army life.

I wonder if Korean army has uni-sex army? Can you imagine all the female fans who'll join the army just so they can be together with the members???? LOL! :P

"Mommie" Alice

hmm.. i wonder what would be better, all of them go together for 2 years with or each of them go separately but you still get a little dose of them in a longer span of time?

also, i have a question.. when all of them are in the army, does it mean that they cannot produce anything at all? what about kim jong kook? he had a single out when he was in the army right? is that possible?

i wonder if the members would meet each other when they're serving the army.. hahaha.. that would be so cute.. the guys who are serving with them should feel so lucky.. i mean, it doesn't really happen once in a lifetime you know.. if i were them, i would befriend them~ maybe i can become famous too =P

mommie alice i think i understand good emg's decision to send them one by one though, since they're just a small entertainment company.. their sole support is basically shinhwa, otherwise they would have nothing right? and i don't think they want that to happen.. maybe if they're like smtown, they have the choice to do so..

I don't think they will be completely exempt. They may be assigned to "desk job". I think I read they have some that stay there during the week and come home on weekend? I don't know if that's true and who'll qualify for that.

I could ask my husband but then I can hear him making sarcastic remark about "why is Shinhwa going to army?" and blah, blah, blah, and blah! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

Someone asked earlier for more youtube links with Shinhwa on 1000gok... I found one more: http://youtube.com/watch?v=j_Ip24aNWRA. Enjoy.

"Mommie" Alice: your rationality about sending the Shinhwa boys all at once a poor business decision make sense. But, I thought Hyesung and Junjin are exempt. If so, maybe they can help stay in contact with fans...then when the other 4 members completed their duties, they can resume activities as a group. LOL. Wishful thinking ^_^

Can someone help me cap pictures from the DVD? And I can't view the DVD from the Inspiration #1 and State of the Art :-( Why is that?

Well, heading off for happy hours now. I think most of the gals and guy(s) in the forum are studying hard ^_^

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It's in the processing of uploading to SS. I had to use hjsplit to split the file because it's almost 700 mb and since SS let me upload multiples, I used SS. I hope that's okay. You have the hjsplit to join them back right? It's going to take over night so after I come back from work tomorrow, I'll PM you the link.

This show is actually called Happy Channel and it was during 3rd jib. Shinhwa mothers talking is only the small segment. Since I don't know how to cut what I need, I'm uploading the whole talk show.

This is my first time using hjsplit so I hope I did it right.

"Mommie" Alice

all of them work for me.. but i think if it's a huge file, i suppose megaupload would work the best..

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Hehehe, and about Eric's "personality" thing - I agree with Crystalis. (: Eric doesn't seem arrogant to me at all... I seriously do think he is grateful for all he has and is truly humble. He is always so polite and shy towards the camera, during interviews and stuff, and that's just how he is. I mean, how many of us here are extra polite and extra shy towards people we don't really know? I know I am. I just think it makes a nice impression, and that's how I am... for those who are really close to me, they know i'm really actually crazy and weird. :P And sure, maybe that's "two-faced"... but, it's not a bad thing. Some people are just naturally shy and quiet towards people they don't know and maybe aren't comfortable with. The media definately creates biases and different impressions on celebrities, some that may even be false, but that's what they do. That's how it's always been. LOL yes, I am a huge Eric fan, and ofcourse I'm biased in a way, but there is reasonable explanation behind my defense for him, because I can connect to it personally, and I know MANY others can too. 8D

i totally completely entirelyyyyyyyyyyyy agree with all of that.

i dont think he is arrogant at all. and hes not the type to put himself out there like dongwan who smiles and waves and blah blah to all the fans. eric is a more quiet reserved type BUT he defintely has his wild side.

but damn. this is randoom but. eric is just so good looking. :w00t:

Just want to share: I converted two friends to listen to Shinhwa and my sister loves Hyesung duet with Sunmin. I had to buy her a copy (because I don’t want to give up my copy and don’t want to make her a copy…originals are the best). And a few weeks ago, I visited a friend in Northern California, and guess what? She found Shinhwa Japan Concert in 2004 (?) on DVD available for check out at the public library!! Wow! Check out your local libraries and let us know if Shinhwa is on the shelves ^_^

A few of you mentioned about Shinhwa fans and how they are so loyal and considerate. I wholeheartedly agree and couldn’t help but brag about Shinhwa and their fans to my friends. I love how the forum moderators and fans promote buying the originals, respect fellow fans’ opinions, and NO BASHING. Just reading the ranking made by many of you proves how respectful you are toward each other opinions, regardless who your favorite member is. (Hyesung is my all time favorite, and Dongwan’s genuine smile is contagious to not fall for him. Eric, Minwoo, Junjin, and Andy are equally loveable to me.) The strong bond among the fans plays a big part in Shinhwa success. You see they recognize and appreciate the fans from their interviews and diary entries.

About Shinhwa going to the army, how come all of them are not going the same time? Otherwise, wouldn’t it be like 5 years later they all unite and perform as a group? Maybe I’m missing something here????

I got to go running now. I go running with Shinhwa upbeat music and fall asleep listening to Hyesung’s angelic voice. The day is not complete without listening to one of their songs.

wow shinhwa concert.. AT THE LIBRARY holy to the moly that is just crazily awesome.

i realli want one of shinhwa's concert dvds............ im saving up. <3

i sitll havent gotten their SHINHWA#1 INSPIRATION yet.. but i will.. i got my STATE OF THE ART realli longafter it wus released =P

anywaysssssssssssss HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY KRIZZAAA! <3

may shinhwa and shinhwa changjo always be with you

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ah mommie alice thank you for the upload~ i hope it doesn't annoy you much ^^" i'll try to find out about that hjsplit thingy.. i remember i used to have a splitting program, but i don't know whether i still have it or whether it's the same program..

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Guest poloblue

must be because of ayu too right?? hahahaha.. i would love to bake, but nobody eats it in my family.. or rather, i would be the one eating the most ^^" not good.. that's why i don't bake much..

dv, you should bake some cookies and send it to korea for shinhwa members.. since they're so busy and stuff, they don't get to eat nice food.. =P

yes, i learnt from ayu, hehehe one day i will send shinhwa cookies!!! lol

we shinhwa posters should start a project one day to send to shinhwa, from our shinhwa family here on soompi. don't u guys think????? and we have to include something about mommie alice, i don't think Shinhwa know that they have a 40-something year old fan out there!!!!!!

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Guest vietgirl604

I'm home now! LOL! Good thing my husband is not home yet. He got mad at me the other day because as soon as I got home, I glued myself to computer. It's not like I don't feed the family! GEEZ!

Anyway, I thought about this army thing after I read the article that said that Shinhwa will go few at a time while other will do solo activities.

My thoughts were exactly like yours...why don't they all go to army together and in 2 years they can all be together again.

What I think is...I think their management are afraid if you send them all together, there will be non-existence of activies for 2 years and I think they are afraid they'll lose fans. If you send them few at a time, they will be doing solo activities and will keep in contact with the fans.

This makes sense. What do you think? Two years is a very long time for group/singer(s) to have no actities especially with all these new group/singer(s) showing up.

"Mommie" Alice

You are so funny. Yeah, at least you feed them..it's all good. I agree with you on why they won't send them all out ..it'll be bad if you hear from NO Shinhwa member for a whole two years..but in a way, I would want them to all go at once, so they can come back as SHINHWA sooner..lols.




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I'll PM you the link to hjsplit. It expires in 7 days so download as you as you get it. It's pretty easy to use. If I can do it, you can do it. :D

"Mommie" Alice

ah mommie alice thank you for the upload~ i hope it doesn't annoy you much ^^" i'll try to find out about that hjsplit thingy.. i remember i used to have a splitting program, but i don't know whether i still have it or whether it's the same program..

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I didn't know Kim Jongkook has a single (is it different from his 4th CD?) If single you are talking about is same as 4th CD then CD came out first before he went to army. And also, Kim Jongkook is doing "desk job" (I think that's what I read). Most likely if Hyesung goes, he'll also be doing "desk job" because of his knee.

I haven't been paying attention lately to stars who went to army but I remember long time ago, they use to do documentary of star's lives in the army. If Shinhwa does go together, it'll be so good if we can have documentary of their army life.

I wonder if Korean army has uni-sex army? Can you imagine all the female fans who'll join the army just so they can be together with the members???? LOL! :P

"Mommie" Alice

i don't know whether it's different from his 4th cd, cos i don't follow his activities.. i just found out by looking around that he had an mv made for his single, the one with yoon eun hye on the bike or something, and him filmed headless.. wasn't that made when he was already in the army? why is he doing desk job anyway? he's so fit and muscle-y =P

woo~ if they have documentaries, it would be so fun~!! i have this fetish for guys in army uniform [not that many people know about this actually ^^"] because i used to ride the mrt to go to school when i was in singapore, and there would be a couple of ns [national service] guys wearing army uniform and they look so yummy~ mind you, even the nerdy ones look pretty cool in army uniform.. they were my eye candies back then =P i can't wait to see how shinhwa would look in army uniform.. i would totally melt in front of my computer upon seeing them.. i hope we get to see some pictures of them in army uniform..

if they have unisex army, i wouldn't mind joining.. hahaha.. even though i heard from a family friend that army is really tough, for shinhwa, i'll do it.. anybody care to join me?? =P dv would have no problem joining even if it's male-only.. dv, you can be our spy =P

and mommie alice, thank you once again!!!

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Guest angel2nyt


uuurrrggghhh.. army stuff again..

right now, i dont want them to go to the army.. especially with what north korea is doing <_<

did you guys read what dongwan wrote in his diary.. :(

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yes, i learnt from ayu, hehehe one day i will send shinhwa cookies!!! lol

we shinhwa posters should start a project one day to send to shinhwa, from our shinhwa family here on soompi. don't u guys think????? and we have to include something about mommie alice, i don't think Shinhwa know that they have a 40-something year old fan out there!!!!!!

when we're sending, we should include a map of the world, with our pictures pasted on the place we come from, so they know that they have fans all over the world ^^" and maybe, when we get a chance to meet them, they would remember us from the world map of fans =P

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

yeah i like dbsg too but SHINHWA WAS WILL AND ALWAYS BE MY FIRST LOVE haha

my friends who are nt into shinhwa adore their professionalism

like during interviews they are so natural, fast reaction and all. tt's attributed to 8 yrs in the business

dbsg on the otherhand, their interview sometimes sounded really rehearsed and stiff

and dbsg live perf for fast tracks is barely there imo

i watch rising sun on music core last yr, gosh, they were (kinda)gasping for air and had a pretty hard time it seemed to me. and it was rumoured tt their m'sia concert, most of the fast tracks were lip-synched. well well well

yeah, i totally agree with you here. dbsg performing rising sun live is like.. erm.. well... like erm and well. ^^ i didin't even like it in the first place so them performing live is a no no. ballads are okay though :P

yeah, i watched this one interview of them in thailand and it was so awkward at times. shinhwa, never awkward. ^^ they always have lots of things to say. i remeber their interview in japan and minwoo kept on standing up and doing candid smiles to the camera while hyesung was talking.. and waa!!!! i love love love shinhwa's playfulness ^^ don't we all?

yes, minwoo hyung motivates me to work out. gosh, i want a stomach like him and i just baked custard fruit tarts. arghhhhhhh.

maybe i can bake wannie and sungie custard fruit tarts for their birthday, lol.


it's good that minwoo inspired you ^^ go DV!!!! hehe :P

yes back them cakes! i'll buy a cake too. buy though cause i don't know how to bake ^^ sorry :P i've decided on a cake already and i'll buy it on his birthday... and eat it! haha!

thanks DV... for the birthday greeting :P

Happy Birthday

to our dear


aww.. seriosuly, you guys are making me tear up!!! waa.... :tears::tears::tears::tears:


^ Anyone know why Hyesung sounded a bit ill here? poor baby...

But Dongwan and Junjin were like really hyper here. "doingggggg~~~" :lol:

oh and......

Happy Birthday to you LABINGTATLO~~~~!!!!!

wa! that clip is priceless! adds to favorites. hehe, my shinhwa playlist is now over 700 hehe

and another bday greeting????


miss':bella, thanks for the wannie pics! is that post for me? haha, joke! and thanks for the clip too! jindy love! in rarely see jindy love....

labingtatlo - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KRIZZA!! 17 ka na, eh? (: don't you feel old? LOL jk. :D I hope you had an awesome birthday (because there in the Philippines your birthday already passed, right?). <3 blowout mo kami!! haha jk. ^^;

Hehehe, and about Eric's "personality" thing - I agree with Crystalis. (: Eric doesn't seem arrogant to me at all... I seriously do think he is grateful for all he has and is truly humble. He is always so polite and shy towards the camera, during interviews and stuff, and that's just how he is. I mean, how many of us here are extra polite and extra shy towards people we don't really know? I know I am. I just think it makes a nice impression, and that's how I am... for those who are really close to me, they know i'm really actually crazy and weird. :P And sure, maybe that's "two-faced"... but, it's not a bad thing. Some people are just naturally shy and quiet towards people they don't know and maybe aren't comfortable with. The media definately creates biases and different impressions on celebrities, some that may even be false, but that's what they do. That's how it's always been. LOL yes, I am a huge Eric fan, and ofcourse I'm biased in a way, but there is reasonable explanation behind my defense for him, because I can connect to it personally, and I know MANY others can too. 8D

*cough* alright. i've said enough. Happy 600, guys. :D gosh, I'm soo in "Dongwan-mode" right now. haha XP Randomly, in class, during tests, Dongwan would just pop into my head. (: and then I'd start smiling. hahaha ~

ah! thanks!!!!! i'll treat you all out!!! where? in shinhwa land!!! lols.

i agree with your eric explaination. that's how i feel about it too. the media is to blame!!! haha. we were studying how the media affects one's behavior. and stuff.. and this really is a good example, how the media changes others images into something utterly different from their own self. ah. the power of the media is too great!

a wannie-mode? hehe.. i always am in a wannie mode... well, not when i am in aminu-mode. hehe

While I was bored, I read some of the posts in dbsg and there had heated discussion about lipsynching. Someone asked why singers lipsynch when they have the ability to sing live and I guess dbsg lipsynched and they jumped all over her defending why dbsg lipsynched. When singers do fast dance songs, it's hard for them to sing and dance at the same time so they were talking about that and she used Se7en as example how he dances and sing live so why couldn't others? Anyway, I don't care whether Shinhwa lipsynch or not, as long as I get to see them I'm happy although I do prefer them to sing live. :P

Oh yeah, I did listen to some songs of dbsg and it was okay but did not go crazy like Shinhwa's music. However, I did find them really cute in variety shows especially in the X-man when whey were doing the "Of Course" game. It was funny because nothing they said really made sense to have answer "of course"! Things they said was so random! LOL! They did seem funny and I like comedy! LOL!

As for Shinhwa's mothers, there is at least couple of clips they filmed Shinhwa's mothers talking about their sons. The only one who was missing in these clips was Eric's mom since she was in US at that time and I think one of them both Andy and Eric moms were missing.

I have to rewatch to remember what they all said was but I remember I liked Dongwan's mom the best. She made the best impression on me. As mentioned, Dongwan was raised by his mother only and in one clip, his mother talked about how Dongwan, when he was in grade school, came home one day and he had gotten into fight. She asked what happend and I guess the other boy teased him because he had "no father" and Dongwan beat him up. And Dongwan's mother's reaction was "Good for you"! I really admire her for that. I think typically, mothers will not want their kids fighting and getting in trouble so they would scole their own son rather than complimenting him. I think Dongwan's mother is now re-married and doesn't Dongwan have younger sibliing?

I don't know if you guys are aware but Korean Mother-in-Law is has reputation of being a B_____ tot heir daughter-in-law!!! I'm sure not all of them are B______ BUT traditionally it's known in Korea. (My friends always teases me because I'll be Korean mother-in-law someday and how I'm going to be mean to her! LOL! Hey, as long as she is Shinhwa's fan, I'll love her! In fact I told my son if he wants happy life, he better get me daughter-in-law who likes Shinhwa! LOL!) I guess Korean mothers gets really possesive about their sons and get jealous because their son's attention will be shifted to their girlfriend/wife.

And this is just my opinion so don't get mad if you are Minwoo's and JJ's fan but I remember thinking I wouldn't want Minwoo's mom or Junjin's dad for in-laws. Minwoo's mom gave me impression she is quite strong in personality,k outspoken and usually person like that will interfere in their son's life. With JJ, because his father is a singer and has very outgoing personality, I can also see him interfering in his son's life. JJ's step-mom (she is his step-mom right?) also had more of a outspoken personality.

"Mommie" Alice

P.S. Sorry but I don't know how to get pictures out of the clips...someone tried to teach me but I still didn't understand.

I'm not at home so I can't view CB but doesn't each of the Parts have episodes that started with 1? Is episodes 13-19 in Parts 1? Thanks.

Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LABINGTALO! My birthday is on the 13th too but in April.

If you bake custard fruit tarts, are you going to share with us? At least take picture and post it so we can see how it looks! LOL!

How did you learn to bake? My son took cooking class but the only time he cooked was it was for the assignment and that was it...he never cooked again!


Anyway, I thought about this army thing after I read the article that said that Shinhwa will go few at a time while other will do solo activities.

My thoughts were exactly like yours...why don't they all go to army together and in 2 years they can all be together again.

What I think is...I think their management are afraid if you send them all together, there will be non-existence of activies for 2 years and I think they are afraid they'll lose fans. If you send them few at a time, they will be doing solo activities and will keep in contact with the fans.

This makes sense. What do you think? Two years is a very long time for group/singer(s) to have no actities especially with all these new group/singer(s) showing up.

"Mommie" Alice


I didn't know Kim Jongkook has a single (is it different from his 4th CD?) If single you are talking about is same as 4th CD then CD came out first before he went to army. And also, Kim Jongkook is doing "desk job" (I think that's what I read). Most likely if Hyesung goes, he'll also be doing "desk job" because of his knee.

I haven't been paying attention lately to stars who went to army but I remember long time ago, they use to do documentary of star's lives in the army. If Shinhwa does go together, it'll be so good if we can have documentary of their army life.

I wonder if Korean army has uni-sex army? Can you imagine all the female fans who'll join the army just so they can be together with the members???? LOL! :P

"Mommie" Alice

I don't think they will be completely exempt. They may be assigned to "desk job". I think I read they have some that stay there during the week and come home on weekend? I don't know if that's true and who'll qualify for that.

I could ask my husband but then I can hear him making sarcastic remark about "why is Shinhwa going to army?" and blah, blah, blah, and blah! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

yeah, i enjoy watching their recent xman guesting. or maybe it is because it is xman and i love xman naturally? oh well, i really liked the exchange between them. hehe, made me laugh for some odd reason. argh.

about their moms... ah! listening about wannie's story made me even fall harder for him. i swear. i didn't know i could love him more but after reading that.. ah. i really do wish there is someone like wannie who is reachable for me. sometimes i spend my whole day thinking of wannie and then at night i'd hope he'll visit e in my dream but no. he never have visited me in any dream.... ah. why? i just hope he'll drop by one day... but they say that when you've dreamed of that person already, the two of you won't be together ever. is thata hint? hehe

go wannie's mom! ah. wannie is lucky to have a mom like his.

about minu and jinnie's mom... ah. i hate moms like that. moms like theirs tend to put too much pressure on their son's wife and make their life a living hell. but i know minu will protect his girl from his mom. minu sur elooks like soemone who will sacrifice anything for his girl.

mommie alice, i hope your sons will find a girl to fit your category!!! hehe :P well, we shinhwa fangirls are many... i know they'll be able to find one ^^

13th too? aw.. your bday's coming up too mommie!!! hehe. thanks for the bday greeting!

i was born on a friday, yes, a friday the 13th and my birthday this year too is a friday. well, here in the phil it is ^^


i agree with you mommie, it's strategy... but at least they will have some new music vids while they're gone. i hope. :P

but the loyal fans will forever be there...

ah. i've heard that a lot of dbsk fans were once loya shinhwa fans but when shinhwa lie-lowed for a while in 2003 due to the management thingy, dbsk came our of nowhere and boom, they were fans. tsk tsk tsk. loyal, eh?


ah! shinhwa docu!!! i would certainly like that! shinhwa.. ah. hot thoughts. hehe :P

yeah, maybe eric too? cause of his accident? ah! many will be doing "desk jobs" lols. secretary mun and shin, lols. so cute.

if there is a uni-sex army, yeah, i can totally imagine he numbe rof girls enlisting themselves ^^

anywaysssssssssssss HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY KRIZZAAA! <3

may shinhwa and shinhwa changjo always be with you

oh goshnness. thanks xtine!!!! wa. so many bday greetings *blush blush*

yes, i learnt from ayu, hehehe one day i will send shinhwa cookies!!! lol

we shinhwa posters should start a project one day to send to shinhwa, from our shinhwa family here on soompi. don't u guys think????? and we have to include something about mommie alice, i don't think Shinhwa know that they have a 40-something year old fan out there!!!!!!

, i've been thinking about that for ages! only it is for wannie's bday. haha.

i think that will be a great idea!!!!! waa!!!! as in a really great idea! we could all write letters, send pics, make a collage (sp?), and send it to godemg... and show that the shinhwa love is strong her ein soompi!! :P




ah, you guys!! thanks vietgirl!!! :P love love love!!!


uuurrrggghhh.. army stuff again..

right now, i dont want them to go to the army.. especially with what north korea is doing <_<

did you guys read what dongwan wrote in his diary.. :(

thanks!!! salamat ng marami! :P

army talk is.. sad. hehe. but we can't escape from it ^^

what did wannie write? *goes to SS*

nutzie, agree agree agree!!!

we need planning here! planning people!!!!!


i just read it, angel2nyt, and well.. wannie! you are soo... wa.... :P go plant a tree but do not smoke a pack of marlboro red!!!!! but if you really want to, go ahead. :P

EDIT 2::

i was so surprised to see a thread in SS meetup dedicated to me :P waa!!!! it was a happy birthday thread. seriosuly, this might have been the birthday where many many many greeted me. and to think that you guys are from all parts of the wrold.

i just want to thank shinhwa...

for the good music,

the laughter,

the love,

the inspiration,

the distraction,

and most of all...

for the wonderful shinhwa family i have met through them!

love you guys!

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Guest coolieever

gahh.... i missed our 600th page T_T... well, i made it in time for our 602nd page... lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRIZZA lol, i read that on the project orange site.... im preparing something super special for wansyung's birthday(s)... muahah, but i wont say because its a surprise... lol keke, i have converted another person into the religion of shinhwaism... lol, i was supposed to let her borrow one of my cds (lol, i forgot which one) but i accidentally gave her a shinhwa one... lol, yea, she instantly was consumed with shinhwa-ness... hmm, there was something i had to say, but i forgot... so ill just randomly talk more until i remember... gah, you all post so fast... i cannot keep up anymore... i blame school, and im sure you all do to... boo, im still not done with my chapter for project orange.... sorry >0<... those pics of dongwan are so cute... blah, i still cant remember what i was going to say... hmm, maybe i said it already? lol, well, i shall now continue watching super rookie... (yes, im still not finished)

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Guest angel2nyt

thanks!!! salamat ng marami! :P

army talk is.. sad. hehe. but we can't escape from it ^^

what did wannie write? *goes to SS*

nutzie, agree agree agree!!!

we need planning here! planning people!!!!!


i just read it, angel2nyt, and well.. wannie! you are soo... wa.... :P go plant a tree but do not smoke a pack of marlboro red!!!!! but if you really want to, go ahead. :P

love you guys!

youre welcome..

it was actually funny the way he write it.. sounded like a little kid again..(but with the cigarette <_< )

wannie is also going to do some desk work...

you know him..

too weak.. hahaha

edit: i dont know how many pages of shinhwa thread i have owned.. i think it's more than 10.. i dont count :)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

gahh.... i missed our 600th page T_T... well, i made it in time for our 602nd page... lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRIZZA lol, i read that on the project orange site.... im preparing something super special for wansyung's birthday(s)... muahah, but i wont say because its a surprise... lol keke, i have converted another person into the religion of shinhwaism... lol, i was supposed to let her borrow one of my cds (lol, i forgot which one) but i accidentally gave her a shinhwa one... lol, yea, she instantly was consumed with shinhwa-ness... hmm, there was something i had to say, but i forgot... so ill just randomly talk more until i remember... gah, you all post so fast... i cannot keep up anymore... i blame school, and im sure you all do to... boo, im still not done with my chapter for project orange.... sorry >0<... those pics of dongwan are so cute... blah, i still cant remember what i was going to say... hmm, maybe i said it already? lol, well, i shall now continue watching super rookie... (yes, im still not finished)

lols. i love love love your post. so random! just like wannie!!

thanks colliever!!!!

we are all waiting with bathed breath for your chapter!! i have a prologue for the minwoo one already! hehe :P

another fan? oh!!!!! more shinhwa sisters!

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Guest poloblue

I have to rewatch to remember what they all said was but I remember I liked Dongwan's mom the best. She made the best impression on me. As mentioned, Dongwan was raised by his mother only and in one clip, his mother talked about how Dongwan, when he was in grade school, came home one day and he had gotten into fight. She asked what happend and I guess the other boy teased him because he had "no father" and Dongwan beat him up. And Dongwan's mother's reaction was "Good for you"! I really admire her for that. I think typically, mothers will not want their kids fighting and getting in trouble so they would scole their own son rather than complimenting him. I think Dongwan's mother is now re-married and doesn't Dongwan have younger sibliing?

I don't know if you guys are aware but Korean Mother-in-Law is has reputation of being a B_____ tot heir daughter-in-law!!! I'm sure not all of them are B______ BUT traditionally it's known in Korea. (My friends always teases me because I'll be Korean mother-in-law someday and how I'm going to be mean to her! LOL! Hey, as long as she is Shinhwa's fan, I'll love her! In fact I told my son if he wants happy life, he better get me daughter-in-law who likes Shinhwa! LOL!) I guess Korean mothers gets really possesive about their sons and get jealous because their son's attention will be shifted to their girlfriend/wife.

And this is just my opinion so don't get mad if you are Minwoo's and JJ's fan but I remember thinking I wouldn't want Minwoo's mom or Junjin's dad for in-laws. Minwoo's mom gave me impression she is quite strong in personality,k outspoken and usually person like that will interfere in their son's life. With JJ, because his father is a singer and has very outgoing personality, I can also see him interfering in his son's life. JJ's step-mom (she is his step-mom right?) also had more of a outspoken personality.

"Mommie" Alice

hm, i wonder what happened to DongWan's dad? did they divorce? or did he die? or was he illigitimate? well, if he was an accident, it doesn't matter cos that accident turned into something good right????? so i guess it was a good accident, lol

i think all asian mother in laws have a reputation of being a richard simmons to their daughter in laws. it might not be as bad now but back in those days, i know Vietnamese mother in laws were a richard simmons too! when i get married, my wife has to love shinhwa! if not, i will not marry her!!!!!!!!! Mommie Alice, do you have any daughters??? wouldn't i be the perfect brother/son/son in law to all you shinhwa sisters/mom??? haahahahah

if they have unisex army, i wouldn't mind joining.. hahaha.. even though i heard from a family friend that army is really tough, for shinhwa, i'll do it.. anybody care to join me?? =P dv would have no problem joining even if it's male-only.. dv, you can be our spy =P

and mommie alice, thank you once again!!!

yes, since im the only guy in this thread (i think), i can be the spy and join the army and then update u guys on shinhwa info!!!! lol

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY LABINGTATLO!!!«orange for shinhwa xD

best wishes..

haha im so late x|

I didn't know Kim Jongkook has a single (is it different from his 4th CD?) If single you are talking about is same as 4th CD then CD came out first before he went to army. And also, Kim Jongkook is doing "desk job" (I think that's what I read). Most likely if Hyesung goes, he'll also be doing "desk job" because of his knee.

I haven't been paying attention lately to stars who went to army but I remember long time ago, they use to do documentary of star's lives in the army. If Shinhwa does go together, it'll be so good if we can have documentary of their army life.

I wonder if Korean army has uni-sex army? Can you imagine all the female fans who'll join the army just so they can be together with the members???? LOL! :P

"Mommie" Alice

the bad thing was that when he did his music video for his single i think..he didn't[couldn't?] show his face.

so does that mean if shinhwa does a single/album during their service we won't see their lovely face T-T?

haha i would sign up tooo ^-^

yes, i learnt from ayu, hehehe one day i will send shinhwa cookies!!! lol

we shinhwa posters should start a project one day to send to shinhwa, from our shinhwa family here on soompi. don't u guys think????? and we have to include something about mommie alice, i don't think Shinhwa know that they have a 40-something year old fan out there!!!!!!

there was a project...but i don't know what happen to it..it kinda died. it was called HELLO SHINHWA?.

maybe it can be revived?

oh yeah..what happened to BATTLE SHINHWA on this thread? i never knew what it was about but im just curious...xD

I'll PM you the link to hjsplit. It expires in 7 days so download as you as you get it. It's pretty easy to use. If I can do it, you can do it. :D

"Mommie" Alice

can you pm me the links too?..

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This is supposedly Junjin's 1st album cover! AHHHH <33

I'm not sure if its official yet! But this one looks gorgeous!


JUNJIN 1집 대박!

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