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Guest lenakeem

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Guest nutzie

if some people from smtown read this thread, let me just give them a little economics class, shall i?

ideas must not be used twice, especially when the idea is a great one.. using the color orange after it has been used by the super successful shinhwa is not gonna work for your not-so little group there.. and using the idea of having a huge group [with super in its name] after having a considerably successful group with the same details and all [with only *junior* and *girls* difference] is not going to work.. it's just gonna be dubbed as the balloon color stealer and the girl version of super junior.. super girls are never going to be recognized on its own, unless it's a super super super awesome group.. gets?

and dv, eric is not flubberyyy!!! it's because of his accident that he got chubby, but he's progressing really well considering that he still has some injuries sustained and all that [man, i either sound like a doctor telling his parents, or a really lovestruck fan girl.. i think i'm leaning towards the latter *rolls eyes*]

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Guest vietgirl604

i saw in one of their concert clips in japan that they were singing a happy birthday song to someone, anyone knows who that person is?

I think that's JunJin if it's recent.

Wait you guys, is it true that Super Girls (new girl group from SM) is planning on taking Shinhwa's balloon colors?

If they do, they're idiotic. Choose another color no one has like Shinhwa did, and you might be successful too.

hey all long time no talk T-T lolz.....juss want to be random and say thank you to all of you guys for posting up pics, links, and love towards Shinhwa....it makes my day ^-^

stupid SM audition made me depressed and now Shinhwa is givign me hope ~~~ haha. so thanks all ^-^

You went to the SM audition? If yes, how was it?

and speaking of poloblue, yep. we're divorced already. hehe. he suggested it. haha. i'm not depressed or anything. just happy to be loyal to my husband again. M. i mean, wannie. haha.


You and DV are so funny. M...MinWoo is MY husband! LOL..jokes jokes...or am i? You've got Wannie.

yeah, we shudnt get too worked up over it.. lets hope they dont go with orange. maybe they will go with brown like DV suggested. haha. :ph34r:

thanks enne for those drool-worthy pics! damn. they look so good <3

and just look at dongwans cheeks! i love them so much. i swear, seriously. does he like work out his cheek muscles? LOL they look so defined. :lol:

Work out his CHEEK muscles?! LOL You're hilarious!

thanks, yeah, they should have brown balloons!!! poo poo poo!!!

his face has been getting chubbier in the past year or so! i reckon his face looked best during the 7th jib days. not too skinny, not to chubby!

i don't think hyesung is getting buff, i think he's the same as before. he's always had a little muscle, cos you can tell apart the bicep and tricep from the shoulder muscle, there is a little sculpting, however compared to the others, he has nothing. same with eric, have you girls noticed that eric has quite un-sculpted arms???

dongwan however has huge arms and minwoo has a good body!!!! im so jealous, i wish i had a body like minwoo, although he looks short!!!!! so jealous, now im going to exercise!

MinWoo's body is HOT HOT HOT. Use Shinhwa as your inspiration to work out LOL. Hang a picture of MinWoo up while working out ..and think "Must be like that" LOL! Yeah, Eric isn't so buff. But I like him like that..I can't really picture him buff like ..MinWoo or DongWan or the other guys...he's perfect the way he is. His abs are HOT though. Not too little, not too much.

minwoo... minwoo's body is perfection. the end.

Haha yes, his body is PERFECTION.


P.S. This thread moves SOOOO fast.

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Guest poloblue

hi everyone, yesterday i read the saddest shinhwa fic ever! it only had minwoo and eric in it and was only two pages. it was really sad and if i was in that situation, i would have no idea what to do, it was so sad!!!

here is the link: http://www.soompi.com/fanfix/story.php?fid=297

read it everyone!!!! and i was talking to christine from this thread on msn and we agreed that sm girls should have brown balloons, which represent poo, and if we want, we should throw dog poo at them!!!!


labingtatlo and nutzie, i see you at the bottom of this pg, my shinhwa sisters, well, shinhwa ex-wife for labingtatlo. why aren't u posting???

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

I think that's JunJin if it's recent.

Haha yes, his body is PERFECTION.


P.S. This thread moves SOOOO fast.

well, actually, it was a girl that they were singing a bday song to. a japanese fan i think. i guess it's her bday? well, hyesung asked her who's her fave in shinhwa and she said junnin. haha... ^^ plus hyesung wrapped his coat on her while singing and the others followed suit. minwoo even wrapped it over her face. haha. ALL EXCEPT MY WANNIE. hehe. he's loyal to me.

plus yes, M's body is perfection. i squeel everytime i see it. haha. all my classmates thinks i'm a perv. who cares?

certainly NOT I.


dv, i posted! and you posted a fraction of a second ahead of me. again. argh.

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Guest babylikekiss

I don't understand what Sm was thinking with the whole 'Boa number two','female version of DBSG','female version of SJ'

For all we know,this ballon stealing thing could be their stategy to gain attention

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Guest poloblue

I don't understand what Sm was thinking with the whole 'Boa number two','female version of DBSG','female version of SJ'

For all we know,this ballon stealing thing could be their stategy to gain attention

what a weird strategy, want attention? go on stage naked! thats attention in a good way! stealing ideas will cause anti's!!!!


Labingingtatlo, even though u are my ex-wife, i have to agree with u that minwoo's body is good!!! i wish i had a good body like him!!!! i have to exercise more!!!!!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

^ something we agree on. :P

why would i recover from the divorce if i hinted it???? if i hinted it, it means i wanted it which means im happy cos of the divorce now!!!! you're the one who has to recover!!!! i know that u were hurt cos i divorced you! puahahahaha

this thread is moving so slow!!! hm, has anyone in this thread met a member of shinhwa???? what were they like? nice? friendly? snobby (i know for sure they are not but just asking)?


anyways people, speaking of hyesung, have i told you how theres a guy at my school who looks like hyesung? if i have, tell me and i'll edit this post.

well, my school goes from 7th grade to 12th grade and i am in 12th grade. the hyesung junior (thats what i call him) is in 7th grade and omg, the pics that enne just posted, hyesung looks exactly like hysung junior. well, he looks like hyesung and one day im gona ask him if he knows who hyesung is. ive had opportunities to ask him since one time he was standing behind me and when i turned around, we looked at each other for a minute, i swear! then he walked off and turned around and looked at me and then he had this look on his face as if saying 'why u looking at me????'. well at least i had a reason for looking at him, what was his? maybe he's gay, lol lol, ha ha...eugh!!!

and one time in the toilets when i was drying my hands, he walked out and looked into the mirror at me. yeah, what if he's related to hyesung???? my sister and friends always make fun of me and say 'go ask for his signature'


does n e one have the link of 'the making of Brand New MV' subbed version???

fine. think what you want. it's not like it's true anyway ^^

maybe he was staring at you cause you were staring at him? hehe... show me some pictures!!!!! :P i wanna see the sungie look alike!

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Guest poloblue

fine. think what you want. it's not like it's true anyway ^^

maybe he was staring at you cause you were staring at him? hehe... show me some pictures!!!!! :P i wanna see the sungie look alike!

u are quite a pervert!!! first u wanted pics of me wearing glasses, and now u want pics of hyesung junior???? i'll post a pic if i can! but yeah, he looks so much like sungie.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

^ ah. minwoo. wa.

jinnie and wannie's too. but dang. i love M's body more. hehe...

i am trully inlove with the song tears by x-japan. wannie! you're introducing me to old school jrock!


i was watching wannie sing TEARS and then this hilarious clip came on!!!!!





HYESUNG acting like a DORK



here is the clip:

waa!!~~~ i thought i would die laughing!


HYESUNg overcoming himself ^^ :

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Guest sheepeesh

hah? someone stole shinhwa's balloons? O_o

omo... haven't been here in ages... m gonna hafta catch up!

edit: Super Girls? errr... well... that's "original"

the shinhwa dolls r kinda scary looking! the boxes look like coffins? but then they did come out in coffins during one of their first concerts rite? i think it was the Everlasting Mythology one...

poloblue - u wanted dongwan-hair too? so did I!!! n ima girl! hehehehehe i can't style my hair either! so i try to keep it short or Loooong.

Minwoo's hair has been looking better lately too! i like him wif the straighter hair ^^

*sigh* the pics of dongwan wearing the mickey T in the burger ads? i bought a t-shirt just like that for my friend's nephew last x'mas.... but i not one for myself... WHY?! WHYYYYYY?!

k i'm done rambling ^________^ SHINHWA CHANGJO!!!!!

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Guest hammie2010

^ ah. minwoo. wa.

jinnie and wannie's too. but dang. i love M's body more. hehe...

i am trully inlove with the song tears by x-japan. wannie! you're introducing me to old school jrock!


i was watching wannie sing TEARS and then this hilarious clip came on!!!!!





HYESUNG acting like a DORK



here is the clip:

waa!!~~~ i thought i would die laughing!


HYESUNg overcoming himself ^^ :

thanks for the links.... omg.. HYESUNG was simply hilarious.. i was like :blink: ... keke... n he was like... a mini "MINWOO" :D .... the best part was when "BUMP" came.. "Get it.. get it get it on the floor" ... he even said the guy wasnt him... but JUNJIN.... :sweatingbullets: ... well.. at least this shows he support MINWOO's album :w00t:

p/s: i bet MINWOO will also laugh and be :blink: when he see HYESUNG doing tt.... kekekke

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

Woohoo~ SHINHWA!!! Their "State of the Art Asia Concert" was the best!! YAY!! Love all of them!! =D

i know they are the best ^^

ahh.. i need to reply to the post. the mods might think it's spamming.... hehe. clever eh?

anyways, i'm trying to sing TEARS. i can hit the high notes. thankfully. but i just can't seem to get the wavering of the tone here and there. it's so hard.

i can understand why wannie love xjapan. such legends. like shinhwa themselves. haha


gosh i owned a page??????????

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Guest poloblue

for any of you guys who are vietnamese, check out the vietnamese shinhwa forums, its kinda funny!!!!!


oh and does n e one have n e of the shinhwa songs but instrumental???? if you do, can u post me the link???

and speaking of shinhwa fanfics, u guys should read 'My 18 year old wife' http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=86618 and 'don't leave me' (i'll find the link another time and edit this post), both by Louise89

and of course u guys should read 'mirror image' by *Ayu* http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78074, she updates nearly everyday!!!!

and as you know, i might write a fanfic, since *ayu* convinced me. its not a mushy lovey one.

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Guest jerrybabie26

^ ah. minwoo. wa.

jinnie and wannie's too. but dang. i love M's body more. hehe...

i am trully inlove with the song tears by x-japan. wannie! you're introducing me to old school jrock!


i was watching wannie sing TEARS and then this hilarious clip came on!!!!!





HYESUNG acting like a DORK



here is the clip:

waa!!~~~ i thought i would die laughing!


HYESUNg overcoming himself ^^ :

thanks much for the clips... man i never see hye sung so wacky!!! he's always being demure or slightly more demure than the rest... so funny! thanks again! :D

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rukiaichigo Dearie, please don't quote pictures (take out the %7Boption%7D tags)....we don't want you to get in trouble with our lovely mods :sweatingbullets:

Anyways...I have a question.

For those of you who's watched PART 2 of the Asia tour in singapore...can anyone tell me why Jinnie's party was held up by the local police? It's pretty strict over there? Just wondering if anyone will take a guess at it...poor Jinnie looked so worried...

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Guest xmkaex

i was watching wannie sing TEARS and then this hilarious clip came on!!!!!





HYESUNG acting like a DORK



here is the clip:

waa!!~~~ i thought i would die laughing!


HYESUNg overcoming himself ^^ :

puhahah i laughed when i saw hyesung trying to dance along with thes song. he's so silly.

n e ways, back to the topic about shinhwa,

for any of you guys who are vietnamese, check out the vietnamese shinhwa forums, its kinda funny!!!!!


im viet and im registered there but it take me so long to read and understand the viet there. so i rarely go there. although they do have good pictures and stuff.

i think coolieever from this thread goes there...im not sure tho.

wahhh there's alot of people who i haven't seen here in a while. T_____________T

0o0o guess what i saw jumping around in the pages of this thread...




^ahh they looks so young and hot!


*squeels* so cuteee ^^


their cheeks are so pokeable. ^-^


muhahhaa eric the vampire xD

i feel so bad today..i bombed a major test. T-T shinhwa always brighten my days ^-^

credits to: the shinhwa soompi thread

if you guys want to see more yummy goodness, you should go browsing around pages 200-211.

ahh they have some lovely pictures. :D

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