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Guest lenakeem

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soompi's back ^-^

i miss spreading my shinhwa love here the past couple of days xD


:( im kinda bummed that shinhwa promos and touring is coming to a close and everyone is doing their solo activites starting in october. it seems like just yesterday, when this shinhwa thread and other shinhwa forums were so pumped up and hyped about the 8th jib coming out, and how we waited for "once in a lifetime" mv and the heroine& x-man shows to come out. i loved that excitement, and now its kinda coming to an end. T_________________T

...however im glad that all of them are venturing out to try new things, like junjin and his upcoming album. i also heard that minwoo was coming out with new music. and eric and he new drama, which by the way i am loving.


:sweatingbullets: gahh i sound so sad don't i?...lol

on a better note, has anyone heard junjin's solo "Love won't Come" i think it's really good.

i was looking around in my computer and i found these. i made caps and i forgot to post it up..well i don't even remember if i posted it or not ... it's kinda old tho. xP




i agree completely. i miss the anticipation we all had.

candice and her 8th jib circles.

just evyerbody waiting for the album

den teh album came..

and all this talk of thier music videos

and their cocncerts.

ah, it kills me how time passesby so quickly.

i tend to hold on to things.

anyways........ la la la shinhwa shinhwa. i havnet been here for quite a while =P

cant believe everytihngs coming to an end T-T

anybody here go to their japan concerts?


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**Translation on the Picture**

Does Shinhwa make you eat?

No, they let us (provide us) eat.


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ahh!! i can't wait till their concert dvd comes out! =OOOOOOO. dood..i still need to save up money for their personal histories dvd. >=[.


aww..that's so cute. x333. newayyyz..iph newun wants to kno..i'm goin to be putt'n more clips of shinhwa on youtube..nd uploadin them to megaupload iph u want to download. i'll be putt'n the dl links on the project orange site.

i'm compiling the links for all the shinhwa youtube vids..so help wuld be really appreciated. thankz. x33 (all u wuld have to doo..is juss send me a link to ur youtube? :])

puahh..nd junjin's song sounds pretty good. gotta love his deep voice...xP.

it wuld be kool iph on one of the songs in the album..him nd minwoo do a song togehter. xPP. ahh..wishful thinking..xPP.

invisible parachute agent is gett'n pretty good..x333..i juss fnshed watch'n ep. 3..so yea. puahh. xPP.

wow..itz already almost october!!!! =OOOOOOO. time has passed by so fast since i first got introduced..and addicted! to shinhwa this past june. x3333.

on a side note: i want shinhwa to come bk to xman. :[. those were the funniest dayyz. ahh. x333...nd guyz..remember the first season of love letter!!?? ahh!..x333

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Guest infinityyy

omg, i havent been here in the longest time! [[comp broke down]]

so MANY pages! O____O

shinhwa's tour is ending.. :( but it was successful, so kudos to our shinhwa babes!! <33

omg, is that sungie doin a lil kick for us?!

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Guest hammie2010

omg, i havent been here in the longest time! [[comp broke down]]

so MANY pages! O____O

shinhwa's tour is ending.. :( but it was successful, so kudos to our shinhwa babes!! <33

omg, is that sungie doin a lil kick for us?!

yupz.. saw him n SHINHWA did tt similar dance (seen from the dance steps) on LOVE LETTER....

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Guest michikolatinolove

yupz.. saw him n SHINHWA did tt similar dance (seen from the dance steps) on LOVE LETTER....

i think he was doing the crab dance. omg so cute(:

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Guest poloblue

hi shinhwa sisters (and shinhwa mom), my new favourite song is 'keep holding u' by sunmin thanx hyesung.

does n e one know where i can download the Mnet countdown per? if u have the link and u pm me? thanks!

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Yes, by his pose, he looks like he is doing the "fighting" dance! So cute!!!

i think it was the fighting dance, he has the crab dance and mommy i want that dance too

By the way, I'm looking for 2nd part of the Guerilla Concert by Hyesung and Jihoon on 2/25/01.

The second part is the actual singing part not the part where they are recruiting people to come to the concert.

Here's link from Youtube:


If possible, I would love to have in HQ if not I'll take anything and I can download from anything including CB.

If you have it, can you please PM me?

Thank you so much.

"Mommie" Alice

P.S. I worked on the translation for the Learn Word game Andy was on last night and I just need to look it over before I post it. It took me few hours and I was trying to hurry up before going to sleep so I don't even know if it make sense. I had little difficulty translating this show....it was hard because it was hard to translate different Korean province dialogue.

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Summary/Translation to LEARN WORD - Andy

My thoughts:

Overall, it was funny show because they paid so much attention to Andy because everyone acted like they were afraid of Shinhwa’s fan because Shinhwa is so popular and they didn’t want to do anything to offend Shinhwa and their fans.

Again, if there are any errors in translation, typos, grammar, and etc, please feel free to correct them. It took me a long time to translate (eventhough I only translated part that involved Andy). I was in hurry to finish it off before going to sleep so I hope everyone can understand it. If you don’t understand it, please feel free to contact me.


“Mommie” Alice


Anyway, here are summary/translations to Andy’s parts:

MC introduced Andy as “Andy from the Shinhwa’s dung-shim (sirloin?????) of flower”.

Andy lived in Orange County and his family did not use accent (sha-tu-ri).

Andy said, “sha-tu-RHEE” so everyone started laughing because he said it like a foreigner.

Guy next to Andy said, there are 2 version of Jun-La-Doe (province in Korea) cat. One is cute Jun-La-Doe cat which Andy imitated by saying, “ae-ya-ooh, ae-ya-ooh”.

The guy next to Andy said, “I said, cute cat, not sick cat!”

Andy’s team 1st question: “gop-sa-dang-yi” They have to guess what this mean. As soon as they asked the question, Andy acted like he knew the answer.

3 Hints given: (1) “gop-sa-dang-yi” could be food, (2) there’s specialty place for this, (3) to be healthy you can eat it. What does this mean in Jun-La-Doe province?

Andy’s team leader said, Andy said, “Hyung, it’s go-sa-ri (bracken/fern)”.

Andy and his team went to table to pick out which items is “gop-sa-dang-yi”. However, they did not see go-sa-ri like Andy predicted. Andy said at least he was right about being food!

Andy said, Jun-La-Doe province is famous for kimchee so he chose kimchee dish. At the end, they chose what Andy said but it was wrong answer. Andy acts like he didn’t say that by saying to Team leader, “I told you it’s not that! And it’s this!”..pointing at something else on the table.

Andy’s team 2nd question: “san-shin-ryung” meaning guardian/God of mountain. What are they refereeing to?

3 Hints given: (1) animal, (2) 12 cycle/zodiac, (3) at ga-yo-gae (Ingigayo) they say Andy is like this kind of elder (sun-bae)

Andy smiling said, “you don’t know?”

MC said, here’s Andy acting like he knows again.

Team leader is making fun of Andy because from the beginning he believed in Andy because Andy is dressed well and looks wealthy but Andy hasn’t guess the right answer yet!

Team leader asked Andy how do you act toward his juniors (who-bae) and Andy said after little hesitation that he treats his juniors well.

Team leader asked Andy if he acts scary toward his juniors and Andy said he doesn’t act scary and he doesn’t talk much.

Note: In Korean “mal” means language/talk but also means horse.

MC said even if the answer is “mal or horse”, it sounds funny because juniors can say when Andy passes by that, “be quiet, there’s senior who looks like horse passing by”.

Andy’s team decides to go through all 12 zodiac (Asian) animals…they are filling in the blank by saying, “Andy is like _______ (rat, bull, pig, lamb, snake, dog, monkey, rooster, tiger”. Andy said to choose one from the list.

Andy asked if it’s okay if he guess the answer wrong on purpose and they agreed to let him to it and told him to pick the best one for his image and Andy chose dog. (“Andy is a dog????”) Everyone started laughing because Andy chose to be funny and wrong rather than give correct answer which is tiger. Because they got it right, they deducted minus 50 seconds from the other team.

The person who asks/gives answer said, he does not believe Andy is like a tiger to his juniors and that he loves Shinhwa’s net (Shinhwachangjo!)

Andy asked eventhough their team got it right their team will not get plus 50 seconds? and then he said, “that’s not right” and made cute face!

After Andy made that remark, the girl from the other team said Andy doesn’t look too happy and that it’s precious 50 seconds being deducted from them and Andy is saying he wants to add 50 seconds to Andy’s team….and then she said, I love “Shinhwa”!

After her remarks, they started making fun of Andy again…MC asked if Andy was alright and that if he wasn’t too uncomfortable and Andy said he’s okay and it’s fun. Team leader said, if Andy’s tired, he can go rest and come back later. Andy said, “please don’t say that” and MC asked if they were burdening him and the Team leader said, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to burden you”. The elder from the other team said, if Andy is tired, then he can take his stool and put his feet out and he’ll just stand. He said as long as Andy is happy he’s okay to stand.

Andy’s team 3rd question: “kyhe”. Girl MC shows apple and says the expression: “apple a day, keeps the doctor away” and then she tells Andy to eat apple and don’t get sick.

3 Hints given: (1) anyone has “kyhe”, (2) “kyhe” seeks 4 seasons, (3) different methods of elimination/get rid off

Question: What is “kyhe”?

Andy claims he already knows the answer. His team makes fun of him by saying Andy always says he knows the answer AGAIN.

Andy is giving hints to him team: “It appears a lot in winter”

MC tells Andy who gave you permission to give out hints?

One of his team members said, “sweat” and Andy right away said “no that’s not it.”

MC tells Andy whether the answer is right or wrong, someone else will let the person know and Andy apologizes.

Andy said he’ll answer last. MC asked Andy if he’s sure he knows the answer and Andy said yes, he’s sure. Andy answers “runny nose”. MC asked how did he know and Andy just snorted!

The person who gives question/answer told Andy in cold weather (?), be careful of runny nose.

Thanks to Andy’s answer, his team got addition 10 seconds so made total of 210 seconds.

Last part of the show is guessing words…hints given by different people from different province with different heavy accents.

When the cute (funny) young girl hinter came out, Andy had shocked look on his face because he didn’t know hinters actually spoke with real accents.

Cute girl said, when she was in Junior High, she and her friends formed girl Shinhwa who danced and etc. When she found out that Andy was coming to the show, she said she wants to relive her part when she was in girl Shinhwa. She said the words from Yo! Andy was laughing really hard at this point.

One of the hinters is elder man who speaks really slowly and no one wants him as a hinter because they are playing against the time. Andy’s team leader asked which name card did the elder man appeared last week and they said behind the word “rhee” card so Andy claims he’ll be under the same letter this week because Andy is holding “ja” card.

Elder man from the other team was willing to change card but Andy said no he’ll keep his “ja” card. Andy ends up getting the elder slow-talking hinter. Andy’s team leader said, “from now on, he won’t believe in Andy anymore.”

Andy’s team is losing by 7:1. (Note: You are only given 5 hints and even if Andy guessed all 5, they would have lost but MC was willing to give 6 hints to make a tie). Elder man from the other team felt sorry for Andy so he said he is willing to have tie game if Andy can guess 4 answers. Andy said he’ll guess 5 answers! Then the elder man from the other team said guess 3 answers and Andy said no, he’ll answer 5! So it was decided if Andy answers all 5, then it’ll be a tie game. Andy’s team lost because Andy and their team leader only guessed 3 so that result was 7:4. If Andy took the offer of just guessing 3, they would have tied the game.

EDIT: Ooops forgot credits:

Credits: shinhwajchanjo.net + shinhwasarang.net + soompi + "Me" for translating LOL!

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Thanx for the translations "Mommie" Alice! Andy sounds really adorable there! Need to watch that.

yeh Hyesung looks like he's doing the "Fighting" dance. Glad he enjoyed himself. :lol:


Is it me or does Andy look really like he's been working out lately? <33 And he looks much better after taking those braids out.

Thank you for sharing everyone!!! *ENVY!!*

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Guest superstar`kiss

<33333333333 the performence!! THANKS!!

Ahhh...SHINHWA is ALWAYS so good to the eyes and ears..and even to the nose when you meet them i'm sure..*dreams* *runs to the M thread*

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Guest coolieever

AHHH!!! my birhtday is 20 days early... *legally changes birthday* lol, i think its a little too late for that...

gahh, thanks for the quotes, its a little too late for me though.. haha, i spent hours looking through lyrics (which were in korean.. which took me forever to read/comprehend...) i ended up picking something from 'time machine'... it was something like 'there are more days to live than the days you have lived already..'

gah... i am envious of those of you who went to any of thier concerts.... blah, now i must continue writing my fics...

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Guest vietgirl604

invisible parachute agent is gett'n pretty good..x333..i juss fnshed watch'n ep. 3..so yea. puahh. xPP.

wow..itz already almost october!!!! =OOOOOOO. time has passed by so fast since i first got introduced..and addicted! to shinhwa this past june. x3333.

on a side note: i want shinhwa to come bk to xman. :[. those were the funniest dayyz. ahh. x333...nd guyz..remember the first season of love letter!!?? ahh!..x333

Do you have more of Invincible Parachute Agent translated and on YouTube?

Thanx for the translations "Mommie" Alice! Andy sounds really adorable there! Need to watch that.

yeh Hyesung looks like he's doing the "Fighting" dance. Glad he enjoyed himself. :lol:


Is it me or does Andy look really like he's been working out lately? <33 And he looks much better after taking those braids out.

Thank you for sharing everyone!!! *ENVY!!*

Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Andy's looking so much bigger and sexier! I like it!


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