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Guest lenakeem

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I'm so glad you and your friend went to the concert eventhough you weren't familiar about them. I hope now you and your friends are all fans of Shinhwa. :)

I'm pretty sure Eric must be very tired since he started recording for the drama already so he flew to Thailand just for the concert and then flew back to Korea to continue filming. I could imagine how tiring that can be.

Someone threw boxer???? LOL! Dongwan is so cute trying to wear it. I hope we get to see that clip. At least it was boxer not bikini or bra! LOL!

Hyesung has voice of an angel.

Andy sang??? I would love to hear him sing.

And thank you so much for the pictures. Those pictures are awsome!

"Mommie" Alice

kk12 -- I modified all links of pix. I hope you would be enjoy to see thoes pix. In fact, all of my friends went to Shinwha concert. We don't know much about Shinwha. We just recognize them as No.1 Korean Band and that ensure us not to miss this concert. And it's totally correct about Their No.1. I really enjoyed this concert. I scream since the concert start till the end. Of course, it made my throat hurt but who can bear with their awesome. My friend noticed that Eric was not good on that day. But he still sang, dance till the end. I think he might be very tried because of his tight schedule. Hyesung, OMG... his voice is very lovely. When Andy and JunJin sang the song and played to the bear. And Dongwan tried to wear the boxer that some fan throw it to the stage. All Scenes were cute (>.<) ... Really fall in love with Shinwha

I'm sorry that my friends could take only few pictures.

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Guest Hotelier

thanks for the link! even though i didn't understand the language (is it thai?) i sure loved the pictures! :D

ํYes, it's Thai. In brief, everyone who went to the concert was satisfied. Some wrote that Andy is definitely cute. Many loves Eric. There's a person who got the towel that Junjin used. She is very happy.

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junjins towel??!?! im so envious! its so good that so many people went even though they werent huge fans, and i love that they were "converted" into shinhwa fans!! :D of course shinhwa is irresistable.... ahhh... drool. i love them. who can resist?? seriously. they are so great.

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Okay, question is what are you going to do with SWEATY Junjin's towel? LOL!

You can't wash it becaue it won't be the same.....but then it's wet, sweaty, smelly towel....how would you keep it???? LOL! Put it in glass case or zip lock bag???? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

junjins towel??!?! im so envious!

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Guest angel2nyt

yes, i agree. whatever happens... SHINHWA will forever be the LEGEND that they are.

lols, the thread IS growing fast, i can hardly keep up! ^^ keke ^^

awesome?! you're making me jealous! i've never been in a concert before... and i want shinhwa's to be my first... so anyone willing to fly me to singapore? ^^ anwyas, i'm really glad of the fans! woot! dongwan smiling? you must have melted! ^^ so jealous you got to see the infamous dongwan smile in person!!!!


well, i was kinda feeling inspired again.. so yes, made a weird poem while listening to 2gether 4ever! gah. i swear i never get tired of listening to theIr 7th jib... all the songs are... my favorite!

S-ix men brought together by faith

H-eld together by their passion

I-nfinitely a treasure to each other

N-ever going to waver

H-ail or storm may come

W-ith one another they’ll all emerge as victors

A-mazingly happy and strong

W-ith all these problems

I-n all these hardships

L-ove for them is all they need

L-ove for their music is all they need

B-elieve in them always

E-ternity will pass unnoticed

F-eelings will still be as they are

O-ver time they’ll live on forever

R-epeatedly in our hearts they’ll stay

E-nchanted by them all we’ll love them always

V-ery much in every way

E-ver the myth we’ll forever treasure,

R-emember they’ll always be : 2gether 4ever


keke... ^^

when read, the first letter of every line spells SHINHWA WILL BE FOREVER


this really made my day.. thanks for sharing these..

this is making me teary-eyed

and thanks to kikissxxxx for sharing your views about shinhwa's japanese.. i was really really quite curious how they sound to native japanese speakers.. now i know

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ahh! ^that poem is so insightful. <33. :]. lolz..iph they do have a concert in las vegas..all the soompiers should meet togehter. puahh! :].

lolz..dongwan try'n to wear the boxers. xP. silly him. haha.

yayee for the pictures that ur friends took penny..:].<3

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Okay, question is what are you going to do with SWEATY Junjin's towel? LOL!

You can't wash it becaue it won't be the same.....but then it's wet, sweaty, smelly towel....how would you keep it???? LOL! Put it in glass case or zip lock bag???? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

you know what?? your right!!! but still!!! its junjins sweat!!! ahhhh!! hehe.. i sound like a freak..... >< i would probably put it on display in my room!! hhahahaaha.... im such a loser.... but for junjin.... yeah. i wonder what that girl who really did get his towel is gonna do....

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Guest coolieever

you know what?? your right!!! but still!!! its junjins sweat!!! ahhhh!! hehe.. i sound like a freak..... >< i would probably put it on display in my room!! hhahahaaha.... im such a loser.... but for junjin.... yeah. i wonder what that girl who really did get his towel is gonna do....

haha i would do the same thing... i would pretty much worship it every waking moment of my life too.... there would be like a puddle of drool around it too.... haha

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true that! very very true. i would quit school and open a museum and make people pay to it.... i can see headlines now....


hahaha. rofl


i just realized i posted almost every other post today... where is everyone??? hmm... i posted exactally 11 times today... and i woke up close to noon!! haha. im a lazy butt... whatever. wellll.. im leaving folks. secreast out. noo.. kate out.... no! junjins wife out!! :D

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:blush: Shinhwa's concert was simply awesome ..... :excl:

My friends and i got to the Impact Arena at 6pm... we got in with fanclub members ( all in bright orange shirts and armbands, bandenas...) at about 630pm and got very close to the stage - standing space that is.

We sat down on the floor to conserve energy ... slowly we could see the seats fill up. At 9pm sharp the concert started... the whole arena lit up with banners and lightsticks .... it was so atmospheric! True the people at the highest tier were moved down to fill the seats lower down - but honestly from where we were located - very near the stage...- looking back was a sight that i will not easily forget....a huge sea of waving hands and lites.... :lol:

It sure seemed like the place had more than 5000+ people. However many people there were - it's obvious we all had a great time.

There were so many foreign fans ... Surrounding me were ppl frm Japan , Indonesia , Malaysia , and even Koreans ... there was this lady behind me who came with her 10 year old daughter !!!

Security was very strict and we were not allowed to take pictures...

I don't understand this at all- all we want is a personal memory of the event ... our own pics.. and we have to face the intimidation of the security. It's not like the pictures are of good enuff quality to sell or anything...on the contrary amongst the jostling... pics are usually quite blurr...!!!

The sound system could have been better ... I could see Minwoo struggling with his earpiece...

Minwoo was so fantastic... In his solo bit he stripped off his shirt and I nearly fainted.... :P His dancing is just outstanding!!!!!!

So many memorable bits ... just thot i share a little with u guys... :D

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Guest adikkeluangman

Shinhwa Gives Successful Performance in Thailand



The six-man group Shinhwa, currently on an Asian tour, has held a successful concert in

Bangkok, Thailand, following performances in China. The group held its first Thai concert

on Friday at the Impact Arena, where many world-famous artists, including Korean

singer Rain, have performed.

Shinhwa began the concert with the song “Perfect Man” from its fifth album and

captivated the audience throughout the two-hour concert with its outstanding

dancing and singing abilities. It performed all its hit songs from its eight-year career

since its debut in 1998, including “Wild Eyes,” “I Pray 4 U,” “Hey, Come On,” “Once

in a Lifetime,” and “How Do I Say.”

The audience welcomed the group by holding cheering pickets written in Korean as

well as English and Thai. They also brought other objects such as balloons to

express their enthusiasm. During the course of the concert, Shinhwa expressed their

gratitude in broken Thai, to which the audience responded with deafening cheers and


Lee Min-woo and Shin Hye-sung, two members who are also successfully working as

solo artists, gave solo performances as part of the concert. Lee performed his solo

hit song “Bump” accompanied by dynamic dance moves, and Shin displayed his

outstanding singing ability by singing “Ditto.”

After the concert, a birthday party for Jun Jin was held onstage. The other members

prepared a cake for him and sang a birthday song together with the audience. At the

suggestion of the other members, the audience also gave Jun a thundering cheer,

shouting “Happy birthday to you.”

“Thank you very much and I love you,” Jun responded to the audience. “I am thrilled

to be with the other members here on my birthday.”

The group members also tried their parts to please the audience. Jun and Andy each

picked up a doll among gifts the fans had placed on the stage even before the

concert had started, and faced each other while singing “You’re My Everything.”

Near the end of the concert, Kim Dong-wan picked up a pair of underwear and

pretended to put it on and then take it off, evoking laughter from the audience.

Eric was welcomed a little more enthusiastically than the other members because he

is quite popular in Thailand due to his role in the dramas “Rookie” and “Phoenix.”

Whenever Eric rapped, he evoked loud cheers from the audience.

As a special event for Thai fans, Shinhwa released a music video for “Throw My Fist,”

the title song of its recently-released Japanese album.

But the poor acoustics of the facility posed a minor problem. “The acoustics were not

so good, but the audience’s response was great enough to make up for that,” Lee


Shinhwa will wrap up its tour after concerts in Singapore on Sept. 10, Tokyo on Sept.

24 and Osaka on Sept. 26.

c: KBS Global

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Wow this thread is really moving!

kk12- Thanks for all the scans. The boys look awesome sweating XD Hmmm...comparing M and Hoyoung....what's to compare...they aren't exactly similar? Maybe it's because they're both the first to do solo albums from their respective groups.

Ummm...you could read my fanfics....they're about shinhwa :) ^^; On the other hand, don't, I never update lolz <_<

kikissxxxx- Hi! Thanks for answering my question....I thought I was destined to be in mystery about their Japanese forever :) Yes, DBSK is very fluent...they speak Japanese for entire interviews (se7en does that too?)...they even speak Japanese to each other during breaks as part of their training...very impressive and rather intensive? lolz Plus, it is harder for Shinhwa to learn Japanese now, with their tight schedules and because they are older. Older in the sense that as people age they tend to lose more and more of their ability to distinguish different sound and syllable. Kinda scary :crazy: Wansyung :D Yah, the other ShinHwa boys don't speak much, but I think Eric's Japanese is kinda bad? lolz That dork XD And Jinnie's Japanese vocabulary is kinda small? (so cute when he keeps saying 'I love you' though and Sungie is always so surprised by it ahaha). Andy only says, "My name is Andy", "Sorry" and "Thank you" lolz

Yesh...though I'm not Japanese even I can tell Bi's Japanese isn't that great :sweatingbullets: So it was kinda funny to read news about how he is learning and can speak so many languages....his mandarin isn't so great either lolz He's still cute.

Makes me wonder about Kangta's Japanese. I think he has a thing for languages...his english and chinese pronounciations are incredibly good.

penny- Lucky gals~ Must have been something to see their concert. It's always the best to hear someone fall in love with ShinHWa. I know, isn't Hyesung's voice just love?! I can never tell if Eric is REALLY tired or not...he's just that way...he's sleeping anytime and ANYWHERE lolz That dork XD Thanks for posting all the pics!

little tiger- Thanks for sharing the experience with us! OMGosh...I've always wondered what it would be like to see Minwoo dance in person. He's so passionate on TV...must be almost overwhelming live :w00t: I can't really understand about the pictures thingy too. If they're scare about things like videos and photoshops etc they could just limit it to disposable film cameras or something.

Thanks for the news adikkeluangman

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Guest vietgirl604


^isn't that the ring that minwoo's sis gave him? i remember reading somewhere that his sis gave him a ring and he always wears it. i can be wrong... dun remember.. ^^;;

Hopefully it is the ring his sister gave him. I haven't heard about that but yeah..hopefully.

AH!!! I saw the pics of Eric in a previous post where Shinhwa landed in the airport and his hair was ALL GONE!! I hope that it's not a sign that he's goin to the army in October.....GAH! :crazy::vicx::vicx::tears: *sniff. sniff* I hope JunJin oppa doesn't have a gf.......all those Jinnie fans........lolz.......But i'm really curious as to who (besides Eric) has a gf......for real for real....i mean if JunJin oppa really does have a gf....... :tears: :fury: :tears: :fury: :tears: :fury: :tears::tears:

AH!!!! Shinhwa................


BTW Hello everybody.....haha......didn't get to say hi to everyone in this post....i think this is my first post in this thread.....^^~~ *woot.woot*


No, he cut his hair to film his new drama..

kk12 -- I modified all links of pix. I hope you would be enjoy to see thoes pix. In fact, all of my friends went to Shinwha concert. We don't know much about Shinwha. We just recognize them as No.1 Korean Band and that ensure us not to miss this concert. And it's totally correct about Their No.1. I really enjoyed this concert. I scream since the concert start till the end. Of course, it made my throat hurt but who can bear with their awesome. My friend noticed that Eric was not good on that day. But he still sang, dance till the end. I think he might be very tried because of his tight schedule. Hyesung, OMG... his voice is very lovely. When Andy and JunJin sang the song and played to the bear. And Dongwan tried to wear the boxer that some fan throw it to the stage. All Scenes were cute (>.<) ... Really fall in love with Shinwha

I'm sorry that my friends could take only few pictures.

No.1 Korean band?! Oh yeah! Hahas..Eric wasn't feeling good? ..maybe because he's overworking. Dongwan is hilarious with the boxers LMAO. I can totally imagine that but I want to watch a clip of it hahas.

Okay, question is what are you going to do with SWEATY Junjin's towel? LOL!

You can't wash it becaue it won't be the same.....but then it's wet, sweaty, smelly towel....how would you keep it???? LOL! Put it in glass case or zip lock bag???? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

LOL I agree..you can't really do anything. BUT some people's sweat doesn't stink. I'd still want a towel with Minwoo sweat if I could HAHAS. Just..leave it to dry and keep it hahas.

[real pic] 060820 Andy's signature (Shinhwa Concert in Thailand)

Click to see --->


credits : byboby @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

Oh wow, Andy's so nice to the fans! I want his signature..sniff sniff.

:blush: Shinhwa's concert was simply awesome ..... :excl:

The sound system could have been better ... I could see Minwoo struggling with his earpiece...

Minwoo was so fantastic... In his solo bit he stripped off his shirt and I nearly fainted.... :P His dancing is just outstanding!!!!!!

So many memorable bits ... just thot i share a little with u guys... :D

Wow, you're so lucky. Minwoo just STRIPPED his shirt off?! Oh gosh I would totally faint..but no. Then that would mean I'd get to see him and the rest of them less. Oh gosh..he's so hot and always flaunting that hot body of his.

They have three more concerts? Man, and I'm not even going to be attending ANY of it. After they're all done and have a nice break or something..they should have a tour in NORTH AMERICA lol. Come to Vancouver so I can see them...


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3. ShinHwa's Japanese compared to other korean singers who's also debuted in the Japanese market (except Boa...I know where she stands :sweatingbullets:) ?

I happened to hear DBSK speak Japanese but their Japanese was amazing! I didn't know they speak so fluently... So when it comes to speaking Japanese, DBSK wins.

Honestly speaking, other Korean singers such as K, Yunna and Sun min all speaks Japanese very well compared to Shinhwa. But this might be because they all were nowhere in both Korea and Japan before the debut, so their desire to become famous and popular in Japan is much stronger than that of Shinhwa who's already gained a lot of popularity in Korea. So they study Japanese much harder then Shinhwa.

But the worst speaker of Japanese should be Bi. His Japanese never improves...

well dbsk has like 7 japanese singles and nowadays i see them more in japan than in korea. the same with se7en he stayed in japan during a long period of time, if shinhwa does something like that i'm sure their japanese would be better compared to other korean singers. the only member of shinhwa that stayed in japan to learn the language was hyesung (maybe thats one of the reasons he got the best pronuntiation). to be honest i think that he is the only one that really knows the language and that the others only know a few words and learn the song in japanese.

BTW i have a few questions: i don't understand why shinhwa didnt start earlier their overseas activities, why they wait this long to do it, why during the years they were with sm, the company never try to promote them asia wide at least. why everything takes so long for shinhwa, even their first live concert (it was in 2001 right?) and they debuted in 1998, it took them almost 3 years to have a concert and nowadays i see all these new and young groups havin concerts with only a few albums out or no album at all.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

kk12, thanks for the scans! waa!!~~ i hope i have one! ^^ keke, seeing shinhwa in glossy paper will be too much!

i don't think it matters so much whether it's half empty or half full.. you can't do anything about it anyway, it's over.. what we have to be proud of is that the guys stayed professional and gave their best for the concert, and from what people wrote, i believe the fans enjoyed it a lot.. afterall, it's quality over quantity, isn't it?

i agree, quality over quantity. it's not because others can fill up a huge venue, it means that they’re the best… it's all about the talent and the love... ^^ i mean, shinhwa performing LIVE? that's heaven ...


This picture. I was like..huh..LOL. Yeah, I saw the interview too and I was like..Jin has a girlfriend? Or is he just saying IF he had a girlfriend. Hope you're not sad about the picture. I remember whenever I saw a ring on Minwoo's left ring finger, I'd be so sad LOL. I still would, but I didn't see rings on any of the others..so iono.


gah! you guys notice everything! i didn't even see that! junjin have one? oh well... hmm.. it's not like we can force them apart... though that'd be a cool idea and am willing to participate in any plans you girls have ^^ BUT maybe he really doesn't have one... hmm... let's be optimistic and think he doesn't have one ^^

^isn't that the ring that minwoo's sis gave him? i remember reading somewhere that his sis gave him a ring and he always wears it. i can be wrong... dun remember.. ^^;;

his sis gave him a ring, yes... i remember that but i find it weird that he'd wear it in his ring finger, left even. maybe he just loves his sister too much? keke ^^

penny, omo! penny! thanks for the pics!!! look at our shinhwa boys, all looking so hot onstage ^^ thanks again!!!!

Hi!! I'm a Japanese fan living in Japan.

I joined soopi quite a while ago but didn't have a chance to make comments. So this will be my first post in soompi!!

My opinion on the Shinhwa's pronouciations are

1. ShinHwa's spoken Japanese?

Dongwan's Japanese is very good and also Heysung's. But for other members... I barely hear them speak Japanese!!

2. ShinHwa's singing in Japanese?

Pretty good I think. Shinhwa members always say it's difficult to pronouce the sounds of "tsu" and "zu" because they don't exist in Korean. But they are doing very well pronouncing those words so I give them A+ for singing in Japanese!

3. ShinHwa's Japanese compared to other korean singers who's also debuted in the Japanese market (except Boa...I know where she stands :sweatingbullets:) ?

I happened to hear DBSK speak Japanese but their Japanese was amazing! I didn't know they speak so fluently... So when it comes to speaking Japanese, DBSK wins.

Honestly speaking, other Korean singers such as K, Yunna and Sun min all speaks Japanese very well compared to Shinhwa. But this might be because they all were nowhere in both Korea and Japan before the debut, so their desire to become famous and popular in Japan is much stronger than that of Shinhwa who's already gained a lot of popularity in Korea. So they study Japanese much harder then Shinhwa.

But the worst speaker of Japanese should be Bi. His Japanese never improves...

I’m really lad to hear this news… ^^ glad that they can pronounce Japanese well… ^^ Dongwan I know is taking Japanese lessons and so is hyesung. Hyesung’s even taking lessons on how to sing Japanese with feelings ^^ keke ^^ I just love hyesung but ofcourse, I love dongwan more. Thanks for your opinion on their japanese singing!

Okay, since you gals seem to get news alot faster than me, please post quickly as possible if anyone hears more on the Las Vegas. If by chance, Shinwa do have concert in MGM in Las Vegas, I need few months to get ready! LOL!

I need to go on a serious diet and color my white hair out (been getting alot of white hair thanks to my teenager sons). LOL! I refused to color my hair up to now because once you start coloring you have to continue and I'm too lazy for that. BUT for Shinhwa, I'll endure 2-3 hours in hair salon to color my white hair out! I'll take my CD player and listen to Shinhwa's music while they do my hair! LOL!

As for diet, I've tried so many times but failed! The more I think of not eating, the more craving I got so I always gain more weight when I go on diet. BUT again, for Shinhwa, I'll seriously go on diet.

And of course, I have to come up with plan to persuade my husband we need to go to Las Vegas for Shinhwa's concert. Any ideas???? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

keke, your posts always makes me laugh! Maybe dye your hair orange? ^^ lolls… it looks like you guys are sooo psyched for this concert… I hope it happens ^^

kk12 -- I modified all links of pix. I hope you would be enjoy to see thoes pix. In fact, all of my friends went to Shinwha concert. We don't know much about Shinwha. We just recognize them as No.1 Korean Band and that ensure us not to miss this concert. And it's totally correct about Their No.1. I really enjoyed this concert. I scream since the concert start till the end. Of course, it made my throat hurt but who can bear with their awesome. My friend noticed that Eric was not good on that day. But he still sang, dance till the end. I think he might be very tried because of his tight schedule. Hyesung, OMG... his voice is very lovely. When Andy and JunJin sang the song and played to the bear. And Dongwan tried to wear the boxer that some fan throw it to the stage. All Scenes were cute (>.<) ... Really fall in love with Shinwha

I'm sorry that my friends could take only few pictures.

I’m so glad to hear that you guys went even though you’re not fans ^^ and really glad too that you enjoyed the concert! Hopefully you guys now are shinhwa fans, right? I mean, watching shinhwa live… gahh.. melt… ^^ that is sooo true #1 korean band! Keke ^^ shinhwa is all about quality… ^^ and yeap yeap yeap! Hyesung’s voice is sooo fine (I mean, there are lots of other artists who looks up to hyesung and I can name some (*wink wink*) and andy and junjin singing? I guess that must be the songs from their winter album? Hmm… can’t remember the title but it’s a good song ^^ plus dongwan!!! Gah!!!! Sooo sexy all the time!

ํYes, it's Thai. In brief, everyone who went to the concert was satisfied. Some wrote that Andy is definitely cute. Many loves Eric. There's a person who got the towel that Junjin used. She is very happy.

many loves eric? Keke. The first time you’ll see shinhwa, you’ll really notice eric ^^ his charisma is just too much plus that hair makes him stand out! ^^

and a fan got junjin’s towel?? What to do??? Keke.. maybe she’ll bath in junjin’s sweat ^^ lolls… kidding!!!!

this really made my day.. thanks for sharing these..

this is making me teary-eyed

and thanks to kikissxxxx for sharing your views about shinhwa's japanese.. i was really really quite curious how they sound to native japanese speakers.. now i know

lol.. sorry for making you tear up.. ^^ shinhwa just really inspires me waa!!~~ shinhwa changjo!

:blush: Shinhwa's concert was simply awesome ..... :excl:

My friends and i got to the Impact Arena at 6pm... we got in with fanclub members ( all in bright orange shirts and armbands, bandenas...) at about 630pm and got very close to the stage - standing space that is.

We sat down on the floor to conserve energy ... slowly we could see the seats fill up. At 9pm sharp the concert started... the whole arena lit up with banners and lightsticks .... it was so atmospheric! True the people at the highest tier were moved down to fill the seats lower down - but honestly from where we were located - very near the stage...- looking back was a sight that i will not easily forget....a huge sea of waving hands and lites.... :lol:

It sure seemed like the place had more than 5000+ people. However many people there were - it's obvious we all had a great time.

There were so many foreign fans ... Surrounding me were ppl frm Japan , Indonesia , Malaysia , and even Koreans ... there was this lady behind me who came with her 10 year old daughter !!!

Security was very strict and we were not allowed to take pictures...

I don't understand this at all- all we want is a personal memory of the event ... our own pics.. and we have to face the intimidation of the security. It's not like the pictures are of good enuff quality to sell or anything...on the contrary amongst the jostling... pics are usually quite blurr...!!!

The sound system could have been better ... I could see Minwoo struggling with his earpiece...

Minwoo was so fantastic... In his solo bit he stripped off his shirt and I nearly fainted.... :P His dancing is just outstanding!!!!!!

So many memorable bits ... just thot i share a little with u guys... :D

wow! I’m so envious! You guys felt the hype of being actually there and from the sound of it… you guys had the best of times! Waa!!~~ and so many foreign fans? Keke ^^ if I had money I’d surely be there but am a mere student so no money… dang!

You saw minwoo strip his shirt off? Gah!!!! Now you’re making my mouth water. To see it in pics is one thing but to see it live, in action… gah! I think I’ll die just seeing it! ^^

adikkeluangman, thanks for the news… I never get tired of reading shinhwa news, even though I’ve read it for the millionth time ^^

well dbsk has like 7 japanese singles and nowadays i see them more in japan than in korea. the same with se7en he stayed in japan during a long period of time, if shinhwa does something like that i'm sure their japanese would be better compared to other korean singers. the only member of shinhwa that stayed in japan to learn the language was hyesung (maybe thats one of the reasons he got the best pronuntiation). to be honest i think that he is the only one that really knows the language and that the others only know a few words and learn the song in japanese.

BTW i have a few questions: i don't understand why shinhwa didnt start earlier their overseas activities, why they wait this long to do it, why during the years they were with sm, the company never try to promote them asia wide at least. why everything takes so long for shinhwa, even their first live concert (it was in 2001 right?) and they debuted in 1998, it took them almost 3 years to have a concert and nowadays i see all these new and young groups havin concerts with only a few albums out or no album at all.

yes, I’ve read in hyesung’s diary about his lessons… :P it’s really cute ^^

about your question, maybe it wasn’t that much of a trend for Korean artists to venture out of korea at that time. You know how the Korean wave only hit asia this past few years so if they went out of korea in their debut years, it won’t do much. But now, the Korean wave has swept all over asia so every new Korean artist is expected to follow through and do overseas gigs. New artists are very lucky. The older artists have already opened up a market for them in different countries in asia and all they need to do is step out and show their skills.

Well, I’ve had a pretty long day yesterday… gah!

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Guest coolieever

well dbsk has like 7 japanese singles and nowadays i see them more in japan than in korea. the same with se7en he stayed in japan during a long period of time, if shinhwa does something like that i'm sure their japanese would be better compared to other korean singers. the only member of shinhwa that stayed in japan to learn the language was hyesung (maybe thats one of the reasons he got the best pronuntiation). to be honest i think that he is the only one that really knows the language and that the others only know a few words and learn the song in japanese.

BTW i have a few questions: i don't understand why shinhwa didnt start earlier their overseas activities, why they wait this long to do it, why during the years they were with sm, the company never try to promote them asia wide at least. why everything takes so long for shinhwa, even their first live concert (it was in 2001 right?) and they debuted in 1998, it took them almost 3 years to have a concert and nowadays i see all these new and young groups havin concerts with only a few albums out or no album at all.

well, that just means shihwa has patience? the whole slow and steady wins the race kinda thing (dont mind that.... i was watching barney while babysitting.... my brain melted....) but atleast shinhwa got this far and havnt quit or anything?

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