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Guest lenakeem

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i find it odd and funny how we JUST started talking about who was smoking and if dongwan smoked... and then BAM, he writes a diary entry about trying to quit smoking... :blink:

anyways, i REALLY hope he can quit. he dun take stress well does he? poor wannie.... dongwannie hwaiting!! u can do it!!

LOL!! exactly what i was thinking when i read the diary entry..................................................

MAYBE HE READS THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: *waves* HI DONGWAN OPPA (just in case if he really reads this ;) )

we definitely should. :lol: the thing i don't get is...why do they participate in no smoking ads and songs themselves? :blink:

i've always wondered about that too...it's quite ironic, it's like telling people not to smoke yet you smoke. ahhaha! but it's not only shinhwa, alot of other singers sing this song even though they smoke :blink:

christine : HAHAHA same here!! i would like some shinhwa tattoos!! :) i'd tattoo it on my forehead to everyone can see it :)

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Guest Jaja_Blink

I don't know if some of you guys have read this before in Shinhwachangjo (coz i've posted this there) ..but I don't want anyone to miss this...I want to tell this story to everyone ~!! >.<~~

Here's my experience with Minwoo in Thailand~


**There are so many things to talk about. I will try to write them down one by one. I am going to cry after reading and listen to every Thai fans experience...

after 2 days in dream...I wanna shout out 'I LOVE SHINHWA!!!!' and I will support them forever. And I think all of Thai fans will do the same too~~

**sorry for my poor English and A LOT of gramma errors ^^;;;;


Lee Minwoo is the man, who says the sentence 'Koon na ruk mak mak' (you're so lovely) in the sweetest sound in the whole wide world...

Day 1 060615 : at the airport

Me and Queenie woke up at 5 am in the morning, in order to make it to the airport at 7am. Minwoo's flight flew directly from Germany to Bangkok. I expected him to be very tired after a very long flight...so I didn't expect much.

When we arrived at the airport, there were some of the fans already there..from my sight, there were around 30 fans there, also the reporter.

ShinhwaThailand made a large plastic banner to welcome him..it is 2m.x80cm. His face is so big, just to make sure he will see us no matter what LOL

In Don Muang airport, arrival terminal, there are 2 doors to get put from the gate inside. We waited on the right door...waited and waited while talking happily that we were going to see him in less than half an hour.

But...not so long..we saw a reporter ran to the other side. That was when we realized that he came out at the other door!! -_-; I thought "why he do this to me TvT??' and ran after them.

And finally, I got to saw him this close for the first time. He looked so tired that I really wanted everyone to backed off immediately. The fans seemed to know that he was very tired but the camera not. They just didn't leave him alone...I know it's their work but...TT v TT~

The Korean staff walked him (I use walked him since oppa was very tired that he couldn't protect himself from the reporters and flash light that directly shoot onto his face...) rond and round to escape from the stupid camera but they just didn't let go...Finally, they had to take him to hide in the lavatory. Guess what, while we were waiting very patiently and quietly outside, that camera man was about to go inside!! (later, I tell this to the staff who took care of him and he said 'what are they going to recorded about? Lee Minwoo using the toilet??' that's exactly what I think = =; wanna kick that camera man)

I am glad that us Thai fans are very nice and listen to what the staffs said. When oppa said to the translator that he was tired..everybody backed off and stayed very far from him. That form a big circle around oppa. LOL

Not so long after that, the car that came to pick him up arrived so he came out. Before got into the car he smiled slightly to us and waved...he tried his best to be nice to his fans even when he was that tired...

what so touch for me is..my friend who held the banner said that, even he was tired, he often turned his face to see the banner...trying to see it clearly.

We waved to him and stood still while watching the car go further until it was gone. I actually had a class in the noon but after saw him, I decided to skip LOL...

a good fan, but a terrible student, am I?

His schedule will start tomorrow. For the fans, nobody was going to stalk him because we wanted him to rest...

Oppa had tight schedule tomorrow and so do I. Why? Because I am going to be at the press conference tomorrow too...


Day 2 060616 : part 1 - At the press conference and interview session

Today oppa has a press conference at the hotel, also the magazine cover photo shooting..interview with press and TV stations, and the Channel [V] awards in the evening. He has very tight schedule today.

I slept at an unni's house last night. She's a writer from Korean entertainment magazine in Thailand. I am ShinhwaThailand's webmaster (LOL) glad that the Thai staffs allowed me to get inside the press con.

After took a taxi to the hotel at 1pm, we arrived. DBSG stayed at the same hotel as oppa so the security was very tight (DBSG fans here are scary at some point not the whole but some of them hurted Xiah and Mickey at the airport yesterday. After what happened at the airport, they seemed to be aware of the fans so much). WE had to waited for quite long but finally we could get in.

My hands turned cold already. I still couldn't believe myself that I am going to meet Lee Minwoo. I sat down with my friend who came with me and unni, wrote something down in a card so that I can give it along with the necklace we specially designed for oppa (that 'M' sliver necklace cost us a lot!) Also with the letter that Thai fans wrote to Shinhwa members. My goal for today is I have to give all these gifts to oppa and make sure he receive them.

At 3 pm, me and unni get inside the place where the press con will take place. And on 4pm the press conference started.

Oppa smiled and answered every question even some seemed to be repeat. I stood on a side and quietly watch him smiled to the camera. I don't know if he noticed that there was a fan coz I was wearing orange t-shirt with orange glasses (My glasses frame is orange LOL). I ssaw him looked toward me two or three times but I really don't know if he knows.

there was a funny scene...while interviewing..a reporter told him to speak something in Thai. When he heard it he went 'O_O~ tae kuk mal?!?' with the translator...and smiled coz he didn't know what to say! and looked really worried..haha! I found it is very cute with that expression on his face.

Finally, the translator told him to said 'pom ruk koon' (I love you).

After having trouble when someone asked him to speak some Thai sentence. So he told the translator to write down some easy sentences for him in Korean pronunciation. Then he gave that paper to his manager and told his manager to checked if he said it right while he tried hard to memorize them. If you see how he's doing it, you will love him more...he tried very hard as if it is soo important for him to speak to his fans in Thai. We will know later what he told the translator to wirte down for him. ^^

Sanook.com gave him penguin dolls that is sanook.com's symbol. Our oppa pick the dolls up and turned them face to face..and...make them kissed each other. - -" and when he shooted a TV program, he played with the MC all the time...my unni couldn't stop laughing until the shooting ended.

after the press con and interview ended, oppa has magazines' cover photoshoot which one of the two is the same magazine that my unni works for. All actions that he did WERE SUPER DUPER CUTE!! I can't post the pics here until the magazine on shelf next month...so you guys have to wait. M wil be on the cover on 2 magazines next month ^^.

After all these things..I rushed out of the hotel and quickly go to BEC Tero Hall, where the award show being held.

When I arrived at the BEC Tero Hall...red shirts were everywhere.. my heart dropped to the floor when I saw the amount of DBSG fans...we were like 200 out of 2000 ppl!!

We prepared ourselves to scream as loud as possible for oppa while help each other tied the orange ribbon on the right hand's wrist.

Finally the door open..the awards show was going to start...

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Guest Jaja_Blink

sorry for double post >.<~


Day 2 : part 2 - at BEC Tero Hall

For those who don't know. Let me explain clearly on how popular Shinhwa is in Thailand..

Q: How popular Shinhwa is in Thailand?

A: DBSG is more popular.

Yes, your eyes are still in good condition. Shinhwa still considered unknown to a lot of ppl here. They've never been promoted here. Korean singer that ever made their name here are Se7en, Bi and DBSG. Now that Shinhwa is going to have a concert in Thailand on 19 Aug, they send Minwoo oppa here with his 2nd album to make way into Thailand's market. Yes, there's A LOT of Shinhwa's fans in Thailand but you can't compare us to DBSG's fans...

ShinhwaThailand got only 200 tickets while TVXQ-thailand got 300...Seoulstreet Magazine got 550 tickets (which most of them taken by DBSG fans) and other ways to get the tickets...most of them taken by DBSG's fans. Oppa knows his situation well... I think he's not even expected to have his fans here.

Hey, I am not trying to compare Shinhwa to DBSG. Please don't misunderstand me ^^;;

Back to the award show...

We...orange shirts army... in the red sea...do you know how it feel?

It fell..wonderful! haha! Think in a good way...we don't have to share oppa with a lot of ppl ..hehe~~~ right? ^^;

When DBSG came, fans were screaming like crazy while we tried to protect our precious ears by using hands. Every time the projector showed DBSG...fans went crazy...I though I was going to be deaf by that.

We waited...waited..waited and wait..

"Welcome to Channel [V] Thailand Music Video Awards 2006"


The award show already started but we don't see him. We were really nervous although we knew he came for sure.

While the show going on...someone point to the balcony on the right side. A man with green shirt was sitting there... My friend borrowed a telescope from DBSG's fans and looked carefully.


That was when we started to wave the big 'M' signs to him..also the sign that wrote 'Shinhwa' (in Korean) ..and there was big green M I N W O O (alphabetical...one person hold 2 alphabets)

I knew later that he couldn't walk on the red-carpet cause it was raining hard outside. And when he came inside..he pointed to us and said 'There's M for me too!"

Show from artists and several awards were given.

Finally, VJ Polla came on the stage and said 'Next award is given to the Asian artist who..."

I couldn't hear when she said next coz we screamed like crazy..Yes there's none other that MINWOO.

And the intro of Battle in remix version started...

"Jump! Jump! Gaseumeul yeolgo nal hyanghae "

We screamed as loud as possible..i'm sure all 200 of us did...it was so loud. Sang along and screamed his name until I thought I was going to faint... shouting the code exactly right in every part...

Kumul pyol M chyobwa M ne gasumsoguro

ne mamul don M jyobwa M do jashingam ige

han bonchum M kuge M to ne irumul wechyobwa

jogsangul wihe

modun gose bump bump bump

As an administrator and webmaster, I am so proud of us, ShinhwaThailand members ..all of you are awesome...

I have asked a lot of ppl who were sitting at the reporter seat on the back and VIP seat at the front...they said our voices are so loud and can be heard from back to front TT______TT~~ so oppa surely heard it.

His performance is AWESOME..awesome is still understatement...Both Battle and Bump!! really amazing. Every step, every move...we all knew that he gave all his best just for us...

After the performance ended..the VJ came back with the trophy in her hands and hand it to oppa...oppa said something on stage which I couldn't remembered...but I remembered this clearly

'Thank you to all my Thai fans' and he pointed directly to us ...his eyes we saw from the screen were so blinky as if he was so touching by our actions.

After his performance...I couldn't stand anymore. I was so thristy and fell like faint anytime, same as other Shinhwa fans, we all used up all our energy we have to scream loudest to make him heard us. So most of us get out of the hall before we died there.

That was when those who got to have a meet & greet session after the awards show got a phone call to stand by in front of the red-carpet door...

part3 - our small meet & greet session

Reason why 20 fans who win the 'Meet & Greet with Minwoo' contest got a phone call to stand by for the meet & greet so fast like this (we've been told that meet & greet session will start after the awards show ended) is because oppa has to come back to Korea earlier due to Shinhwa's schedule. We waited in front of the red carpet door for a while and Channel [v] staff came to us to tell that the meet & greet session had cancelled.

Yes..we that make us failed...we held on to the banner we bring along cause we wanted oppa to sign on it tight..fell like crying..

That was when oppa came out to have an interview with a TV station... and oppa saw at us (which looking at him with sad eyes like puppies). We could sense that he also sad that he couldn't had a meeting with his fans.

while having the interview...the fans outside, about 15, that were there, couldn't get inside without 'Meet & greet with Minwoo' tickets, so they could just watched from outside... Queenie did the 'saranghe' (form the hands into heart shape) to oppa...AND HE DID IT BACK...he mouthed 'pom ruk koon' (i love you) and point to each fans outside and mouthed...

'you..you...you...I love you"

some fans cried like babies by that...




"Can you please tell oppa that we really want him to sign on this banner?"

Someone from the meet & greet group told Channel [V] staff...pleaded til she agreed to try her best to make oppa come out for us...

We waited nervously ..but oppa didn't let us wait for so long...he finally came out with his bodyguard and slowly sat in front of us. Looking confuse about what we wanted him to do.

Someone gave him a sliver-colour pen "sign please, sign please", she said.

Oppa smiled and slowly sign on the banner...he wrote "sa rang he yo" and then his signature..then the date '2006 . 06 . 16' wand his name. While writing, he said...'sa rang he yo'...'pom ruk koon' ('I love you' in thai) and 'koon na ruk jung' ('you are so lovely') ...his eyes his smiles said it all that he really means every word he said. He slowly sign coz he wanted us to have more time with him, after finished signing..we tried our best to talk to oppa even we fell like we were going to die coz of happiness...oppa also tried his best to get what we were trying to say...he listened carefully to everyone...smiled and nodded all the time

when he said 'pom ruk koon'..my friend kept saying 'I love you too...I love you too'.

Oppa shook his hand with everyone and then get inside. This is already more than enough for us. Some of us even cried in front of oppa coz of happiness.




his flight went back to Korea was on 1am..so not many fans went to the airport..it's okay..coz what we've got is already enough..more than enough...knowing that he was touched by our actions and by everything we did, is really enough.

We could see from his eyes that every word he said, he really mean it.




I got a phone call from the Shinhwa concert's organizer this morning. He told me that oppa was very touch and he is very happy. He said oppa love the 'M' necklace so much and also every gift we gave to him and Shinhwa...

Will be waiting and looking forward to 19th August to come...this time...come back here with all of your friends...come back here as SHINHWA.

Sa rang he!


That's all my wonderful experience with M in Thailand.

From what I heard, Minwoo isn't the member that been well-known about his friendliness...so I didn't expect much

but what i experienced with myself is so so far from what I've heard...T v T~ he's so nice to us...

here's some pics while he was signing our banner.






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Guest sam chin

Congrats to Shinhwa for winning the Mutizen award for the 2nd time....

Keep up the good work...

Shinhwa hwaiting............!!!!


Jaja_ Blink- thanks for your stories and your unforgettable experience of meeting MinWoo oppa...

You are so damn lucky, girl....

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Guest nutzie

hahah crap.. i almost cried reading Jaja_Blink's story.. that's really nice of him ^^ and congrats to shinhwa.. AGAIN!!!

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Guest serenity8

yeah me too!! after reading JAja blink's story, i was like.. Aww... aw... i dunno why!! its not supposed to be sad!! >.<!! WOW.. ur such a great fan! ALL of the 200 fans!! THank you for making Minwoo soo happy^^!! oh wow.. that was a nice experience right?

but, yeah.. i liked ur analogy of, orange army in red sea.. >.>... at least, there WAS some orange army.. *sigh*..

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Guest junjinie

Jaja_Blink: awww minwoo oppa is so sweet and nice!!! i was really touched by your story!!! T_T thank you so much for sharing with us... and you know what? i bet oppa will definitely wear that M necklace on the up coming concert in Thailand!!! ^_^

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Guest sheepeesh

^ Jaja_Blink - that was really sweet <3 thx for sharing ur story n the pics ^___^ u guys r such great fans!

^^ sam chin - ur blinky-banner-thingy is really cool! how'd u do that?! T.T wanna learn...

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Guest nutzie

france vs korea game in less than an hour!!! corea hwaitingg!! dae han min gook!! *clap clap pause clap clap pause clap!!* i'm sooo watching this game, even if korea loses [more likely than the other way round, even though miracles can happen..]

well, they got into the finals last world cup [even with portugal in the group] so this time they might just do it too yayy!!

[this post is soo not shinhwa related.. well, just to make it related, i have 1 question.. is shinhwa watching this game too??]

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yeh i wanna know is Shinhwa are watching this game cops then i'll be looking in the fans section REALLY carefully :P, i'll come back to read Jaja_Blink story must wathc the korean match :lol:

sam chin yeh that blinky is sooo cool Dongwan dork. lol

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Guest ilovebeans

I think junjin is the Xman because he's the only one out of the six who hasn't been the xman..

PS. I am watching the korea vs. france game and france just scored a goal :angry::angry:

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Guest nutzie

ewwww.. 1-0 for france at half time.. *sigh* come on miracle.. happen now!! well, togo scored first too.. hopefully it's somehow the same with this one *crosses fingers*

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Guest mitsu582

Right now watching Korea vs France. Can't help feeling dissapointed with the current score.(1-0) Anyways TAE HAN MIN GUK................!HWITING..............!

I also can't help wishing to catch a glimpse of my chagia LEE MIN WOO in the sea of the korean supporters.

Hehe..........Wishful thinking :P

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Guest nutzie

woohooo!!! it's a drawww!! corea hwaitinggg!!! there's still a possibility of korea enhancing to the big 16, even if the match with switzerland ends with the swiss winning 1-0 [by the number of goals, my brother said] so keep on fightingg!! *dances around*

see, miracle did happen =]


i think that's provided that togo wins tomorrow's game.. and i didn't see shinhwa in the audience *boooo* it was still a good game though..

and my bro was booing me "korea will never win.. they don't even have the slightest chance to win.." and look what happened!! korea is still at the top of the group yayy!!

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