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Guest lenakeem

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Guest cpopbaby19

"Dangyuhaji" means "Of Course", so they challenge each by saying anything that will make the opponents "knock down". No matter what the opponents says if you can say "Dangyuhaji" you are safe. If you lose your words because of something your opponents said, then you lose. Sometime your host can decide if you lost or not depending on how strong your opponents words are.

It's my favorite part of the X-man because they come out with funny stuff. I'm sure it loses it's "real funny" meaning sometimes during translation because there are some Korean words you cannot really translate.

"Mommie" Alice

^oh thanks. i get it now~ ^__^V

i was like wondering at first why they are saying 'dangyunhaji~' LOLOLOL. anyways..

me too! always gd to watch dongwan when i'm feeling stressed... u guys saw the part where he ran away? :sweatingbullets: seems like he came back only 5 min later? *rolls on the floor.. legs kicking in the air* :lol:

^hahhaa.. looking at dongwan makes my mind 'stress-free' [; he's that pleasing to me! ahhaha

anyway... do i watch that part in youtube???

and I got the rappers and vocal idea cuz cuz.. in their Your Man performances.. its like a battle between the rappers and the vocals...

like... dongwan hyesung and minwoo are standing in one side.. and dancing opposed to Eric andy and junjin. And they alternate between the singing and the rappings.. >.<.. which is REALLY cool. XD

that's why.. i dunno, their team is probably divided this way too.. cuz the whole 8th album had this 'battle' thing between rappers and vocals.

^yup. i like the classification.. seems cool~ [;

My Fellow Shinhwa Fans,

Hello! Everytime I come into Soompi, I can't help but be angered. Everywhere I go I see **** all over the place, just them. What happened to seeing a lot of Shinhwa? Why aren't we seeing fans posting up lots of info/pics/videos of them on Soompi? It seems a lot of people have lost interest or something.

I just cannot help but become angry. Let's work harder like 신화창조 fans and do our best in America! This is their 8th album comeback and c'mon let's do our best to support them and reveal their (#1 Group) name to everyone on Soompi.

I'm really sad. No matter what I'm going to do my ultimate best in supporting them for life.

신화짱! 신화짱! 신화........창조..........!!!!





^yup. i understand too. but you know.. there are more talented artists that are showing up these days so yeah.. we couldn't really blame the people if they somehow lose their interest with shinhwa.. but.. we have each other in here~ ;]

we could share shinhwa facts to everybody who goes to this thread and in shinhwa forums we're in~ don't be sad. ^^; many ppl still love shinhwa! hehehe

A picture from kpop super live. Dong Wan and Minwoo!


LOL. looks like wannie's posing to some photograper~ LOL

i think that the fact that they don't allow international sales kills.. i mean, the albums can only bought legally in korea.. and korea itself is really small.. no matter how many fans are in korea, there are surely more fans outside of it.. like, in asia itself, there are tons of fans in china or japan or south east asia.. and in europe, australia and america, i think there are thousands more.. i just don't get what they're planning to do by restricting the album sales..

[sorry for the messed up language, i'm not exactly thinking straight.. i think the flu kills my already-retarded brain cells..]


they should release ALL their albums in countries in seasia -_____-;

i mean, i know not many ppl know shinhwa here, but.. at least they have at least 500 fans? (and there are many koreans in here!! X_X i've seen around like 10-20 korean in my school LOL)

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Guest mj07

i think that the fact that they don't allow international sales kills.. i mean, the albums can only bought legally in korea.. and korea itself is really small.. no matter how many fans are in korea, there are surely more fans outside of it.. like, in asia itself, there are tons of fans in china or japan or south east asia.. and in europe, australia and america, i think there are thousands more.. i just don't get what they're planning to do by restricting the album sales..

[sorry for the messed up language, i'm not exactly thinking straight.. i think the flu kills my already-retarded brain cells..]

I agree with you! I mean, their competition (other gasoos) aren't restricting the sales of their CDs to Korea only, are they? So it really cripples them, denies their fans the opportunity to support them.

It doesn't make any sense that they're waiting to release an "international" version. What's meant by that? On YesAsia, the only "international" versions I've ever seen have pretty much been the Hong Kong releases of the CDs. On sites like Sensasian.com, they probably have the Malaysian versions. As for Japan? Well, I guess they only want to sell the Japanese Shinhwa CD there? And they essentially don't care about fans outside of Asia, so we're just forced to get the CD what ever way we can (legally or otherwise).

Okay, rant over. I'm just saying, I agree that this policy, which makes no sense, is probably hurting their record sales.

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Guest cpopbaby19


and probably, even though the international version would be expensive, shinhwa fans would still buy it. (that includes me, cuz i couldn't get the albums online.. -_-; ) like the japanese version of brand new.


btw, is shinhwa's 8th jib the only shinhwa album that has been on domestic sales, or also their past albums? and is shinhwa only the artists that restricted the album to be released outside korea or also other goodemg artists?

i know my question is pretty confusing but yeah. +____+

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I think Eric will marry his girlfriend... I mean, he brought her to his parents' home a few months ago, according to his cousin. I doubt he can go to the army now, since his back was injured. It's hard to train with that type of injury. Hmmm...

:blink: you know eric's cousin?!!

My Fellow Shinhwa Fans,

Hello! Everytime I come into Soompi, I can't help but be angered. Everywhere I go I see **** all over the place, just them. What happened to seeing a lot of Shinhwa? Why aren't we seeing fans posting up lots of info/pics/videos of them on Soompi? It seems a lot of people have lost interest or something.

I just cannot help but become angry. Let's work harder like 신화창조 fans and do our best in America! This is their 8th album comeback and c'mon let's do our best to support them and reveal their (#1 Group) name to everyone on Soompi.

I'm really sad. No matter what I'm going to do my ultimate best in supporting them for life.

신화짱! 신화짱! 신화........창조..........!!!!





no way!!! our interest for shinhwa never decreases, only increases. everyones having exams during this time so many of us just post and talk about shinhwa, rather than posting pics and everything. i'm sure when everyone's not as busy anymore, this thread will be filled with shinhwa pics and everything again! :)

why is there so much PSY bashing going on everywhere? i honestly think there is no need for that. as long as eric's happy, aren't his fans? plus, she has a great personality. its the inside that counts, not the outside.

everyone loves shinhwa's 8th jib yes? well bad news. their album sales are really...not great at all. go check it out in the weekly top albums topic.

hmm, i don't think it's psy basing...it's just people's opinions of her...and i guess not alot of people find her particularly appealing. i think alot of people of soompi dislikes her, i must admit, i didn't really like her in the beginning but after watching my girl, i think she's quite okay, alot of people said her acting sucked. but i think it wasn't bad for a beginner...i wonder if eric teaches her how to act :lol:

i think that the fact that they don't allow international sales kills.. i mean, the albums can only bought legally in korea.. and korea itself is really small.. no matter how many fans are in korea, there are surely more fans outside of it.. like, in asia itself, there are tons of fans in china or japan or south east asia.. and in europe, australia and america, i think there are thousands more.. i just don't get what they're planning to do by restricting the album sales..

[sorry for the messed up language, i'm not exactly thinking straight.. i think the flu kills my already-retarded brain cells..]

totally agree, funny how they didn't allow international sales...maybe they are waiting to release an international version...but even though they restrict album sales, there are always certain ways of buying the albums outside of korea...i got my copy :blush: i think they just don't allow cds to be shipped to overseas countries, but some people may buy a few and then bring them back to the country and sell them.

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Guest angelix

oh boy, for me, as long as eric is happy, then that will count as happiness, let's just give him support all heartedly :)

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Guest loving_D

something bothers me. don't blame me for it, but it does kinda bother me. i'd hate to talk about it in here but if you've seen dbsg's pics for their new world cup album, their poses are like exactly the same as shinhwa's. the whole jumping in the air thing? yeah, pretty much the same. someone please tell me that's a coincidence.


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Guest qaxlod

something bothers me. don't blame me for it, but it does kinda bother me. i'd hate to talk about it in here but if you've seen dbsg's pics for their new world cup album, their poses are like exactly the same as shinhwa's. the whole jumping in the air thing? yeah, pretty much the same. someone please tell me that's a coincidence.


Oh my gosh, I was thinking the exact same thing too! I'm telling you I don't like...*SPOILER*! Gosh, first they come out with a World Cup Song and now similar poses? -____-;;


Shinhwa has only like 398 posts..while **** has near 500? -____-;; what the heck is that?

Shinhwa has been around since like when and they only have 400? WTF..SERIOUSLY~

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Guest junjinie

sales out of korea doesnt contribute to korean sales and it wont make shinhwa win a daesang so i think that's why GOODENT doesnt allow international sales.. but i heard they will release international version for oversea fanz!!!! ^_^

random thoughts but i think DBSG is really overrated~! -_-

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Hi, sorry to ask this question here but I need technical help again.

I tried downloading some of the Shinhwa's clips and it has .rmvb extension. My computer at work does not work with .rmvb extension. I only have Windows Media Player.

I downloaded wimamp program but clip takes over the whole screen and won't let me shrink the size of the screen. Is there another program that can play .rmvb files that I can shrink the screen? I'm trying to watch it at work and I cannot watch as full screen - I'm going to get in trouble! :P

If you know any, could you give me a link where I can download?

Thank you so much.

"Mommie" Alice

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Guest Dana

Hi everybody!!!

Wetten, dass…???

This is a german most famouse (entertainmet)show in which the most popular V.I.Ps are invited to bet with the participants and have to do things (funny things) if thy loss.

But thy also invite artist to performe their songs or their art form all over the world.

So if u help me collecting enough signatures (votes) here It could be that shinhwa will be invited in this show too. And so thy can become popular in whole europ because this show is very populare in europa.

So if u want shinhwa to become world stars then vote!!!!!!

By the way the shows name translated in english means : I bet, that…..

And share this link with other shinhwa fans or kpop fans too (send this link to them too!)

Thanks for ur help!!!

Sign for shinhwa on this link!!



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Guest xmkaex

^ sure thing! i signed it.

The international version or whatever it is called takes forever to be sold...while many people (like me) are hardly able to order online...!! this is getting me pissed each day. few days ago i just decided to order at SHCJ but the deadline's closed already...T.T didn't notice the deadline. too agitated asking for my dad's approval.

why just they don't release international version not long after the Korean one?Well at least Asia one..!!

i agree with others, Shinhwa has heaps of die-hard fans outside Korea!

Oh yeah, it's kind of random, does anyone know where can I dl Nonstop5 subbed? thanks in advance.

luckily i ordered right when they started taking 2nd round orders :lol:

you can download nonstop5 clips from this website


it'll take you to buncha clubbox links :D

something bothers me. don't blame me for it, but it does kinda bother me. i'd hate to talk about it in here but if you've seen dbsg's pics for their new world cup album, their poses are like exactly the same as shinhwa's. the whole jumping in the air thing? yeah, pretty much the same. someone please tell me that's a coincidence.


Oh my gosh, I was thinking the exact same thing too! I'm telling you I don't like...*SPOILER*! Gosh, first they come out with a World Cup Song and now similar poses? -____-;;


Shinhwa has only like 398 posts..while **** has near 500? -____-;; what the heck is that?

Shinhwa has been around since like when and they only have 400? WTF..SERIOUSLY~

wah?? are you guys for real?..i gotta see this

<_< grrs...

sales out of korea doesnt contribute to korean sales and it wont make shinhwa win a daesang so i think that's why GOODENT doesnt allow international sales.. but i heard they will release international version for oversea fanz!!!! ^_^

random thoughts but i think DBSG is really overrated~! -_-

if they plan to release the international albums early than the sales will go up?..and shinhwa will be #1 on the charts!...

what is up with their marketing strategy -_-

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Guest agiri

sorry to sound ignorant. but i noticed a lot of the pictures and stuff have ocean six or one to the six. what does that stand for?

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mommie alice,

rmvb files are playable on realone players. u can try that. it works really well for me.

also, about the dbsg thing... i feel like everyone is hating on them. y?? just because they have more pages here? i love dbsg. i love shinhwa more but dbsg isn't so bad... altho i have to admit, it does bother me that they did the same poses as shinhwa... don't like that. very disappointed... i also don't like how other celebs in korea treat them sooooo nicely. like in xman... whats up with that?? lol... i was supposed to defend dbsg but instead, i feel like i'm badmouthing them too... bad julie... lol... but lets work harder and get this thread up i guess?? no matter what it seems like, shinhwa will always have their fans. i feel that when dbsg fans grow up, they will not be as crazy over them. but i notice alot of shinhwa fans have been with them since the beginning. also, if it wasn't for the fans, i think their move to goodemg wouldn't have been as successful so don't worry guys!! alot of shinhwa fans are older and so they have other things to do which i think is why this thread is not going as fast. but that doesn't mean that shinhwa isn't as popular as dbsg, i feel they are more popular. know what i mean?

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^ lol, the reasons I think everyone treats DBSK nicely is because they're scared of their fans i mean, some DBSK fans are like TOTALLY obsessed with them, i was watching them in an old clip of Heroine 6 and they were teasing them saying how one of the girls hugged one of the boys and she got anti fans already and then MC Mong chipped in that he was next to them when they were hugging, laughing at them and he got a couple of anti fans for that :lol: .

Hi, sorry to ask this question here but I need technical help again.

I tried downloading some of the Shinhwa's clips and it has .rmvb extension. My computer at work does not work with .rmvb extension. I only have Windows Media Player.

I downloaded wimamp program but clip takes over the whole screen and won't let me shrink the size of the screen. Is there another program that can play .rmvb files that I can shrink the screen? I'm trying to watch it at work and I cannot watch as full screen - I'm going to get in trouble! :P

If you know any, could you give me a link where I can download?

Thank you so much.

"Mommie" Alice

i think these files are only playable using Real One player, it's free to d/l. Or if you want to convert them you can use many software available, personally i use WinAVI.

sorry to sound ignorant. but i noticed a lot of the pictures and stuff have ocean six or one to the six. what does that stand for?

i think it's a fansite or something, like some pix have "kimdongwan.net" on them etc

Guys i'm SO dissapointed with the album sales right now, i mean their 8th jib is a great album i thought it was going to be bigger tahn their 7th but it doesn't seem so. :(


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Guest nghister

Oh my gosh, I was thinking the exact same thing too! I'm telling you I don't like...*SPOILER*! Gosh, first they come out with a World Cup Song and now similar poses? -____-;;


Shinhwa has only like 398 posts..while **** has near 500? -____-;; what the heck is that?

Shinhwa has been around since like when and they only have 400? WTF..SERIOUSLY~

Well, the DBSK thread has gotten closed down in the past because they spam a whole lot over there. We won't wanna post useless posts to build up this thread and get it closed too. haha

I think it's better that this thread has good and insightful posts as opposed to a lot of threads out there like DBSK or SJ. :D

I just noticed the DBSK poses and Shinhwa poses too. I like both group, but Shinhwa's poses are a lot manlier and hotter. DBSK's poses are kinda...girly. I'm still cringeing after seeing Jaejoong's pose. v___v;;

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Guest spfork

I just noticed the DBSK poses and Shinhwa poses too. I like both group, but Shinhwa's poses are a lot manlier and hotter. DBSK's poses are kinda...girly. I'm still cringeing after seeing Jaejoong's pose. v___v;;

HAHAHAHA!!!! Which one??? ^-^"

Yeah, I like Shinhwa poses a hex lot better... I'm just like :wub:...

Omg. I got their new album like a long time ago and I'm still obsesse with their songs. It's really uhh, different but WAY more catchier!!!

BTW. I may be slow, but I read that Eric has a g/f? oO? Who is it?? --;;

Shinhwa Hwaiting~<33333

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Guest junjinie

Hi, sorry to ask this question here but I need technical help again.

I tried downloading some of the Shinhwa's clips and it has .rmvb extension. My computer at work does not work with .rmvb extension. I only have Windows Media Player.

I downloaded wimamp program but clip takes over the whole screen and won't let me shrink the size of the screen. Is there another program that can play .rmvb files that I can shrink the screen? I'm trying to watch it at work and I cannot watch as full screen - I'm going to get in trouble! :P

If you know any, could you give me a link where I can download?

Thank you so much.

"Mommie" Alice

it can play with Real Player

just go to google and type in Real Player free download... something should come up :)

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I don't know why but Real Player does not work for my work computer.

I have GOM player at home which works wonderfullly but I lost the link to it. When I first started downloading Goong drama, someone gave me a link.

Does anyone know where I can download GOM player? I searched on internet and all I got was in Japanese which I can't read.

Thank you for all your help.

"Mommie" Alice

it can play with Real Player

just go to google and type in Real Player free download... something should come up :)

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