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Guest lenakeem

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Guest itz Nhari

You guys, there's a problem here.

I am extremely irritated right now and my blood pressure is at its boiling point.

I just saw the clip of Arirang's 'Cassiopeia VS. Shinhwa Changjo - Who's Kpop Fanclub is the best?'

If you haven't watched it, the link is below.


I could not help but sense ridiculous bias of favoring in this presentiation.

I was so angry that I wanted to break someone's leg.


Cassieopeia is a constellation of five stars.

Recorded in the Guiness Book of Records in 2008 for having membership of more than 800,000 people.

Volunteer group called "Fantastic Match."

It's the best fan club.

Shinhwa Changjo

Shinhwa's fan club "Shinhwa Changjo" has an 11-year tradition.

Even after so many years, its members are still avid Shinhwa fans.

Long time fans for a long living idol band.

Shinhwa Changjo has a special power that only comes with experience.

Is it just me or do I see some big favoring.

She could have described SHCJ in such a better and different light.

PLUS, she didn't even mention the winner of the poll.

What in the world!? What's going on here?

I'm about to mass email them this issue.

This is not fair.

The poll is "Who is the best fan club?"

And yet, they decide to add "It's the best fan club" under Cassiopeia when SHCJ won the poll.

This is blatantly wrong.

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unnie!!! there was a dvd released by good, 2003-2008 video collection with shinhwa's mvs and all the making of shinhwa mvs after they joined good.. it comes with subtitles as well... xP

Trish, is it one of these dear? I'm trying to build up my collection.... :D


You guys, there's a problem here.

PLUS, she didn't even mention the winner of the poll.

What in the world!? What's going on here?

I'm about to mass email them this issue.

This is not fair.

The poll is "Who is the best fan club?"

And yet, they decide to add "It's the best fan club" under Cassiopeia when SHCJ won the poll.

This is blatantly wrong.

I can feel your frustration.....that is totally wrong and misleading.

Not sure if it was an honest mistake but come on, not mentioning who won that poll and "the best fan club" went under Cassie is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. If I did not know about the real result, I would thought Cassie won it too based on that MISLEADING clip :angry:

Can we email them at this address? webmaster@arirang.co.kr

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^^^ Hmm I didn't even care about what she said, I was like uhuh go on...Shinhwa won....but as always she just asks the question and talks about them. I read some of the comments by those DBSK fans, some were saying they don't care much about these kind of polls unless it's an award, then they'll vote like crazy..... :huh: .....what kind of fanclub would only do that......they aren't really supporting their boys much.....I felt a bit offended by their comments because it's as if they are like..."yeah we don't care if Shinhwa Changjo wins, Cass--whatever is the best and we just let you guys win." uh heck no, they are underestimating the power of us Shinhwa Changjo's and that ain't right. Having the most number of fans definitely does not mean the best. Gosh it makes me dislike them even more, but anyway that's just a few so I can't go over board....<sigh>...okay I'm better. :phew: Sorry to any Shinhwa Chanjo/Cass fans....I got a bit heated...

Anyway, well my take on the 2PM boys....wait....okay so they're fans are the ones using the orange??? Why??? Is it because the fans are aware that 2PM feels like Shinhwa thus they think they could use the color?? No way jose...That's our color, hope they don't go for it 'cause they're going to get a taste of Shinhwa Changjo....uh....something.....

Okay finally...I think 2PM in some way resembles Shinhwa, but there's something I see in Shinhwa that I don't see from those boys so I don't pay as much attention to them...they are different from other groups...but still..there will be no other group who can beat Shinhwa in their brotherhood bond and entertainment, they will become a Shinhwa in the future... :D

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Guest grumpynomore

so that was it?!? what the heck!?

i hope i'm wrong on thinking they would have done something different if it was the other camp that won the poll

:( it's so sad and irritating. some people just don't understand...SHINHWA is still around! It's not their choice they're on hiatus right now. they have to serve their duties.

really frustrating!

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Guest readsandgeeks

dramaqueennur Aren't you nurul unni? sorry if i'm wrong..btw HI!!! *waves* :lol: thanks for idol army link..i think i should watch it and compare with my own eyes between shinhwa & 2pm.. ;)

hi*waves*hahaha..yes i am. :) hope u enjoy the show :)

regarding the similarities between 2pm and shinhwa... i think they are rather natural groups, on-off screen. i was laughing at jaebum on start golden bell. he has minwoo's height! LOL and they have similar sense of humour..

but i think as musicians, they are really really really different. xP

REGARDING THE ORANGE ISSUE, if you can read korean.. you can read more of it on six sense. YES, a group of fans of another idol group are planning to have orange lightsticks to support their artistes. it's a daum cafe that's planning to have orange lightsticks..

as far as i'm concerned, that already group has a colour they have always been using since their DEBUT. but somehow because of another idol group, the fans are switching the colours.

I'm not going to pin point who it is but... please don't take advantage of shinhwa changjo. just because shinhwa's inactive now.

More info about the orange issue: http://dongwan.wordpress.com/

P.S: If they materialise the orange lightsticks idea, i'm going to set up another petition!!!!

hey Trish, i agree with you regarding our boys and 2PM.music-wise, both are different.

and seriously, 2PM fans are the ones using the orange lightsticks??i thought it was based on the polls? :huh:

not tht im being protective or anything like tht cos i didnt read anywhere in the blog tht state the fans were using it :sweatingbullets:

isit really them?if it is then i will be am very disappointed.

actually, we cn just tweet JYP straight to his Twitter. but if he still doesnt reply, we do petition. hw abt tht ladies? B)

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Guest rose_liana

hmm.. i also felt the same with you all when watching that arirang clip..its totally biased..like Ihjj said, big numbers, it doent means that their the best...and in that poll, i'm sure, not only SHCJ and Cass were the voters, there's other people too who were not even a fan of SHCJ but they vote for SHCJ...and if the arirang want to end it in this way, they shouldn't make the poll in the first place..its not fair for us, SHCJ... <_< and if they dont want to announce the exact result of the poll, they shouldnt mention at all who's the best fans!! they shouldn't put the best fans title under cass..hoho...its really frustruating! :(

and another comments in the YT clip i found funny, they didnt vote because they respect the sunbae..HAHAHA! thats sound hilarious!!! hmm...what a good heart they have.. ;)

about the orange issue..haha..thats what i thought Ihjj!!! when Minu said 2pm resemble shinhwa, it doesn't mean that they should resemble the colour too.. ;)

btw, i agree with dramaqueennur unni..if the current orange issue is true, we can just tweet JYP first and if no action taken after that, then we should set up another petition... :)

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Guest prncssptri

hey Trish, i agree with you regarding our boys and 2PM.music-wise, both are different.

and seriously, 2PM fans are the ones using the orange lightsticks??i thought it was based on the polls? :huh:

not tht im being protective or anything like tht cos i didnt read anywhere in the blog tht state the fans were using it :sweatingbullets:

isit really them?if it is then i will be am very disappointed.

actually, we cn just tweet JYP straight to his Twitter. but if he still doesnt reply, we do petition. hw abt tht ladies? B)

I totally agree with you dramaqueennur! oh.. why is it have to be 2pm, I actually like 'em! lol well, it's not the boys' fault and the fans should learn from the past mistakes too about using orange. Until everything's confirmed and if their rep's not saying anything, then we can do the petition! Even though i love 2pm, Shinhwa's definitely a priority! :lol: gotta protect our boys' color! :D

I am seriously missing shinhwa and kinda tired on most blogs i read cause they often use past tense to explain shinhwa.. "when he was in shinhwa.." etc, uughh! and to add to that, the poll thing by arirang! wow! definitely a biased one!

*need to calm down* hehe.

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Guest readsandgeeks

hmm.. i also felt the same with you all when watching that arirang clip..its totally biased..like Ihjj said, big numbers, it doent means that their the best...and in that poll, i'm sure, not only SHCJ and Cass were the voters, there's other people too who were not even a fan of SHCJ but they vote for SHCJ...and if the arirang want to end it in this way, they shouldn't make the poll in the first place..its not fair for us, SHCJ... <_< and if they dont want to announce the exact result of the poll, they shouldnt mention at all who's the best fans!! they should put the best fans title under cass..hoho...its really frustruating! :(

and another comments in the YT clip i found funny, they didnt vote because they respect the sunbae..HAHAHA! thats sound hilarious!!! hmm...what a good heart they have.. ;)

about the orange issue..haha..thats what i thought Ihjj!!! when Minu said 2pm resemble shinhwa, it doesn't mean that they should resemble the colour too.. ;)

btw, i agree with dramaqueennur unni..if the current orange issue is true, we can just tweet JYP first and if no action taken after that, we should set up another petition... :)

I totally agree with you dramaqueennur! oh.. why is it have to be 2pm, I actually like 'em! lol well, it's not the boys' fault and the fans should learn from the past mistakes too about using orange. Until everything's confirmed and if their rep's not saying anything, then we can do the petition! Even though i love 2pm, Shinhwa's definitely a priority! :lol: gotta protect our boys' color! :D

I am seriously missing shinhwa and kinda tired on most blogs i read cause they often use past tense to explain shinhwa.. "when he was in shinhwa.." etc, uughh! and to add to that, the poll thing by arirang! wow! definitely a biased one!

*need to calm down* hehe.

thanks for the love sweets! :) as much as im liking 2PM i cnt help getting annoyed by what i saw at sixth sense. (ps: u dun need to read korean cos there's a pic of the lightstick.)

i got irritated by the designers.

they were trying to design a lightstick: the #2 is in red and the bkgrd light is orange. cant they use BLACK as the bkgrd light??

but then, they would incur the wrath of Cassies cos of the red '2'.

maybe they were thinking black AND red are ONE colour. <_<

that got me thinking:there's too many idol grps in Korea that they have to strt registering the colours.hahah..sorry, am trying to keep myself calm cos the orange issue is really irritating for us Changjoers to deal with again and again.

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Guest rose_liana

^ LOL Again & again!!!!

btw, lets brighten up our day!!! i bet most of you have seen this in absolut shinhwa...haha..our adorkable dorks!!!

[09.07.29] Dongwan’s blog: 2009 (main page updated)


Eric’s wearing a t-shirt with the same design as the trash can.

Credits: Dongwan’s Naver blog + Absolut Shinhwa

a bunch of weirdos!!! HAHAHAHA!!! so hilarious!! look at MinRic pose! hahaha...they're the best weirdos in the world!!!aigoo...really miss them!!!!

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^^Gosh they are naughty boys...err...men....I see a cig in Jun Jin's mouth and one between Eric's finger. I hope they only do it once in a long time.....come on Shinhwa...NO SMOKING!! haha

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Guest nglkt

itz_Nhari: PLEASE DO EMAIL ARIRANG ABOUT THIS. it was so misleading.

i'm kinda er... at some of the comments of the poll. it makes us seem like we didn't deserve it. and the only reason we won WAS BY LUCK.

So what we don't have 800,000 members in the fanclub? we have 200,000 LOL Haha... Even though Shinhwa's currently inactive.

and as i've said, if the fans really do materalise the orange lightsticks idea.... i'm really going to petition again and again!!!!

the reason why they are dropping the "black" colour was because of 1TYM. i think...

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Guest readsandgeeks

and as i've said, if the fans really do materalise the orange lightsticks idea.... i'm really going to petition again and again!!!!

the reason why they are dropping the "black" colour was because of 1TYM. i think...

hey Trish! :)

ahaha..yeah a friend translated to me abt the webpage on Sixth Sense. Apparently its a contest. usually they use black balloons with silver words.

aiyoo, why do the designers not think of other colours for the lightsticks?? but seriously, hv they exhausted the colours in existence due to the high no. of fanclubs??

they may be like shinhwa and bong may like them..but SHINHWA is SHINHWA!!!


i hope that particular design wasnt chosen..aiyz.. :(

on a side note: whats 1TYM?

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OMO...clearly I've missed out on a lot of stuff while away...

*tells self..one more week to go...*

anywayz...was surfing HMV yesterday and guess what I came upon..



It's so gorgeous, but so friggin expensive! But, it's every new fans' dream! And...I want AAS with english subs! Any news if a Korean Version will be released??

*skips away to do more torturous expensive internet window shopping*

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on a side note: whats 1TYM?

haha 1TYM was a 4 member hip hop group which debuted in the same year Shinhwa did. They were formed from the company who also produced Big Bang, I think. As of 2005, they aren't active anymore, but I don't know if they've officially disbanded. What I know is that they are still in their company helping out with the younger groups....does that help? :D

Okie doke, another video I'm picking for today....hmmm

This one is very short. I'm guessing Shinhwa was at a photo gallery. If you are like me and don't know what they are saying, skip to 0:50. All you Jun Jin fans.....guaranteed drooling.... B) I did...haha jk jk jk. I've never seen him like that before just half and I thought Eric was the only one who went all the way, so I was caught by suprise. Enjoy.


AND this one.

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODQ3MTE0MDg=.html --> I've always enjoyed Shinhwa X-File I haven't seen this one so maybe some others may have not as well. hehe

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^ No worries, 1TYM is not disbanded. We're all waiting for a comeback :) Army matters hits everyone :sweatingbullets: As we can see, mandatory military service can do quite a bit of damage on a group's career. I kind labeled BB as mini 1tym when they first came out, but BB's music changed along the way, but so has the stuff Teddy's been producing, so who knows how things will turn out. Anyways, it looks like Teddy is busy producing for YG. Which kinda makes me think, no matter how involved our Shinhwa boys are in producing new groups and doing work behind-the-scenes, I don't want it to keep them from the stage or the drama/movie sets. Hmmm...1tym have their black and white towels, so I don't think the color issue would be because of them...


I see a lot of changing siggies lately, so just wanted to remind everyone :)

Just keeping a pic of shinhwa or shinhwa members in your siggie or avie or mentioning Shinhwa in there is subtle advertisement. Every time you post, someone will see your siggie or avie; it'll keep Shinhwa in mind and in sight and just maybe, someone new to kpop will be intrigued enough to see why people have 'Shinhwa' in their siggies.

And about Arirang Pops in Seoul...

How to say this...umm...basically Shinhwa is not as 'unpopular' as some of you gals seem to think, nor has the peak of their popularity been that long ago :sweatingbullets:

Like I said before, basically, Shinhwa wins most of the arirang polls, not even DBSK and their fanclub have overcome Shinhwa Changjo yet. For example, in 2006, even though DBSK won daesang, they still lost the overseas MKMF/arirang poll to shinhwa. A lot of Shinhwa songs were number one forever on the Pops in Seoul music charts as well (basically, they ruled and no one had hope of overcoming them). It is annoying that fans of newer groups don't realize this and talk about 'respecting' Shinhwa like they were active last century, and though it's super sad Korea's unique fan culture (no matter how crazy it seems to some peeps nowadays) is losing its hold on kpop fans but the vid's not too offending...let's just let it go this time, yeah?

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Guest grumpynomore

I see a lot of changing siggies lately, so just wanted to remind everyone :)

Just keeping a pic of shinhwa or shinhwa members in your siggie or avie or mentioning Shinhwa in there is subtle advertisement. Every time you post, someone will see your siggie or avie; it'll keep Shinhwa in mind and in sight and just maybe, someone new to kpop will be intrigued enough to see why people have 'Shinhwa' in their siggies.

that's actually what i've been doing and also adding a different shinhwa video on my sig from time to time.

it probably won't hurt either to post on threads that are non-shinhwa related that some of us usually lurk in just to show others your sig. heheheh

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^^^You guys read my mind completely!!!!! :lol::lol: I was thinking the exact same thing. When I first created my account I didn't really care to put a sig, but then my admiration for Shinhwa grew and so I couldn't help it anymore, and with that I would go to other threads and just make some comments to show my sig and that Shinhwa Changjo is still around and growing bigger and bigger...and older...haha :D

Okay I don't know if some of you will be able to see this, because this is on veoh, you have to download their player or something. Anyway, many of you may have seen this, but this was my first time seeing this clip. Thanks to our own crystalis at veoh!


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Guest rose_liana

wow..reading you gurls opinion about siggies, it so interesting and makes me think.coz when i visited some other threads, i rarely see shinhwa fans (siggies/avatar to show that they're SHCJ)...so, maybe thats why people dont know or dont realize the existence of Shinhwa...and thats why some of them always saying shinhwa already disband and/or in some blog/article they'll put a shinhwa member as a former shinhwa....

i think, from now onwards, i should go to non-shinhwa related threads more often and post some comments in there too.. :lol:

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