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Guest lenakeem

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Guest 80slitenite

Wahhh Wannie posted in his diary! I checked it earlier and didn't see anything. lol. Anyway soo happy. Thank you incarnadine! Thank is so cute he used younger pics! I'm gonna go visit his diary now.

Dongwan you're just gonna have to hug Hyesungie to death. ^^

I forgot today was Easter. XD Happy Shinhwa and Easter! Manseh!

Last one (for now XD) I promise!


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i regret that i wasn't a fan for the good part of your first 10 years together, but you can bet that i'll be there for your next ten, and many more years after that :wub:

it's so cool to see so many silent readers popping up today!

i love dongwan for posting an entry on march 24th. he must know that this is what the fans must've wanted the most on this day - to hear from the shinhwa members. and he put up some never-before-seen pictures of the members!

...but why does minwoo look so sketchy in that picture? lmao


i agree with everyone - what i love most about shinhwa, more than their music or their good looks or their dancing, is their incredible bond.

surviving in the korean entertainment business is extremely tough, especially with the debut of so many boy bands and other music artists each year; it eventually becomes hard to maintain the interest of fans, having to compete with the fresh young artists. hence why shinhwa changjo is amazing, for continuing to support the boys for the past ten years.

for shinhwa to last a decade, with all of its members intact, is a great feat. it's even more amazing that this group of boys (or men, depending on their level of maturity that day lol) have remained the same goofy bunch of guys that they were during their debut. [for reference, see youtube videos of their debut that someone posted up a while back]

you can tell that they've remained together for so many years not for money, but because of their brotherhood. and that is also why i love and fangirl over them. i admire their loyalty and love for each other, and in turn, i remain loyal to shinhwa.

p.s. 80slitenite, i thoroughly enjoy your blinkies. especially your latest one - eric and andy are especially cute as teletubbies, in my opinion :lol:

edit: AHHH i topped a page!! will be back with some picture to celebrate :D

i've decided to go old school:











and one of my favorites:


credit: on pics + soompi + various shinhwa forums

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Guest clairdeluned

80slitenite: LMAO that banner is SO cute. I might use it if it's all right with you XD They look so freaking cute!

I can't wait for the song to debut today :D I'll be checking the 10th website obsessively now *twitch*

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I LOVE my Shinhwa Junjin

I LOVE my Shinhwa Eric

I LOVE my Shinhwa MinWoo

I LOVE my Shinhwa Andy

I LOVE my Shinhwa HyeSung

I LOVE my Shinhwa Dongwan

You will be in my heart FOREVER!!!

Happy 10th Anniversary to my Six Wonderful Men!!! I am wearing ORANGE today all day long!!

mommie Alice: I love what you wrote, you are TOO Funny!!! You should have taken the other poster too, you can put it inside your clothes closet at home, no one will ever know!!! :D

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Guest 80slitenite

Finally we are one shy away of 1200!


i regret that i wasn't a fan for the good part of your first 10 years together, but you can bet that i'll be there for your next ten, and many more years after that :wub:

it's so cool to see so many silent readers popping up today!

i love dongwan for posting an entry on march 24th. he must know that this is what the fans must've wanted the most on this day - to hear from the shinhwa members. and he put up some never-before-seen pictures of the members!

...but why does minwoo look so sketchy in that picture? lmao


i agree with everyone - what i love most about shinhwa, more than their music or their good looks or their dancing, is their incredible bond.

surviving in the korean entertainment business is extremely tough, especially with the debut of so many boy bands and other music artists each year; it eventually becomes hard to maintain the interest of fans, having to compete with the fresh young artists. hence why shinhwa changjo is amazing, for continuing to support the boys for the past ten years.

for shinhwa to last a decade, with all of its members intact, is a great feat. it's even more amazing that this group of boys (or men, depending on their level of maturity that day lol) have remained the same goofy bunch of guys that they were during their debut. [for reference, see youtube videos of their debut that someone posted up a while back]

you can tell that they've remained together for so many years not for money, but because of their brotherhood. and that is also why i love and fangirl over them. i admire their loyalty and love for each other, and in turn, i remain loyal to shinhwa.

p.s. 80slitenite, i thoroughly enjoy your blinkies. especially your latest one - eric and andy are especially cute as teletubbies, in my opinion :lol:

edit: AHHH i topped a page!! will be back with some picture to celebrate :D

I loved your post. Especially what you said in the beginning about not being a fan for a good part of the 10 years, those words really hit me because it is true. I also missed out a lot as well. I joined in on the fun in 06. So I'm right there with you angeldreams. We won't miss out anymore in the future.^^

Just like you said Shinhwa's bond really is something special. I'm really envious. Such a precious thing they have. I hope we Shinhwa Changjo members can grow even more together here on soompi or maybe somewhere else. Seriously, Shinhwa in my opinion has the best fans.

I think there really should be Shinhwa teletubbie-like plushies XD

Wooo! (goes crazy over the old school pics);D

Of course you can use it if you want Misoobishi!^^ If you want the original pic pm me. I found it on photobucket and just added that other sparkly stuff.

Here's another cute one I found awhile back


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Guest incarnadine

Ooooh... thanks so much for the pic spam, angeldreams. I love love looking at their old school pics. They looked so young, so innocent, so vibrant. And Jin looked so pretty then! Who would have thought he'd grow into the handsome man he is today :)

Gaaaaah... it's Monday and I hafta go to work. Will be slightly preoccupied with waiting for the title track and MV preview, tho. Again, HAPPY SHINHWA DAY to all!!!

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Guest clairdeluned

I keep on checking Naver to see if any Shinhwa searches are in the top 10, and nothing yet (I am repeatedly searching for Shinhwa 9th jib though :lol:) Then again it's only 8 AM in Seoul :P

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Happy Anniversary! Let ten years be a hundred or a million. And let six will always be six.

Unlike many people, I have only known Shinhwa for about a year and a fan for several months. Some people have said that I missed the best of Shinhwa. But I feel that they best all throughout their 10 (and more) years in the business because they put all their effort and come through all those obstacles and hard times together. Even though I can now only look back at their activities, I'm incredibly glad that I know a Shinhwa.

Anyways, has the single come out yet?

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Guest aindy


i just love the how this thread moved!!

5 or more pages in just a day!! whoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

and all are in orange!!

let's keep this up forever, shall we??


my life has never been this great..

meeting this guys 2years ago has been a blessing..

i've met more and kind friends ALL because of them..


every time i'm visiting shinhwa10th.com, i just can't help but drool all of their commemorative goodies..


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Guest ntlove16

Anyones excited for the MV? I am!

Thanks for all the amazing picture of SHINHWA!

Everyone is so sweet writing about our SHINHWA!

I don't know, someday I will, today I decided to be happy


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Guest clairdeluned

Anyways, has the single come out yet?

I'm checking the 10th website and Soribada obsessively and I don't see any mention of it yet. I really should be reading right now, but the thought of the new song is preventing me from studying :P

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Guest cocospirite


I only discovered u since one year! so late T__T!! i so know that...but since then, i can't spend a day without shinhwa!

Thanks a lot for all the happiness you bring in my everyday's life!

Thanks a lot for being who u are, for sharing with us your joy, humour, your such precious friendship!

Thanks to you I have met friends from all around the world!


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Guest tnsyn123

Hello. call me Tan. Since it Shinhwa anni I decide to use this as my first post. I knew about them when they first debut thanks to my bf (she's korean, I'm not) She was into HOT and I was into N*sync. I really didn't get to know the boyz until Perfect Men. I was like that a nice tune so she let me borrow her cd, thinking that I was going to return it after I finish listening, yeah she never got it back :sweatingbullets:

We've been bf for over 10 yrs. Can't really remember the date so we just use Shinhwa date to celebrate our friendship. I like Dongwan, she like Minwoo. So we consider ourselves the Minwan couple. She always heading to Korea to visit and she buy all kind of Shinhwa stuff and pass it off as she buying it for me :lol:

She recently gave birth to a baby boy (I know were in the kinda older fan group) I ask her what she named him. She was what a good name, I said "Guma" :D of course I wasn't allow to see the baby.

So to make it short Shinhwa friendship is what make still like till this day although the music, dancing and especially their performance are awesome. Happy 10!! Sorry forgot to make it orange.

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Guest jerrybabie26

thanks so much for posting that diary, malou. totally made my day. wannie always makes me smile with his sweet entries :D and he certianly knows what their fans are looking for....

and the amazing pic spams... :w00t:

i'm kind of torn between crying and laughing in absolute delight...

of course... the laughing won over that...

i can't believe its been 10 amazing years... its sad that i didn't know them as long as they have been together but the few years that i've fangirled over them, has made me make up for that lost time... i hope for more wonderful years ahead for them and for us...

Happy 10th Shinhwa Oppa...


and to another 10 years with you...!

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Guest jvang_07

This is my first time posting in here.

Wow, it's alright March 24, 2008 in Korea. I wish it was here too.



I'm so excited for the Album. I'm going to have my cousin buy it for me, since he's in Japan, and that way I can at least show support to my MOST favorite Korean Group!!

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Guest angel2nyt

[08.03.24][news] Shinhwa's 10th Anniversary: Time for the last concert

"It feels terrible having to send the hyungs off first. Maybe my tears will just gush out during the concert." - Junjin

awww.. junjin.. dont cry too much okay

imagine what hyesung would feel when youre all gone..

it makes me sadder

"Luckily it's not an incomplete number like 8 or 9, but a complete 10. I'm kidding (laughs). Being able to spend the past 10 years under the name of 'Shinhwa', I think it has been the happiest time of my life. We can't go back to our precious memories now, but maybe it will still be the same from now onwards." - Eric


So what do they think of the next 10 years? Shin Hyesung said, "We'll be married and even when everyone becomes ahjusshis I'll still remember Shinhwa forever. Although everything will change, but all the memories and experiences we had as Shinhwa, that's probably the best thing in the world to us."

this aticle is making me so sad.. and its supposed to be a HAPPY DAY


yes oppas, we will wait for each one of you so that you can make the 10th album

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Guest incarnadine

Hi all!

I too am so excited about their title track and MV preview. Gaaah, I just got to work and I'm wearing a light orange long-sleeved blouse under my coat. I'll be on the watch out all day but it sucks because the audio card of my PC here is broken... meaning no audio! I'll have to read all your reactions to the title track for the day, and wait til I get home to listen to it ^^

I can't focus on my work right now... all I have in my mind is Shinhwa. I have so much to say about them but I can't seem to organize my thoughts for now... maybe later. I have been a fan of Shinhwa for even a shorter time than most of you -- barely six months. And it's been a CRAZY six months for me. Imagine, cramming all the Shinhwa history for the past 10 years in six months... these days I practically eat, sleep and breathe Shinhwa :sweatingbullets: But yeah, even though I'm too late *sobs*, I'm glad I still had a chance to know them before they leave for the military... and I still get to witness their celebration of being together for a decade. I can spend the rest of my life knowing about them more, no matter what happens. I felt so sad after reading the last article... I fell in love with them and am just getting to know more and more about them, and now they're leaving...

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HAPPY 10th anniversary.. my dear shinhwa.. hope there would be.. another 10,20,30 years of anniversary.. that we could... celebrate together.....

hope u guys could stay forever and ever.. n ur friendship will be stronger n stronger...

......shinhwa fighting.... shinhwa forever.... we lov u~~~~

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