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Guest lenakeem

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Guest grumpynomore

^ thank you!

i happened to click on the PIC link on you're sig. how come they closed SHINHWA's pic thread?

it's the first time i've seen that thread and the pics are just hilarious and adorable!

i miss the boys together!

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"Which of these two groups is more chaotic during interviews?"

Everyone knows that Shinhwa is the craziest boyband during interviews in KPop, well along with Click-B, but anyway it's definitely not just because we are fans of Shinhwa, like what iLuvhyesung said from Shinhwa.biz. Between them and SS501, we all know as Shinhwa fans, non-Shinhwa fans, that Shinhwa nails this. We have until the 8th to put Shinhwa to the top and we need at least 36-40 more votes!!!!! Please sign up and give your opinion!!!!!!!!!


I hope I don't get in trouble. :sweatingbullets:

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"Which of these two groups is more chaotic during interviews?"

Everyone knows that Shinhwa is the craziest boyband during interviews in KPop, well along with Click-B, but anyway it's definitely not just because we are fans of Shinhwa, like what iLuvhyesung said from Shinhwa.biz. Between them and SS501, we all know as Shinhwa fans, non-Shinhwa fans, that Shinhwa nails this. We have until the 8th to put Shinhwa to the top and we need at least 36-40 more votes!!!!! Please sign up and give your opinion!!!!!!!!!


I hope I don't get in trouble. :sweatingbullets:

WOW, I'm so excited! When I voted I was the 73rd voter for Shinhwa now it's up to 121 vs 115! Shinhwa in the lead!!!

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Guest grumpynomore

yey! i voted also! fighting!

everyone, i have a question...

on this video...who's on the couch with eric at around 1:37 after wannie said he only slept for thirty minutes. it's hyesung right? :) awwww! hahaha

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Guest infinityyy

I voted :)

NO ONE beats Shinhwa at being absolutely, genuinely CRAZYYY (especially during interviews ;) ).

I'm so happy that Shinhwa's 11th year anniversary is coming up!

agh, I'm just so SO happy. and a bit nostalgic. i want them back as Shinhwa soon T_T

and I've decided that..

I'm going to save my first concert for Shinhwa :)

If not the first, it's going to be the best concert I will ever attend.

I've been wishing, waiting, hoping for what..? 6? 7 years? To be able to attend a Shinhwa concert.

It was only a couple more months before I reached the right time to be able to visit Korea and maybe achieve my dream, but unfortunately, I'll have to wait a few more years..

one day~ in a few years, you guys will be seeing me post some Shinhwa concert pictures and videos here! :Dv

Shinhwa fighting~~

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yey! i voted also! fighting!

everyone, i have a question...

on this video...who's on the couch with eric at around 1:37 after wannie said he only slept for thirty minutes. it's hyesung right? :) awwww! hahaha


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VOTE FOR SHINHWA!!!! "Which of these two groups is more chaotic during interviews?"


Thanks for the heads-up.

I'm might get flamed, but I have to say it and get it out of my system :ph34r: Well...DSP being DSP :sweatingbullets: ...and it's probably why I've always had a soft spot for SS501. After the first month of following their debut, I couldn't help, but feel DSP styled the group after Shinhwa (the debut time, the 'friendship' marketing strategy (5 as 1), the interview styles, the 4-D-rapping leader (now actor), the main vocal subgroup, etc). I'm not saying that the newer group hasn't stepped into their own path over the years, just that this was my impression of the group when they just started. It might've been the way the company deliberately chose their trainees and the way they chose to groom them. Out of all groups formed after Shinhwa, SS501 gave me the most 'Shinhwa-deja-vu' when watching them. So I guess, now that the fandoms have had time to develop, I'm not surprised they would come head to head for this :)

Nevertheless, our SHinhwa boys really do come up with some ingenius stuff during in ther views and probably have the biggest collection of 'publicly-kiss-during-interviews' in the world of boybands =.=|||

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Guest 80slitenite

Shinhwa has to win that poll. I never knew SS501 ever got chaotic during interviews especially since Young Saeng and HJ are usually reserved.

Ego has some new pics of JinSungDy. http://kimdongwan.net/

Felt like spamming so time for Old school Shinhwa pic spam!

cred sixsenses

No Hotlinking Por favor :)

Our cute boys are love. <333

Wannie's baby face. >< sooo cuteeee :3

















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Guest sydney0428

those pics are awesome! so cute!

its good to see them in their early years.




thanks tiffy!

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Guest 1wawa3

I voted. Honestly, who can beat Shinhwa when it comes to chaotic during interview? LOL

They are certainly the craziest.

Tiff, thank you for sharing the old pictures of them. They all look like little kids. Gosh, it shows how much they have grown into the handsome man they are today. I feel kinda sad that I didn't like them sooner. I've only been a fan since June 2007. I'm saving a bunch of them. LOL at their hand gestures. XD

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Guest rose_liana

hi changjoers~~ long time didnt come to here..miss this thread so much...

thanks tiff for the pics.save all! our six fine man are so young and cute in their debut days...i wonder how people will react if they debut later and become one of young idol group these days...young generation must be going crazy about them, cannot resist their cute appearance...but, after all i'm glad they dubut early, so i can see different images of them, change from time to time...

voted already...eventhough i also enjoy the other group's interview, but they only fun and cute..but, in term of chaotic, obviously it has to be Shinhwa. even if you're a fan or not, you cannot denied that Shinhwa should be the winner for the poll.YAY! 66.9%.i confirm they will be the winner for the poll coz they're truly legendary jokestar!

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You know rose_liana looking at your little picture thing under your post I just remembered from somewhere in youtube, one of Shinhwa's interviews was very calm, and one of the commentors was like wow, they are so not-so-naughty, because they were lined up away from who they usually joke around with. I don't remember what clip it was. That was before I knew them. Now that I think about it, I think in order for them to have a calm interview or something, they'd have to be lined up like this: "JunJin-Andy-Hyesung-Dongwan-Minwoo-Eric" : Junjin needs to be away from Hyesung, Dongwan, and esp Eric. And Andy is the perfect separation, because you don't see too much interaction between them pairs. Eric away from all the mentioned above and esp Andy from him, Minwoo would be the best choice to separate him. Minwoo from hyesung, 'cause you guys know how Minwoo is sometimes, "We are ~Minsung~." haha. I though this would be interesting. I want to see a clip where they are lined up like this. <rushes to youtube>

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grumpynomore: no problem! you know, i actually dont know why it was closed either... it was really a nice thread =/ i was upset that it got closed ><. Maybe we can start another one? looking at the pictures from the thread really brings back memories :)

I voted!!!. really, no one can beat shinhwa at being the noisiest during interviews xD. they are just pro's at being hyper all the time hehehehe.

sry that havent posted in a while. i havent touched my PC in like 4 days TOT

thanks 80silentnite!!!! yay for old school pictures! *saves*

OH! btw, i wanted to say hi to the new people i see in this thread! :D. hope you all will use orange font!!

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Guest rose_liana

OH! btw, i wanted to say hi to the new people i see in this thread! :D. hope you all will use orange font!!

yeah, hopefully we all will use orange font in this thread and become the Orange thread..

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