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Guest lenakeem

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WGM Junjin...I´m watching WGM and Junjin is so funny, hilarious just the way he is...first Andy, after Junjin and Minwoo, just left Hyesung, hehehehe i´m wonder what think Eric and Dongwan now they can see to their homeloving brothers? and Sung, he will be the next? what kind of husband will be Sung? hahaha i´m sure that it would be so funny to watch...i´m missing shinhwa together :(

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Guest chabori

Ladies, for Shinhwa fans in Indonesia, we have good news,..


We have received some good news from TOP Management. TOP Management has contacted Shinhwa-Indonesia to find out how many SHINHWA / ERIC fans there are in Indonesia, who are willing to come for a Get Together and watch a SPECIAL VOD of Eric’s activities throughout his career.

TOP management will send the VOD to Shinhwa-Indonesia in Jakarta. However, there is a “Condition” on how many people must attend the viewing. So please let us know if you are interested for the Get Together.

We will see how many SHINHWA Mania & Eric Mania in Indonesia through a Special Poll. And, if the amount satisfies the “Condition”, we will immediately set up a time and place for the viewing to take place. We are planning this event to be held in March (Shinhwa’s Bday).

To VOTE please log in to shinhwa indonesia : www.shinhwa-indonesia.com

or you could send email to enamwangja@gmail.com with title "Join Eric VOD Event"

We really hope that YOU Shinhwa fans from and who live in Indonesia will participate!!





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Guest rose_liana

80slitenite OMG!!! the goods...i want them all..or at least M's shirt and SH caps....Hyesung's goods are so cute...hehe :D

miss lakwon i love the pic..owh, orange wave~~~need to wait for 4 to 5 years before we can see it again..be patient...be patient.... :)

strawberrybunny it must be very hard for you till you have to sell your beloved Shinhwa cd & dvd...only if i have the money, i would like to buy it

from you...huhu... :sweatingbullets:

roni75 OMG...hopefully some1 will posted the episode tomorrow on YT. i would like to see how jinnie's reaction to her unpredictable wife...and yeah..hopefully hyesungie will be next...i'm missing shinhwa together too..they're look brightest when they're together...

chabori wah~~~indonesian fan are so lucky!!!i wish i live there

update for brand new experiment:

January 23, 2009: 289,817 views, 805 ratings, 735 comments

January 25, 2009: 290,879 views, 815 rates and 744 comments (+1062 views,+10 ratings,+9 comments)

nice!!keep it up guys!! anyway, Happy Chinese New year!

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Guest superstar`kiss

omgosh! Look at all the new EvenIf products!


Well ladies, it looks like SBS is going to release a new Shinhwa DVD even with our boys not being active.

Isn't this AWESOME or what?!! Yayyyyy! Along with Wannie's 'Promise' Concert and Sungie's 3rd album concert.

Def. this looks like something for every Shinhwa-Changjo.

Check it out.


(excuse the ugly circling)


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Guest valmylove


Happy New Year!

It's Seollal in Korea now and I want to give a shout out to Shinhwa and their SHCJs!!

To Eric, Dongwan, Minwoo, Hyesung, Junjin and Andy,

새해 복 많이 받으세요

Thank you for a memorable year as we enter another! There was smiles, laughs and tears and I am sure there will be many more to come. May each of you be bless with health and propersity. May you succeed in your individual work as well as a group. I may not be a fan from the beginning of time but am striving to become a better fan. I look forward to your reunion/comeback/WORLD TOURS!!

Thank you very much for everyone's contribution to this awesome thread even under rought times. I admit, I am a silent reader most of the time, but I really want to express my deepest appreciate to any Shinhwa fans for being loyal and especially the awesome AWESOME translaters, subbers, timers, PS-ers, fanfic writers, cap-ers, special creation-ers, and organizers for feeding us NON KOREAN speaker SHINHWA news, songs, mvs, goodies, and every else about Shinhwa. Even though there are times, when some are not subbed, the sound of their voices, the charming personalities and the chemistry with each other is enough to make me adore them more.

As long as I understand the word SHINHWA and SARANGHAE, I think I am satisfied!! :blush: :sweatingbullets:

Please keep up the good work as I don't know how else to support, but leave everyone with a Thank You!!


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OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm so going to save up for all the goodies coming up!!

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!!!

새해 복 많이 받으세요

I haven't been a fan for a long time, approx 2 years since i started liking them... But I think I have found THE one. To me, Shinhwa isn't a bunch of idols but they are really close to my heart like family. I can always rely on my fellow shcj-ers when i meet with trouble or anything. Shinhwa + Shinhwa Changjo = FAMILY.


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Guest 80slitenite

OMFG shinhwa_n_choua!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONGWAN'S DVD?!?!?! Finally! ack need to spazz in his thread!!!! Wah so excited!!!!

恭喜发财!!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!! Happy New Year!!!

I wish everyone a wonderful year of the Ox! Saranghae! <3

[09.01.26] Korea 100% Entertainment Photo Exhibition at Urawa PARCO (feat. Eric, Andy)

Hi everyone, this is the official fanclub administration team.

Let’s go to Eric’s and Andy’s photo panel displays at the Photo Exhibition at Urawa PARCO, shall we?

The ‘Urawa PARCOxMnet - Korea 100% Entertainment Photo Exhibition’ has been confirmed, and all the photo panel displays will feature never-before-seen photographs of Eric, Andy and 7 other Hallyu stars. There will be photos that have been shown previously to the fanclub members and previously unreleased photos, so please be there.

Event Details

Event title: Urawa PARCOxMnet - Korea 100% Entertainment Photo Exhibition

Duration: 15 Feb 2009 (Sun) - 3 March 2009 (Tues)

Venue: Urawa PARCO Reds Gate (www.parco-urawa.com)


This event is not limited to fanclub members, please invite your friends along too. Admission is free.

Phototaking of the panels are allowed, but please keep them for your own collection.

Source: Eric’s & Andy’s JP fanclub sites

Chi trans: 小玉@love-ric

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

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Guest superstar`kiss

^ omgosh that is friggin AWESOME!

Too bad I have no chance of flying to Korea anytime soon. :(

SUCH a GOOD event for Shinhwa Changjo's though..it's free too.

Well if anyone attends, PICTURE SPAM AWAY! :D

SO cooool! Would love to be there!


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Guest rose_liana

RicDy photo exhibition??...what a great news...lucky Changjoyers who live in korea..they cannot miss the chance,it just like once in a lifetime coz its free!!! .thanks for posted the news here~~

Have a nice day everybody!!! Fighting!!

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Guest grumpynomore

just saw shall we dance with minwoo and andy! :)

as much as i enjoy watching each shinhwa member do their own thing, it's still an uncomparable feeling watching them together. 2 of the 6 in one show aint bad!

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Guest rose_liana

just saw shall we dance with minwoo and andy! :)

as much as i enjoy watching each shinhwa member do their own thing, it's still an uncomparable feeling watching them together. 2 of the 6 in one show aint bad!

where did you see them?is it in YT? can you give me the link?i relly want to see MinDy dancing. i only saw Jinnie as guest for MBC stars dance battle..

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Guest gravitie

'Shall we dance' awesome! They were being their dorky selves again at the dance studio. Hahahahaha! I love MinDy (heck I love all the Shinhwa pairings lol)! ^^

Andy's did a jive! I love him in his hat! And his expressions were so cute.. Dude, he will never ever shake that cute image of his off :P

Btw, he injured his ankleknee during rehearsal.. that's why he left his seat for a while after he danced the actual one.

M was sizzling hot! His hair reminds me of Run MV! Woooo. I always love watching this guy dance. He's awesome! :) The ending was a pity though..

Btw, those who has KBS World on TV, they will be airing the show tomorrow, at 10PM Korean time. Hope that helps!

Minwoo's Dance


Andy's Dance

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Guest rose_liana

thank you so much for the links!!!!

yeah~~Minu oppa!! so hot, but the ending???!!! he slip one step..he himself looks doesnt satisfied with the ending..what a pity!!!

and andy oppa, haha..so cute.he even add his heart dance into it...kya!!!

but i'm satisfied enough with MinDy love!!! they're so cute together!!! Andy even mentioned about Jinnie oppa..wonder what he's talking about~~~

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'Shall we dance' awesome! They were being their dorky selves again at the dance studio. Hahahahaha! I love MinDy (heck I love all the Shinhwa pairings lol)! ^^

Andy's did a jive! I love him in his hat! And his expressions were so cute.. Dude, he will never ever shake that cute image of his off :P

Btw, he injured his ankle during rehearsal.. that's why he left his seat for a while after he danced the actual one.

M was sizzling hot! His hair reminds me of Run MV! Woooo. I always love watching this guy dance. He's awesome! :) The ending was a pity though..

Btw, those who has KBS World on TV, they will be airing the show tomorrow, at 10PM Korean time. Hope that helps!

Minwoo's Dance


Andy's Dance

Thanks for the links.

I hope Andy is okay...it must have hurt a lot to dance with a sprained ankle or something. ...or was it his knee? I read that M cleaned off blood for Andy??!?!? What were they doing in the studio that would have done that to Andy?

I watched Junjin's dance too. I wonder why he wasn't in this show with Mindy...it seems appropriate for the dance machine to be here!!!


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Guest readsandgeeks

Hi all*waves*

i bought SHINHWA's 9th album[the normal one] but i really,really want the white repackaged one cos of Destiny of Love..

since there's no news of singles whatsoever for that particular song..can somebody please help me as to where i can get hold of that song?

thank u in advance :)

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Guest readsandgeeks

omg! yanee, where can singaporeans get that?! I WANT THAT! maybe i can pycho my aunt into getting it for me! heehee. i just made her watch the shinhwa 10th anni dvd, and she told me she wanna get every single album of theirs! LOL. but truth to be told, i rather collect their goodies... :(

hey lexine and changjo-ers..found the details of this exclusive package from yesasia.com.

YES, you read right!

you can pre-order this baby and it'll come straight into your mailbox!! :P

so hurry[if you have the moolah]..click here to view product details!

ps: its US$323.49 [~S$469.51]..aiyz..not whithin my budget..plus it is in Japanese.any takers?

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Guest rose_liana

gravitie owh, i didn't notice you mentioned about andy oppa getting injured during rehearsal.my bad!!!

hope he's fine, our poor baby..but he's able to perform well though...wah~~~MinDy love!!! Minu oppa cleaned off blood for Andy oppa? thats so sweet of him..they really care for each other...

anyway, this is the current update for Brand new MV:

last update:January 25, 2009: 290,879 views, 815 rates and 744 comments

Current update: January 27, 2009 (afternoon): 292,066 views, 820 ratings and 750 comments (+1187 views, + 5 ratings, +6 comments)

but, i dont understand and a bit dissapointed regarding people commenting on the MV site..why did they use Shinhwa's MV comment site to discuss or argue something about race or culture or whatsoever which doesnt related to Shinhwa or the MV at all..huh!!!

anyway, hopefully we'll achieve 300,000 viewers and 1000 rates soon...Fighting!!!

i found this only now???

oh dear, Shinhwa oppas are so kind to their fans...!!! i wish i'm one of the fans..shake hand with them, wish they could touch my cheeks or at least told me stop crying....but actually having face to face with them and get their signature is good enough..



dramaqueennur OMG!!!US$323.49????!!!! *shocked* in my country, i guess, US$323.49x5/6..thats a lot!!! as a student,thats my live expenses for 3-4 months....huh!!!

anyway, Forever Shinhwa fighting!!!!

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The japanese package is EX. I would love to get that but it's too expensive for a student like me...

And Mindy LOVE <3 Minwoo's hair was so "Run" like.

And the reason why Jinnie's name was mentioned during Andy's dance was because.. Andy was saying things like

"I was a little hesitant at first (when asked to dance that dance), because there's Junjin who dances really well.. Why me??"

The members are ever so playful and random! <33

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