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Guest kriza_09

This is a fan account I read over at Daum.

I was in the subway going home from school with my friends.

In the train, I saw a kid looking like 3 year old kid was sitting in a baby carriage.

The kid was looking at a colored book, a book that has one color on one page and tells what color it is.

The kid was so cute so I was looking at the kid.

Then the kid flipped a page. It was orange.

I felt so happy inside. Every time I see orange I always think of Shinhwa.

I was smiling inside and still watching the kid.

Then, the kid’s mother asked the kid.

“What color is this?’

And the kid answered.

“It’s orange, orange is Shinhwa’s”.

Well, then the fan said something like even a little kid knows orange is shinhwa, how come other singers and newcomers don’t, but let’s not get into that. ^^

I just find it so amazing how a little kid knows orange is Shinhwa.

The mom must be a changjo-er.. everyone, this is how we all should raise our kids... LOL

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^^ kriza thats a super sweet story. thank you for sharing. i think i would raise my kids to start loving the color orange from when they're born. boy or girl their first blanket will be the color orange. haha! my hubby should realize my shinhwa love and should accept me, shinhwa and the color orange!!

but that is true, ORANGE=SHINHWA nothing else!

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Guest amyliaz

Awww kriza, that really is a sweet story! And yes, we should all raise our kids to remember that orange = shinhwa = shinhwachangjo. <333

I see so many people sharing their stories about Shinhwa! It's so heartwarming. :D I've already shared mine about 2 pages back I think. XD I'm going to read all your stories and comment later, after I am done with my exams in... 4 days time! I can't wait! XD

You know, this just gives me an idea. When Shinhwa reunites in 4 years, we should totally do a "How you got into Shinhwa" storybook as a gift for them! I don't know how many of us will still be active here and all but I have faith that most of us will still be! Hopefully by then, those of us learning Korean (like myself LOL) will be able to translate our stories into Korean so we have our stories printed in English & Korean (for their easier reading LOL)!

I'm thinking so far into the future LOL but I think it's a nice thought. (: Hmmm...

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The story is soooooooo sweet~~~

Recently, I have been teaching my 4 year old cousin to recognise the members..

But yeah, she can only recognise her favourite(MY FAVOURITE too!) She shouts "DONGWAN!" when she points to him in the posters i have in my room..

It's totally true that even 4-5 years can be fans of Dongwan!

Since she was 2, she has been able to sing the chorus of "Once in a lifetime".

I think when she finishes learning the song, hopefully by the time she reaches 6, i'll upload the video of her singing and dancing LOL

AMYliaz: I think that idea's GREAT! I think we can start collating entries so that we can collect AS MANY entries. I think when fans send in the entries now, it's like a promise to SHINHWA. =) In that book, we can even have a celebrity section! Like celebrities who are/were SHINHWA fans! i know it's near impossible to get them to write entries since they are so busy, we can just include a short intro about the celebrity ourselves like "WHEN DID THEY START LIKING SHINHWA? WHO'S THEIR FAVOURITE MEMBER?" etc The more i think about i think the idea that AMYliaz suggest is SO COOL! I would LOVE to be part of it!

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well before this,

i was introducing minu to my mom as her son in law

get to explain that to her now, that it aint going to happen now

ha ha ha

actually i do refer minu to my mom as her son in law

but the only one she ever recognised is hyesung

she likes his smooth skin apparently...


when i watch their dvd concert or mvs or anything, she will always stop when she saw sungie oppa

she sure really like him a lot

my sis like junjin, keep saying that he is the leader

even until now, she keep refering jin as the leader

and my aunt actually like eric, because of his drama (she is a fanatic for korean dramas)

and my younger sis like andy cause he is so cute

and dongwan has always been the family's fav

he is like a must have!


*sorry of topic...

i love reading all of ur guys post, it's enjoyable and fun

i like it a lot

but i dont have any story to share, sorry

when did i like shinhwa, nor who is my fav

mine is not that interesting....

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i am sorry but i need to ask this question

recently dongwannie just posted up a long list about his opinion about shinhwa trademark color ORANGE

that hope tat idol group fans will stop using it.

but i hv seen big bang fans using orange color in mkmf or it's the quality of the video tat make it looks like orange to me??

they hv not resolve this matter??

i hope they do~~~:(

i like big bang too~~~~but i LOVE shinhwa more~~orange should belong to them~~

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Guest greenblobfish

this may be a bit late, but...i finally watched the concert! all the way through in one sitting as recommended...and it was definitely worth it!

it seemed like they didn't cut anything out and basically showed the concert in its entirety. so it really feels like your at the concert! and as much as i love their performances, it was their mnets that really impressed me this time. i loved the randomness of it all! i loved it when they started talking about the couplings! so they acknowledge the couples as well! of all the mnets, i think the one that left the biggest impression on me was eric's at the very end. eric usually doesn't talk much, but when he does, it always amazes me how truthfully and inspiring his words are. i loved what he said about the industry and fans on his side.

my only small gripe, well...two gripes...i didn't really like how the camera angles kept on changing. i noticed it especially in the beginning when i wanted to see them as a group dancing because they're always so in sync with each other. but it would be focused on a member for two seconds and then switch to the group and then switch back to another member in two seconds. so that kinda bothered me, but i got used to it as the concert progressed and eventually didn't notice anymore. my other gripe...i wished they included the mnets from the first day. i was watching some of the news clips on the concert and there was a part about dongwan wanting to be reborn into angelina jolie...i would have loved to see the whole thing...oh well, there's always the next concert!

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Guest amyliaz

@chubby^green^; SAME HERE. As in my mum likes Hye Sung a lot HAHAHA. She went for Shinhwa concert with me 2 years back LOL. Oh and she brought me to Korea to watch Min Woo's concert too! XD Poor her, she had to stand with me (because how can I watch a Min Woo concert sitting down?!?! XD). And my whole family know how much I love Min Woo. The other day when my mum saw Min Woo on TV, she was like "Amylia! Your friend is on TV!" And I'm like who? o.0 And I saw Min Woo and I just laughed. HAHAHA. My sis calls Min Woo "The guy Amylia has loved for 3 years".

I think all my friends recognise Min Woo too. XDDD And my best friends went to learn who is who in Shinhwa for my sake. It's quite sweet LOL.

@Trish; haha it may not be too far-fetched an idea to get the celebs to write. A lot of things can happen in 4 years! (: I'm excited all of a sudden LOL!

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I envy you girls for already watching the DVD. I still have three more days of exams to go and I still haven't bought my copy. I don't know where to get it. I'm searching for it high and low in my country. My dad totally refuse to let me buy stuff online. So, me and my sister is really hoping my brother will be good and buy it for us online. LOL.

Listening to all you girls talk about the DVD makes me wanna watch it so bad. I think I'll cry once I get it and cry watching the Shinhwa members dance and sing on stage.

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omg ocean six is closing

that's sad

i always see that forum as a great place for shinhwa fans

it is sad to see fans drifted away

even my fren

who used to be a bigger shinhwa fans than me

has stopped talking about them

not because she doesnt love them anymore

but just because there's so many more of others


for now

i believe myself is still as orange as that colour could be

and i hope i will be as orange as this

for the next few years ahead...


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erm did u just copy what i wrote a few pages back


like really copying it

u can at least change the wording a lil bit

that's not funny at all <_<


amyliaz ha ha ha cool both of our mom like sungie oppa

it does seems that he attracts older woman isnt it?

ha ha ha

i have a fren too who knows shinhwa just because of me

i remember dragging her to watch love letter or x man with me

and then started to tell her stories about the shinhwa members

it was fun back then...

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Guest kriza_09

this may be a bit late, but...i finally watched the concert! all the way through in one sitting as recommended...and it was definitely worth it!

it seemed like they didn't cut anything out and basically showed the concert in its entirety. so it really feels like your at the concert! and as much as i love their performances, it was their mnets that really impressed me this time. i loved the randomness of it all! i loved it when they started talking about the couplings! so they acknowledge the couples as well! of all the mnets, i think the one that left the biggest impression on me was eric's at the very end. eric usually doesn't talk much, but when he does, it always amazes me how truthfully and inspiring his words are. i loved what he said about the industry and fans on his side.

my only small gripe, well...two gripes...i didn't really like how the camera angles kept on changing. i noticed it especially in the beginning when i wanted to see them as a group dancing because they're always so in sync with each other. but it would be focused on a member for two seconds and then switch to the group and then switch back to another member in two seconds. so that kinda bothered me, but i got used to it as the concert progressed and eventually didn't notice anymore. my other gripe...i wished they included the mnets from the first day. i was watching some of the news clips on the concert and there was a part about dongwan wanting to be reborn into angelina jolie...i would have loved to see the whole thing...oh well, there's always the next concert!

yeah.. the camera angle needs some work... sometimes I just want to shoot the cameramen.. why would you focus on a blank space??? and it shakes a lot too...

nevertheless, this time the camera didn't fail to capture all the shinhwa moments... like if we watch fancams of the previous concerts, sometimes we see members hugging/fooling around that we can't see in the DVD.. but this time they managed to capture them, even though we can only see it in the corner of our TV... LOL.. even though the camera doesn't focus on them, at least we're aware there's 'something' going on... ^^

Some ments from the first concert:

1. During their first ment (with the introduction), they played rock-paper-scissor and the loser had to drink a bottle of water... it might sound easy, but it's not.. there's no solo stage in this concert... so they can't go to restroom for the next 3 hours until the concert ends...

2. During their 2nd ment (with the white costume), hyesung spotted a ricsyung picture (where eric and hyesung had to lick a knife?) that a fan was holding so he asked the fan to give it to him... the members kept teasing him... later on he threw it away back to the fans...



forget the rest.. lol

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i've been thinking... in another 10 years how would it be? will we still looking 4 shinhwa? will shinhwa get married n have children?

is there will be another new n younger shinhwa fans? if they having a concert will still a lot of us watching them???

or will shinhwa members living low, we might find them in our neighbor, seeing them going to the market buy some groceries. bringing their children to the park

will still b shinhwa poster in our bedroom? is it gonna b the old shinhwa or the young shinhwa in our wall?

which one it is, i think i'm gonna still love them...

yay..... shinhwa 4ever

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Guest greenblobfish

yeah.. the camera angle needs some work... sometimes I just want to shoot the cameramen.. why would you focus on a blank space??? and it shakes a lot too...

nevertheless, this time the camera didn't fail to capture all the shinhwa moments... like if we watch fancams of the previous concerts, sometimes we see members hugging/fooling around that we can't see in the DVD.. but this time they managed to capture them, even though we can only see it in the corner of our TV... LOL.. even though the camera doesn't focus on them, at least we're aware there's 'something' going on... ^^

Some ments from the first concert:

1. During their first ment (with the introduction), they played rock-paper-scissor and the loser had to drink a bottle of water... it might sound easy, but it's not.. there's no solo stage in this concert... so they can't go to restroom for the next 3 hours until the concert ends...

2. During their 2nd ment (with the white costume), hyesung spotted a ricsyung picture (where eric and hyesung had to lick a knife?) that a fan was holding so he asked the fan to give it to him... the members kept teasing him... later on he threw it away back to the fans...



forget the rest.. lol

ahhh...thanks for the info! i think i remember people talking about that after the concert back in march...

so i went searching for the ments from the first night and found some famcams of the mnets you mentioned!

paper-rock-scissor part:

hyesung throwing ricsyung picture:

and another mnet, but i don't know what they're talking about:

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Guest lavenderwingz

find out why dongwan is not in the 79ers club like hyesung is~ =P

buahahaha. i had to laugh. why is wannie always the weird one..haha. even though for him to say that he wanted to quit drinking, that's why he wasn't in the club.is so simple. maybe cuz wannie's my fav, but he's just so dorky at times, i want to laugh and smile every time i see him. reminds me of the time when he came out with all that protection wear when he was trying to cook in happy shares company. LOL. this guy never fails to make me laugh..

This is a fan account I read over at Daum.

sorri to cut ur post..but this was really sweet. it's nice that all the other colors didn't seem to have meaning, yet with the color orange, even the child knew that it was shinhwa..i guess even for years to come, no one can take that away..b/c even if we're not glued to the internet supporting them online, they prolly have those kids who are recognizing orange as shinhwa supporting them for us. we'll just buy their cd/dvds and support them financially ^^

but i was thinking..the news about minwoo admitting that he's dating..really can't wait till the day i see these guys in one of the member's marriage..i would love that it's a private wedding, but i would love it when wannie updates his blog w/ weird and memorable pictures..i wonder what song they'll play in each other's wedding..."Yo"? AHAHAHAH...(remembers that interview)

sorri..little weird at this moment..just reading the stories you guys wrote..makes my heart really warm ^_^

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okay story is. she uploaded this on youtube. and till now i cant wipe of this face of smiling from ear to ear. aish.

you'll have to watch it to understand!

okay this is the clip of where the members went to andy's concert and they did some stuff together. seriously ricsyung were absolotuly cute! and its english subbed!! WOO!!




btw... remember to put fmt=18 after the link to get HQ.

after watching. it really made my mood go up. and i know it will for u all too!!

which is ur favorite part? mine was when andy was going to blow out the candles but then the members covered his mouth and stopped him from blowing the candles. XDD. thats one of my favorite part.

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awww. that's a cute story kriza. When I become mother and have kids, I'll definitely tell them about Shinhwa. I have a 6 yr old cousin and she knows Shinhwa too! Well, because I introduced Shinhwa to her. lol. And everytime she sees an object that is orange in color, she would always call me and say 'Hey! It's Shinhwa's color. Orange.'

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shinhwa marriage


i know i will be happy but they do that

but i am definitely will be sad too

it will feel like losing someone close to u to another gal

isnt it?

and then u will start comparing and saying stuff like she is not that good for him

he deserves better!

ha ha ha

i know i will

but i think, when that time come... i will rejoice with them

hoping and wishing for their happiness

and then started to count when will we got to see the shinhwa juniors ha ha ha

i miss shinhwa terribly now...

i really miss them so much....

oppas how are u all?

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^^ i'm with you. im already missing shinhwa so much! and we only sent 2 out of the 5 boys going to the army. imagine when all 5 are all in.

hyesung should show up in as much variety shows as he can to fill our voids, lol.

like everyone else, i've been watching the shinhwa concert over and over again, and as i keep watching, im more aware of the members actions, lol. how i love them in their most random moments!!

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Hi, I'm a new fan of Shinhwa and Junjin. But I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this. Please tell me if I'm not allowed to, I'll take this post down.

I came to know that Junjin acted in drama before with this supporting actor called Park Jun Hyuk or something(I'm not sure if I got the name of the actor correct, but it's something similar to that). Can anyone tell me which drama is that? Sorry, I know this isn't much infomation, I don't even know the year of when the drama was released and stuffs, but any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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