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Guest greenblobfish

^^^Rxgoodleaf posted softsubs for the rain episode in the rain and ysmm2 threads. junjin doesn't get too much airtime in that episode, but it's still a funny episode! i love how he's so serious when he's taking while everyone else is laughing their heads off.

not sure if anyone's seen this:


eric and andy speak english at awards program

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Awww, I'm sad. I just read today that Ocean Six, the awesome, awesome Shinhwa site, will be closing on the 15th. :( I sort of skimmed through the notice, but I think the jist of it is that the site started as a place for Shinhwa activities, and now that everyone is doing their own thing and Shinhwa won't be together for awhile, they think it's best to close.

I know it's hard when your group isn't currently active - my "Shinhwa" during my adolescent years (lol, that makes me sound old even though it was only like a couple years ago) was *NSYNC and what was supposed to simply be a 8-month-long hiatus in 2002, eventually turned into their unofficial disbanding. I remained loyal for a looong time, supporting their solo works, hoping that they'll get back together, even as more and more fans began to drift away, sites began to close, etc etc. Obviously I gave into the inevitable reality and even though I look back on my fandom years with fondness, it kinda ended with a bit of bitterness. Couldn't they have said something official instead of stringing us along?

Shinhwa is obviously different from *NSYNC. They made an official promise and you can sense their genuineness. I only mention this because I get the sense that some fans are already losing hope. Especially with the incident at the Love Concert. My hope is that the remaining members (until they have to enlist), fansite leaders, and very vocal, enthusiastic fans will be able to keep up the morale.

My apologies for the somewhat-somber post. I just want to give a huge "FIGHTING!" for all the Shinhwa fans. How amazing is that day going to be, when all 6 are reunited, proving all the naysayers and antis wrong? I look forward to that day.

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^ Awww~ don't be sad.

There are still many sites that have been out there since 1999 and have no intentions of closing down.

Agreed, the saddest thing is to see fans drifting away...and no doubt I have seen and felt former Shinhwa fans drift off over the years. For instance, the usernames who frequent Shinhwa threads and forums have changed immensely. It's very disappointing and I hope I won't feel the same disappointment in myself in the days to come. However, there are also those who have stuck with Shinhwa from the very beginning and very likely will to the very end...and we can't underestimate Shinhwa members' ability to attract new fans, can we?

But like you said, they've said again and again that they'll be back. There really is something uniquely genuine about this group. Also can't wait for the day for them to prove all the naysayers and antis wrong.

Watch this and feel better :)


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wow ocean six is closing

that's sad

i always see that forum as a great place for shinhwa fans


it is sad to see fans drifted away

even my fren

who used to be a bigger shinhwa fans than me

has stopped talking about them

not because she doesnt love them anymore

but just because there's so many more of others


for now

i believe myself is still as orange as that colour could be

and i hope i will be as orange as this

for the next few years ahead...


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Guest kriza_09

I can totally feel what you're feeling.

I don't even feel worried about Shinhwa at all. I'm positive they will come back. What I'm worried about is the fans (including myself).

What if 4 years later they come back only to find themselves in disappointment?

Every time I watch a performance of a member, I keep thinking of how many fans are there to support them. I'm really sensitive to spot an orange balloon/lightstick among the audience.

I do believe though, that the change in usernames who frequent this thread is not because the fans are drifting way. It's just Shinhwa fans are generally older than other groups' fans and they don't have as much time for Shinhwa anymore (to read Shinhwa news or watch Shinhwa videos) but I know for sure the love for Shinhwa is still there in their hearts. Well, I know I shouldn't be in Soompi at all. The only thing that keeps me here is my laziness. lol.

I've been thinking of what I can do to bring in more fans (so contradictory with my last sentence LOL). The shinhwa chronicle was actually made for that purpose. lol But I realized I should focus more on keeping the old fans. That's why I'm trying to post more often in this thread, translate stuff, etc.

One thing that I learned though, I should have more faith in Shinhwachangjo. They just blow you away at unexpected times. ^^

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Guest lavenderwingz

Hey all. This is the first time i ever posted in this thread. I've always been a silent reader. since i never have info to share i wouldn't want my post to be considered a spam. But as for Shinhwa having fans that drift away, i honestly think that's inevitable..b/c it's hard to keep your love for a group that hasn't been active (well, will not be active) for 4 yrs.

But I also have a story to tell.

January 2008, my love for Shinhwa has started. True, it's very late compared to everyone else, but it is also because of Shinhwa that I became interested in the korean music industry. (not a kpop listener before that.) Shinhwa's name has already existed in my head, b/c a friend of mine recommended their song "once in a lifetime" i thought the MV was nice, and they sang pretty well. but because i didnt' understand the language, there was no point of getting to know who they are. But since i had a whole month off from school, and i started to roam around the internet, i started to watch Shinhwa videos. And i remember the first ever video i watched was of them playing the card game where you have to pass the card to the next member by using ur mouth. basically the one in the end where eric starts to hold on to hyesung as if he was about to just have a passionate kiss (my fave couple btw *yikes*)

That's when i started to look around..watch more clips, and that's where i found Crystalis' group of English Subbed Videos of Shinhwa (on YT)..and after spending days and days watching their clips laughing my butt off at their dorky moments, crying when their tears fell during the guerilla concert, or simply smiled when andy said "ARASO" (dunno the actual spelling, but u guys get what i mean right? lol) , eric stared and cursed at him..it was to the point where i started to recognize what video it was by looking at one picture. And I became a Shinhwa fan from then on. maybe it was fate for me to know them on their 10th yr anniversary, or maybe it was cruelty, but when i started to love them as much as i do now, and as much as i cried watching clips of their concert, one by one they're starting to leave...and that really breaks my heart.

Although they won't be a group for 4 years, don't ever forget that they can still get NEW fans just from the videos of their past. (this is why i love technology=]) They can't be in front of the cameras for a long time, then i'll continue to watch their old clips..hear their old songs, and smile at their dorkiness..because at the end of the day, i know that the color orange no longer has the same meaning as it did before: when i thought it was an ugly color...Shinhwa changed a lot for me. Even if fans leave, trust me, if they really had Shinhwa in their hearts, they will come back. But if not, trust me, they will always get new fans..b/c even till now i have yet to find a group that is as special as Shinhwa

I thank you for not throwing garbage at me cuz i wrote an essay..hahaha. but just wanted to say, have faith in Shinhwa and Shinhwachangjo..they're just too special. ^_^ i'll wait to the day when they stand on stage as 6 .

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lavy u are here

it's good to see u

i wanted to do something for shinhwa but since i am limited

i cant do much

aside from giving info to those who doesnt know shinhwa

uploaded few vids of them here and they so more people will know them

and also i just basically never stop supporting them

i wish i can do more

i wish i know korean so i can translate the gazillion vids that i found on utube

i wish i have more influence so i can impart more of shinhwa to many others

i wish i have money so i can buy all of their stuffs


too many wishes

but somehow i understand something

maybe they just wanted u to remember who is shinhwa

love them for them

and like them wishing the best for u

u should do the same too


these days i am too emo


shinhwa fighting!

shinhwachanjo fighting!

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lavenderwingz, thankyou for posting your "essay" >"<. Your post brought tears to me eyes. Man, Shinhwa should read this post of yours >"<....And i think the other fans are thinking the same, too. This separation is a new challenge for Shinhwa and SHCJ...and i believe that, like how they always did in the past, they'll overcome everything XD..

After all, it's not easy to find a group with such a special bond with their fanclub like our dorks, is it ?

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lavenderwingz dont worry, you wont get bashed by sharing your shinhwa love!

i've been silent reader here and only so often post comments. i was actually one of the screen names who use to post alot in the shinhwa thread. for a while, i stopped involving myself from the korean entertainment, i forgot my username and password so i needed to create a new one. i would check the shinhwa thread everyday just to get my daily dose of shinhwa. i think it really helps when the thread is active to get the people more informed and involved with shinhwa. even though i may like other groups, all i need is one shinhwa video to really keep my shinhwa obsession going. that's why i think lavenderwingz is right, that shinhwa gains alot of fans just through their videos. maybe we should start posting random videos in the forum for newbies to watch. haha

even though they'll be gone for the next 3-4 years, we fans/SCHJ should do our best to keep our love for shinhwa. i really wish i can contribute more to this thread, such as translating and all, but unfortunately my korean is really limited right now. but we shouldn't be sad about the years they'll be gone, because we know that when they comeback, everyone will comeback together. remember ONCE A SHINHWA FAN, ALWAYS A SHINHWA FAN.

i really love how everyone is just posting their feelings right now. i should post in this thread more often, i'll try to bring in new things or interesting things to this thread, just to keep it alive!

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Guest amyliaz

OMG Oceans-Six is closing! ㅠ_ㅠ

I know I hardly post in here (because I'm usually more active on ShinhwaChangjo.net lol) but mann I feel really sad about Oceans-Six closing... Maybe because it's been such an awesome source of Shinhwa goodies for many years and I feel somewhat lost with its impending closure. :x

Anyway, I agree with what some of you were discussing about fans straying away. I guess with all the solo activities and also the current hiatus, it is inevitable that people will stray away to other fandoms. I'm guilty of that somewhat... Although Shinhwa is number 1 in my heart.

Since lavenderwingz shared her story, I see no harm in sharing mine too LOL.

My love for Shinhwa actually began with an X-Man episode which Min Woo was on, sometime in October 2005. You see, my elder brother passed away in a motorbike accident in April and for months, I was in depression, gorging on chocolates and crying watching sad korean dramas. No kidding. I gained so much weight. Anyway, my friend introduced me to X-Man, she said since I enjoy watching Korean dramas that I'd love it. Well, I don't know what it was but something about Min Woo just appealed to me. Charisma maybe, or maybe it's just the fact that he is so romantic... I 'researched' on him and got to know Shinhwa and reading all their interviews and stuff got me hooked. I have never, never before this gone into ANY fandom. Seriously, Shinhwa is my first. HAHA.

They reminded me to never give up. Everytime any of my friends (or myself) feel like giving up because of a failure or whatnot, I'll remind them that hey, Shinhwa took 7 years to get a daesang and there was so much sweat, tears (and yes even blood!) but they made it in the end. Why should we allow such a small thing to deter us from trying over and over again till we succeed? Shinhwa brought hope back into my life again. When I thought that I could never laugh again, they made me laugh. They make me believe in miracles, they make me believe that as long as one never gives up and keeps believing, dreams do come true...

Shinhwa is special. I found ShinhwaChangjo.net and some of the friends I made are as close as family to me. In fact, I consider them my second family. They have brought so much joy to my life and I would have never found them if not for Shinhwa... Although some of them have moved on to other fandoms (and when we meet, Shinhwa is hardly our main topic of discussion LOL), we've still remained great friends. (: So Shinhwa, thank you thank you thank you.

It may seem cheesy and oversaid but, Shinhwa, I will wait for you guys to reunite again. I know you will, I believe in you guys... Although some people may spread rumours, I believe only you. Because Shinhwa is forever, that's something I've believed for as long as I've known you guys... And come on, you guys will show those cynical people what friendship really means!

And with that, I hope I'll be more active here just so we can keep the Shinhwa love alive. I feel a little sad when my friends start going into other fandoms and I feel like I'm here alone LOL.

Mann I talk too much. Sorry, I'm a gemini. :P

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Guest Jaja_Blink

Ocean's six is closing... this must be this week's biggest news for me...

Anyways, I was sad for like 10 minutes? ... Thanks to all of you guys' long reply ^-^. It's not that I don't believe in Shinhwa but the closing down of Ocean's six is kinda shocking me =.=

I will always wait for them to reunite again and I'm sure they will. While they're away we still have Hyesung, don't we? Eric said he will take care of the music industry haha... I still keep my site running until there are no more Shinhwa.

Thank you for all of your replies again ^^

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Guest kriza_09

I read this at Daum, thought it was very touching, so decided to translate it...

In Shinhwa, taking a role of a fan – Shinhwa Changjo

Sulking at small matters…

Delighted at small matters…

Getting emotional at small matters…

Tearing up at small matters…

Feeling happy at small matters…

Inevitably we are Shinhwa Changjo, aren’t we…

At award ceremonies, or at music shows…

When oppas don’t call our names, we sulk.

When they say that they love us, that we’re the best…

We are delighted.

When they say the only one thing that can make Shinhwa break up is only us…

When they say fans are a culture, a connection, a necessity…

We get emotional.

When oppas are crying… are hurt…

We tear up at small matters….

When oppas are delighted, when they show us their happy smiles…

We feel the happiest….

Now… towards 10 years….

It seems we’re inevitably Shinhwachangjo…

When they gave us special performance at year-end award show… (the 2007 SBS gayo daejun)

We’re ShinChang who cried because we felt emotional…

Feeling grateful to Shinhwa who’s always running towards the top,

And always feeling grateful, we are Shinhwachangjo…

Feeling delighted and hurt at small matters, we are Shinhwachangjo.

Crying and laughing at one word from Shinhwa, we are Shinhwachangjo,

The only one thing in this world that can make Shinhwa break up, we are Shinhwachangjo,

The owner of orange, we are Shinhwachangjo.

Cheering for Shinhwa wherever we are, we are Shinhwachangjo.

Even scarier than Shinhwa antifans, we are Shinhwachangjo.

In the name of a group called “Shinhwa”, a sea of many people gather and relate to each other,

understand each other, guide each other… it’s not an easy matter ^^

We feel grateful to Shinhwa who makes this hard thing doable.

Taking a role of fan in Shinhwa, we are Shinhwachangjo.

For 3-4 years, we will believe only in the members,

We will wait only for the members.

Eric. Minwoo. Hyesung. Dongwan. Junjin. Andy… plus Shinhwachangjo.

Because we are Shinhwa, aren’t we…

The original post actually ends here. Below is what the poster added regarding Dongwan's recent post.

Dongwan oppa, a thousand times thank you and sorry.

It’s something that we should’ve taken care and protected properly.

It’s something so sensitive that oppa even has to leave a comment.

Because it’s not something that happens 1-2 times to Shinchang, it seems we’ve become slow-witted.

But still, when oppas come back… at that time, really…

We’ll become strong and we’ll protect the memory, the pride that’s only ours…

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Guest hyu_dha

this thread is getting emo...

it's made me blame myself coz im easily fallen to other groups...

but shinhwa is the first group that introduces me to kpop...

im still going to luv them more than any other group...

lavenderwingz- i oso had the same situation wif u...

it was my sister that introduced shinhwa to me...

n i was really luv once in a life time song...

after watching their mv i started to searching their videos...

but i started fall in luv with them after watching the famous banana song video...

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Guest fortuneteller

Ocean's six is closing. I think it's somehow reasonable. Ocean's six means 6 Shinhwa together. I think others Shinhwa solo have their own site, rite?

About the position of Shinhwa in 3 - 4 Years. I don't know. Even my love for Shinhwa, will it change? I don't know.


This month, November, i tell myself that i'll love Shinhwa in December

In December, i'll tell myself that i'll love them in January.

In January, i'll tell myself that i'll love them in February....

And i hope, at their comeback, i'll be able to say: I always love Shinhwa.

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Guest amyliaz

신화 is forever. They promised.

And as a 신화창조er, the least we can do is to believe. ♥

I agree that yes, they've been concentrating on their solo activities a lot but at the same time, I still believe that they WILL return as a group. I can't bear to lose this faith in them. They mean too much to me.

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I found these in my photobucket~ Cute isn't it? I have no idea who made it though; I saved it a while back. But I think it's really cute and decided to share for those who've seen it/haven't seen it!

And this really cute gif:


Heroine 6







I remember how funny this episode with Shinhwa was. I still re watch it from time to time~ lol. I loved Dongwan's the most when he was supposed to be 3 yrs old but sounded all grown up. LOL.

Ok sorry if I killed a lot of computers from the overly amount of gifs in one post! lol. Just wanted to share some because I noticed some people in here were feeling kind of low.

&just because


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gosh looking at that makes me wanna watch shinhwa old appearances in variety show

i have watched it thousands of time already

but just like shinhwa, whatever they do is evergreen


and the

In Shinhwa, taking a role of a fan – Shinhwa Changjo


it is amazing

and i did cry myself out when i saw the special perf at year end music festival

dunno why

but that time, it feels like forever...

erm... this thread sure has become emo

but somehow

reading all makes me smile and happy actually...


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Hahaha, yes, agree that this thread is getting abit emo! But ahhhh, we can't help it, can we? But anything, keep spreading the Shinhwa loveeeeee, people!

Shinhwa Fighting! Shinhwa Changjos Fighting! Everybody fightingggg!

panhia87: loves the gif images! I think I shall rewatch the Heroine6 episodes back and have a good laugh, thanks to you. [:

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I got my concert dvd today! we watched the first vid so far and love every minute of it so far. I was actually tearing up watching it and I haven't watch the most emotional part yet. I love their discussions, especially their random talk about booger and nostril hair haha that was so Shinhwa

I'm just a bit disappointed that the special features (rehearsal/BTS) were not subbed. :(


It seems like the closing of Oceans six, is making everyone emo...I'm an avid shinhwa fan but I rarely post here (disappointing, i know) but I do follow everything and anything related to shinhwa. I have to visit this thread everytime I visit soompi, shinhwachanjo, shinhwa.biz are a must when i go on and search for shinhwa whenever I'm in youtube. I look forward to the day they perform as SHINHWA again too.


panhia87, those shinhwa cartoon jif are cute...can i steal them?..hehe

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Guest evelynphuong

Even scarier than Shinhwa antifans, we are Shinhwachangjo.

I burst out laughing in tears :tears: . but it`s so true, isnt it??

Ocean 6, such a heartbreaking to hear that it`s closed.

in this time, everyone is getting emo, this thread, and me.

i`ve met a lot of Kpop fans around, they`re happy for their gasoos` success, new stuffs and everything. and told me there`s a shop that can make small stuffs like cell phone hangers with your fav gasoo pics and many others. they show me the things they had from that shop. hearing all that, dont know why, i felt so down, as the new groups make their debuts, Shinhwa members, one by one, leaving for the army. all the saying, all the goodbyes, hurt me deeply.

life always changes, what i will be in the next 4 yrs? what will happen? I cannot answer.

but there`s something in my heart tells me that

i dont need a cellphone hangers with Shinhwa pics on it to remind me that I love Shinhwa.

I dont need to have my wall covered by Shinhwa posters to remind me that I love Shinhwa.

loving Shinhwa is a part of my life, it runs in my blood. I just cant get it out, never.

as Shinhwa made their promise, we also have our promise to wait for them, as it comes the time when we can see them all together again.

and if this love is forever, yes we can do it

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