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Guest lenakeem

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Guest catalima

New in this topic, but a big fan of Shinhwa~

After seeing the spot for the DVD concert I want now to buy even if it's really expensive lol...More then ever now Eric is gone

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Guest kriza_09

Just a suggestion, of course, but I think you might want to look into the recent 081015 ETN ENU Idol Graph (아이돌그래프) episode. It's been awhile since someone's done an up to date documentary of the boy's past and present...in fact, not since 2004...I don't think O.o Those Km mnet boys&girls vids definitely don't count.

Yes I've watched that already... Honestly I don't have enough confidence to translate a serious video like a documentary... Mostly because the MC keeps talking and talking without any help (i mean the Korean sub) provided... Besides, documentary is more of an factual thing, and I don't want to mis-translate facts... especially when other groups are involved too... Well basically, my Korean is not up to that level yet to translate a 30-min documentary... probably next year? LOL.. I mean, it will take forever to make sure my translation means exactly like what was intended by the speaker... I tried translating Wandy's interview (the one where he said Eric gave up the highly priced solo contract) and it took me forever... Oh well I've done translating since half a year ago, I just had to read it over and over again to make sure everything is right... LOL.. And now it just needs to be timed...

As for SBS Good Morning show... I've also started translating it since last year... I think I got half way done already but was busy with school and stuff so I kind of forgot about it... hmmm probably needs to pick up from there....

And LOVELETTER!!! JangShinYoung episode is my favorite!!!! I've been wanting to sub it... anyone has the HQ vid??? I only have the LQ one and subbing with an LQ vid isn't really convenient.... lol...


Anyway, I have a present for you guys.... for being a good girl when Eric's not around...... hihihhi...

*drum rolls*

















Finally presenting....

Shinhwa 9th jib

Track 9 - Do You Remember?

HS: Do you guys remember?

JJ: What the heck???


ER: Hey, you do this..

HS: Do you remember that day 10 years ago? Our blood and passion….

DW: What’s even funnier is, you’re going to naturally talk about that kind of things in this Mexican style???

HS: We didn’t even have mustache at that time…

MW: What the hell are we doing now…

ER: Now we all have mustache…

DW: We didn’t grow mustache…

ER: Only Andy doesn’t have (mustache)

AD: I don’t have… Mine won’t grow..

?: Except Andy we all have…

ER: You can’t have mustache, Hyesung..

HS: It’s my concept!! (for the photoshoot)

MW: Guys…. Guys…

DW: He’s the main vocal *referring to HS*

HS: It doesn’t even look better

JJ: No, it fits you well…

MW: You guys always do remembering things only? *meaning they always talk about remembering/reminiscing the past*


MW: We should end this ‘reminiscing’ talk…

DW: The two of us in Kangnam…

MW: Riding motorbike in Kangnam?

DW: The two of us took sticker pictures… you guys won’t know this… it was only two of us…

HS: Do you guys remember? During our T.O.P days----

DW: It was awkward…

HS: --- do you remember when we got the first spot?


JJ: The tears….

DW: Don’t cry!! KKKK

JJ: Ahh I remember that time… BoYong Hyung was driving…

DW: No, at that time BoYong Hyung didn’t drive… It was JoongYeob Hyung…

MW: Hey hey hold on, I’m curious about something…

MW: Who never got injured on stage when doing (album) activities?

DW: Eric… Ah Eric burnt his hand, didn’t you?

ER: I got hurt…

MW: Eric once hurt his ankle…

ER: That’s why I missed the activity for a while…

DW: When did you get hurt?

MW: I hurt my ankle during a concert…

DW: You got hurt a lot…

MW: …and fell down too..

JJ: Hyung (MW) was the first one, right?

MW: He had his shoulder stuck… (referring to Hyesung, watch Come to Play)


MW: Like this… like this…

MW: At that position, the stage split to half…

JJ: We were on the stage, but then you fell off the stage, didn’t you?

MW: Ah that one too… he was seriously hurt, didn’t he… (referring to Hyesung)

HS: At that time, I came back to life after almost died…

DW: Were you okay when you fell down during that outing show?

JJ: Incheon broadcast!! I still remember, during the Incheon broadcast…

HS: That’s why… we made a flip, didn’t we..

MW: On the stage?

HS: The speaker went past by my head like this, didn’t it..

JJ: Right, right…

AD: During Eusha Eusha…

HS: During Wild Eyes, I got injured and couldn’t sing, I sat on the chair alone didn’t I…

?: True.. true…

MW: During Eusha Eusha, it was the best wasn’t it…

DW: When he fell down and stood right back up? *I think he was referring to Eric*

MW: DUINGGG.. *probably making the movement


DW: We were really….

HS: Andy… on a concrete floor…

JJ: Ah that time….

HS: …. he fell…

ER: During the guerilla concert….

HS: Skateboard…


AD: Inline skate…

DW: During Eusha Eusha he couldn’t jump… *should be Minwoo?*

HS: He couldn’t get up the next morning…..

*ahh it’s so frustating…. Can’t they let each other finish what they say!!???*

ER: During the guerilla concert, the six of us…

JJ: We all cried, didn’t we?

DW: We all cried… We all cried except you, right? (referring to Eric)

ER: You all cried except me, didn’t you?

HS: You didn’t cry?

DW: He didn’t….

ER: I was…. You don’t know?

HS: Know what?

ER: Who was the MC?

HS: Park Jung Il, Kim Jin Su… with JinSu hyung…

ER: I’m sure you know this… at that time, we had our blind-folds on, didn’t we.. When the MC said “Now, everyone… take off your blind-folds..” I had already slightly lifted it up… *LAUGHS*

I saw it all… I took it off… the rest of you still had it on… I couldn’t put it back on, did I? Since I already saw it…

HS: So you just stood still?

ER: It was embarrassing… So I held my laugh…


ER: And everyone were crying… So.. “ah I’m supposed to cry..”


ER: And the kids in front of me… it was supposed to be emotional wasn’t it…

HS: ung… (means yes)

ER: The concert field… The kids in front of me… pfffttttt (burst into laughter)


HS: Because you took off your blindfold alone? They saw that and laughed?

ER: I couldn’t put that back on again, didn’t I.. I already took it off…

MW: So when we cried, we must’ve looked funny then?

HS: Of course not.. he just laughed himself…

ER: I kept holding my laughter… when I watch the video it was so emotional though…

MW: But later it would be revealed anyway…


HS: What’s wrong with the chair?


MW: Why are you laughing?


MW: Why do you keep laughing!!????


JJ: What to do…


*why do they keep laughing every other line!!???*

MW: Quick quick…

ER: Ah you are so… (to Hyesung)

DW: YAHHH!!!!!

AD: Why are you so late…?

JJ: He doesn’t want to ruin his hair… (referring to Hyesung)


MW: One two…

ALL: One two three four!!!

ALL: kum chi kum kum chi kum chi kum kum chi~~~

MW: Do you remember~!???~~~

ALL: One two three four!!!

ALL: Do you remember~

(someone bitboxing)

JJ: I remember~~

DW: Ah I want to hear that… that old song.. what was it? The Sesame Oil song?

JJ: Whenever there’s a weird smell, I would be doubting my nose~~~

ALL: One two one two three four!!

DW: Eum chi eum eum chi~~ ah ah~~

DW: Onjena~~ (it means whenever/every time/always in Korean)

ALL: Onjena~~

JJ: Always~~ (he said it in English)

ALL: Onjena~~ onjena~~

JJ: Always~~

HS: He’s even funnier--- *referring to Junjin*

ALL: One two three four~~!!!!

HS: Hold on hold on…. When you guys said ‘Onjena~~’ he was like ‘Always~~’


HS: and he didn’t get the beat right!! ‘Onjena~~’ ‘Always~~’


ER: But he’s doing it like that now because he’s excited… Do you know how he did it before? (imitating Jinnie) 'Always~~~'


ER: When you do ‘Onjena~~’, then he would ‘Always~~’

DW: Let’s hear it…

ALL: One two three four~~!!!

ALL: Onjena~~!!!

DW: We have to do it like this…

HS: Everything to live has lived… *살건 다 살았어 - anyone has a better translation?*

MW: Still, you have to show it to make it fun..

ALL: One two---

HS: Ahhh why are you like this~~~!!????

ALL: ----one two three four!!!

HS: Whenever there’s a weird smell, I would be suspicious with my nose~~~

JJ: Why~~?


ER: Yah, we know all of it, don't we…. Let’s end this with the chorus…

DW: Yup..

ALL: One two one two three four!!!

ALL: Whenever there’s a weird smell, I would be doubting my nose. But I wasn’t doubting my nose. It was just a hallucination~~!!

ER: What the heck is this~!!

credit: kriza_09

*man, how I wish to be able to laugh like them… the last time I laughed like that is when I was in high school, which was 6 years ago.. =’(*

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Guest fallen_angel

OMG thank you soooo much for the subs !!! ive always wondered what they were all so happy and laughing about and now i know xDD i love you !! i starting to miss eric these days..... and its going to be dongwan's turn soon too T.T *sighs*

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^^^OMG! Thank you so mush for translating the track.

I've been wondering what they said. I love you!!

I'm starting to miss Eric too.

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thank so much, i thought i will never get to know wat that talk is all about. still dont quite get wat they talk about. but i can feel their happiness when ever i listen to take track

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Guest valmylove

tHANKS KRIZA for the track 9 translation.... i laugh everytime listening to it .... can't only pick up a few words...

this is a great medicine for laughter after tearing for track #? untold stories... (okay couldn't remember the track name, LOL)

HS: We didn’t even have mustache at that time…

MW: What the hell are we doing now…

ER: Now we all have mustache…

DW: We didn’t grow mustache…

ER: Only Andy doesn’t have (mustache)

AD: I don’t have… Mine won’t grow..

?: Except Andy we all have…

ER: You can’t have mustache, Hyesung..

OMG!! this is tooo funny.... laughed so much... poor Andy....he's baby face!!! Eric can really pull a mustache, g-tee, he looks super handsome with those stubbs!!

props to you Kriza for translating this....it's sooo crazy with them laughing every other second!!! and they can't finish a line w/o someone burst out laughing...they know each other tooo well!!!

thanks this made my morning ^^

btw, how and whats the whole point of the 'onjena' game? it's a game like that clapping hand game?

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kriza, you are amazing. How were you able to undersatnd all the? I tried many times but had no idea what they were saying...they were enjoying themselves too much so half the stuff, I couldn't hear it.

Thank you. After I read your translation, I'm going to try to listen to it again.


Anyway, I have a present for you guys.... for being a good girl when Eric's not around...... hihihhi...

*drum rolls*

credit: kriza_09

*man, how I wish to be able to laugh like them… the last time I laughed like that is when I was in high school, which was 6 years ago.. =’(*

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@ kriza- Yup, understood. No prob. :) Thanks for the translations ^^ They keep interrupting each other, must've been frustrating! I think the 2nd half of the talk matches up with the video of them in their mexican get-up and talking on the couch? JSY loveletter ep is one of my faves too :)


Well, MKMF voting has started...

Anyone else skipping out this year? Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, none of our Shinhwa boys seem to be candidates? Lest they come to do a special stage or something...then I'll have to reconsider, of course :)

And since MKMF never bothered awarding our Shinhwa with a daesang, no Shinhwa in the MKMF 10th Anniversary Poll either =.=||| ...nor even in the special stage votes...though they've done one for the program practically every year. Except that Hyori and Minwoo won best MKMF couple haha~

How MKMF 2007 got second best MKMF will forever be a mystery...with all the angered fans and all...

Someone's going to comment awards don't matter....just let me be gloomy for a bit, kayz? ^^ I'll get over it soon.

For everyone else, get a head start on your voting

Gotta wait for Golden Disk, I guess...likely, Shinhwa will receive a bonsang.

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Whoa, Kriza, you're a trooper. That talk was so noisy and everyone kept talking at the same time. Even as I was listening and reading your trans, I fell behind a couple of times, couldn't keep up with them. Thanks for the trans!!

crystalis, just wondering if you could direct me to the Idol Graph program you were talking about. Is it available at all in YT? I tried doing a search but nothing came up.

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Guest jean_kkp

quick qs, its really bugging me.

what is the song title of a song, where eric raps, "You know what? i really want you back. i really miss the sound of your voice......" i remember its the first song they did in their cowboy costumes at the 10th anniv. and its really bugging me that i cant remember the title of it.

andy also has solo singing parts in it... junjin too...

please help!!!

edit: checked the DVD and the title in japanese translates to The Thing i always wished for.

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Shinhwa 9th jib

Track 9 - Do You Remember?

(someone bitboxing)

JJ: I remember~~

DW: Ah I want to hear that… that old song.. what was it? The Sesame Oil song?

JJ: Whenever there’s a weird smell, I would be doubting my nose~~~

ALL: One two one two three four!!

DW: Eum chi eum eum chi~~ ah ah~~

DW: Onjena~~ (it means whenever/every time/always in Korean)

ALL: Onjena~~

JJ: Always~~ (he said it in English)

ALL: Onjena~~ onjena~~

JJ: Always~~

HS: He’s even funnier--- *referring to Junjin*

ALL: One two three four~~!!!!

HS: Hold on hold on…. When you guys said ‘Onjena~~’ he was like ‘Always~~’ALL: HUAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

HS: and he didn’t get the beat right!! ‘Onjena~~’ ‘Always~~’


ER: But he’s doing it like that now because he’s excited… Do you know how he did it before? (imitating Jinnie) 'Always~~~'


ER: When you do ‘Onjena~~’, then he would ‘Always~~’

DW: Let’s hear it…

ALL: One two three four~~!!!

ALL: Onjena~~!!!

credit: kriza_09

*man, how I wish to be able to laugh like them… the last time I laughed like that is when I was in high school, which was 6 years ago.. =’(*

thanks kriza_09, I've listened to this a million times and still laugh even without knowing what they were talking about. Then, someone posted the video cut from their concert and had some of the parts subbed too...

Just a quick question or clarification though...I thought it was actually Andy who was saying the ALWAYS (in english) not Junjin...I think the voice sounds more like Andy than Junjin that's why...Even in the DVD it looked like it was Andy...I could be mistaken though...

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Guest catalima

Thanks kriza_09 for translate it,i've always wanted to know what making them laugh so much

Shinhwa 9th jib

ER: Now we all have mustache…

DW: We didn’t grow mustache…

ER: Only Andy doesn’t have (mustache)

AD: I don’t have… Mine won’t grow..

?: Except Andy we all have…

ER: You can’t have mustache, Hyesung..

HS: It’s my concept!! (for the photoshoot)

MW: Guys…. Guys…

oh poor Andy Oppa XD

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Guest warunee123

kriza, thank you for eng translation of shinhwa track 9. About Good Morning part2, do you have shinhwa - brand new story dvd? There has Good Morning part2 in that dvd and with eng sub.

I would like you to sub this clip 041102 SBS Favorite - Shinhwa. I can't find translation of this clip. All member joined that show.

Loveletter Season1 Jang Shin Young episodes, you can download from here http://i-heart-aiba.livejournal.com/61325.html#cutid1

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I wasn't a Shinhwa fan yet during their 1st album, so I missed a lot of their first album stuff (limited internet and all ^^). I don't know how many people have seen this, but watching this really cool remix of Hae gyul sa, you see how many different perfs they did in one year's time. It really shows how hard they worked on the 1st Jib and how awesome this song is. It's a very exhausting perf too.

Keep in mind that this is their debut song and they are newbies, and that they've only trainted together for barely two years...yet the chemistry between them is unbelieveable and unmistakeable ^^

Hae Gyul Sa Remix (Really cool~ Especially @ 2:41)


AND their first live, of course:


crystalis, just wondering if you could direct me to the Idol Graph program you were talking about. Is it available at all in YT? I tried doing a search but nothing came up.

The program is called 081015 ETN 'EnU' 아이돌그래프 (Idol Graph). You can download it at ShinhwaChangjo.net under 081015 ETN Shinhwa Special or watch it on daum:



quick qs, its really bugging me.

what is the song title of a song, where eric raps, "You know what? i really want you back. i really miss the sound of your voice......" i remember its the first song they did in their cowboy costumes at the 10th anniv. and its really bugging me that i cant remember the title of it.

andy also has solo singing parts in it... junjin too...

please help!!!

edit: checked the DVD and the title in japanese translates to The Thing i always wished for.

^ I think the song you're looking for is 늘 내가 원하는 것은 (The Things I Always Want).


I would like you to sub this clip 041102 SBS Favorite - Shinhwa. I can't find translation of this clip. All member joined that show.

^ Hi,

So that kriza won't need to repeat the work, just wante d to say that I have the translations to SBS Favorites. I think it was Christie from iluvshinhwa.net (jiniluv@shinhwajj.com) who translated it when it first came out, but the bbs is no longer active and I don't see the trans at shinhwajj since it became a forum. Subs for shinhwa vids in English was slowly just slowly emerging at the time, so a lot of translations kind of got lost...particularly when the old shinhwasarang and soompi forums went down.

I usually memo who does what translations, but for some reason, I didn't for this one. Apologies if I'm wrong :sweatingbullets:

041102 SBS Favorites

I skipped the part not related with Shinhwa.

when skipping, i put 2 blank lines.

The translaion consists of 2 parts. this is the part1.

Enjoy yourself!!!

Yong Man : MC

Dong Yup : MC

Jeong Ah : Actress

Jee Hoon : Singer

* Christie's tip for understanding

* parenthesis : Korean subtitle

MC : Wow, 8 kkot-mi-nam and 1 kkot-mi-nyo get together today.

* kkot : a flower / mi-nam : a handsome guy / mi-nyo : a beuatiful girl

DW : Can I say something?

YM : Okay.

DW : I'm afraid that you may think I'm rude to you.

DY : Don't worry.

YM : Wait a moment! I grow uneasy at what he's saying. okay, go ahead.

DW : 8 Kkot-mi-nam and 1 kkot-deung-sim

* deung-sim : sirloin (you can find "kkot-deung-sim" in the menu of korean restaurants)

YM : Okay, i forgive you b/c you made me laugh.

YM : By the way, HS finally took the next seat of JA. it was really keen competition for the seat.

JJ : Phub-hhhhhhhhh

YM : Hey, JJ. you're laughing so plainly.

JJ : Why are you lying? what competition?

JA : Though he lied, aren't your words too frank?

HS : JJ, you said rude thinkgs to her.

DY : How could you express your feeling so frankly though you don't like her?

DY : Just a joke. HS, how do you feel about her? this is the first time you see her in person?

HS : No. we've met each other b/c JH introduced her to me. we had a glass(?) of rice~~oh, no...i mean..just had a meal together.

YM : Actually, i wonder how you guys response to a beautiful girl passing by when you're together. DW, tell us who shows the most interest in a girl?

DW : Why are you asking me?

DY : How can he tell us that he is most talkative when they see girls?

DY : Okay, then you're the first, and who's next?

YM : Who usually discuss it with you?

DW : I can't tell it b/c i don't want harm him who's making a long drive taking advantage of victory these days.

(this guy??)

YM : No problem. we're just seeig him without saying.

DY : Are you constitutionally broad?

YM : Since when? since you were born or you were a teenager?

DY : He could realize himself broad or his character could change after he made his debut in the entertainment business.

ER : By nature..

DY : AD, you acted in the sitcom "Nonstop4". I was surprised with your acting.

YM : AD moved TV viewers to laughter.

DY : Do you plan to act in a sitcom again?

AD : After the exercise...I hope it'll be next year.

DY : I see. many people might tell you to need more exercise...

YM : In fact, I wasn't good at acting and I was afraid of it a lot, but his acting inspired me with redoubled courage.

So I'm acting on "Nonstop5" now.

DY : Before we started shooting this program, AD called YM his junior in sitcom.

YM : My senior, AD. what do you think about my acting nowdays?

AD : You'd better have confidence in yourself.

Subject 1 : How to play alone

(seeing the ER's pic)

YM : Eric and the charater in the comics like each other.

DY : Look at them in detail. they are really like each other. after that, look at YM. he's like the character.

YM : Eric = the character = Me. that means I'm the perfect image of Eric.

DY : Eric, you seem to like to read kinds of risky books seeing the picture~

DW : No, he doesn't.

DY : Oh, I see. he just enjoyes to watch lewd videos, not reading books.

ER : It was the comics that MW's fan gave MW. actually, MW doesn't like to read the comics but his fans usually present him the comics.

On the contrary, I don't like listen to the music, but my fans usually give me cds.

MW : Personally, I love to get cds instead of the comics. so, we sometimes exchage our presents.

ER : Right. I listen to only the Hip-hop and raps. besides them, all the cds get to belong to MW.

YM : Eric's so smart. he's softly telling his fans to give only the Hip-hop cds to him.

JJ : One day, a fan gave me a present. it was a coin which she had made a hole like a ring.

YM : Just the girth of the coin left?

JJ : When I got the present at first, I was so happy and proud of it. but I feel scared these days thinking about it again.

DY : Should be..

YM : She must have drilled a hole of the coin.

DY : Jun Jin, Jun Jin, Jun Jin!!!!!

YM : "I'm giving this to my Choong Jae!!!"

(seeing the DW's pic)

DY : He's about to write in blood!!!

YM : If someone does what he did, it won't be becoming like that. we can a human touch.

DY : If we imagine next scene, something will be pulled out of his nose.

YM : How do you think about DW?

JJ : *sigh*

YM : That's enough. I got it.

JJ : He's very funny and diligent. he's sometimes wild-eyed, but he has good things we have to learn.

Sometimes he really treat his belongings very carefully.

(Is it praises?)

JJ : When he can't find his bags, which has so many health foods and medicines, he shouts, "Hey, my bag!"

YM : I see. he becomes to be excited with screaming "My bag!!!" though he's usually generous.

JJ : Despite his bag is next to him, he sometimes can't find it. then after he shout, "My bag", and he just says "oh, here it is.."

(DW is upset?)

DY : Come here, DW. Don't do this again b/c nobody won't stop you from going away if you repeat it many times.

Subject 2: Come on!

(seeing the JJ's pic)


YM : Is that you, JJ?

JJ : I don't think so. should be wrong.

YM : It's right you, JJ!

HS : That man is not JJ who I've known.

JJ : Who is he?

DW : No, no~! It should be hindered our 7th album activities.

DY : That's ok. all the people already know who he is.

JJ : Actually, I thought my name wouldn't be written on the picture, so I just tried to deny the fact that's me...

It's just one of those things..........................It's me.

I've been doing mind-control for the day I'm so down from time to time.

When I'm down, I take on a amusing look to cheer myself up.

But people are afraid of me when I'm doing that.

YM : I know that. it's one way of doing mind-control. JJ, can you show it once?

JJ : Oh, I'm very excited now, so I think I don't need to. Okay, next~!

DW : In fact, that expression is one of Charlie Park's. when we're down, he always does it saying "my sons~~~"

YM : I see. he's really cool.

DW : JJ has liked the expression of his dad's, so that's why he's practiced from his childhood.

DW : He has total 4 expressions. this is the simplest one of them.

HS : This is a kind of expanding one. there's a quite the reverse.

JJ : Yes. Only after I pass the test for the 4 expressions, I'll deserve to be a father like my dad.

I can't marry until I pass.

YM : Please, show us it.

DW : No, JJ. No!

DY : Just one time~! please!

JJ : Don't ask me any more.

MC : Go, go, go!

(he tries to calm himself)

YM : Show us!!!

JJ : .....Okay, next!

(seeing the ER's pic)

YM : Oh, ER. what's this expression?

HS : How could you do this?

ER : I couldn't do this by nature, but I learned it from JJ who's good at doing it.

JJ : This is also one of my dad's expression.

YM : Oh, is this?

JJ : Yes, it's 3rd expression.

YM : Can you let us know how to do?

JJ : Hum...have to think of 2 things at the same time.

DY : How about showing us it softly?

JJ : It's not so strange, so I just do it.

(he's thinking 2 things now)

JJ : Okay?

All : Yes!!!

JJ : Then, applause~!

YM : Your turn, ER.

(he's doing it)

DY : What's your secrets of it?

ER : Just seeing 2 different ways.

DY : Oh, it's for a playboy who has to see 2 girls at the same time.

DY : Who has the best body in Shinhwa?

HS : DW, JJ and ER.

YM : Oh, DW is the best?

DW : Bodies of Eric and me are acquired and JJ's body is native.

YM : Who has a cute body?

DY : MW always looks so sexy, even when men see him.

DW : a few years ago, when we lived together...

MW : aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

DW : After MW had a shower, he put around the waist in a towel with his wet back, drank a glass of water,

shook his head seeing the mirror and went into his room.

Subject 3: Yup-gi couple

* Yup-gi's meaning is similar to "funny" and "extravagant"

(seeing the JJ & AD's pic)

YM : Is that your 4th expression, JJ?

JJ : Yes.

DY : They're JJ and AD, aren't they?

HS : Could you recognize them??

DY : Sure, so easy.

YM : AD's expression is great. we've never imagined that before.

You must have the powers latent within yourself.

DY : I see..I see.. whenever JJ's making that funny expression, though all the people enjoy and laugh at him,

Andy might think, "envy him........."

DW : I agree..

AD : No, I just do these things as ER let me do. Whenever someone does, he says to me "Hey, Andy. you can do that too. try it once"

"if you try to practice, you'll do better" then I just do that as he told.

MW : ER urges people to do something and sneaks away.

YM : Is his nick name a loach?

MW : Yes. Mic Large

* A loach is "mi-ku-la-ji" in korean. it's his joke.

(seeing the DW & ER's pic)

YM : Oh, Dump and dumper(?)

DY : I can guess how this situation happened. ER might suggested it..

"Hey dongwan~ let's have our photograph taken pretending to be a fool with small eyes."

and then when they had their picture taken, ER opened his eyes alone.

ER : That's right.

DW : great. how could you see that?

DY : Is that true???

ER : When Shinhwa members have our picture taken, I suggest that all of us should make a expression with fear.

then counting 1, 2, 3, only I make a smile.

DW : ER and DY are much alike in character.

YM : then shake hands each other.

DY : ER don't seem to be like that.

YM : I've never imagined that.

MW : He's the King.

YM : Seeing their pictures, I've got to know what Shinhwa members are doing when they get together.

Very interesting.

DY : I agree. I can imagine When they are together.

JJ is playing to make a funny expression and rest of them are laughing at him and enjoying.

Seeing that, AD is envying JJ. MW is walking around listening to the music and DW is shouting, "My bag!!!!!!!!!" over there.

(all the members are completely agreeing with him)

JH : I envy them because they're always together. they are so funny and close each other. it seems so good.

DY : In fact, almost groups has been disbanded because of argument with members.

Just Shinhwa hasn't been disbanded and kept their position in spite of the strong(?) argument.

YM : Right. they're great.

DY : Even though they fight so much, they come to an agreement, "We never disband Shinhwa!!!"

To be continued....


All about Shinhwa!!!

We guess which image is becoming each of them.

<Q1. This guy thinks every single girls like him>

YM : A strong candidate JJ is...

JJ : What? why me?

YM : All the scripters voted for you.

HS : If I don't wanna be chosen, can I brace for the string not to get my hand to be raised?

DY : Your hand automatically will be raised by the string when you're chosen.

HS : So, I mean, can I pull with all my strength?

DY : I've never thought that!

YM : I think you'll fall flat on your back sitting on the chair if you put forth your strength. we can't guarantee.

HS : I see.

DY : Who's gonna hold the first rank?

(It's Eric!!!)

(JJ : See? I told you I'm not!!!)

YM : How do you feel?

ER : I'm not that type's man, but you could think that I am because of my character in the drama. I also voted for me.

?? I guessed I would be chosen..that's why I did. To be chosen as this type isn't so good, is it?

DY : Maybe or not. It isn't so bad as well b/c it means you're very optimistic!

JJ : Why did you two told me I would be winner??? (grumbling~)

YM : We'd better find out the vote result.

JJ : I must be in second rank!

DY : Okay, show us the result!

DY : Oh, JJ didn't get any vote beyond expectation.

JH : That result seems to be true.

HS : You voted for me???

DY : Shall we find out who voted for someone else? I wonder who JA voted for.

AD : Wait!

YM : Are you against seeing it?

AD : ......

HS : No problem. let's see just supporter's result except Andy's.

DY : Good idea~

YM : We can't see who you chose even though we see the result.

DY : We won't open who you voted for to the public~~~

(Seeing the result, they're discussing who they voted for)

YM : We don't know who andy chose!

AD : (You already knew it...)

YM : ER got total four votes, but one is missing now..

DY : AD, We reflected your will not to open your vote result.

YM : Are you satisfied with that?

AD : .......Yes..........no....you got my result though.

YM : No no no~~~ it has become shrouded in mystery!!!

YM : Why did you vote for ER, JA?

JA : I chose him b/c he seemed popular among girls.

YM : DW, you also chose him. why?

DW : In fact, all members tend to be a little this type's guy.

DY : Right...you guys should be. you're so frank.

DW : I'm sure you two also tend to think all the girls like you~

<The report on ER!>

1. "We are CF stars~!!!"

AD : When we're together....

DW : Are you sure you won't regret saying that?

AD : Sure....ER Says "I'm handsome and played in so many CFs. I'm a CF star~". he says those in joke.

?? and he reminds me that I also played in a CF. and I say "You're right, I'm a CF star, too~~"

?? So we say, "We are~~~~~~~~CF stars!!!" after that, he always denies encouraging me to do that.

2. "He thinks that all the members like him!!!"

DW : He thinks that all of us like him.

YM : For example?

DW : He usually send us SMS at the same time."guys, I loveeeeeeeee youuuuuu!"

MW : I got one from him. it was said, "You loveeeeee meeeee???". When I got it first, I thought just

?? what he was doing, but replied soon with my heart, "Course, I do~^^"

?? Then his simple reply came, "Beat it!!!!!!!!!" just two words!

YM : I didn't see how funny he is like this.

AD : Eric used to ask me, "Which memeber do you like, MW or me?

YM : What a childish question~

AD : When I was so starving and eating a meal, MW took some. then ER ask me that at that time.

?? "Do you like MW or Me?"??I naturally said, "I like you" and he replied, "I knew it, AD"

?? What do you know he was doing next? he also took some of mine.

DW : He goes to a person who hate him and asks, "Do you like me or mini cooper???"

MW : these charactes of him have made us be with him till now, otherwise we already would drive him out of Shinhwa.

JJ : Right. the reason that we've still been "One" is.........b/c we are~~~~~~~~~Shinhwa!!!!!

YM : This is the word on everybody's lips.

DY : However, there must be someone of you doesn't like doing this.

JJ : We love to do this. since we started to promote 7th album, we just thought that we should do everything

?? as if we were newcomers. We're only one group which has still survived till now.

DY : Do you guys do this when only you're together in a room?

DW : We are~~~!!!!

DY : JA, when do you feel you're so beautiful?

JA : When I have a shower...

DW : Ahhhhhh

HS : So sorry

DW : Why~~???

DY : While she was telling about having a shower, at the same time DW heaved a sigh~

(JJ made a noise)

DY : Imagining the shower scene, JJ is putting a hand over his mouth.

<Q2. His/Her charisma is just on TV!!!>

DY : Who's gonna hold the first rank?

(eric is chosen)

YM : Let's see how many votes he got.

DW : I bet almost of us voted for him.

YM : ER, if you get over 5 votes, you will get bonus points~~

DY : Ok, let's see!

YM : Wow, you got 6 votes.

DY : HS, how did you feel when you first saw ER on TV drama?

HS : It was a sitcom to me. I couldn't match him with the person who I've known for so long..

DY : How about you, DW?

DW : I liked it so much b/c I could see his new character.

YM : How did you feel when you monitored yourself?

ER : Actually, any of us can't say like this, "My heart is burning~~~" it's so embarrassing.

YM : JJ has also so much charisma, I think. especially, he impressed me in "Gumiho"

JJ : The drama was dark and serious, but before shooting, I just played such as a naughty boy.

?? However, when I got a ready-sign, I had to be dignified.

<Hidden camera - JJ>

What is he doing when he faces a gang of hooligans?

* they are having a interview with a reporter of "Hanban TV yeon-ye"

but she's a bogus reporter.

SA : JJ, Can you rap your part shortly for TV viewers?

JJ : (As if he's been waited her request, he's rapping at once.^o^)

SA : ER has been playing in many CFs, nevetherless As for me, JJ oppa is greater and more handsome than ER.

JJ : Why are you saying that, you make me embarrassed.

SA : Whose birthday is today?

JJ : My birthday is in August and...

SA: Wow, I was also born in August. which date is it?

JJ : (?) August 19.

SA : Mine is 29th~~~

DW : Stop showing your personal favor, please!

ER : Let's go~~~

*Hooligans are coming in.

SA : JJ, in Shinhwa members, who fight for justice against force?

JJ : I think all of us do..

* Cell phone's ringing.

PD : Excuse me, we're finishing soon...

DW : Just for a while..really sorry.

* Cell phone's ringing again.

??: JJ has a schedule and it's a live program. he has to finish the interview soon. otherwise, he'll be late.

H1 : Get her autograph. do you bring a pen?

SA : What are you doing?

JJ : Could you wait just 5 minutes?

HS : We need only 5 minutes.

H1 : Let my hand go.

DY : Wow, JJ is so brave. he never avoid their eyes~!

H1 : Why are you giving a fierce sidelong scowl??? you wanna fight with me?

??: How about a man-to-man fight?

JJ : Okay. let's go outside.

HS : Why do you go out?

H1 : I'm so strong~

H1 : Having a hand wrestling...

JJ : ??!!!

HS : JJ is good at hand wrestling.

*they're having a hand wrestling and JJ's winning.

H1 : Again!!! I'm right-handed.

*JJ is winning this time again.

DY : In fact, every guy are afraid of them in t hat situation.

JJ : I totally didn't know it's a hidden camera at first. but when he said he's right-handed,

??: I saw the tatoo on his arm and it was written "Jun Jin"

JJ : I couldn't imagine I was taken. I finally reallized it's not true after a hand wrestling.

??: You can see I was smiling at the end of the hidden camera. after the game, I just found out.."ahhh, I've been deceived!!!"

?? Somehow it was my day from the start, the reporter and something like that...

HS : The cell phone terribly kept ringing at that time. "a tadpole in the well~~"?that's why JJ was so angry..

JJ : And~~

DY : Wait~ MW has something to tell us.

MW : It's not the well but the little stream.

<Q3. This guy is most intelligent among us!>

YM : Let's see the result.

DY : ER got one, MW got two and JJ got one by voting for himself~

YM : Some ppl must have voted for themselves...actully, I doubt ER b/c I've seen his new images today.

DY : If you guys confess your slight slip now, we'll forgive you.

YM : Anyone~~~?

YM : JJ, do you have something to tell us?

DY : Anyway, we won't check who voted for others.

JJ : I just wanted to make this program funnier.....

YM : Did you choose yourself?

JJ : Forgive me.


YM : DW is the 1st rank in these guys.

HS : He reads so many books than we do. but it's not a novel or poem but kind of medical books.

DW : At first, I began to read books about muscular strength. as time went by, I just found out myself who became too old.

?? So I just thought I didn't need the knowledge about muscular any more and I had to be interested in lengthening my span of life!

JJ : Most ppl go to hospital when they're sick, but we call DW. when someone suffer from indigestion, he treats us as folk remedies.

YM : I see. that's why he treats his bag carefully.

<Q4. I'd like to have a kid like this man if I'm married!>

*ER is chosen. almost of them got at least one vote.

HS : I'm feeling strange b/c I'ven't got any vote. I'm requesting that we should open the result! I wanna know the truth!

*They open the result.

HS : I'm sure there were a certain trade between JJ and JH. they voted for each other!

DY : Oh, they could do with a secret sign..."Hey, we'll feel bad if we don't get any vote. Let's vote for each other~~!!!"

JH : No way, how could we do that for a little while like that?

DY : Okay, then JJ, why did you choose JH?

JJ : Because we're close and he has good poits....

DY : which points???

JJ : um...

HS : You must have no idea about his good points..haha

JJ : Yes, I mean..ummm...

DY : Okay, we'll give you enough time to think about it.

YM : Why did you choose JA as a daughter? all the members except you chose a son.

ER : I also like a son, but actually like a daughter more. my elder sister gave birth to a girl 5 months ago. she's so cute.

YM : How would you feel if you were DW's son?

ER : If he was my father?

DY : DW chose you as his son.

ER : He would be a good father for me, but I don't wanna have a son like him.

YM : What's the reason?

ER : He's very generous and well-informed, so he would be a respectable father..

DY : If he was your son, he definately would say "Dad~ you're wrong!"

DY : Who's the today's king?

*ER got 13 votes.

YM : ER, you let us know your various characters today. How about your impression of being chosen as a king today?

ER : Is this good?? anyway, Thank you.

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Guest wanderer335

Wow its so nice of you all to subbed the old videos and the album 9 track. It's really nice to see that video (SBS Favorites) I always wanted to watch it but i don't understanding a word of korean. lol Watching that video and listening to that track makes me kind of sad but at the same time bring back the memories.

Thanks again!

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Guest tnsyn123

I love coming to this thread there is always something new to learn. Thank you all for the translations.

Since most of us are reminiscing of the old days to get us through the next 4 years I want to join in.

Variety shows with our oppas has always been a fav. of mine. My second favorite events( i think I'll called it that) is Shinhwa fanmeeting because it shows the love Shinhwa has for SHCJ and vice versa. Plus the boys/men show off their own talents.

So searching all kind of website I found these:

Shinhwa 5th fanmeeting

It starts out with "My Life Style" Mv, funny thing is that in the MV Eric oppa not in it but this is the fanmeeting that welcome back Andy oppa.


Shinhwa 6th fanmeeting

It shows Dongwan, Hyesung, Andy and Eric B-day fanmeet at the beginning you can see how organize SHCJ is, plus they were like a feet away from Shinhwa with nothing in between and they acted like such mature fans waving bye to Shinhwa when they left and not jumping all over them.


there more but I only Post the first part

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Guest miss lakwon

I noticed that none of the Shinhwa members are in this year's MKMF voting polls.

MKMF really irritates me. This is how they show they thoughtfulness in return for everything SHINHWA did for MNET?

I extremely upset and MNET and I don't even think I'm going to use their site anymore.

I'm going to move onto Bugs and Melon for listening to music.

The SHCJ fans in Korea are really simply to put it pissed off at MNET.

They are somewhat also glad that Shinhwa members are not on it because MKMF is really a piece of _________.

I agree and I'm not even going to vote for others.

Anywho, I really want to get my hands on the concert DVD but I'm so broke! :(

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I love how even though Shinhwa is not active as a group, this thread still is active.

If I'm not mistaken, someone did a translation for the second part of the SBS Good Morning Show. I think it's at shinhwa.biz. I remember because I was watching the video and referring to the translation the whole time. I'm not sure if it's still there.

After reading what you girls said about MKMF, I went to check on the thread I realised that Shinhwa/no on from Shinhwa is on the nomination list. For the 10 year special, I find it hard to believe that in all the 10 years that Shinhwa existed, the wasn't one performance that MNet deemed memorable? hmm..And for the nominations, I'm kinda upset that neither Dongwan, Junjin, Hyesung, Andy or Minwoo was nominated. But, then again, I'm sure MNet are still bitter over what happened last year. I never trusted MKMF anyway.

Sorry for my ranting. I just need to get it off my chest. ^^;

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