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Guest lenakeem

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Guest cpopbaby19

Woooo! A vid from them in their Mafia getup!

080324 Shinhwa 10th Anniversary Message


Ah finally the Official Digital Single. All cred to Neko28 + z-degrees forum

신화 (Shinhwa) - Digital Single - 다시 한 번만 (Dashi han beonman) - Just One More Time

- March 24 2008


OMG! T___T Shinhwa's 10 years old alreadyy!!! :tears: :tears: :tears: And I'm so neglecting the boys~ T___________T; +kills thyself+ T_T


<3 You guys will always be in my <3~

"My choice wasn't a sacrifice, it was the best decision I've made in my life."

^Awww, that sweet little Eric~~ <3 :) He does a great job keeping Shinhwa together4ever! <33

Goodness, where's the MV for the new album!? T___T I'm waiting for it too~~


omg! I just have to say this! HAHA I'm watching the 10th anniv message and HAHAHAHAHAHAH XD damn Ricjinwan! AHHAHAH What are they frkn doing while Hyesung's giving his message? XD LMAO! Why are they knocking their knees~ LOL

and gosh, finally heard the song~ T__T; Can't understand much Korean but my knowledge is enough to understand the song~ :tears: OMG~~ I wanna see the MV more, now! T___T; Man, the song is like telling me I will REALLY miss shinhwa after they stop promotions for this album~ T_T

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I'm still listening to the song, my brother told me to shut it off because its been playing constantly hes going nuts. hahas

This song somehow makes me sad, i really can't wait for the mv <3

[08.03.24][GOOD] Congratulations to Shinhwa on their 10th anniversary!!

yes shinhwa must go on, thanks for the news on this (: they should forever be together <33

"We hope to still perform on stage when we're 50 or 60, all the members do. We hope Sports Donga can grow with Shinhwa." - Junjin

When they perform at 50 or 60 ill be there with them supporting them <3 we'll always support these boys <3

Failure of 1st Album, Disbandment Worries

Kim Dongwan recently disclosed on a program that, "Eric rejected very high solo contract offers to ensure that the group stayed intact."

To this Eric replied, "My choice wasn't a sacrifice, it was the best decision I've made in my life."

Im glad eric stayed, that sentence is really touching, without any one ofthese boys it wont be shinhwa.

But Shinhwa members all agree that "there's no such thing as Shinhwa disbanding". Lee Minwoo said, "Our members will grab whatever opportunities that come along that will allow us to regroup. Junjin added that "When the members reunite 3 or 4 years later, it should feel like meeting our first loves." From what they say, we should be expecting a 10th album to come from Shinhwa.

10th album? ill be waiting until you guys reach the 20th album too (:

thank you incarnadine for the news article <3

kriza_09aww you're so lucky, take lots of pic of the boys <333 tell them how much we love them, they should come over to cali ._. have a safe trip <3

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Guest nurkeyandie

good morning, girls! just woke up, it's 11:18 in l.a. hahaha, i slept at 4 a.m. kriza, have fun! send our warmest love to the boys (they will always be boys to me)! ^-^

and the anniversary greeting, thanks for the link, 80slitenite! hahaha, ricjin

were trying to elicit their patellar reflex but they were faking it!

haha, sorry, i'm in the medical field so i know these things...and why do they keep teasing sungie?!? *pouts* i guess it's coz he's so sensitive. like he gets annoyed easily. haha...cuteee...

mommie Alice, i hope by now you've heard the song!

can't wait for the subs and of course, the mv! have a great day, everyone! shin<3wha

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Guest Kim Soo Lea

Shinhwa is making me crazy these days... I just feel so happy for them that are they back and so happy and sad at the same time that I can cry out loud anytime... just like how all SHinhwa fans are feeling... *sighs* they are making me insane hahahah but i just love them TOO TOO TOO much... I wish I could go to their concert.. but I live so far and it's still school right now.. arghh...

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Guest soratino

Haha, I think I'm gonna be basically living in this thread for the next few days.

So exciting~!

Their 10th anniversary greeting was cute. hahaha. XD Ricjin are so silly, as always. XD And it's so strange that Eric's chair was shorter than the rest -_-

I love that even though it's their 10th anniversary, and the last anniversary in awhile that they will be spending together, it's still "business as usual" for them. They can still joke around together like always, and nothing's really changed. =]

I've been listening to Just One More Time on repeat since yesterday...but I'm not tired of it! hahahaha <333

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Guest jangneri

incarnadine, thank you for the video~ I was laughing when I saw all those funny expressions Dongwan was doing. He looks so handsome!!! Well, all of them ofcourse~ And Eric was funny during the interview, he kept on clapping from beginning til the end. XDDD hahaha~ the ET-ness~ XDDDD

I should be sleeping, it's 2:55 in the morning here, but for some reason, I can't sleep. Probably because I've been anticipating the MV for hours now. haha~

Kriza, have a fun trip! :D

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Guest susymoon

OMG i always wanted to see JUNJIN with black wings :lol:

i didn´t heard one more time yet i´m getting courage not to cry

kriza i hope you have an wonderful trip to s.korea say to JUNJIN that i love him for me please :blush:

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Guest kpoplvr

Today is the day that I deemed appropriate for returning to the lovely We Loves Shinhwa thread for a visit (Orange is obviously very appropriate)~ After all, it is officially Shinhwa Day~! Coming back, I see how out of date I am... I wasn't even aware of the new single, but I can't wait to hear it~ I just know it'll be something I'll have on repeat for hours on end-

The main point of this is to wish everyone here a Happy Shinhwa Day and to wish Shinhwa another ten years in the industry- `Cause we all know that we're all going to be there another ten years from now, fangirling like no other for our boys~

I'm extremely glad that they're back on the scene, stilldorky and lovable as ever. Their pure adorkablity in the Young Gunz video is what attracted me in the first place (and led to a pure obsession~).

Here's to another ten years~!

(And of course, 6 minus 1 will always equal 0. I keep seeing that quote from Eric regarding his decision to turn down solo offers and the quote from Junjin: "When the members reunite 3 or 4 years later, it should feel like meeting our first loves." I feel like tearing up~!)


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Guest `starry.night


I really wish JunJin and Andy would go with all three of them. I don't want to wait four years.

I'm going to really miss them.

They will forever be in my heart!!

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Guest superstar`kiss


I'm SO eager to see the new MV! CANNOT WAIT FOR IT!

-Shinhwa Oppa HWAITING!

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Happy Birthday to the boys!

Happy Shinhwa Day to everyone here as well!

Wow, 10 years already? Though I've only known them for half of their careers, I feel like I've been with them since the beginning.

I don't know whether to smile or to cry... I'm so excited that they're back but my heart hurts cause I know that this will be the last time we see them together for a long while.


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Guest infinityyy


it's their tenth anniversary in the U.S... so yeah.. it's like TWO days of celebration~~ yayy! :P

thank you to the soompier who posted the youtube link to Shinhwa's 10th anniversary message!

aigoooo, dongwan, junjin, and eric.. LMAO, they're so hilarious playing around like that!

it was just so random what they were doing :lol:

i loveee hearing the sound of shinhwa's laughter :wub:

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WOW!!! this thread is moving pretty fast.... keep it up....

Every single article about shinhwa, just brings me to tears.... *crys*.... so sad....

i wish junjin and andy can enlist earlier then we don't have to wait 4 years.... too long... but no matter what, i will wait till for their come back.... and hope they will perform till 50s and 60s..... and i will still support them....

Just One More Time... such an emotional song.... the first time i heard it.... tears coming out nonstop..... *sniffs*.....

i am just like most of u guys... i am listening to it nonstop..... Lovin it...!!!!

the MV is coming out soon.... i cannot wait.... i will probably... cry and smile at that same time, reflecting on past memories....


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HAPPY 10th Anniversary SHINHWA!

Omg how long has it been since I was first introduced to ShinHwa?

Would you believe me if I was to say it was love at first sight (especially with Minwoo hehe).

10 years together, 9 albums + plus their solo activities; ShinHwa has made a permanent mark in our hearts and in history!.

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hey everyone! i just subbed the 10th anniversary message, as a sort of anniversary present for shinhwa <3

here's the youtube link:

the boys are really funny in here :lol: it's so nice to hear their laugh

i love how they always egg hyesung on lol

it's been ten years, but some things never change :wub:

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Guest love!melody

hehehe! it's finally march 24th in the U.S. so i'll just give another shout out!

happy 10th anniversary shinhwa!

LOL okay! so last night, after hearing the song, i wasn't able to fall asleep because i was too excited and the song was stuck in my head LMAO and also, because of the oh-so-beautiful, angelic song and the sweet voices of our boys, i didn't study for my test that was today ><;; haha! i gave up on my studying and just listened to the song <3 haha! but i think it was well worth it LMAO and i also listened to it all day in school >< and on the train LOL AND i'm still listening to it now ^^ the song is so addicting! haha! i want to go outside and just scream my lungs out saying "shinhwa forever~" :) shinhwa has been a great inspiration to me. whenever i was going through a hard time, i would listen to their songs and it would give me some inspiration and calm me down. and whenever i was happy, i would listen to their song as well LOL i'm just amazed at the fact that shinhwa was able to stay together for 10 years. and still counting ^^

Kim Dongwan recently disclosed on a program that, "Eric rejected very high solo contract offers to ensure that the group stayed intact."

To this Eric replied, "My choice wasn't a sacrifice, it was the best decision I've made in my life."

i absolutley love Eric's reply <3 it wasn't a sacrifice but the BEST decision he has made. i am so proud of shinhwa. their loyalty and love for each other is so ... so loveable! the most loveable group ever! ^^

Kim Dongwan emphasized the importance of group unity, "You need to think as though you'll be living together for life. Once you notice that you have different points of view, you won't be able to breathe and grow together."

i love dongwan oppa's affection towards shinhwa. he always has some kind of "quote" LOL about shinhwa and they are so true and just so thoughtful <3

1998, March 24, Shinhwa was born to become a legend......

2008, March 24, until today when they have become a legend......

i totally agree with this! they were born to be a legend. they were destined ... LOL and today, they have actually become one <3

kriza_09 hope you have a great time in korea <3 so will you be attending their concert?!?! if you do, please tell us all about it :)

and the newest picture is HOT! they all look so gorgeous! <3 hehehe! and look at their beautiful arms! LMAO can you say hot and smexy?! LOL hehehe, hyesung oppa has muscles now ^^ can't wait to see more photos :)

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