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Guest lenakeem

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Guest ntlove16

Thank you for all the great news/updates! ^^

I'm so glad I'm done with my mid exams and such.... If it was around this time, I would fail....

Because all my attention is focus on "The one and only SHINHWA"

Everyone seems to be so focus and working hard....

I so want to be part of them!

The black and white picture of their body part make me breathless....

Indeed it was beautiful!

Wow all the clothes, shoes, hat, accessories!

Very curious ;)

Minwoo hand gesture is always amazed me ^.^

"Special applause for M hyung"

Oooohhh.... Now my curiousness is as high as the sky......

Ahh... Ric-gun own a Black escalade... :blink:

My favortite SUV ever!

We are getting one soon ^.^

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Guest picklypickly

Thanks everyone for liking/using my banners. I do have request that you try not to hotlink it. I upload it to photobucket, and I'd hate to see everyone's pretty banners be replaced by a bandwidth exceeded graphic. Usually, it'd be fine, but I'm writing a fanfic now and I upload all my high res graphics to the same account so I just wanna be careful.

Here's a fun graphic I made.


And here's a soompi friendly size.


And here are some other assorted graphics I made from today's releases.


Another version





And these, I just made for fun. Made me laugh. haha.


7 days till 03.24!!

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Guest bluecheese


I know I didn't make many changes... but here's a graphic! :D

(I'm using as my facebook profile picture!)

Feel free to borrow if you'd like, but please upload to your own server :)


wheeeee~ top of the page! frikin excited for march 24! :D

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i'm so excited.. for their anniversary.. n 9 jib.. wow..

wish their 9jib could break 1,000,000 copies.. that could really create a legend.. before they all went to the army...

just hope all the shinhwa changjo fans could reunite.. together.. n show how much we lov our adorable oppa~~~

shinhwa forever~~~depend on us~~~:)

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Guest love!melody

love!melody; hahas jennifer, i know you cna make pretty banners as well (: of course i dont mind, go ahead (: im so excited for shinhwa's return :]

LOL sandy :) you're funny! me? make pretty banners?!?! no way! LMAO i try to but never seem to succeed. need a whole lot more practice and skills like you haha! and i must emphasize how gorgeous your banners are! LOL anyways, yup! aren't we all excited and hyped up about shinhwa's comeback?? hehehehe ^^ exciting! exciting! exciting! <3

[08.03.16] [Trans] The reason why setting up a new company [Good Emg - SHINHWA]

wow! i never really realized that ><;; and i guess shinhwa really is the 'water' of GoodEMG i mean if it wasn't for shinhwa, i don't think the company would even exist. after reading this, i will SOOOOO buy their album! not only one but maybe even three or four and give some away as birthday gifts or something LOL ^^ hehehehe! i know that my friends would love it! i mean who wouldn't?! LMAO anyways, shinhwa hwaiting! and GoodEMG hwaiting! this album will be a hit! hehehe! and it will surely ... well hopefully LOL bring both the company and shinhwa with some great profit :)

I saw on yesasia that they will release their 9th jib on the 3rd of april..

Gosh... that's 2 weeks plus addl 1 or 2 weeks for shipping??? REALLY....

the album's being released on april 3rd?!?!?! or is it jsut for yesasia? i hope it's just for yesasia! i feel as if i'm going to die before the album is even released! please! please! please~ let it be released next monday! you can't do this to us! LMAO we've been anticipating this for so long and now we have to wait two more weeks?! please tell me it is not true! *sigh* don't tell me that this is another one of their malicious acts of teasing us LOL this is what you call torture! this is making me anticipate even more! argh~! *roar* LOL

aindy thank you for all the info and pictures :) really appreciate it! hehehe ^^ just seeing and reading all this tells me that this is going to be BIG! NO! bigger than big! it's going to be .... ummm .... SO BIG WE WON'T EVEN BELIEVE IT! LMAO anyways, the new picture is sizzling hot! LOL hehehe ^^ just seeing features of their gorgeous faces makes me all excited! hehehe! hmmmmm and didn't they say that they will be posting up more pictures one at a time. hasn't it been quite some time since they last posted up a pic from the photoshoot?! or am i being too quick-tempered LOL i want to see more pictures of our 6 handsome men!!! haha! all day in school, all i think about now is shinhwa and their 9th album and their upcoming promos and everything! i can't get my mind to concentrate on schoolwork ><;;; 6 more days! only 6 more days~ (<-- ahha! look! it's 6 ^^ LMAO okay, i'm being stupid again ><;; ) anyways, once again, thanks for the update hehehe ^^

Although it's March

Although everyone was surrounded by the cold weather and sand

But the members all stuck it out in their thin layers of clothes

Special applause for M hyung


Please look out for Shinhwa's 9th album!!!

awwww! hope they didn't catch a cold or anything. and oooh~lala~ "special applause for M" huh? *licks lips* delicious~! LMAO ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! *freaks out once again* just hearing this makes me even more excited! wish the 6 days would just pass by now ... *waiting*

picklypickly those are some really cool banners! LOL :) and i really like the blue graphic you made using the new picture ^^ it looks HOT! hehehe

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Guest milkajunior

I can't believe everything that is going on..............with the boys...........

so much work,,,,,,,,,,,yet so much excitment.......................

thanks for shring the pics............they look hotttttttttttt

Love Jun JIn's neck...........Lord Have Mercy.................

Well, since I want to support my boys................already pre-order the Cd.............

and I heard they are selling perfumes too...................

I want all of them..................... :wub::wub::wub:

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Guest kawaii30ph

yesasia usually releases a week later... just like with andy and dongwan and hyesung....

thats where i buy my korean stuffs...

thanks for sharing some news and pics of the guys... hyesung is having my attention already

im really praying for some miracle for me to able to watch their concert...

kinda missed their shanghai concert....

HELLO DAD?!!!! hehehe

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Guest Aromati97

i'm so excited.. for their anniversary.. n 9 jib.. wow..

wish their 9jib could break 1,000,000 copies.. that could really create a legend.. before they all went to the army...

just hope all the shinhwa changjo fans could reunite.. together.. n show how much we lov our adorable oppa~~~

shinhwa forever~~~depend on us~~~:)

Seriously, 9th album should break over the 500,000 mark! It better! ^_^;;

But, Shinhwa has to promote the album for a long time which I doubt they will.

10th Album will definetly pass the million mark! I'm crossing my fingers for that day to come! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Shinhwa, I want your 9th album now!!! <333

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Guest superficialme

wow, i come back from the weekend to all these massive news!! im more excited now that i see some pictures and that they're actually updating us day by day. awesome awesome!!!!

seriously all these suppense that they're putting out is making me more excited about ther 9th jib and 10th anniversary concert!!!

i hope everything goes well( i know it will) for the hard work that these six guys put in for the last 10 years!!

SHINHWA in my heart forever, i promise!

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Guest incarnadine


i cant stop laughing because of your post..

this is really making me more and more excited

6 more days to go

thank you for the all those news

by the way, i think the 9th album will be released just a few days after the 24th or on that day itself

lol angel2nyt... sorry for that minor indiscretion... couldn't control myself :sweatingbullets: I'm so itching to get my hands on copies of Shinhwa's 9th album. Only a few more days to go!!!

picklypickly ~ your banners are awesome girl!!! *bows*

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Guest samshiku

i so want their album!!!!!!!!

anyway...just a sidetrack....anyone have any RECENT photos or evidence of WOODONG?

[ironically] these days i see alot more ricsyung, jinsyung and minDy and ricwan...where's the lovable woodong?! i miss their interaction so much :(

so yeah...anyone?

cos i REALLY couldn find recent [2008] stuff about them...

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Guest nglkt

More of Eric ETness from the beginning( sorry, there's only ERIC, coz i only managed to find his interview)

P.S: I've a few more funny interviews to post. Haven't managed to translate all yet but definitely will post it before the big day!

The “first” you experienced as a Shinhwa member (ERIC)

The first meeting:

4th November 1997, we gathered at the practice studio. Of course, I knew Andy from before and I thought he’s very obedient and cute. Hyesung’s character is like a girl’s. Minwoo’s very carefree, looks like he knows how to socialize, he knows how to speak really well. Dongwan has a loud voice and he is always laughing. I think Junjin’s very mysterious, I have yet to get to know his character (laughs). I think it will take about one month or so to get to know each other better.

The first recording:

At ilsan’s studio, we first recorded on 3rd January. It was for “haegyulsa”. Very nervous, so it wasn’t as good as during practice. Because it was our first time wearing headphones, so we couldn’t hear what we were singing(?)

The first interview:

Our first interview was on 27th March, the first time with “VIEW” was on 15th April. It was really interested. We were surrounding the reporters but because they speak too fast, we get the meaning wrong. So when we were being interviewed we push the questions around, “You will answer this question!” (laughs) When we are too nervous, the atmosphere is really cold and we couldn’t get much reaction (laughs)

The first fan letter:

We received fan letters even before our debut because we garnered much attention. But because at that time, we have yet to confirm the name of our group, the fans didn’t know our name. Our choreographer, Park Joon Ho played a joke and told our fans that we were called “B.S.T” The fans really took it for real and addressed the letters to “B.S.T oppa”. What’s B.S.T? It is Bo Shin Tang’s(tonic soup) initials.

The first MV:

We filmed on 25th and 26th of March. We danced a lot because of the choreography. It was memorable. Although it was tiring, but because it was our first MV, we were happy and we could not believe it.

Before the first fan meeting:

I was thinking if we should showcase all our talents. I will rap with my friend Danny from America. Minwoo and Junjin will remix TLC’s “Creep” and perform it for everyone. Dongwan will form a band and showcase rock music. Hyesung will prepare SOLID’s song. In addition, we will prepare our self camera and a greeting video from many artistes etc…

Self evaluation:

I think I rapped pretty well. I’ve rapped in S.E.S’s 2nd album, Yoo Seung Jun’s new album. Speaking of things that I lack in, as a leader, I don’t think I did well. If I were to rate myself, I would give myself 70 points.

cr: baidu, shinhwabar

eng trans: nglkt

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Guest incarnadine

lol... that interview is SO cute, nglkt. Thanks so much for taking the time to sub *hugs* Jinnie mysterious? Perhaps being the last member to join the group, it took time for him to warm up to them... little did Eric know what a wacko Jin would later on turn out to be :lol: Oooh Minwoo and Jinnie doing a remix of 'Creep' by TLC ~ sounds interesting! I wonder what that would've sounded, hehehe.

Keep the old interviews coming dear!!!

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Guest nutzie

i was thinking to myself when i went to sleep last night.. you know how so far they've been having dance title songs, except for the last 8th album, when they had a ballad as a title song? based on the pictures that were released, what would you think will be the genre of their title song?

i was thinking it would be another dance song, based on the ruggedness of the pictures that were taken.. because the 8th album cover pic [and the pics inside] were more of a sophisticated look [indoor, suits, cool poses, etc] and this one's more of like, army [sorry -__-], fighter, survivor kinda look.. rock maybe? but definitely doesn't seem to fit a ballad O_o"

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Guest incarnadine

I've been curious about their title track for the 9th album too, nutzie. Chances are it's going to be a mid-tempo to somewhat fast-paced song with some rock elements to it... though I still think it's possible for them to have a ballad as their title track. Not the slow, jazzy or instrumental kind, but you know, something sentimental with a slower rhythm :) Either way, the anticipation is killing me.

I wonder too what their MV is going to look like... the article mentioned that it's going to be 'spectacular' with movie-like effects. Exciting!

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^personally, i'd like a fast track too for their title song. just because dance songs have better stage performances and i really miss watching shinhwa's stage

although i love their ballads too, so i hope that they choose a slow song for their follow-up (granted that they'll promote one) haha, i'm so greedy

but i wonder if shinhwa will make comebacks on music programs and variety shows? i know that the album's currently slated for release on march 24th, and their concerts will be on march 29, 30 so that doesn't leave much time to film any shows. too bad for us overseas fans who won't get to see them personally in concert, sigh

anyway...just a sidetrack....anyone have any RECENT photos or evidence of WOODONG?

[ironically] these days i see alot more ricsyung, jinsyung and minDy and ricwan...where's the lovable woodong?! i miss their interaction so much :(

so yeah...anyone?

cos i REALLY couldn find recent [2008] stuff about them...

i miss woodong too :( <333

but since dongwan has been busy working on his album, he hasn't been doing any active promotions on tv programs or music shows, hence the lack of any woodong-ness or any dongwan screen time in general. (come back, dongwan, we miss you!) although i think dongwan appeared on sbs truth game just last night, so i'm sure we'll be seeing clips of that soon :D

dongwan mentioned minwoo in his journal several times this year though! i think about how he was sad that minwoo left to go snowboarding without him and then a separate entry about how he went to the snow field himself and minwoo wasn't there. :lol: cute!

The first fan letter:

We received fan letters even before our debut because we garnered much attention. But because at that time, we have yet to confirm the name of our group, the fans didn’t know our name. Our choreographer, Park Joon Ho played a joke and told our fans that we were called “B.S.T” The fans really took it for real and addressed the letters to “B.S.T oppa”. What’s B.S.T? It is Bo Shin Tang’s(tonic soup) initials.

thanks for sharing the article! ahh so eric talked about being called B.S.T before too

i recently subbed a short cut of andy's manwon happiness episode, and he talked about shinhwa considering the name B.S.T before they decided on shinhwa...i'm so glad that they went with shinhwa instead lol


and here's a link to the video:


enjoy! :)

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Guest love!melody

anyway...just a sidetrack....anyone have any RECENT photos or evidence of WOODONG?

[ironically] these days i see alot more ricsyung, jinsyung and minDy and ricwan...where's the lovable woodong?! i miss their interaction so much :(

so yeah...anyone?

cos i REALLY couldn find recent [2008] stuff about them...

woodong <3 haha! they are my favorite couple ... as for now that is ><;; LMAO anyways, yea, it's kind of hard to find really good woodong pictures. i've been saving up alot of woodong picture before but then my computer crashed and now they are all gone *cries* hmmm, i remember that there was this site where the person had a lot of scans of woodong from mvs and variety shows and etc. i'll try to go find the site again somehow but iono LOL but the pictures are kind of LQ there, but it's better than nothing ^^ haha!

i was thinking to myself when i went to sleep last night.. you know how so far they've been having dance title songs, except for the last 8th album, when they had a ballad as a title song? based on the pictures that were released, what would you think will be the genre of their title song?

i was thinking it would be another dance song, based on the ruggedness of the pictures that were taken.. because the 8th album cover pic [and the pics inside] were more of a sophisticated look [indoor, suits, cool poses, etc] and this one's more of like, army [sorry -__-], fighter, survivor kinda look.. rock maybe? but definitely doesn't seem to fit a ballad O_o"

from the pictures, i'm thinking of a moderate-tempo dance song. but who knows LOL haha! that reminds me of one interview from shinhwa's 8th jib where dongwan oppa jokingly said how shinhwa wasn't going to do any more dance songs because they are getting old and because their dance is superior to others LMAO (haha! i agree with their dance being superior to other but not the age part *grrrr* LOL) anyways, yea~ i can't wait!!!!! hehehe ^^ and also you know how they said the MV is going to be like a 'spectacular scene from a movie'? LOL when i read 'spectacular' i thought action and when i thought action i thought of dancing for some reason LMAO

which one u guys prefer

ballad song for the mv or dance song?

for me, i think i choose dance song

some fast song...

but ballad is not bad too

base on their photoshhot i keep on imagining them singing while walking aimlesly

sounded kakkoi nei?

ha ha ha

hmmmm i must say .... a dance song :) hehehe i love seeing our boys doing their thing~ LMAO their dance performances are so HOT! but i like their ballads too becasue you can listen to more of their vocal abilities ^^ hehehe, i also like their ballads because they kid around more in the back while the other members are singing LOL anyways, hmmmmmmm, now i'm wondering if andy will be getting a vocal part in their new album? i hope so! and i hope eric oppa would get some vocal parts as well. i think that'll make the album even more special ^^ waht do you guys think? LOL

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oh my goodnesssss pickly pickly!! i love those banners!! mind if i use them? ^^ gaaahh <3333 haha

i found a clip on youtube today. thought it was VERY cute xD hehe heres the link click me

oooh i think it would be nice if they had a dance song as well. a very jumpy song.. something like eusha eusha o__o cuz i love it so much hehe. that would be nice :]

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WOW, your graphic/banner is awsome. And thank you for the instruction as to how to use your banners.

Our office is moving so I've been so buy packing I didn't get chance to get on Soompi until I got home and I'm finding pages to read. I'm glad I'm busy as work because it's making waiting time go faster.

I haven't had chance to visit other Shinhwa sites....any news of when MV will be released?

Thanks everyone for liking/using my banners. I do have request that you try not to hotlink it. I upload it to photobucket, and I'd hate to see everyone's pretty banners be replaced by a bandwidth exceeded graphic. Usually, it'd be fine, but I'm writing a fanfic now and I upload all my high res graphics to the same account so I just wanna be careful.
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