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Guest lenakeem

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Guest valmylove

Malou, (right? I just wanna make sure, its the only one ^o^)

Well said! During Shinhwa's popular years, of course everyone was really into them but as Shinhwa' members grew up and moved on w/their own lives, those fans/bloggers have to move on with their lives too! But its true, once a fan is always a fan! It is good to rekindle the old passion!

Happy Shinhwa Dreaming! :blush:

Some more thoughts before I get back to my work...

For the past weeks, I've been randomly searching for Shinhwa-related anything on the Net, primarily through Google. I'll just type in 'Shinhwa' and see where things will take me.

I've come across numerous personal blogs of people I don't know at all... and as I read through them, I saw huge chapters of their lives written on their blog (mostly circa 2004-2006), wherein they professed their boundless and undying love for Shinhwa. During those periods, practically every post was Shinhwa-related.

Fast track to 2007-08... their entries became less and less Shinhwa-related, and became more about their own everyday lives.

Then, for the past 2 or three weeks, Shinhwa started to surface in their posts again. Perhaps it's because of the upcoming anniversary concert or 9th jib. There was definitely one thing in common among all these blog posts I've seen... after seeing Shinhwa again, seeing that they're going to appear together once more, they felt so happy, prompting them to re-watch old Shinhwa video clips, and voila! -- the memories are once again alive, and these ppl found themselves laughing and crying all over again while watching the clips. In all those blog posts, they all said that they will forever love Shinhwa, and Shinhwa will always be in their hearts. Like what was said in the promotional video, "Once a fan, forever a fan."

Again, I think the teaser for Spot 2 was very clever and well-though of.

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I absolutely loved the verison 2. It was so well written. Made me scream and laugh. It was hilarious when the teacher had this little weird seizure and went back into her memories. But what was sweet was when the teacher wrote "Shinhwa Changjo" on the chalk board. And when they showed the older fans married and watching their commerical on tv. So beautiful. Even though I'm one of the younger generations to like Shinhwa, it still brought tears to my eyes. When I was watching that, I was thinking back to when Minwoo mentioned that he never noticed how grown up the fans were. Until when they came to ask for a autograph, and he looked up and was surprised to see them so grown up. Then he was saying something like they looked suitable to be his girlfriend now or something. LOL.

Were these posted? I don't remember seeing these..

The rest are still being uploaded.

SHINHWA- SeSaeWon Show (Feat. SES) 1/5[sUBBED]

SHINHWA- SeSaeWon Show (Feat. SES) 2/5 [sUBBED]

SHINHWA- SeSaeWon Show (Feat. SES) 3/5 [sUBBED]


Shinhwa - Mnet Star Watch, Shinhwa in SG Epi 8 (1/3) (en)

Shinhwa - Mnet Star Watch, Shinhwa in SG Epi 8 (2/3) (en)

Shinhwa - Mnet Star Watch, Shinhwa in SG Epi 8 (3/3) (en)


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Guest incarnadine

Hi Cindy! Yes it's Malou :) Yeah because you see, fans can be fickle too, and I've seen a lot of ppl shift their loyalties once a new big thing comes out, then the magic they felt for this artist they used to like is gone. But that's not the case with Shinhwa... as soon as their fans see them again, the magic is instantly rekindled.

panhia87 -- I'm always happy to see members of the 'younger generation' like and love Shinhwa. It just goes to show that Shinhwa's fanbase is still growing. Me, I'm not that young (but not that old either, haha) and I liked Shinhwa only recently (such a shame) but some reason, I can relate to what all of you are going through. I can feel the wistfulness, I can feel the excitement, the sadness, the anxiety.

Lol, Minwoo is such a ladies' man :D thanks so much for the links!

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Guest valmylove

Panhia, thanks for the link...they were sooo young and cute!!! Wannie likes Bada????? Ahhhh? Who wouldn't love Shinhwa or SES? Very beautiful and handsome.... aigesshhh....I would fall in love with any of them too! :blush: Eric ~ wishful thinking? :tears: Could it be me? LOL Can't wait for more posts!

Waves to Malou!

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Guest kawaii30ph

Some more thoughts before I get back to my work...

For the past weeks, I've been randomly searching for Shinhwa-related anything on the Net, primarily through Google. I'll just type in 'Shinhwa' and see where things will take me.

I've come across numerous personal blogs of people I don't know at all... and as I read through them, I saw huge chapters of their lives written on their blog (mostly circa 2004-2006), wherein they professed their boundless and undying love for Shinhwa. During those periods, practically every post was Shinhwa-related.

Fast track to 2007-08... their entries became less and less Shinhwa-related, and became more about their own everyday lives.

Then, for the past 2 or three weeks, Shinhwa started to surface in their posts again. Perhaps it's because of the upcoming anniversary concert or 9th jib. There was definitely one thing in common among all these blog posts I've seen... after seeing Shinhwa again, seeing that they're going to appear together once more, they felt so happy, prompting them to re-watch old Shinhwa video clips, and voila! -- the memories are once again alive, and these ppl found themselves laughing and crying all over again while watching the clips. In all those blog posts, they all said that they will forever love Shinhwa, and Shinhwa will always be in their hearts. Like what was said in the promotional video, "Once a fan, forever a fan."

Again, I think the teaser for Spot 2 was very clever and well-though of.

its like having some sort of reunion after years of not being together...

everyone is getting hype...

and everyone seems to remember every tiny bit of what happend and whats in at that time..

you fave singers, actors, fashion... my friend always teases me - i used to adore a certain puerto rican

boy group during the mid 80's when we're still in grade school...

for the past few weeks, i've watching the vidz of shinhwa that i've collected throught the years...

it brings smile to my face...

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Guest incarnadine

what's this about shinhwa being in different companies now?! :(:(

update please! i saw it briefly but yeah.. WHAT HAPPENED?

^Hello there!

The Shinhwa members have set up their own management outfits for their respective solo careers. But, as far as Shinhwa the group is concerned, they are still under GOOD Ent, to the best of my knowledge.

Anyone who knows better than I do, feel free to correct me ^_^

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Guest Rainity

To my australian shinhwa friends, here's a notice for u guys.

To dearest shinhwa fans out there,

As fans who always support Shinhwa for any activities they are involved with,

I am sure and believe you all would be willing to show such caringness after u read this story that i am

going to tell u.

Welcome Sheila. Like you all, she is also a shinhwa fan, indeed like the

rest of us, support Shinhwa eversince she became a fan since high school days. Now, at the

age of 23, Sheila has been diagnosed with a life threatening cancer, of which she has suffered since the age

of 17 (She suffered from brain tumor cancer). Seeing how critical her condition was, in 2007, she underwent a huge (an expensive) surgery (to take the tumor out from the brain) and the doctors have no hope of seeing

Sheila to recover fully. Even before that, Sheila was hospitalized & underwent chemotherapy treatment several times due to her illness.

Sheila's parents was told that she may only live for a few months and Sheila has been hospitalized eversince

the last surgery took place.

Seeing Sheila herself knew that there is no hope for her to live long as a normal person, she only

has one wish, that one big dream to achieve; that is to go to see Shinhwa perform at a concert.

During her healthy days of being a shinhwa fan, she never attend any Shinhwa concerts before, and after knowing that March 2008, may and will be Shinhwa's last concert to bid farewell to

their loving fans before some of the members enlist into army, she wish to attend Shinhwa's last concert seeing the doctors

have told her that she won't live long and only will leave for 5-6 months. But since so much money has spent for her endless medical fees and surgery payment for quite a long time, she nor her parents could

not even afford to even buy an airfare ticket to fly from Melbourne to go to Korea.

Thus, as Shinhwa fans, my heartfelt words from the heart, wishes if there's anyone who would like to help dear Sheila to fulfill her last wish ; anybody who would like to donate money and send their money donation to help Sheila, u are most welcome to send to my paypal (paypal id : glitz18@email.com) (if anyone want to donate via bank transfer, do email me at glitz18@email.com), and i'll be glad to transfer the money donations to Sheila's parents bank account.

There is no other intention for me to post this to trick people but to help another Shinhwa fan who

wishes to see our oppa deul perform at a concert for her to watch for the first and very last time. May god bless to all of you for your kindness towards Sheila and let's all pray for Sheila's recovery. Amen.


The donation only lacks 1800 AUD for her airfare ticket. Please help Sheila to make her last dream come true. A small donation still makes a BIG difference for her. Thank You.

Current Donation Needed : $1800 (AUD)

credit: angelix and sheila's friends

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Guest incarnadine

^ Yup. From what I read/understand, except for Hyesung whose solo is managed by Good-EMG, the other members are in a different company. The group is still under Good-EMG.


Ohh is that so? Thanks for the clarification! :D

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[08.02.12] [News] Shinhwa's last concert in Apr at Budokan before army enlistment




Korean pop group Shinhwa who has generated a new Hallyu wave in Japan will be holding their last concert before enlistment at Japan's Budokan, the Holy Grail of concert venues.

OpenWorld Entertainment, which manages Shinhwa's overseas concerts, said that Shinhwa will be holding a concert over 2 days on 18/19 April at Japan's Budokan. This will be part of the 10th anniversary activities, and at the same time act as the encore concert to the concert held last December. 《2007 JAPAN TOUR — SHINHWA FOREVER》 was held at Nagoya and Saitama in December 2007.

A source from OpenWorld said that "Shinhwa will be releasing their 10th anniversary commemorative album next month, and they will be having a series of activities in conjunction with the release of the album. We hope to present the theme of Shinhwa Forever during the concert in Japan."

Lee Minwoo, who just held his concert on 10/11 Feb at Tokyo International Forum, said during his concert "Though I can't say when, but Shinhwa will be back".

Shinhwa members are expected to enlist into the army after the concert, thus it is very unlikely for another concert to happen within the near future. Except for Shin Hyesung, all other members are expected to serve their military duties.

In addition, having performed to over 10,000 fans over 2 days in Japan, Lee Minwoo will be holding a concert to commemorate the release of his new mini album 《Sentimental Reason》at Seoul's Sogang University on 16/17 Feb.


Chi trans: 繁星满天@bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest love!melody

Sil3ntAng3l this is heartbreaking ><;; i would try and help you and your friend out by donating but i'm still a high school student and ... i think you get the point. despite the fact that i never attended a shinhwa concert myself, if i had the money, i would most definitely give it to your friend rather than going myself. hopefully, some kind, caring, and money-donatable people will come and help your friend achieve her last dream/goal. sorry that i can't be of any help ><;; i hope everthing goes well and hwaiting to your friend <3

[08.02.12] [News] Shinhwa's last concert in Apr at Budokan before army enlistment

*sigh* why must they enlist in the army?! *tears start forming in my eyes* i know that it's a tradition, an honor, and a transition for a male into a real man and all but *sigh* i wish the two years of their enlistment will fly by quickly! but who knows how long it will be before we see all six members again after the 10th anniversay concert? actually, i wish all the members would enlist all at once so that it won't be too long before we see them again. if they leave two at a time or something every year, it would take a longer time ><;; what would you girls prefer? they enlist all at once and see them altogether sooner or they leave a few at a time and see them a little more before the members leave? anyways, even though this topic of enlistment is getting to me, i'll try and ignore it, at least for now, there is still some time left. might as well make it happy then sad. so yea! their 10th anniversary concert! so excited LOL gahhhhhh~ can't wait for their new album and their pomotions ^^ hope they come out on variety programs all together LMAO that would be GREAT! hehehehe (: and LOL it's snowing here in NYC right now. and so i'm happy! it's like the first snow that's actually sticking this whole winter! LMAO i hate it when the snow gets all mushy and yucky but today, the snow is really pretty and white LOL i was listening to 'snowy night' on my walk home from school today. it was so nice with the snow falling gently and hearing shinhwa oppa's voices singing along to a happy tune LMAO (:

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Guest Kim Soo Lea

the next two years... I will be very very lonely without Shinhwa ;<..... I've been liking them for 8 years now... and finally.. this is the time.. the time no Shinhwa fan wants.... has arrived :<

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Guest incarnadine

^ Aww Kim... you've liked them for a long time now huh... I feel the same way, it's like my heart and my life will have this huge void once Shinhwa enlists in the service. Omg... all of a sudden, I am dreading that day.

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Guest incarnadine

omg.. if only i had someone to go with me.. i'd totally be there in japan :(

Are you serious, TINGTING? Because I'm really considering going to the Japan concert too... I was crushed when I couldn't go to their Seoul concert but my hopes have suddenly been renewed when news on their Japan concert came out... :blush: :w00t:

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Guest ntlove16

It's in April, I can't go, hic hic, I still have school..... :tears:

Hopefully they will pronounce more concert as time go on.....

I'll be in Vietnam around June- August....

So hopefully there is a concert around that time, so I could go.....

As long as they have one somewhere in Asia, I definately could go...

Hic hic...

It will be more than 3 yr without ShinHwa , since everyone enlist at different time...


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