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Guest lenakeem

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Guest apricot

^^ Thanxs for the Wansyung pic! They both look great! I love their performance..it's so refreshing hearing each sing each another songs.

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Guest loving_D

well, for the first time, i am going to say this. when i went to the andy thread, i was deeply hurt by what they have posted, they have in big bold letters on the first post "THIS IS NOT A SHINHWA THREAD, THIS IS AN ANDY THREAD". of course it's not and the mods might kill them for talking about shinhwa in the thread but YOU CAN NEVER JUST NOT MENTION SHINHWA WHEN YOU SPEAK OF ONE OF THE MEMBERS. i didn;t think much of it when i saw the motto of the thread but when i learned that some of the andy fans there are only andy lovers and dislikes Shinhwa as they think Andy is always being outcasted by the other Shinhwa members and such... i thought.. how can they be like this?

it's automatic, Shinhwa is always mentioned when there are interviews in their solo activities, it's always, "Andy from the group Shinhwa" or "M, the charismatic dancer of Shinhwa" or "Kim DOngwan from group Shinhwa has finally released a solo album" or "Eric Mun, leader of group Shinhwa..." or "Shin Hyesung, lead vocalist of Shinhwa, captivated..." or "Junjin, member of group Shinhwa, acted alongside a Chinese singer..."

but i'm glad not all from that thread are like that. we can't really blame them really. i mean, people's interest varies. you can't force yourself and your views on people. you can't force them to be like you, to adore who you adore and to love who you love.

it's sad though, how those fans can only see 1/6 of the whole being. because Shinhwa is a group.. of 6 individual members but they are still, in one being....


im a little offended about what you said about the andy thread. im one of the crew there and i don't think theres anything wrong with...the motto. it's true isn't it? this is the shinhwa thread. andy has his own individual thread just like all the members do. just like the front page of THIS thread says: this is a shinhwa thread. all other members' talk should be in their own threads. just because he's in shinhwa doesn't mean that people who like him have to like shinhwa. im a HUGE shinhwa fan and probably an even bigger andy fan. the motto's not saying that you can't talk about shinhwa while you're in the thread. of course there's going to be loads of shinhwa talk...all related to andy. the point of that motto is to make sure that everyone knows not to go overboard with shinhwa stuff and to not mistake andy's thread for a shinhwa thread. sometimes, it got really shinhwa crazy in there (like talking off topic about other members and stuff, not even about andy), which sometimes angered some visitors due to the fact that they aren't even shinhwa fans, they're simply andy fans. it's not to be offensive, it's just trying to keep all ANDY fans in the thread. most of them are shinhwa fans too, but not all...and we don't want the only-andy fans to be burdened and stuff by all the shinhwa talk. i don't think it's a very difficult thing to do: like one member but not like the group. i am that way with other groups (not shinhwa). why is it that the andy thread always gets attacked when it comes to this topic? i bet there are a lot of fans out there who only love a certain member. and you're right. part of the reason why some people love andy and not shinhwa is because andy's an "outcast" and the youngest and the most shafted, etc. some fans get mad because he doesn't get enough parts and spotlight as a member of shinhwa while he can really succeed as an individual (musical, anyone?). hope you can see where the andy fans' rants toward shinhwa can come from. and im glad that you said that you can't force yourself to agree with other people's views. that's so true. xD

anywho, i agree that shinhwa is inseparable. 6-1=0. yes, it's true. but there are people out there who like just certain members and not the group. it's not that big of a deal. :D

edit--pictures to share:




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Guest nurkeyandie

:mellow: ^er...annyeong, everyone (peace be with us, ehehe!)! :)

i think it's been two weeks since my last post, i got really crazy busy at work. it's now 1:46 am but i just had to post to say that that wansyung perf was soooo awesome!!! i swear, everything was perfect! it's so touching to see them sing each other's song! thank you, thank you so much, nat, for the link. :)

and welcome back, mommie Alice!

kriza, imma go crazy coz of your ricsyung vids and pics spam. :D like most everyone, i'm fascinated with the ricsyung relationship. it's so weird, yet it's also so...i dunno, attractive?. i keep thinking something must've happened in the past or something. i'm sure they're really close but they do have that awkwardness going on (at least in sungie's case, haha)...but i completely understand relationships like that, where you're both okay when you're in a big group but once you're left alone, the atmosphere becomes weird (and i'm not saying weird like there's some sort of romantic feeling but weird awkward, you know?)...anyway, i dunno if i'm still making sense but thanks again. :)

hi, loving_D! yup, shinhwa is inseparable. i'm a relatively new shinhwa fan but personally, i never thought of andy as an "outcast" in shinhwa, coz all the members said it was really a difficult time when andy had to leave. andy's so, so talented (not to mention uber-cute!) too and shinhwa's just not shinhwa without him. :)

haha, thanks, angel2nyt, for those pics from dongwan's diary. it's so like dongwan to save letters and pics and stuff. :)

*sigh* i keep thinking about shinhwa going to the army...please i'm begging you guys to keep subbing their vids (keep up the good work!)!

anyway, i feel happy after visiting this thread again, despite being so tired (that old jindy pic with their orange hair just made me laugh!). thanks, everyone, and i hope you're all doing all right! :D

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Guest angel2nyt

Please do not argue with each other. Thanks.

thank you edward

im just wondering if the sept 10 mbc jipijigi show would have dongwan and minwoo in or would it have dw, mw, and hs

because ive seen conflicting articles

then i saw an article that says all three of them will be in three shows together

kbs happy together, sbs quiz 육감대결, mbc jipijigi


nevermind its only minwoo and wannie who will be going to the sbs show

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Guest samshiku

Ah dong's diary entry is SO adorable!!! thanks!!!

wansung rocks! ^^

Krizza lol you're back with your long posts^^ thanks for all the links and pictures^^





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Guest ryuxeen

btw.. i prefer andy & eric... ya... u know the youngest and da eldest... thats very cute... they very close each other... oppa FIGHTING!!!!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


all quotes from the members mentioned in this post in this format:

Member's Name: quote

is said by that member. not some made up stuff. okies?

i got the quotes from THE CHRONICLE OF THE LEGEND, thanks to kriza_09 who compiled them.

krizza - hahahah trust you to always bring ricsyung back into the thread whenever possible =P love the 2nd graphic the most.. will save it once i get my comp back [like yours, mine's now in the hospital =X] and love love the pics [you know i go weak in the knees for ricsyung sightings ^o^] aah.. i want ricsyung back now >_< now i'll have to go a semester without seeing any ricsyung, or any couple for that matter.. i'll study hard so i can reap my reward [ie. the asia concert stuff, if there are fancams and interviews] during the winter break.. let's go!!!

se7ensoul - and the ET has gone from planet earth *don't worry you guys, he's safe in planet nutzie ^o^*] and do a full blast of promo activities [hopefully] before going in style into the army with a horde of fans crying on their knees watching their backs turned, marching smartly into the army grounds.. and the shinhwa legend shall live on..

ps. pardon me for the cheesy imagination.. i just finished reading harry potter -_-

yes, NAT, krizza's bringing RICSYUNG back. ;)

you know how much i love ricsyung, righty? i know you love em too that is why i love posting pics of them up!!! as i know you guys will like the pic spam! well, whatever shinhwa pics posted always makes us scream in fangirlish glee anyway so yeah. :P

but my comp isn't in the hospital anymore as i just got it back!~~~ nat's comp hwaiting!!! !!!

a semester without ricsyung?????????? I'LL DIEEEEEE!!!!!!! but yes, shinhwa said it themselves, they want us to study hard. so yes, we'll all study hard, go to korea and kidnap them with rizziesh and the others. too bad though, there are a lot of eric kidnappers but i'm all alone with kidnapping wannie. ㅜ__ㅜ~~~

OMG, planet nutzie????? yep, people. nat has totally gone nuts. HAHAHA!~ and yeah.. i bought a pirated DVD (i'm poor as i just bought woodongsyung's albums!) of eric's QUE SERA SERA, as i'm typing this, my sungie lover sister is downstairs squeeling her heart out to how great eric is and how he's so handsome... and there was a scene where his friend was upset as to why he didn;t accept the car one of his girls was giving him (the girl from which star are you from with jung ryu won), and his friend was like..

friend: are you an alien?

eric (in my head): yes, i'm an ET who sends text messages to fellow shinhwa members written in my alien native tounge

Junjin: The band member who were most unhelpful is Eric. Eric had, many times, sent me messages like ‘샤릉훼’ (syareunghwe)

this kind of alien language had often disturbed me during practice.


as they walk into the grounds a shiver was felt among the fans, a longing they have so desperately avoided to feel. but it was here, right now. a truth they could not escape, could not run from as it tore them down to the very core and fibre of their being.

and as for the guys?


this is not the fanfic thread, krizza~!!!!!!


okay, will shut up now. :ph34r:

is 3 chapters into john grisham's the last juror -___-

why oh why?! so most probably, they would not release an album by the end of the year?? *sigh* i just miss them sooo much! i mean, i've been watching a lot of shows where Wannie, Minu & Sungie guests and no Jinnie, Andy and Eric at sight i still feel incomplete.. huhuhu..

ANE!~ i know how you feel...

but while the group is not here.. we'll have to do with what we are given... just download andy's interviews for his musical.... HE'S SO DARN CUTEEEEE!~!~~~ i couldn't understand athing the cutie was saying but i was smiling like an idiot at the screen....

has anybody noticed how andy talks is so cute? lol, like how he purses his lips and talks, showing his smile and such... lalala!~~~~ it was so..... haha.... watch ETN interview.... GAH. andy's musical started it's showing in theaters yesterday, i believe. i so wish i can watch!~

the only one i am not hearing from is jinnie.. it has been what, 3 weeks since i last saw him? eric too!!! but yeah, nat said the ET is safe in her planet. so yeah, we have every right to worry, er. i mean, no reasion to worry. :phew:

winksassy, YES!!!! i miss them soo much myself!!!! :tears: thanks for those pics..... ah... the days.... *automatically starts singing "it's our story of the days...." haha~

apricot, YES YES YES!!! you see, they are very close. it's just that their kind of closeness isn't like the other's. it's something we won't understand, something complex and special. HAHA. okay, i'm starting to act weird again... but really, eric is such an alien, haha, that he can be so childish. you see, he is the youngest in their family and sungie is the oldest in his. but eric is the oldest in Shinhwa and you know...

i think i got this idea of ricsyung love from XH. where is XH anyway.. i saw her post the other day... i miss her.... she pmed me a dongwan story during the time that i was gone sick... it was full of wannie pics saying "hwaiting krizza!" and i was deeply touched i could glomp her!~

another thing i miss is.. ginnie giving me big bear hugs!!! haha.

basically, i just miss all the guys from this thread... rizziesh, nat, rozzy, lynda, thang, dv! but those guys i talk to on msn... mommie alice, joyce, linh, xh, ginnie, xtine... who else have i forgotten? aish.... i'm so forgetfull!!!!


ivanovie, minu's bday party where ricsyung kissed? i think i made a mistake.... i said minu's bday party but what i have in mind is SUNGIE'S 2nd album concert... sorry about the mistake :sweatingbullets: i believe they went up stage. well, the thing is, woodong did a countdown for them to kiss and so there, sungie gave eric a little peck on the cheeks. :blush:

if anybody has already posted this, sorry....











yeah, that's WOODONG with RICSYUNG.

and yes WOODONG did a count down for the KISS.


Hi Gals! I'm back! I thought I was going crazy with NO SHINHWA for 7 days! Hawaii is suppose to be paradise but it was more "h_ll" for me. As soon as I got back, I got on the internet to see what I missed. I think I got all the shows I missed downloaded...

Anyway, just saw the special performances by Dongwan and Hyesung in Music Bank. Now this is heaven hearing them togehter! They are awsome! I can't wait to go home and download in HQ! This is definately a MUST for my iPOD.

I see that there's more of English sub videos clips since I left....I still didn't get any replies regarding if anyone has list of all the English subbed clips of Shinhwa or each members... anyone? Please PM me if you have it. I would like to see what clips has been English subbed.

Looking forward to 6th Sense show this Sunday with Dongwan and Minwoo. Been reading some interesting things that was said at this show.


it wasn't paradise without Shinhwa, eh?

but i bet you still enjoyed it! :)

anyways, the HQ version is a must!!!!! i just finished downloading the HQ and OMO!!!!!!!!! AUISUIAJSKASKJSJ!~!!!! haha, i'll spazz properly later.

have you tried pming amy? i think she has already compiled a list but if she doesn't reply back, it must mean she is still in vacation herself as that is what she told me the last time i pmed her.

but if i am wrong and she hasn;t compiled a list yet, i'll help you make one!~ :)

NAT!~ lol, yeah, they switched costumes, HA? costumes? lol. i just found it funny how it;s called costume. HAHA~~ but yes, a scream and a the center perf wiould have been so effing cute!~




i bet you, these two who aren't the greatest dancers in Shinhwa will be having a blast dancing together!!!!! LOL!`

i mean, remember this video of the two of them dancing the wedding for an interview.. and saying "this isn;t the way it should be" and they had minu dance it. LOL.


woodong was supposed to dance it but wannie said he wants sungie to dance with him (i bet he doesn;t want to dance next to minu as you know... but sungie is okay as you know.... HAHA!~)


I was wondering if anyone had the youtube link to the FULL version of Shinhwa's guerilla concert. I have watched it like 10 times but I never get tired of it. Everytime I watch it, I seriously end up crying. Every single time! LOL And today, I was searching around youtube for it because I remember watching the full version (cut into two parts though) but now I can't find it. They only have the short clips. Anyways, I would really appreciate it. Thanks :)

i remember back then, when i was just a curious soon-to-be-crazy-and-faithful-fan that i stumbled upon this clip in youtube and i was in a net cafe, renting then, with earphones on my ears... i was crying like hell in front of the screen with strangers around me typing up projects for school and chatting with friends via webcam and guys playing online games against each other.. amidst them all.. i was sitting there, feeling like a total idiot but now, i know i wasn't... that concert was totally worth the tears....

i don't know if these are the clips you're looking for, i think these aren;t the ones but i'm still posting them up :) the subs are provided on the side, comment's box :)

onstage members' concert

blindfolds off

9/8 [diary] Dongwan: Hyesungie

9 years ago, a very mischievious Hyesungie.

Now, a daily serious Hyesungie

I Love You....(the tone of the 샤릉헤 wannie used is really cute)

p.s the top photo is a letter written by hyesungie on 9/3/98 and the bottom photo is today's dry rehearsal



i haven;t met you in person yet! AUGH. when i go to diliman, i will hunt you down!!!

anyways, thanks for shairng this. the moment i saw this on shinhwa.biz/forums i was SCREAMING!!!!!


haha, wannie and his diary entries. for 3 weeks he didn;t post then he posted 3 consecutive entries!!!! the dove complex entry is currently made into a wallpaper by me!~ then the mc mong party!` then this!` AUGH I LOVE HIM!!!!

sungie who is always serious now....

who was playful back then...


we miss the playful sungie so bad!!!

he;s so cute,... to have kept things like that after all these years....


9th of MARCH year 1998!!!!!

sungie said, "let's be popular together"



Dongwan: When I lived with the members, I never had insomnia. But these days, living by myself, there are days

when I cannot sleep. When I cant sleep at night, I miss the days when we lived together and how when we couldn't sleep we'd talk together throughout the night.

Then I just miss the members so much.

Hyesung: These days Dongwan must not be able to sleep every night. Every day he calls me late at night and asks

'Can't you sleep over at my place tonight?'

edward, i hope it's okay that i do this. i won't argue with her, promise. this is shinhwa related too, i am sure, as we are discussing shinhwa fans and certain member's fans only.

loving_D, i'm sorry if i offended you. this is why i am hesitant to post anything about this. i know edward said no arguing but i will just post this reply anyway just so those who are thinking along the same lines as you won't think i am bashing those who are individual fans only. okies? first, i am glad that you took it in a good way. and again, sorry for creating a sort of misunderstanding.

okay, i said some andy fans are like that but we can't blame them as it is there interest and we can't force them to like all the members. just like how we can't force eric fans from his dramas to go all gaga when he raps.

it's just that i was offended myself when some from that thread said that andy is like an outcast in shinhwa, that the other Shinhwa members are like way up there and andy is treated like someone below them.

i find it sad that some people think that way.

these six guys who value each other so much, who loves each other so much, who treasures each other so much, must we think like that? these six guys will be sad, i bet, to know that some people thinks this way, hurt, even. they treat each other more than brothers, and yet we still think of things like that.

so yes, i am not against those who only like a certain member, as i have clearly stated in that post, and you have even

quoted it. all i'm saying there is that i feel sorry for them as they are only seeing 1/6th of what they should really see.

since SHINHWA is considered as 1, isn't it?

you said it yourself, 6-1=0, and by rules of math, if you transfer -1 to the other side of the equation, it will loose it's negative sign thus giving us 6=1. :)

i hope this clears things up. if you want, you can pm me and discuss it there, so edward won't kill us. i'm still young, and i haven't met shinhwa yet. LOL.

and yeah! thanks for the wandy pics :)

Eric: During Shinhwa’s 4th album activities, andy left the group because of school problems and his personal situation..

that was the worst crisis of shinhwa ever faced..

Minwoo (during their guerilla concert when andy wasn;t with them) : jinnie, dongwanie, hyesungie, eric who are here, and a close friend whom we wish is here with us – our andy..

really.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you..

I love you, guys..

Dongwan: Although we are not related by blood, we thank God for letting us meet.

This is the greatest fortune of my life. No matter what happens to our lives in the future.. I wish that we will keep this memory of us forever.

Until we die, let’s never forget this friendship of ours.

Andy: As the members were very busy at that time, contacting them was not easy. As time went by.. I thought.. that even without me, shinhwa with 5 people will do well.. thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.. but even while I was crying.. I didn’t dare to say a word.. I didn’t want to hurt our fans..

Eric: At first I didn't know how to help Andy during that year.

But I think it helped when he watched us perform on stage.

Why is Andy such an important part of me? Because I love him.

He seems to be so cute that way.

When he's singing, he's like a little girl who you just want to kiss.

He seems to be working so hard....

Andy: when I became extremely depressed, I was determined to leave the group. However, in the end, standing on the stage of Shinhwa’s Fan Meeting, the members cried while trying to stop me from leaving

Eric: If Andy hadn’t come back for our fifth album, there wouldn’t be Shinhwa now.

Dongwan: Our Shinhwa members all do not want to remove the title of 'Shinhwa'. After busily working separately and then getting all together again

and singing is something we love so much. The ecstasy like taste that is given from the stage, it’s so amazing and exhilarating.

Not only does it give the synergy effect, it brings you income too. That’s a joke. [laughs]

Shinhwa: 6 is just a number without any special meaning..

but to us, 6 represents SHINHWA.. all the waiting.. all the hardship..

it wasn’t a waste.. we’ve made it..

Shinhwa: To us, the number '6' is so unique and so special. It was through all six of us being together that we became the "Shinhwa" we are now, and it is our desire to continue to be together as six and as Shinhwa... That's why the number '6' is so special to us.. When we first practiced together there wasn't six of us, but the day we first went up on stage as "Shinhwa" we became six... it can be seen as destiny...

To us, to be together as "Shinhwa" is only too natural,

and we hope people will just continue to accept "Shinhwa" as we all hope to become better within that name..

(If you keep calling us the longest running dance group then we feel old...^^)

And because of all this, now all our members would probably pick the number '6' as their most special number... Its because there are six of us that we become a more brighter "Shinhwa",

and because its only too natural to have six of us as "Shinhwa...


kriza, imma go crazy coz of your ricsyung vids and pics spam. :D like most everyone, i'm fascinated with the ricsyung relationship. it's so weird, yet it's also so...i dunno, attractive?. i keep thinking something must've happened in the past or something. i'm sure they're really close but they do have that awkwardness going on (at least in sungie's case, haha)...but i completely understand relationships like that, where you're both okay when you're in a big group but once you're left alone, the atmosphere becomes weird (and i'm not saying weird like there's some sort of romantic feeling but weird awkward, you know?)...anyway, i dunno if i'm still making sense but thanks again. :)

THANKS THANKS!!!!! that was the purpose. make everyone go crazy!!! WOHHOOTT!!!!!

i believe that last year, for a couple ranking, they ranked as the 3rd most loved couple in Korea. these are 3 of the sites dedicated to them:




well, i must admit that i am weird enough to like shinhwa couples "romantically" but in reality, i just love them really. (the following idea comes from a friend from shinhwa.biz/forums named missy) it's funny though, how all some girls pinning after them and dreams of marrying them one day keeps on pairing them with each other and writing stories about them kissing and confessing their undying love for a friend turned crush. (me one of them) HAHA~ but i guess that's just the thing with girls, a study i read explained it, kinda, saying how girls likes yaoi and boys likes yuri.

okay getting kinda offtopic here...

the point is, i love ricsyung. and woodong, and ricdy, and minjin, and syundy and..... ALL THE SHINHWA COUPLES!!!!


first name:...ERIC........MINU.........WANNIE.......JINNIE.....SUNGIE

2nd name:






thank you edward

im just wondering if the sept 10 mbc jipijigi show would have dongwan and minwoo in or would it have dw, mw, and hs

because ive seen conflicting articles

then i saw an article that says all three of them will be in three shows together

kbs happy together, sbs quiz 육감대결, mbc jipijigi


nevermind its only minwoo and wannie who will be going to the sbs show

JOYCE!~ i was just aboutr to say wooodng only but then you edited your post so never mind.. :)

Ah dong's diary entry is SO adorable!!! thanks!!!

wansung rocks! ^^

Krizza lol you're back with your long posts^^ thanks for all the links and pictures^^


i was just mentioning you above on my reply there *points up to her reply to apricot*


suddenly you are calling wannie dong?? PUAHHAHAHAHAHHHA

i'm now calling minu wooooooooo!!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!

okay, i'm lame. <_<

RIZZIESHSHSHSHHS!!!! where are you????? you must send me the 50 shinhwa icons you posted in shinhwa.biz/forums!!!!


i just finsihed downloading the WANSYUNG PERFORMANCE. waiting for it for almost 2 hours.. for CB to just go fast... IS TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT.

the way they sang.. how their voices just blended together...

notice how wannie seems more confident.

notice how sungie was smiling....

this is rare as we all know how sungie is always "into character" when singing ballads.... but in this perf, you'll see him smiling small smiles, even though the song is heartbreaking.

and notice how sungie was wearing wannie's "cross necklace".. lol. even though they exchanged wardrobe, they still kept a little something of their own in their clothes. like the vest over sungie's white suit on wannie during handkerchief. and that necktie over the black suit on wannie when they were singingfirst person.

HQ version.... totally worth the wait.


it was so good that prizz ripped the audio and saved it as an .mp3 file. it's up for download in shinhwa.biz/forums

the HQ too, is up for donwload there. :)

i can't believe how i wasn't online while this played. AUGH, i was at my sister's school getting her report card. WAAAAA.

no matter, i can watch it on tv anyway, two weeks from now, KBS WORLD will show it. :)

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Guest loving_D

^^thanks for the couples chart :lol:

not arguing......

all the members do value each other very much, you're right. they're like one big, happy family. i think the problem is the company that they're under (which is why i secretly want them to move under a different entertainment :D ). andy tends to be given less parts which makes fans think that he's being shafted. again, it's not shinhwa's fault at all.

i really want to see them all together on one stage again. :wacko:


^now when will they have another photobook? the colors one was amazing!

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Hawaii was not paradise without Shinhwa. I kept on thinking what am I missing and that I need internet really bad! LOL! I found out I'm not a nature person nor water person...I was bored....I'm more of a Disneyland, amusement park person. I have more fun doing that than sightseeing or lying on the beach.

Anyway, I did PM Amy before I left but did not hear back from her yet. I'll PM her again.

So you saw Hyesung & Dongwan special? Did yours have the part they were holding hands? Mine did not and if there's HQ clip out there with them holding hands, I want to download that one. Let me know if you find it. There must be since thre's picture of them holding hands. So cute together holding hands! LOL!


it wasn't paradise without Shinhwa, eh?

but i bet you still enjoyed it! :)

anyways, the HQ version is a must!!!!! i just finished downloading the HQ and OMO!!!!!!!!! AUISUIAJSKASKJSJ!~!!!! haha, i'll spazz properly later.

have you tried pming amy? i think she has already compiled a list but if she doesn't reply back, it must mean she is still in vacation herself as that is what she told me the last time i pmed her.

but if i am wrong and she hasn;t compiled a list yet, i'll help you make one!~ :)

NAT!~ lol, yeah, they switched costumes, HA? costumes? lol. i just found it funny how it;s called costume. HAHA~~ but yes, a scream and a the center perf wiould have been so effing cute!~

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Guest ohsnapsitsmee

Dongwan: When I lived with the members, I never had insomnia. But these days, living by myself, there are days

when I cannot sleep. When I cant sleep at night, I miss the days when we lived together and

how when we couldn't sleep we'd talk together throughout the night.

Then I just miss the members so much.

Hyesung: These days Dongwan must not be able to sleep every night. Every day he calls me late at night and asks

'Can't you sleep over at my place tonight?'

^ That made me want to cry. that shows how much the members love each other.

Junjin: I'd rather have one joking message from one of the members than ten other people giving me praises when I am down and need my spirits lifted.

^puahahah. of course eric... him and his alien language. but the way the members supported each other is unexplainable.

Minwoo: Because we were so comfortable with each other, 2-3 of us usually took showers at a time.

Once, Andy came in while I was taking a shower and sprayed ketchup over my head as a joke.

I thought my head was bleeding and was so shocked. I almost fainted!


even though the Shinhwa members are rarely together as a whole, the times that they are makes up for everything else. the moments when they're together are priceless.

EDIT; goodness. who has the WANSYUNG download link? i really want to watch that.

Ahah WHOO. just finished watching the ricsyung thing. that's adorable, so is woodong. ^^

They're probably just saying they're "water and oil" but somewhere DEEP down they know

that's not true xD

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Guest samshiku

aww krizza you're sweet and i've missed you on this thread!!

anyways came here to post some shinhwa love.

i just made this after watching this REALLY funny and cute video of shinhwa during 4th jib [sob no andy]


ricsyung for ricsyung lovers! lol if this is love...

sorry it's a little big :blush: pls wait for the gifs to load!!


basically eric was trying to molest hyesung and hyesung shows off his self-defence skills.

and the video was cute..there was this part..

minwoo was complaining about this incident whereby he left the group to go to the toilet [where a happy dongwan said 'to richard simmons!!'']

and the entire vehicle left without minwoo!

so for a full 15 minutes he just stood there and kinda panicked.

when the car DID come back all of them shouted 'Minwoo ya!!!!'

but Eric said 'Oh man why did we come back?!'

lol and eric said "when they realized that they left minwoo behind, all of them shouted where's minwoo?! oh no! we gotta turn back now!!"

but he shouted 'What for??! let's go!'

lol! naughty eric!

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krizza - hahahaha i love eric's nonsensical text messages.. i receive a bunch of them everyday, you know, since he's in my planet and all, and i have to save each one of them.. OMG i think i'm really delusional O_o" hahaha i love the wansyung video =P it's true that they're the 2 weakest dancers in shinhwa, but their voices and hard work totally make up for it =D

mommie alice - yeah, from the performance i saw on youtube, they weren't holding hands [heck, there was no body contact whatsoever] and that's why rozzy was disappointed when they just walked off the stage without doing anything.. but i told her that they just want to get backstage quickly so they can jump around together and stuff =P but it's cute how they're holding hands and stuff.. like 2 little kids walking around in an amusement park or something =D and look at hyesung's big smile.. it's like saying, "OMG i got a new friend who's sooo cooll!! we shall be best friends!!" dongwan's look "hahaha of course i'm cool hyesung~ let's be best friends so i can protect you, and we can whine together about not being able to dance.." okay nevermind i'm being lame again -_-

xh - OMG it's so like eric to say that -_-" poor minwoo, being left alone.. do you have a link to the video anywhere? [well yeah, like youtube/veoh or whatever.. i'm not asking for downloadable links, since i can't download it anyways -_-]

found another touching video, shot at the end of 2003.. they're discussing about the past, present and future.. and come to think of it, this was the year before they got the daesang.. and in the video they promised to work hard and stuff, and they fulfilled their promise.. they didn't fulfil the promise about taking care of themselves though >_< they always get hurt here and there -_- also, andy shared how he felt before joining the rest on stage at the end of the 5th fanmeeting.. well, i want to mention everything, but that would defeat the purpose of sharing the video.. so just watch it yourself..

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i don't think it was necessary to double post, cos eventually someone will answer your question, and you might get warned by the mods for double posting, which is equal to spamming..

anyways, i think the singer might be minwoo, something from his first solo album maybe? cos i don't recall any song like that from the second album, and this clip was obviously before minwoo's 2nd album was released.. the title of the song is battle [jump jump] or something like that.. just search it in youtube, cos it's probably not appropriate to post anything of his solo stuff here right?

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Guest robotic

ooo - i'm loving all the ricsyung and wansyung pics and vids..

sungie's such a player ain't he <3

zhao wei's mv featuring junjin is out..

check out the link i've posted in jin's thread:


i've been collecting a lot of shinhwa pics these days..

and i've chanced upon some very cute fanart the other day from cyworld.com.cn/clockworkorange

loving wannie's moustache in chibi form =)




the naughty boys of shinhwa


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Guest jadedbeauty

Hey everyone! :] I currently made a Frapper Map for SHINHWA. If you dont know what that is it is a map where you an leave a message from where you are! I made it so that way we can see EVERY FAN in the WORLD who just loves our boys. :] if your still confuse, lol just check the link out, and im pretty sure you'll understand it then.:}


so anywho check it out and leave a message. ^^

- Yolanda

ps. if you have a question pm me. ^^

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Guest tortyserox

wansyung special stage~!!!


surprisingly HQ video, cos we all know what youtube is like.. anyways, i think they both did a good job.. they should switch songs man!! =P they switched their costumes too O_o" i was wishing that they would do the song that they collaborated on dongwan's album, that would be interesting.. or do scream/the centre performance.. hahaha that would be so cute.. anyways, enjoy~

thank u so much! looking at such perf(two members&more), makes me so emo ovr shinhwa! they really sang well! oh n i din notifce the switching costume till u mention! thanks again for spreading shinhwa love ^^

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