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Guest paigehk

hahaha DONGWAN's diary on Junjin's bd is mad cute and funny! He surely loves taking pictures!!

Minwoo is missing. There always someone missing. But seeing the members together like that is enough to make me happy.

Shinhwa members are looking sooooooooo good these days!!! hehe

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[07.08.19][trans] Ricsyung vs. Jinsyung Love in Junjin's fanmeeting~~ LOL THIS WAS SOOO FUNNI read it xD

[07.08.20] [diary] Dongwan : "Jinnie's Birthday

[07.08.19] [news] Junjin and 'the lighter from Kim Dongwan' incident

i'll be back to do reply's


ginnie thanks for the links ^^ hehe i'll watch them all after these replys o.o

Krizza!!!!!!!!! u came baaccckkkkk waaah i missed uuuu *hugs* yah!! *hits* why u leave us for so long T___T cant make us miss u too much xP. LOL omg i love ur caps hahahahaha jinnie's expression is funni hyesungies beanie is cute so it eric's i got a beannie it sort of looks like eric's hehe

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Guest kriza_09

I think I like the radio program's response better, since it makes more sense for Minwoo to save Eric last, if Eric's such a great swimmer. Some fans speculated that maybe Minwoo was thinking since Eric is such a great swimmer, that if he saves Eric, then the both of them will be able to save the rest of the members faster and more efficiently. :lol:

*shakes head* Another explanation on this is mind-boggling..it is as if Minwoo has performed the most outrageous thing if he has chosen to save Eric first and not Jin or Hyesung.

Nevermind that none of this is un-real..I find the fans reaction to a simple scenario mind-boggling.

I am going to stick with that it was a spontaneous answer to a silly question by the host. So M thought about Eric first that day...because he may have seen Eric last that day or something. Or he just likes Eric better that day or anyday........hmpf. I don't like the reasons that people come up with to justify how Eric is undeserving to be listed first and how others should be.

La de la da...

i don't think that the reason minwoo changed his answer and chose eric first is because he thought too far that if he saved eric then they both can save the others faster.. nor is it because he didn't think at all and just answered spontaneously.. it's more likely that eric somehow found out minwoo's first answer (that he would save eric the last) and being the childish dork as he is, he bugged minwoo endlessly about it.. so when minwoo was asked the same question, he had no choice but to give that answer simply to make eric happy and stop bugging him..

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

ahh.. i hope this belongs here since its about woodong >.<

I know i'm like really slow but.... i''ve just watched woodong's Nolrewah with subbed,

and theres this part where Minwoo said that he missed the old times/or how memorable~~

something along that line...

I guess they interpreted that he was missing the times when he was attached,

but why do i feel like he seems to be saying that he miss the old times with Shinhwa since he said it after Dongwan imitated him of how he would show off the stuffs that he did with his girlfriend to the other Shinhwa members.. haha X_X

Anyone feels the same? XD hahaha.

I just...

really... miss...

Shinhwa T-T


that was why when i was subing it, i thought it weird how they thought minu missed having a girlfriend rather than minu missed being with the shinhwa members as that was how it looked like if you watch it... >.<


[07.08.19][trans] Ricsyung vs. Jinsyung Love in Junjin's fanmeeting~~ LOL THIS WAS SOOO FUNNI read it xD

[07.08.20] [diary] Dongwan : "Jinnie's Birthday

[07.08.19] [news] Junjin and 'the lighter from Kim Dongwan' incident

i'll be back to do reply's


ginnie thanks for the links ^^ hehe i'll watch them all after these replys o.o

Krizza!!!!!!!!! u came baaccckkkkk waaah i missed uuuu *hugs* yah!! *hits* why u leave us for so long T___T cant make us miss u too much xP. LOL omg i love ur caps hahahahaha jinnie's expression is funni hyesungies beanie is cute so it eric's i got a beannie it sort of looks like eric's hehe

OF COURSE I CAME BACK NAOMI!~ haha, this is where i belong, after all. I MISSED YOU TONS TOO!!!! and just about everyone i love in this thread. including our shinhwa boys, of course ;)

LOL, first, that JINSYUNG VS RICSYUNG Article, i read it in shinhw abiz and OMO, all i see IS RICSYUNG. HHA. you see...

JINSYUNG is a love between a mother bird and a baby bird. i CAN NEVER forget when hyesung said that the night that jinnie was in the hospital and they thought that he wasn;t going to make it as athe doctor has said, he realized how important junjin is to him, how important shinhwa is to him and from that day on, he adopted jinnie as his son, the baby bird :)

but ricsyung...????

RICSYUNG is a love that has too many boundaries. :)

AND WANNIE'S DIARY!~ HAHA.. wan;ss uch adorko, i tell you >.<

plus a fake lighter, LOL. i remember jinnie saying that the people in shinhwa who don;t give gifts are WOODONG. minu, he will never give you anything even if you begged him. and wanie, you have to beg him two times before he gives in. LOL. of course, i doubt this is true. but then i remember MINDY's guesitng in a radio program, HAHA. and andy revealed how minu didnt; send him a gift for the opening of ND ENTERTAINMENT. but then again, the computer that eric gave was from minu too. it was a ricmin gift :)


whatever. HAHA.

PLUS, i'm glad you liked my caps, HHA. i just thought of those when i saw the pic!~

i don't think that the reason minwoo changed his answer and chose eric first is because he thought too far that if he saved eric then they both can save the others faster.. nor is it because he didn't think at all and just answered spontaneously.. it's more likely that eric somehow found out minwoo's first answer (that he would save eric the last) and being the childish dork as he is, he bugged minwoo endlessly about it.. so when minwoo was asked the same question, he had no choice but to give that answer simply to make eric happy and stop bugging him..

LOL!!!!! i LOVE YOUR THEORY. i don't know BUT it makes sense. HAHA. i can imagine eric doing exactly THAT.

"minu.. why save me last....????? SAVE SUNGIE LAST!!!!!!! NOT ME!!!!"


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Guest sunnydays.



OMG! That is SOO weird, because the weekend that just passed, I was INCREDIBLY into "I Pray 4 U" too! O__O It has seriously become one of my favorite songs. I just love it, it's so upbeat, & the dances are so cute when they perform! Not the mention the MV, they look like they're having so much fun on that boat. D: Thank you for the links. (: Oh yeah, & also that "nanana~" part that Andie was asking about, I love that part... LOL... the harmony & the melody, just sounds so good. ^^; Haha, okay i'll stop ranting!

It was so funny because everytime they showed pages, they had to cover their naked butts with "cartoon" underware(s)!

Hosts mentioned how proudly Junjin was showing off his body and of course Dongwan had the most awsome body because he was working out that time.

It was mentioned that Hyesung did not want to do the "naked" book...I wonder why? LOL! Actually we all know why right? LOL! Hyesung said he wasn't "prepared" for it. LOL! And Jujin and Dongwan was all for it!

Does anyone here have the book? If you do, lucky you!

P.S. I forgot as I was watching the show that my husband was in the next room. Luckily he didn't pass by the computer room to go to the bathroom or I would have never heard end of it since they showed quite a few pages of it! :blush:

Haha Mommy alice! I'm surprised to hear that Dongwan was for it... I could imagine Junjin, & maybe Minwoo, but Dongwan? :P Well, I guess I could understand, because he DID have the best body. (; Those pictures were... interesting. LOL! & poor Hyesung, he WOULD object to that. Haha~ Thanks for a bit of the translations on the show. (:

And about the Minwoo saving Eric topic, I tried to explain it a little on M's thread:

haha, does that answer your question why Hyesung was last, nurkeyandie? Maybe Minwoo just wanted to perform CPR ;) lol!

I think I like the radio program's response better, since it makes more sense for Minwoo to save Eric last, if Eric's such a great swimmer. Some fans speculated that maybe Minwoo was thinking since Eric is such a great swimmer, that if he saves Eric, then the both of them will be able to save the rest of the members faster and more efficiently. :lol:

Haha, Minwoo is so cute. (: I like that response better that he said on the radio, totally makes sense. LOL! & Eric being a great swimmer... I remember seeing him on Xman Germany special, I was surprised. Andy was good too. (: Keke. Oh, & good logic, Eric could save the other members too. LOL! XD; What a weird question, Ginnie is right, it's funny how a lot of fans have taken this so carefully into consideration & thought. =P


it;s officially one of my fave songs now. the way minu's voice sounds so cool and effortless at the end and how the pace picks up with wannie.. IS FANTASTIC. plus sungie with the high part.. the greatest! in their YDH LOVELETTER performance, it felt so incomplete (even though it was woodong) how sungie's high parts and the raps in between are missing. >.< i hope the three of them can guest together in shows now that sungie is out with his album already.

LOL, when you said "even if he panics and doesn't remember how to swim, he would still be able to float and hold on till the last minute.. " GAH, i don;t know but i was laughing so hard. HAHA. eric forgetting how to swim.. ^O^ i dunno, makes me think of his "alien" ways.

krizza's comments: first, I WANT WAN'S CAM. second, gawd, wannie, you still don't know how popular you guys are??? someone tell him about this forum, people!! third, wannie's just too cute, fourth, only goes to prove how close the guys are as he called jinnie a bastard, fifth.. I MISS THEM SO MUCH. and minwoo not being there make makes me sad... I WANA SEE THEM TOGETHER AGAIN. WHOLE PLEASE.,


You poop, come to this thread more often. T_____T We miss you here. I see you in Shinhwa.biz, but our We Loves Shinhwa/Orange Crush family misses you so! O__O

Gosh, I love how I have so much to respond to you. XD; I agree, I Pray 4 U is AMAZING<3 I've recently started loving it, & I can't believe how i've overlooked it before. O__O;; I think the YDH Love Letter performance made me love it so much, but you're right, it seemed empty only with woodong. Shinhwa songs will always be only complete with all six Shinhwa members. >;]

Keke, Eric. =P Haha, I ALWAYS THINK OF ERIC'S ALIEN WAYS. XD; It's so weird... LOL. I think it's because of you, for some indirect reason. XD; KRIZZA, make me focus on Eric again! I've been focusing too much on Woodong, & even Junjin! (I've started watching his drama Let's Go To the Beach. He's so HOT O__O) Well, I can't help it, I LOVE Shinhwa. XD;

I miss them too. =\ Wan is so cute with his camera. XD; Thanks for the links & all the vids. (: <3 Oh, & also Dongwan's diary! LOL! Calling Junjin that name. :P It's only natural for them. XD; YES, I AGREE, LET'S SEE THEM TOGETHER AGAIN, ALL 6!

Naomi! (: thanks for the links!

D: OH NOOO! Poor Eric. LOL. Hyesung always treating Eric badly in public... x___x; IT'S OKAY ERIC, WE GOT YOU 8D LOL! JinSyung, though, mann... hahaha.

Haha, & I think it's interesting how the members don't get each other anything... I wish I could do that with my best friends, so I don't have to keep spending money. LOL! I'm kidding! XD; Haha, Dongwan, that weird lighter. =P He's so strange. BUUT gotta love him. (: <3

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Guest jheizhee

love in the air with ricsyung....i was wondering where i can see some caps or clips of ricsyung kissing at minwoo's bday...someone was talking about it like around 5 pages back...i've been waiting for it to be posted here...does anyone have some photos of that day with the ricsyung moment?


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Guest veraciously

Thanks for those who answered my question about crazy fan incidents... It was interesting and scary to find out about them!

RE: somebody being a fan of a member but not of Shinhwa

I think there people are rather rare... But they do exist! One of my kpop loving friends is into M but not into Shinhwa. I have never asked her why.. Like, has she checked out Shinhwa's music, their videos, their outrageously funny personalities, their cutesy "fanservice" things like hugging&kissing each other (:wub:). If she has and still doesn't like Shinhwa, oh well - some people's tastes just radically differ from mine, I can accept that. Anyway, as I got into Shinhwa, and have fangirled Shinhwa things in my online journal, she only replies to the M stuff.

I keep thinking she'd love Shinhwa because she likes Super Junior and their awesome boyband craziness - and Shinhwa has that same of crazy fun goofing that Super Junior is well-known of! Maybe I just have to try harder to convince her to love Shinhwa. Or make her sit down and watch some of their best stuff.

Hey, that could be a good topic for this topic (mind you, if this has been discussed before, just nevermind it!)... What would you use to introduce a newbie to Shinhwa?

I think personally I'd show the Brand New MV (maybe all of the MV's from their 7th album!), some of their funniest Xman/Loveletter bits, that hilarious YSMM episode.. Hmm maybe just some really good-looking pics of the members. ;) And some funny ones from their earlier years to show how cracky they can be.

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Guest prizzyy

Hey, that could be a good topic for this topic (mind you, if this has been discussed before, just nevermind it!)... What would you use to introduce a newbie to Shinhwa?

thinking from the top of my head..





dorky videos: XMAN IS A MUST. YSMM.. a little bit. fancams.. stuff like jinsyung/ricsyung/woodong love!

random stuffs like banana song vid (that made my friend like shinhwa more!) and hyesungie speaking english to jinnie?

just.. smth else other than just normal performances.. change her perception of Shinhwa = singers only..

pretty MVs: yeah~ like perfect man, brand new, ANGEL! .. wild eyes! solo members' MVs.. last first kiss? handkerchief? MUST SEE FIRST PERSON MV LOL :lol: .. forgot haha

superb perfs: stuff like.. music bank/inkigayo/mnet? documentryy? mm.. those extra yummy doses in concert dvds? xD

like wild eyes perfs, PERFECT MAN PERFS (rocks like crazyy!) mm.. forgot again! but you get the idea?

concert clips: haha dont need to say much~ just show them the best and yummiest concert parts you think~ xD

and if it helps any bit, let them see the actual dvd and albums~ :lol: it does help!

show cute merchandises.. if she comes over your house show her a ton! :lol: photobooks?

thats all i can think of~ and thats what i did to make my friend get into shinhwa and minwoo.. although she's now more of dbsk lol :lol:

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Guest sunnydays.

RE: somebody being a fan of a member but not of Shinhwa

What would you use to introduce a newbie to Shinhwa?

I actually kept thinking about that, about the thing with only liking an individual member & not liking Shinhwa as a group. It's kind of like Battle & Shinhwa; there are some who like Battle, but not so much Shinhwa. Maybe it's because Battle is a younger group, & younger people can relate to them more? & it might be weird to them that these men are still together as a "boyband." o__o; But whatever. Although, it's still inevitable to not know about Shinhwa, because Battle is basically still under Shinhwa's shadow & they do a lot of Shinhwa songs. :P

What Lalapris said, concert clips are a must. It shows their dancing ability & also their ability to sing WELL live, while dancing. O__O That right there is very impressive, not a lot of people can dance their butts off while still being on tune & still have plenty of breath to sing. (:

For a newbie, however, I think it would be better to show them gameshow clips, to show a bit of their personalities & how good looking they are. (; Oh, & how fun they are. Keke. Also, their music, maybe the Brand New CD. That's the CD I first heard when I got into Shinhwa, & that's what hooked me onto them. The combination of both might help to attract the newbies' attention.

I don't think showing too many random clips might help, though. XD; Especially someone who isn't used to the whole boyband deal. I think if they were shown the fanservice first, they'd get freaked out at how close these guys are. =P So it's better to get to know Shinhwa as a group & understand their friendship & music first before diving into the coupling, cutesy stuff. XD;

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My recommendations is Love Letter Season 1 and Happy Together (don't remember which year but where they have to memorize lines to song and if they don't, they get hit on the head with platter). Interview before the game is so hilarious.

And what can I say about Love Letter Season 1. I think it's better than X-Man because all 7 shows had all of them in it and you get to see them flirt and their cute dance moves. ULTIMATE best show ever! LOL!

Hey, that could be a good topic for this topic (mind you, if this has been discussed before, just nevermind it!)... What would you use to introduce a newbie to Shinhwa?
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Guest nvr2clich3

edit: ^^ OH MY GOD, how can i miss out HAPPY TOGETHER?! HAHA, yes!! I laugh so hard while watching it!

Haha, i feel that Wedding MV is a MUST MUST to introduce to a non-fan.

But thats just me i guess.

I will actually prefer if they will like Shinhwa during the old school kpop days.

With those "FUNKY" hairstyle and gothic look. (i dont knw if thats the right word to describe but yar..)

YO! and all the classic songs of SHINHWA like perfect man, hey come on, T.O.P are really not to be miss!


Of course to show the Shinhwa love is very impt!!!

Love letter, Heroine, X-MAN and YSMM will be greeaaat. <3

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Guest kriza_09

first, we need to show them their talents as artists.. 041226 sbs inkigayo 'oh!' perf, 040926 sbs inkigayo 'brand new' perf, sbs inkigayo comeback performance for 7th jib..

then show them their cute sides, their craziness as well as their close friendship..

040830 happy together, 041219 heroine 5, together forever MV, YSMM, 041010/041017 xman, loveletter (the episode with jang shin young and han ji hye).. and some interviews like 2004 shinhwa buckaroo winter collection photoshoot, 2004 ivyclub photoshoot, 2004 winter story mv making (the one in ski resort), and don't forget 031125 mnet wide news wansyung birthday event..

show them all those videos first.. it works like a charm.. ^^ the reason is, not only those videos show their talents, personalities (cute, weird, crazy), and friendship, all 6 of them look really good in those videos!!!!! lol.. i mean they're all good-looking, but sometimes some members don't look as good as they usually do.. probably because of bad hairstyle or bad choice of clothes.. but yeah, in those videos i've mentioned above, they're all really good looking.. lol.. besides, most of those videos have already been translated.. and for those that haven't, you don't really need translation to enjoy the videos...

then you can follow up with more videos.. 060604 sbs inkigayo 'your man' and 'once in a lifetime' perf, 060601 mnet! Mcountdown 'weak man' perf (i would've recommended 060604 sbs inkigayo comeback perfs, but hyesung's voice cracked in the weak man perf.. lol)

and also those perfect man perfs (i personally recommend 020331 sbs inkigayo, it was the first shinhwa vid i watched and it got me interested to find out more about shinhwa), hey come on perfs, i pray 4 u perfs (i especially like the 020713 KBS one), hero perfs, wedding, etc..

some more for their craziness..

any tv shows they were on during 4th jib.. i'll tell you some of the funniest: 010731 seo sewon with SES (this one is only funny if you understand korean since the english translation is not available yet), 010908 X-file mystery of human body, X-file skydiving preparation (plus the one in the amusement park), 010812 babysitting (ricsyungwan) and also the minjin one...

oh and also the seosewon epi in the beginning of their 5th jib activity (should be shortly after jinnie's accident)

also the rest of xman and loveletter episodes (some of them have already been translated)..

and some more interviews that have already been translated i guess.. their random comments are really funny but you won't find it funny if you don't understand what they're saying.. it might be just me but i find that their mbc section tv interviews are always funny.. for other interviews, probably 050224 kmtv music q coca cola cf filming, 040916 mnet wide making of brand new mv, 031128 kmtv sangq joy concert backstage...

and the last one.. don't forget to show them the guerilla concert.. that's a must..

anyway, i'd like to recommend you guys all to download 060717 mnet wide - shinhwa asia tour concert in busan interview and watch it from 00:55 to 01:05.. my brother and i have watched that 10 secs of vid for more than 20 times just to get a laugh from it.. no korean knowledge is necessary.. ^^

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Guest paigehk

QUOTE(veraciously @ Aug 21 2007, 07:16 AM)

RE: somebody being a fan of a member but not of Shinhwa

What would you use to introduce a newbie to Shinhwa?

I don't know since when, but it has become a habit. Whenever people asked me who shinhwa are, or when i want to introduce Shinhwa to someone, I just show Shinhwa MV Once In a Lifetime or get them to listen to the song. then after that would be Brand New. hehe, and for many reasons (or some reason), it worked!!! They like Shinhwa.

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I am glad so many of you like the mini I PRAY FOR YOU collection. Do any of you have any other oldies but goodies performances on youtube to share? I like watching them perform live.

Apart from that, their most natural and witty interviews are always entertaining to watch. They have chemistry together...no matter if they are dancing, singing or just giving each other a hard time.

So, if I was to show anybody Shinhwa - it would be their performances, concerts and interviews.

you know what, ginnie, i also think it was minwoo and dongwan singing that part. coz the top part of the harmony is a little too high to be hyesung's voice (i think, but i'm not sure, minwoo's voice is higher than hyesung's?). and i don't know about other fans, but at least on this thread, i don't think anyone really took that news about minwoo saving eric first seriously. we all know how much shinhwa love each other. you're right, it's just a silly and funny question. :)

I guess Ricmin isn't one of the famous Shinhwa couples around town....I kept reading the same justifications why this, why that. So it sparked moi's little fuss on this silliness.

i don't think that the reason minwoo changed his answer and chose eric first is because he thought too far that if he saved eric then they both can save the others faster.. nor is it because he didn't think at all and just answered spontaneously.. it's more likely that eric somehow found out minwoo's first answer (that he would save eric the last) and being the childish dork as he is, he bugged minwoo endlessly about it.. so when minwoo was asked the same question, he had no choice but to give that answer simply to make eric happy and stop bugging him..

LOL. That sure is another entertaining scenario here.

Eric has too much time these days..if he is doing that. Get himself into a fabulous acting role or debut his album already! hmmfff...

pretty MVs: yeah~ like perfect man, brand new, ANGEL! .. wild eyes! solo members' MVs.. last first kiss? handkerchief? MUST SEE FIRST PERSON MV LOL :lol: .. forgot haha

I like watching Music Videos as well. By far, I love the concept in Angel's music video.

It shows an intriguing plot that keep you guessing.

If I was to pick, I will not show Once in a Lifetime....I will show Angel instead.

I actually kept thinking about that, about the thing with only liking an individual member & not liking Shinhwa as a group. It's kind of like Battle & Shinhwa; there are some who like Battle, but not so much Shinhwa. Maybe it's because Battle is a younger group, & younger people can relate to them more? & it might be weird to them that these men are still together as a "boyband." o__o; But whatever. Although, it's still inevitable to not know about Shinhwa, because Battle is basically still under Shinhwa's shadow & they do a lot of Shinhwa songs. :P

I think they are quite a few of those that are a single-member supporter..maybe not necessary a fan but they appreciate a single member's solo activity. I know of a few that appreciate Mun Jung Hyuk the actor. They don't go around with a flag that says they are a fan of so and so because really..they are just appreciative of an actor. The same goes I am sure for Kim Dong Wan when he is acting and Minwoo when he is performing as M. M has quite a following for his stage charisma and talent. All these does not mean that they don't appreciate Shinhwa...just they don't care enough for Korean boybands in general. I think that Shinhwa's solo members' activities attract an older crowd that sometimes do not pay attention to boybands or people of different interests besides k-pop.

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Guest lingling22

hello to all..

to introduce shinhwa...to a newbie.... well if it's as the same age group as me (late twenties)

well start off with Xman ... esp Germany Special

that got me hooked.. follow it up with heroine 6, and show them the video of Once in a lifetime..

and you've got a "shinadtic" like me...

ginnie is right about the not so young people , we tend to look individually..

i myself started to noticed andy first in new-xman.. i noticed him esp the 3 name verse game vs.. Haha..

then i noticed Junjin.. who's extremely manly... at same game..

trust me.. every Pinay (Filipino term for a girl ) that i introduce to them ...becaomes shinadict like me..

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Guest theLEGEND

anyway, i'd like to recommend you guys all to download 060717 mnet wide - shinhwa asia tour concert in busan interview and watch it from 00:55 to 01:05.. my brother and i have watched that 10 secs of vid for more than 20 times just to get a laugh from it.. no korean knowledge is necessary.. ^^

I go and look it up on youtube because I'm curious you see and I had a great laugh watching it. JunJin is such a dork<3. Eric's english is <333. Click me to watch the video. :D

As for me, I've showed my mom & aunt Love Letter, Happy Together, Heroine 6, Infinity Challenge, X-Man and followed by the concert DVDs. At least they kinda got hooked into them. :P

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Guest preetharaghu

For me, i started with brand new....the song...that got me hooked cuz they all looked so hot in it!

Then came xman which was hilarious followed by loveletter! Interviews of them during the seventh jib is also a must because it shows their friendship, their closeness and their craziness.

Then other music video - like crazy, once in a lifetime and some of their younger days..as someone said, wedding is amazing!

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Guest loving_D

RE: somebody being a fan of a member but not of Shinhwa

yep, these people do exist. i know someone who loves Andy, but doesn't like the rest of the members and shinhwa's songs. it probably is rare, but there are just some of those people (i know there are quite some in korea) who are just a fan of just one member. and that's cool, too, i guess.

I actually kept thinking about that, about the thing with only liking an individual member & not liking Shinhwa as a group. It's kind of like Battle & Shinhwa; there are some who like Battle, but not so much Shinhwa. Maybe it's because Battle is a younger group, & younger people can relate to them more? & it might be weird to them that these men are still together as a "boyband." o__o; But whatever. Although, it's still inevitable to not know about Shinhwa, because Battle is basically still under Shinhwa's shadow & they do a lot of Shinhwa songs. :P

that's crazy because shinhwa is the one who created battle. it should be the other way around, there are people who love shinhwa, but not battle ( :sweatingbullets: ). but not going onto that topic because its sorta off-topic.

i wonder if any of the members are gonna go to andy's musical showing. that would be exciting. B)

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