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Guest lenakeem

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Guest fatcat

OMG, looking at the Young Gunz pic makes me remember my first impression for Minbong. I mean, his fake glasses and cute expression made my heart melt. Since then, my love grows stronger and stronger and shift to Shihwa, the six lovely, playful men on earth.

I am way to sensitive now, better stop

anyways, thanks for sharing those pics

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edward - thank you.. i have another question though.. can you also address mommie alice's question? because i'm confused about that too..

putting the link in an individual thread + giving the link here to that post = 2 posts

double posting = 2 posts [well, of course triple posting then = 3 posts]

No double posting is NOT equal to 2 posts. Double posting to my definition is that you make a post in one thread and then duplicate the exact contents in another thread. That is absolutely not allowed and is treated as spamming. We have to control that very tight because some people is trying to (I am not referring to anyone here) boost up their post count by posting the same information in many different threads.

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Guest picklypickly

If Edward keeps comin in here posting stuff, he's gonna become more of a "regular" than most of us. haha. I wonder who his favorite member is...

I think a healthy amount of competition between them will be good. I think the difference between this time and last time (with Minwoo & Hyesung's solos) is right now, they're all in separate management companies. I'm sure last time, Good made sure there was enough time between the two album releases as a business decision to maximize profits, but their companies now don't feel any obligation to do so. Well, Minwoo releasing his second was probably a decision he made to let Dongwan's album be released first. H2 probably planned it this way too since DW is technically a new artist, he needs more time to build the same fanbase. And I remember Hyesung's release date being pushed back a couple of times, probably a move to extend the time between his and MW's album release.

And I remember DW saying that he was just aiming for 10,000 album sales so that he wouldn't fall too far behind Minwoo's and Hyesung's sales. I think it's unfair to compare the album sales of a 1st album to that of a 3rd album anyways right? It's like Shinhwa's first album not doing so well. They didn't let that discourage them and keep from trying one more time. Plus I read news that Hyesung's album is doing REALLY well in terms of sells, so I don't think multiple album releases was too big of a hindrance.

In any case, I'm sure they all support ea/ other and probably gain a lot of strength from having ea/ other by their sides and kinda goin thru the same thing. Of course they all aspire to do better, but it doesn't come from a place of jealousy. Even if inside they wanna come out on top, they wouldn't want it to be at the cost of the other's success.

I also like to think of it as even if they're solo artists right now, they're also kinda promoting shinhwa at the same time. Their voices are the same voices you'll find on shinhwa albums right? and they'll probably perform these songs at shinhwa concerts. It's kinda like eric being in dramas also gets people to become shinhwa fans. That's kinda why i don't technically agree w/ the need to segregate posts into individual solo thread and shinhwa thread 'cause they're STILL shinhwa members. I like to think that they'll be 50 and producing albums/acting/starring in musicals and they'll STILL be shinhwa.

I was gonna do another picspam, but it seems like there's already alotta pics on this page so i'll wait for another time. altho, i do have a request. does anyone have a bigger version of this picture? it seems really cute!


EDIT// ooo, i owned a page. be back w/ pictures. i'm not gonna put pictures, cause i'm afraid then ppl won't see the announcement. maybe next time. :D

ATTENTION: The Shinhwa thread is for discussion of the group Shinhwa ONLY. Take all discussion of the boys' solo careers to their individual threads. Thank You.

Dongwan Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...3272&st=280

Hyesung Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...814&st=3360

Minwoo Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...493&st=2960

(i didn't forget, i was just too lazy to find the rest of the links so i thought i could cheat. this is the first time since i initially discovered shinhwa that i've thought there are too many members. lol. :rolleyes: )

Andy Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...=88&st=6540

Eric Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...=97&st=5500

Junjin Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...&start=1260

Simply put, if the post is related two or more members EQUALLY, you can post it here. If it is related to one member or if it is weighted more heavily towards certain members (e.g. Hye Sung's solo concert where Jun Jin appeared as a guest, it is 90% Hye Sung and 10% Jun Jin, it belongs to Hye Sung's thread), you should post in that member's thread and only provide a link here and in other member's thread.

Under no circumstances should anybody double or triple post, it will be treated as spamming. Members will receive a warning AND a suspension. The length of suspension depends on how serious the offense is.

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Guest pharmer

Wow some many replys to my questions and all very interesting! Seems like all/most of you feel the concern about the rivalry but have faith that their friendship will get them through it. I agree to with Crystalis, of all the kgroups, I'd be least concerned about Shinhwa too. 10+ years, dude their like S.M.A.P of Japan! Except they never even lost a member! But yeah like Krain5 said, there's just so much comments out their about who's solo's the best/most successful, blah blah blah, even the closest knit family members will feel the stress. Even thou their musics/acting are different I still think it can be hard to distinguish them apart/ not compare them to some degree, cuz they are ShinHwa. I mean looks look at how much trouble we have in this thread alone trying to distinguish Solo from Shinhwa! x_x!!! I'm so relieved that their all doing so well, so they don't feel bad! well... i wish Andy's gig get a move or more news~~

sorry my comments are so random! In the end i'm happy they've ventured out and are successful in their solos yet remain ShinHwa! It's my wallet that's hurting!!!

Thanks to everyone how's posting caps of shinhwa! It really those raise the mood in this thread!

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I think Edwards secretly like talking to us....other threads he is always warning people but here, although he is still warning us, we are actually having a conversation/debate! LOL!

I thought about release timing and like you I think it was done on purpose that Dongwan should release first, then Minwoo, and then Hyesung. It was very suspicious when in one article when Hyesung got DUI that he was celebrating finishing his recording and then we get another article few weeks later he is still recording.

If you think about it, if Dongwan released his album after Hyesung, can you imagine the pressure and disappointment Dongwan would have felt? At least Dongwan had time to build his album sales by promoting first. Eventhough it won't change the fact in number of sales, I think if I was Dongwan, I would be more stressed releasing after Minwoo and Hyesung.

Something I was thinking when I was in solo threads was, I read someone (could have been more than one) is fan of individual member but NOT fan of Shinhwa. I gues that can happen but for me, it's kind of hard to understand. To me they are individuals BUT also part of Shinhwa.

EDIT: Anway, I just read in DACAPO that Dongwan gave hint on the Gold Fishery show that was aired today that "It looks like Eric will be releasing album". WOW, that's 5 solo albums. Has something like this been done in the history of music industry? This is going to upset a lot of Andy's fan if he doesn't release album soon! Now I'm more than anxious to see Gold Fisher...my CB is only 37% done so it looks like I have to wait until tomorrow to watch it! :angry:

Anyway, I don't know what I'm saying because as I'm typing this, I feel like I'm not making sense. I'm lacking in sleep because I got so into translating Come to Play I didn't get much sleep and had to wake up 5 am to go to work...I even got mouth sores on both side of my mouth.

If Edward keep comin in here posting stuff, he's gonna become more of a "regular" than most of us. haha. I wonder who his favorite member is...

Well, Minwoo releasing his second was probably a decision he made to let Dongwan's album be released first. H2 probably planned it this way too since DW is technically a new artist, he needs more time to build the same fanbase. And I remember Hyesung's release date being pushed back a couple of times, probably a move to extend the time between his and MW's album release.

I also like to think of it as even if they're solo artists right now, they're also kinda promoting shinhwa at the same time. Their voices are the same voices you'll find on shinhwa albums right? and they'll probably perform these songs at shinhwa concerts. It's kinda like eric being in dramas also gets people to become shinhwa fans. That's kinda why i don't technically agree w/ the need to segregate posts into individual solo thread and shinhwa thread 'cause they're STILL shinhwa members. I like to think that they'll be 50 and producing albums/acting/starring in musicals and they'll STILL be shinhwa.

ATTENTION: The Shinhwa thread is for discussion of the group Shinhwa ONLY. Take all discussion of the boy's solo careers to their individual threads. Thank You.

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Guest nutzie

edward - yeah, no i totally understand that.. but the thing that i'm curious about is that, don't double posting and 1 link + 1 referral posts put the same strain in resources [whatever this "resources" is supposed to mean]? cos to me, they take the same amount of space..

picklypickly - you forgot to put in junjin's =P well although he's not currently promoting, but he has an individual thread too..

mommie alice - i used to be a shinhwa fan, and not fans of their individual works.. which is ironic though, cos i got to know shinhwa because of eric's solo activities [well, drama].. but i think i've learnt to love all of them now.. in my heart, i can still list them in ranks, but the line's pretty much blurred and sometimes i'm confused cos now i love them all.. well, of course, eric's still being first in my heart ^o^ anyways, be healthy soon!! we need you here =D

hmm.. i never really thought about why dongwan's was released first O_o interesting though.. like you guys said, maybe it's the pressure of being a "new" artist compared to minwoo and hyesung, like the time when minwoo ended his promo for hyesung, maybe it's the same purpose: so that hyesung didn't have to feel the pressure of following his footsteps.. interestingg~~

i don't think it's shinhwa fans who are comparing them, because we know what the members are like.. we tend to accept everyone of them, even anticipating them like mommie hens waiting for her eggs to break.. but i think the idea of comparison mainly came from news report or other k-pop listeners.. well, i guess ranking them seems like a sensible thing to do, and it encourages friendly competition.. but at the same time, we know the members themselves would probably not think like that..

i wonder if we get to see andy's musical at all.. it would be interesting =D

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Guest minwoo503

shinhwa shinhwa shinhwa.. they make me drool! lol yeah i read it off somewhere that they're ninth album may be their last one together.... it's sad though.. they've been together for 9 years and.... *cries* .. lol yep they are one korean boy band that will never be forgotten.. shinhwa changjo!

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Guest qazzac_06

are u serious?? i tot their 9th album is like the last b4 they go into army than they will release their 10th after the leave army???

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Guest nutzie

whoa whoa guys don't panic.. hahahah.. super nutzie to the rescue!!

gazzac_06 you're right.. they're not disbanding.. it's just because they're enlisting soon, that's why 9th album is the last one for now.. but we're optimistic that 10th album will be out after army stuff ^o^

i hope that clears up the confusion

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Guest angel2nyt

I think a healthy amount of competition between them will be good. I think the difference between this time and last time (with Minwoo & Hyesung's solos) is right now, they're all in separate management companies. I'm sure last time, Good made sure there was enough time between the two album releases as a business decision to maximize profits, but their companies now don't feel any obligation to do so. Well, Minwoo releasing his second was probably a decision he made to let Dongwan's album be released first. H2 probably planned it this way too since DW is technically a new artist, he needs more time to build the same fanbase. And I remember Hyesung's release date being pushed back a couple of times, probably a move to extend the time between his and MW's album release.

And I remember DW saying that he was just aiming for 10,000 album sales so that he wouldn't fall too far behind Minwoo's and Hyesung's sales. I think it's unfair to compare the album sales of a 1st album to that of a 3rd album anyways right? It's like Shinhwa's first album not doing so well. They didn't let that discourage them and keep from trying one more time. Plus I read news that Hyesung's album is doing REALLY well in terms of sells, so I don't think multiple album releases was too big of a hindrance.

actually the MAK just released the album sales for the month of july(which means no hyesung yet)

however, i have seen the album sales of wannie and minwoo, and theyre pretty close..

minwoo is in te top tree while wannie s in the top 4, just less than 2000 album sales difference

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Guest lexine


thanks for putting the links in the page! i'm sure it'd help. :D

Thanks Nutzie and Flipside for answering my question!

I see! So we'll only be having 9th album till they are released from the army?????? :(

oh my. That's badddd! I want the 9th album so badly but I don't want it now because it means such a long time till the 10th! haha. am i making any sense?

Mommie Alice,

Like Nutzie, I never thought of it that way too! But what you said made so much sense! If dongwan was to have his album released after hyesung/M's, he'd be under so much pressure! I like it this way! Maybe, that was the reason why hyesung kept postponing the release of his album! I love shinhwa more for this brother love! It's so sweet how they always help each other! :D

Thanks for letting me understand!

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I am still very much confused by the solo and shinhwa thread distingushing factors. They are shinhwa and they are solo artists. Hopefully the newer posters will be able to distinguish this as much as possible. Now..I am not sure if the following should reside here or in Eric's solo thread (which is next door in the drama section)....Here goes:

About Eric's solo album, I read that Dongwan did mention during 15th Golden Fishery- Radiostar that "he seems like he is going to release a solo album."

When asked about whose album should sell better (DW, M , HS) , he said Hyesung because he is afterall the "main vocal". When asked again why Eric and Andy aren't releasing their own solos, or couldn't they? Dongwan said this smilingly" Eric seems like he is going to release a solo album."

During this show Dongwan and SJ member were discussing how past and present idol groups divide income amongst themselves.

=) Got this from chinese translation that originated from oceans-six.

I think Eric's solo album comes as not that big of a surprise...It is a matter of when. Afterall, I think he is having control over all aspects of his album and is producing it himself. When any Shinhwa member wants to do something, I am sure they can. So, it is really up to each member to control and choose their own destiny i.e. acting or singing or both as a focus.

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Guest fortuneteller

I am still very much confused by the solo and shinhwa thread distingushing factors. They are shinhwa and they are solo artists. Hopefully the newer posters will be able to distinguish this as much as possible. Now..I am not sure if the following should reside here or in Eric's solo thread (which is next door in the drama section)....Here goes:

About Eric's solo album, I read that Dongwan did mention during 15th Golden Fishery- Radiostar that "he seems like he is going to release a solo album."

When asked about whose album should sell better (DW, M , HS) , he said Hyesung because he is afterall the "main vocal". When asked again why Eric and Andy aren't releasing their own solos, or couldn't they? Dongwan said this smilingly" Eric seems like he is going to release a solo album."

During this show Dongwan and SJ member were discussing how past and present idol groups divide income amongst themselves.

=) Got this from chinese translation that originated from oceans-six.

I think Eric's solo album comes as not that big of a surprise...It is a matter of when. Afterall, I think he is having control over all aspects of his album and is producing it himself. When any Shinhwa member wants to do something, I am sure they can. So, it is really up to each member to control and choose their own destiny i.e. acting or singing or both as a focus.

As Ginnie, i'm still confused by the solo and shinhwa activities...'cause not like others bands, they're now solo artists but sometimes they join 2gether (ex: Junjin sing at Hyesung's concert or smth like that)....and because they're really close, it's hard to discuss just bout one and forget all bout others...If have to choose just one, i'd rather choose one thread of Shinhwa where i can share all my thinking bout all of them than one thread of only one person.

Bout Eric's album, i'm excited, too and why not another album of Andy or 2 of them release 2gether??? :rolleyes:

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Guest itz Nhari

It's so difficult not to talk about Shinhwa members in this thread.

I know there are individual threads but I don't why it's just this feeling of wanting to talk everything in this thread only because I've been here for so long.

It's going to take some time getting used to.


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Guest sunnydays.

I also like to think of it as even if they're solo artists right now, they're also kinda promoting shinhwa at the same time. Their voices are the same voices you'll find on shinhwa albums right? and they'll probably perform these songs at shinhwa concerts. It's kinda like eric being in dramas also gets people to become shinhwa fans. That's kinda why i don't technically agree w/ the need to segregate posts into individual solo thread and shinhwa thread 'cause they're STILL shinhwa members. I like to think that they'll be 50 and producing albums/acting/starring in musicals and they'll STILL be shinhwa.

Thanks for that announcement at the top of the page. (:

Oh yes, I definately agree! I also think that the Shinhwa boys themselves said this once... their solo activities help keep Shinhwa alive. I think the great thing about the Shinhwa members going solo is that they ALSO promote Shinhwa. Like someone said, they're always somehow attatched to the name "Shinhwa" whenever they're performing, on gameshows, etc. & you're right, it's really effective, because it makes people more curious & then BAM they get hooked onto Shinhwa. XD;

That's what happened to me, like Nat. I heard about Shinhwa because of Eric's individual activities.

If you think about it, if Dongwan released his album after Hyesung, can you imagine the pressure and disappointment Dongwan would have felt? At least Dongwan had time to build his album sales by promoting first. Eventhough it won't change the fact in number of sales, I think if I was Dongwan, I would be more stressed releasing after Minwoo and Hyesung.

Something I was thinking when I was in solo threads was, I read someone (could have been more than one) is fan of individual member but NOT fan of Shinhwa. I gues that can happen but for me, it's kind of hard to understand. To me they are individuals BUT also part of Shinhwa.

EDIT: Anway, I just read in DACAPO that Dongwan gave hint on the Gold Fishery show that was aired today that "It looks like Eric will be releasing album". WOW, that's 5 solo albums. Has something like this been done in the history of music industry? This is going to upset a lot of Andy's fan if he doesn't release album soon! Now I'm more than anxious to see Gold Fisher...my CB is only 37% done so it looks like I have to wait until tomorrow to watch it! :angry:

Oooh, I haven't thought of that. I guess it was really good for Dongwan to have released his album first... more attention on him, & it's better, because it IS his first time... with Hyesung & Minwoo, they already have their fanbase, so it wouldn't be as hard to attract attention.

I think I can understand that a person can be a fan of an individual member and NOT a fan of Shinhwa. Maybe they came along when the members were doing individual activities? In any case, although this may be true, it would be highly impossible for them to not know about Shinhwa. =P After all, the individual members are always constantly surrounded by the name "Shinhwa"... they always talk about Shinhwa. (: Which is great<3 They're always connected. Yeah, like in Come To Play, all Dongwan talked about was the members. XD;;

Yeah, I thought Eric was supposed to release a solo album. I remember there were news articles at the beginning of the year, saying that Eric was going to release a hip hop album type of thing. I dunno whatever happened with that, but I'm wondering, when?

Oh, btw, is Junjin still releasing his 2nd jib this October? If he is, then it may be possible for Eric to release an album too.

I think Eric's solo album comes as not that big of a surprise...It is a matter of when. Afterall, I think he is having control over all aspects of his album and is producing it himself. When any Shinhwa member wants to do something, I am sure they can. So, it is really up to each member to control and choose their own destiny i.e. acting or singing or both as a focus.

Yes, I agree. (: I'm really proud of the Shinhwa members for being able to do that. They're just talented. Keke<3

Anyway, I just hope that IF Eric releases an album, that he'll have plenty of time to promote. It's his first, & I want him to do a great job. I'll prolly be so nervous for him, like I was for Dongwan. XD; But in any case, I don't want it to interfere with Shinhwa activities. =X

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edward - yeah, no i totally understand that.. but the thing that i'm curious about is that, don't double posting and 1 link + 1 referral posts put the same strain in resources [whatever this "resources" is supposed to mean]? cos to me, they take the same amount of space..

Yes, they took up the same amount of resources. That is why the post should be in the appropriate thread, which is the singer's solo threads. But since a lot of you insist that people is coming here more often than to the members' own threads, I am backing off to allow a link here to direct people to other threads.

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Don't think we don't appreciate it Edwards. We do appreciate it.

BUT you are killing me because I want to talk about Hyesung's MV here (because I feel more comfortable and feel like I'm at home here) and now I have to go to Hyesung's thread to talk about it. LOL! :blink: I'll see you guys at Hyesung's thread....

Edwards: I'm not going to post link to Hyesun'g thread for my above comment. :D

But since a lot of you insist that people is coming here more often than to the members' own threads, I am backing off to allow a link here to direct people to other threads.
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Guest theLEGEND

Thank you so much Edward. We appreciate what you've done. I know being a moderator is hard (I was one before). Points well taken too. We, the regulars will try to remind the new members. Thank you once again. :D Can I ask you something, who is your favorite Shinhwa members? If you don't want to answer it's fine. I'm just curious. :P

Ladies.. I've just posted Dongwan's YSMM episodes with subs in his official thread. Please click here for youtube links. Enjoy. ^_^

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Wow, this thread's discussions have been pretty heavy lately. :vicx: Thanks to all the regulars who have been tirelessly reposting the rules and keeping an eye out for any double posts. And for defending kassuma (will see you back soon!) especially nutzie. haha, like mommie Alice said, you're a great debater, ever think of going into politics?

I was so proud to read edward's comment that he thinks our Shinhwa thread is one of the more organized threads on Soompi. Wouldn't expect anything less from Shinhwa fans, you're all just as awesome as Shinhwa is ! <3

btw, I noticed this a while back - did our thread title's capitalization change? :o...and i secretly think edward likes talking to us as well lol

I say this over, and over again, but I love our Shinhwa thread. Everyone here is awesome.

Man, those two years will be so weird. O__O For those two years, we'll be reminiscing & watching old Shinhwa vids like crazy. XD; Haha, as long as everyone is still here, i'm good with it. (: Yes, I hope that their 9th album will be a success just like their 7th! I hope they spend A LOT of time on their 9th... I'm really hoping that they stop their activities by the end of this year so they can focus on their 9th album by the beginning of next year.

haha, two years of reminiscing over old Shinhwa vids? Sounds good to me! :D I know that even if Shinhwa goes off to the army, things won't change for me - I'd still be camped out here in front of the Shinhwa thread, day in and day out, waiting for their return lol. Hope others will be here to join me! Besides, Hyesung will still be around to keep the Shinhwa love alive. <3

And I would love it if Shinhwa spent the amount of time producing and promoting their 9th album like they did for Brand New.

I must admit, I fell in love with Shinhwa first not through their music, but through watching them on Love Letter. So if Shinhwa could appear as a group on variety shows more often to promote their 9th album (they were only on a few for State of the Art :tears:) , I'd be such a happy camper.

And I agree with a lot of what was said above me, regarding Shinhwa members' individual activities. Shinhwa is so unique in the fact that the group is made up of members who were able to branch out into all areas of entertainment - singing, acting, MCing, musicals! therefore gaining exposure for not only themselves, but for Shinhwa as a group as well.

It's so heartwarming whenever a Shinhwa member appears solo in a show or interview, and they bring up Shinhwa. The one I remember the most was an on-site interview with Eric, during the filming of Phoenix or Super Rookie, and although Mun Jung Hyuk was an up and rising hot actor, he insisted on introducing himself as Shinhwa's Eric. :wub:

And what might be seen as rivalry to the media, couldn't be farther from the truth. Shinhwa members always support each other in their solo activities, from all the members making an appearance to Hyesung's first solo concert (screaming out cheers like Dongwan's "Show us your butt!" lmao), to all taking part in Dongwan's first solo album (whether it be through lending vocals, composing, or choreographing) , to WanMinJin showing up to Eric's movie premiere, to Hyesung staying behind after his Inki Gayo performance just to cheer on Andy's first day as the MC. The members always promote for each other heavily whenever they make appearances on TV. The list goes on and on...if you still need convincing and would like more evidence, PM me and we can continue the discussion lol.

If anything, the members have friendly competition with each other, constantly pushing, challenging, but always encouraging each other to become even better than they already were. And for me, that's the true spirit of Shinhwa, for it doesn't matter who's the most "popular" member, for no one will be happier for one of the member's success than the other members.

I'm ecstatic that Dongwan, Minwoo and Hyesung are coming out around the same time with their solo albums. They seem to be so happy to be able to do their promotions together, because solo activity promotions can get lonely, without the five other members by your side to joke around with.

For proof, just check out the recent diary entry that Dongwan posted on his website:

8/17 [Diary] Dongwan: The Eating Minwoo and the Playful Dongwan




Minu, back from Tokyo today, is currently enjoying his meal.

nam nam nam..

Dongwannie, who already had three servings of food back home, couldn't play with Minu.

So he took self-pics of himself.

P.S. (translator's note): In Dongwan's diary, M's name is written as 미누 (Minu) instead of 민우 (Minwoo). Cute :biggrin2:

Credit: November21 + minwooforum.com

Chinese Translations: 小E@LASTLOVEMIN

Chinese to English Translations: angeldreams

Dongwan's so cute. I appears as if WooDong are using the same practice room to practice their performances. Now imagine Hyesung joining in the fun soon as well! (He and Minwoo already share the same backup dancers)

And then, with Junjin's album coming out in October, Eric's rumored album, and Andy maybe using the practice room as well for his musical (and a possible album too?), I bet they'll be fighting for use of the room! :rolleyes:

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Guest nutzie

ginnie - for some reason, i don't know.. i don't believe that eric will be releasing a solo album, but i'm not sure myself either.. maybe he's been secretly working on it? but you know, if he releases it too late into the end of the year, it might clash with the, well, whatever they're planning to do for the shinhwa activities..

fortuneteller - hahahah i want him to release an album with andy too.. it'll be a ricdy special duet album =D

riz - yeah i love the way they promote themselves as shinhwa's *yadayada*.. but i realize these days, M has been introduced a couple of times as M's minwoo.. which is funny.. it's like he's in a group which consists of.. himself -_-" but even when they appear alone on shows, whether when they promote solo activities or group ones, the hosts or MCs would automatically mention shinhwa somehow, and that makes me happy.. and even when they're alone in talk shows, the names of at least one of other members would come up somehow.. *squeals*

edward - okay, thanks for your answer..

angeldreams - i hate politics =X but it looks like the practice room for the members isn't the usual practice room like the one we saw on minwoo's manwon haengbok [that room they were in during the manwon song] do they have a new practice room?

i think.. i'll put the rules in my signature.. *off to change signature* yayy changed!! i hope people do actually notice signatures.. might help a bit..

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