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Guest lenakeem

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Guest nutzie

I already said that in my post last week that it was my final warning to this thread before I took actions. Prior to that, I did not take actions and just keep reminding members here and I've been tolerant. If people are still not getting my message after this final warning, I have no choice but to take some actions.

I suspended her because she triple posted. This is absolutely not allowed, regardless of any circumstances or in any other threads. This part has nothing to do with reminding others refrain from breaking the rules - because this is not a new rule. And I take into consideration that kassuma is not a new member, and should have no reason not being aware of this.

new rule or not, we regulars still strive to refrain others from breaking rules.. afterall, the regulars are more informed about old rules than other users [there's no sense in saying that we're more familiar with new rules, since it's implemented not long ago, so we're still adjusting too O_o].. haven't you seen our effort of reminding people not to spam, quote pictures, no direct links, whatsoever? those aren't new rules, but we still want to help out with reminding users [whether they are new or not] not to break rules, so this thread won't have so many warnings.. there are other threads with users spamming [much more than we do, and i won't name names, since you should be familiar with other threads as well..] and the regulars don't even bother reminding them, and some of them even join along with the spamming, yet i don't see any warning being given to them.. how is that being fair?

as i said in my previous post as well, i was not aware that she was triple posting, and there's no way i would have caught that if you didn't tell me.. fine, i accept that she has broken that rule.. but you also have to admit that your previous accusation of these videos being solely solo activities of hyesung is wrong and baseless.. surely she can't be blamed for your carelessness of reading the titles of these videos, not double checking that these videos are actually related to other shinhwa members too?

so previously you thought that she had broken 2 rules, and you gave her a warning and a week of suspension.. and now it turns out that she only did one of the 2 "crimes" you've accused her of doing, and she still gets the same punishment? that itself is not being fair, isn't it?

since when triple posting is as heavy of a crime as killing people anyway? -_-"

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For regular posters: Maybe we should start writing reminder rule along with our regular post for a time being? I'm sure there is always going to be someone who'll not read the post and will break the rule but I think it'll lessen the rule breaking.

I'd appreciate if regular members can start writing reminder rules along with the post for the time being. People in DBSG thread did it as well. But the thing that annoyed me is that people who are not following the rules so far are not newbies to soompi or to this thread. I don't know how to define "regulars" but seraching their posts, they posted quite often in this thread, and they should have been aware that I reminded members quite a few times about the rules already.

Edward - I also have a question. Let's say I want to make a post about multiple members all at once, but they're not related to each other at all. Like if I wanna talk about Minwoo on Jihwaza, Dongwan doing a commercial and Hyesung's concert. Would that be ok to make one post in the Shinhwa thread or would you prefer me to break it up into three separate post for ea/ individual thread? Wouldn't that be excessive and a bigger strain on Soompi's resources? And while I have your attention, I kno you do the weekly artist/album rankings.... feel free to bump the Shinhwa members up a couple of points. We won't tell anyone. ;) Seriously tho, we'll all try to do better.

You should post in their individual threads - that's what individual threads are for. Like I said, you can still post here, but only to provide a link to the posts you make in their individual threads. DO NOT double/triple post, that will cause more strain on resources.

new rule or not, we regulars still strive to refrain others from breaking rules.. afterall, the regulars are more informed about old rules than other users [there's no sense in saying that we're more familiar with new rules, since it's implemented not long ago, so we're still adjusting too O_o].. haven't you seen our effort of reminding people not to spam, quote pictures, no direct links, whatsoever? those aren't new rules, but we still want to help out with reminding users [whether they are new or not] not to break rules, so this thread won't have so many warnings.. there are other threads with users spamming [much more than we do, and i won't name names, since you should be familiar with other threads as well..] and the regulars don't even bother reminding them, and some of them even join along with the spamming, yet i don't see any warning being given to them.. how is that being fair?

as i said in my previous post as well, i was not aware that she was triple posting, and there's no way i would have caught that if you didn't tell me.. fine, i accept that she has broken that rule.. but you also have to admit that your previous accusation of these videos being solely solo activities of hyesung is wrong and baseless.. surely she can't be blamed for your carelessness of reading the titles of these videos, not double checking that these videos are actually related to other shinhwa members too?

so previously you thought that she had broken 2 rules, and you gave her a warning and a week of suspension.. and now it turns out that she only did one of the 2 "crimes" you've accused her of doing, and she still gets the same punishment? that itself is not being fair, isn't it?

since when triple posting is as heavy of a crime as killing people anyway? -_-"

You are not going to like my answer but there are many many threads in this forum, even moderators would not be possible to read them all. Yes, we might have missed some offenders in other threads, but we tried our best to catch them all. Sometimes we got reports from members about people breaking rules, but a lot of members are reluctant to point out other members' breaking rules. That doesn't mean that "oh I saw him/her breaking rules in other threads and not being punished, so I can do the same and get away with it".

I am also not against this thread, if you read my posts in other threads as well, I might have issued even more warnings in many other threads. In fact, I've mentioned that Shinhwa thread is one of the better organized threads in the forum. I still think it is. It's just that the nature has changed a little bit since members are releasing their solo albums and we do have threads on each member and it is a better place to discuss there. It is our job to watch this thread closer in this period to make sure everyone is on the same page.

(You are not going to like this part too) You cannot expect me to read between the lines in all posts or to click open all the files to watch. I have other threads and other forums to moderate as well. Her post clearly said that the clips are taken from Hye Sung's 1st SOLO concert, and she never mentioned about Jun Jin. If you just take my place to read it, not even as a moderator, but as a first time visitor or as a person who is not familiar with Shinhwa, should I expect those clips to include other Shinhwa members? If there are "encrypted" meanings behind her posts, I am sorry but I am too dumb to understand it.

Whatever the case is, triple posting is definitely an offense. As to how heavy it is, I already reminded another poster last week on my 4th reminder (I wrote that in bold letter) that she should not post the same Hye Sung's pics in both Hye Sung and Shinhwa thread. So, there's already an example of what NOT to do. I clearly said that it would be my last reminder before I take actions. Since then, I have also written the same reminder in Hye Sung, Jun Jin, Min Woo, and Dong Wan's thread, and even put this reminder on page 1 of this thread. If that is still not clear enough, I don't know what else I can do.

I don't know what else to say. I have a feeling that no matter what I say you are not going to agree with me anyway. However, I do really appreciate the regulars efforts to remind other members about the new rules. Good job gals!

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Guest nutzie

hahaha whether or not i like your answers, it's not really relevant to the discussion isn't it? since we're debating with each other, it's given that we don't see from the same point of view..

That doesn't mean that "oh I saw him/her breaking rules in other threads and not being punished, so I can do the same and get away with it".

i don't think i said anything about that, or even implying that point, but i was saying that it's not being fair, it being her first offense, and others have done it repeatedly, yet she's given a suspension, while others roam free, still unknowingly spamming without being warned or even informed about it..

Her post clearly said that the clips are taken from Hye Sung's 1st SOLO concert, and she never mentioned about Jun Jin.

yes the titles said it's from hyesung's solo concert, but she also stated in the title that it's "the birds with jin".. i hadn't watched the clip yet when i started arguing with you, yet from the titles i knew it was both junjin and hyesung [and mind you, i didn't know about their project group yet, so i was solely arguing with you based on the titles of the clips that she had posted..] now excuse me if i sound rude, i don't know how to phrase it any other way.. you're saying that you are "too dumb to understand that", well i can't argue with you about that point, since you're the one who said it yourself.. but being "dumb" doesn't mean that you didn't accuse her wrongly.. how is it her fault that you had misunderstood the title and took it as if she has broken the rule? [the rule being that she had posted the right info, but you misinterpreted it.. mind you, i'm not arguing about triple posting, since in my previous post, i have stated that i have accepted that.. so i have nothing to say about your fourth paragraph..]

what i don't agree with you is that she's given a punishment that is too severe for her offense.. she only broke one rule [not two like you previously have thought] so i do believe that her punishment should be lessened.. i don't really mind you giving appropriate punishment to users here, especially even after regulars have warned them, etc.. but i do feel that i have to defend her too, this being her first offense, and she did not break as many rules as you've accused her of doing.. you said that you couldn't have understood that it was considered shinhwa activities, but i have informed you in my replies that it actually is.. i accepted your point about triple posting, because you have enlightened me about the point and it makes sense.. i do believe my point about it being related to this thread makes sense too.. i just don't want you to accuse her of something she did not do, which was solely because you misunderstood her.. i don't know if i made this point clear enough.. if you don't understand that, well.. i'll find another way of explaining it somehow -_-"

ps. for your reply to mommie alice, some users, despite having posted quite a few times in this thread, and not being new, sometimes they don't bother backtracking, so they might've not seen your warnings.. they just read whatever's on the last page and post some replies.. just trying to make sense of the situation *shrugs*

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Not to argue with you Edwards but I'm having little problem understanding the logic as the post in individual threads but provide link in Shinhwa thread to direct people there is okay.

Isn't this kind of double posting too?

I'm refering to picklypickly question to you:

"Edward - I also have a question. Let's say I want to make a post about multiple members all at once, but they're not related to each other at all. Like if I wanna talk about Minwoo on Jihwaza, Dongwan doing a commercial and Hyesung's concert. Would that be ok to make one post in the Shinhwa thread or would you prefer me to break it up into three separate post for ea/ individual thread? Wouldn't that be excessive and a bigger strain on Soompi's resources? "

I might be wrong but in my mind if we post ONLY (and not repeat in member's thread) in Shinhwa forum and talk about minwoo w/ his activity, DW with his activity, Hyesung w/ his activity, and etc in ONE post, doesn't that give less strain on the resource than posting individually in all threads and then use one post each in Shinhwa thread to redirect them with a link?

I'm not even sure if I'm making sense anymore! LOL!

I guess we can go in circles in these but bottom line is Edwards you have the last words so we just have to do our best to follow it.

P.S. Nat (nutzie), did you practice "debate" in your school. LOL! This debate is becoming fun eventhough we (Shinhwa forum) is losing! LOL!

You should post in their individual threads - that's what individual threads are for. Like I said, you can still post here, but only to provide a link to the posts you make in their individual threads. DO NOT double/triple post, that will cause more strain on resources.
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Guest sunnydays.

i kno the first title was kind of shocking i was originally going to change it but since the title was "shocking" i decided to leave it to catch u guys attention lol. i think they meant they will release their 10th jib before they go into army O.o but yes it IS exciting news ^^ hehe so w.e. as long as shinhwa is going to release an album and going to the army together hehehehe. so does that mean hyesung dosent need to go to army at all? wish i could go to their last concert before they go to army so i can give them support but i kno i cant =[ but for SURE i'll buy the album ^^ lol hmmm for the time being lets wait for their 9th album hehe. hopefully they will get a lot of awards and go in 1st place for most everything before they go off to army as support from us fans.

10 jib, I think is a typo... because they still have to release their 9th. XD; I'm not sure about Hyesung not going COMPLETELY to the army, but I know i've heard before that he's exempt or something because of his knee injury. If not, then he'll prolly have an army job that requires the least physical action... like a boring desk job or something. LOL. Man, those two years will be so weird. O__O For those two years, we'll be reminiscing & watching old Shinhwa vids like crazy. XD; Haha, as long as everyone is still here, i'm good with it. (: Yes, I hope that their 9th album will be a success just like their 7th! I hope they spend A LOT of time on their 9th... I'm really hoping that they stop their activities by the end of this year so they can focus on their 9th album by the beginning of next year.


Aaaanyways, about that article above, I really do hope the article is correct about them all going together, but I dunno... It just doesn't seem practical. We kno how hard it is for all the members to just meet up for dinner and drinks, how in the world are they gonna coordinate their schedule so they can all enlist in the a*** at the same time? And I think 10th album is just a typo, not that it's not possible. It's just, don't we all kno all too well how wrong these articles can be some times.

And since, this thread has been kinda heavy lately, how bout some shinhwa man love?

That is true, but by the time the army comes, I dont' think they should have such full schedules... what I'm hoping for is that they stop all their individual activities by the end of this year and focus on Shinhwa by the beginning of next year... so all they'll have to do is do Shinhwa stuff, and then by the end of their 9th jib promotional stuff, they'll be ready to go to the army. But yeah, I do hope they go through with going to the army all together. I think that is our best best, as Shinhwa fans. ^^;

& thank you for the pictures~ Really does bring some light into this thread! Haha =P Aww, I love those couples... they're so cute<3

I'll refrain from getting involved in the current... uhm, debate. ^^;

Instead, i'll put some SHINHWA PICTURES, because this is what this thread is all about. Puahaha. >;]


^ Hahaha aww Dongwan. XD;




^ PUAHAHA Eric & Junjin. =D





credits to soompi, orange crush, asianfanatics, shinhwachangjo, shinhwa.biz, etc.

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Guest pharmer

^^ thanks for the pictures!!! I think they've changed a lot. from scrawney lil boys to buff men! nice~~

Okay so my andyfan bias-ness is kicking in. I hate the last pix. Why is andy hidden so far in the back. he looks like some one who happened to walk by as the members are taking a photo. :(

Thanks Mommie_Alice for the translations!

Random thought about shinhwa: even thou it's fun to see Shinhwa members releasing their solos at the same time (cuz they do promo's together) I wander if it's actually a good idea. Do you think it causes a hinderance in their sells cuz fans have to shell out some much money at once. Or perhaps too strong a rivalry? Wouldn't the member who sales the least cd/ or gets the least recognition feel really down? Of course on the positve side they do promos together so it seems like their morally supporting each other. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. :)

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Guest fatcat

first, I must say that i am very sad about the continuous "warning issues" in this thread, i mean i check this thread out for like 5 times a day. It has become my hobby so i will be crushed if this thread get closed. I must be more careful from now on.And sorry if i ever did something that break the rules.

seconds, those pics are giving this thread some light back. So does the clip of M.net Japan, i love how Minwoo was like "yes, yes" along while Hyesung is telling that all of those who holding orange balloons are his fan, then Minwoo realizes the question then ask HS when did he say that LOL. I agree LOL at 1% and 99%. And senior, and junior, i remember HS said it once during MW's show case.

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Guest nurkeyandie

hi again, everyone. i agree with fatcat. the recent issues on this thread have dampened my mood. i love soompi too (i've never been into forums/fora) and even if i'm a member of other shinhwa forums (it's fora, right?), i only post on soompi (even if it's only the shinhwa and shinhwa-related threads i consistently check out, i do so several times a day too). let me just say this, and i'll try my darndest so that this'd be my first and last comment about this issue: edward, i know you and the other mods and staff are working hard to keep soompi at its best and we are grateful for all your efforts but i agree with nat. kassuma might've been guilty of triple posting, but those links were about jinsyung (and you can see from the title of the links too). a week's suspension is quite harsh (i know it'd be just absolute torture if it happened to me, as i get my "shinhwa fix" primarily from soompi and i'd like to think that i've made friends here - virtual friends but friends nonetheless) and i hope you'll consider lessening it. in any case, i'm sorry if i've been guilty of similar offenses in the past and i'm gonna try my best to follow the rules (and i'm sure everyone who regularly check and post on this thread feels the same way). i'm asking the members also to please remind me if i'm breaking the rules. thanks.

anyway, you know what, pharmer, i've been thinking the same thing. coz on popseoul they're saying that of the three individual jibs released this year, wannie's is by far the best (and being a sungie devotee, i'm a bit hurt - kidding!). i don't want people to compare their jibs coz they each have their own unique style and they all put in their best in making their albums, but i guess we can't ignore the fact that there'd be concrete figures to show whose was most successful (at least in terms of album sales). :unsure: anyhow, i'm sure they have a healthy competition going on and they know that we shinhwa fans will support them no matter what. :)

thanks, riz, for the pics. we need more goodies like that since we've been talking about sad stuff (warning issues, a*** talk, competing solo jibs - aacckk, why did i list those down!?!).

and thanks, nat, for the link and for 'debating' for us. :)

btw, peeps, aside from the birds query, i need your help on another thing. i need to know who goes "nanananana~" at 3:33 of 'i pray 4 u' right after andy's rap. i'm seriously in love with that voice (i actually think there are two voices and i just hope one is hyesung's, but it's unlikely coz he's main vocals right?). :sweatingbullets: i'm sorry, i know it's an old song but it's one of my faves and so if you have the time to analyze the song (like me!), please help me out. thanks! :D

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*scroll* *scroll* I was thinking that this thread was moving pretty quickly, but turned it they were about forum rules :wacko: Honestly, I will have to side with Edward on this one. Being on the blunt side, friend or foe, ppl who don't rely a bit on themselves and read through what has been provided, said, set down as rules, etc. annoy me just a little bit (It passes of course, so I won't be annoyed with you for too long ^^). I use to be a bit more lenient on my views on this kind of thing too, but because of my hobby as a ShinHwa fansubber...the number of pms I get about things I've said time and time and again or something that can be found out with a quick search on google does get frustrating and I'm ready to strangle. :ph34r: It's not like We loves ShinHwa thread moves a ton either...so it's no trick to back track a page or two. I'm very sorry that kassuma had to be an example (she is such a faithful uploader of SHinhwa clippies ^^), but I can feel the frustration of posting the same warning again and again. Looking at all the solo threads and this one, the warnings have been very obvious...and so were consistent offenders. Even as a normal forumer, I was beginning to think it was ridiculous, didn't want to point them out and put up a discussion...I wouldn't want Edward's job :crazy: But with all this fuss, that was my two pence. What else...always read the the first page of a thread! If some of us can't even bother to read what's bolded in bright red letters, we can hardly expect one of our more active mods to click on every clip we post....

Random thought about shinhwa: even thou it's fun to see Shinhwa members releasing their solos at the same time (cuz they do promo's together) I wander if it's actually a good idea. Do you think it causes a hinderance in their sells cuz fans have to shell out some much money at once. Or perhaps too strong a rivalry? Wouldn't the member who sales the least cd/ or gets the least recognition feel really down? Of course on the positve side they do promos together so it seems like their morally supporting each other. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. :)

^ With any other group, I would have said yes, but I'm less worried about ShinHwa. Like any other boyband, there will always be members more loved in the group than other members at the beginning. The kind of almost equivalent fan support for each member can only be found in a group like ShinHwa, who's fanclub has been allowed to build for a decade. So I guess what I'm saying is that this kind of rivalry existed before the members even went solo and is what I believe to be one of the major causes for a group to break up. If I was a producer, I would wonder why I would support a bunch of six when I could earn just as much money having the one popular member go solo and probably propose the group to break up. But ShinHwa persevered, climbed that obstacle and that is why ShinHwa is what they are today. They're always mentioning each other...so no members are allowed to simply fade into the background. I believe they are going solo with that kind of 'knowledgeable rivalry' in mind- 'rivalry' they kept in mind as a member of ShinHwa for all these years. If not 100%, they should know pretty well their weaknesses and strengths as an idol star. If any members are going to feel down or left out by how popular they are, it would've happened long before now when all members are more or less equally loved. If anything, judging from the album sale response, they can only gain new confidence in themselves as they gain confidence in their solo activities.

As for hinderance in sales...of course there will be some, but I don't think it'll be too bad. I personally treat them as 3 solo artists since their styles are different from ShinHwa's. If you support/like that artist, then you would buy his album. It is the same for evey solo artist, except the three of them would have the extra strength of ShinHwa CHangjo. A hardcore ShinHwa fan would most definitely buy all 3 albums, but otherwise, each member does have their own following during their solo acts and those fans will buy that member's album first...which is a bit unfortunate since the ideal is for ShinHwa fans to support all members during their solos equally. I know there are fans that will only buy that 'one' member's album blindly and only give some thoughts to the others when they have sampled it. At any rate, I think fans would have been saving up for minsyung's albums (dongwan's decision to go solo was kind of sudden for me :sweatingbullets: ) since it's been nearly 2 years since either have released a new album and all fans were anticipating it.

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Guest nutzie

pharmer - well, i think rivalry propels them forward.. i think minwoo had touched on this subject in the come to play translation that mommie alice posted.. something about dongwan not giving him any help [?] made him work even harder.. i think with the friendly rivalry, they can work their butts off against each other, and still have the support of other members too.. i think i might've confused you.. i confuse myself too.. i think.. amy made the point better -_-"

fatcat - hahaha we're not continuously being warned.. just trying to clarify some matters, so we don't get caught with the same offense in the future..

andie - thanks for your support =P well i don't think popseoul is the best place to get info from, because according to a lot of people [cos i myself never really go and read popseoul] a lot of the news they post are bullcrap.. and besides, hyesung hasn't been promoting for long yet.. so i think it's safer to wait for a little while before taking any conclusion about who's better than who.. anyways, i think that voice belongs to hyesung.. i can't really max up my volume cos it's late here, but i'm about 75% sure that it's hyesung's voice.. because he was adlibbing throughout that chorus.. my second guess would be minwoo..

amy - hahah thanks for your point of view.. i understand that perfectly.. i'm not saying that kassuma is entirely innocent [i mean you know, didn't break any rules..] but it doesn't mean that she can be wrongly accused and just have punishment slapped on her just like that.. that's the point i'm trying to say.. and i already did say that i accept that she's broken the rule by triple posting, and i think that's what you were saying in your post right? but the thing i'm trying to point out isn't about the triple posting..

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After taking various factors into consideration, I have reduced kassuma's suspension from one week to 3 days. She already served one day, so it will be 2 more days before she can start posting again. However, her warning will remain intact, and if she's breaking rules again she'll have to serve a much longer suspension.

I want to keep the new rules as simple as possible. A lot of you have "what if" questions above. More and more questions will come up and everyone will only be more confused. Simply put, if the post is related two or more members EQUALLY, you can post it here. If it is related to one member or if it is weighted more heavily towards certain members (e.g. Hye Sung's solo concert where Jun Jin appeared as a guest, it is 90% Hye Sung and 10% Jun Jin, it belongs to Hye Sung's thread), you should post in that member's thread and only provide a link here and in other member's thread.

Under no circumstances should anybody double or triple post, it will be treated as spamming. Members will receive a warning AND a suspension. The length of suspension depends on how serious the offense is.

I hate suspending people as well, but sometimes warning is not enough. Some members don't care if they are warned. Suspension is a hard way to get the points across. Offenders will have to pay their prices to learn their lessons.

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Guest susymoon

quarrels and suspensions are stupid i thought that this thread was created because of one and only one thing,the immense love whe all have for all SHINHWA members,specially JUNJIN :blush: hehe,soo all off us should get along and not argue a suspend because we come from every corner of e world and whe should all like each other because it would be a shame if any member of shinhwa shaw is fan not getting allong

P.S. sorry for the bad english

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Guest Krain5

Random thought about shinhwa: even thou it's fun to see Shinhwa members releasing their solos at the same time (cuz they do promo's together) I wander if it's actually a good idea. Do you think it causes a hinderance in their sells cuz fans have to shell out some much money at once. Or perhaps too strong a rivalry? Wouldn't the member who sales the least cd/ or gets the least recognition feel really down? Of course on the positve side they do promos together so it seems like their morally supporting each other. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. :)

FLiPSiDE thanks for the awesome pictures! I'm glad that we haven't allowed all this warning talk to completely bring down the thread. Remember guys, Shinhwa is love! :blush:

I have thought a lot about this as well. I really don't want any of our boys to get hurt during this time (because we all know that the media can be cruel). You know, by saying things like Minwoo's albulm is the best or whatever. But in the same token we get to see them do promos together and they all can support each other and in the end everyone is selling records (which is a good thing). I also love the fact that Minbong's, Sungie's and Wannie's CD's are all different. That way a fan won't feel like they bought three copies of a Shinhwa CD (though I see nothing wrong with that) and support everyone!

Yay Shinhwa! ^_^

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Guest lexine

Hey! I have a question, Shinhwa's 9th JIB will be released in nov/dec this year and 10th will be release march next year is that right? I can't remember where I read that from, but I think I read that. Can anyone confirm with me again? :D thanks.


Pharmer, I thought about that too! But I guess their friendship's really strong so they won't let such matters harm their friendship. Although I do think that either one would feel a lil down, but I think they'd be really happy for the other who did better. Anyway, nobody can actually say one album's better than the other, like what Krain5 said, their albums are all different! So, no comparison on that matter! :)

just a suggestion: What about for the next few pages, who ever owns the page puts a warning that mentions that only shinhwa discussion can be discussed here and put the links to the various member's thread so that they know where to go to discuss about them.?

I really don't want to see shinhwa's thread closed!

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Guest nutzie

edward - thank you.. i have another question though.. can you also address mommie alice's question? because i'm confused about that too..

putting the link in an individual thread + giving the link here to that post = 2 posts

double posting = 2 posts [well, of course triple posting then = 3 posts]

but how's the first one more favourable than the 2nd one, cos it'll still take up as much space in the resources? and also, with your further explanation of the rule, can you update the first post, so we can always ask rule breakers to refer to the first page, instead of us repeating again and again, and straining the resources further? thank you..

Krain5 - i think, when the solo members thought about releasing solo albums in the same period of time, they already considered this sort of rivalry rising between them.. if i remember correctly, during hyesung's first album, minwoo stopped his 2nd [?] album promo because he doesn't want to disturb hyesung's promo activities.. but this time, i think they've made some sort of agreement or something.. and shinhwa members being shinhwa, i don't think the rivalry matters much as to how they can support each other backstage and come out on variety shows together while having fun with each other.. at least 1/2 shinhwa is better than 1/6.. this way, they're not exactly lonely [as been stated by solo artists rising from groups] because they have the company of each other, yet they're able to distinguish themselves as solo artists still..

lexine - i'm not sure how it's working out.. but i don't think 9th album is coming out in nov/dec anymore.. it takes awhile to release an album, so if they release 2 albums, in a span of 3 months, i don't think that will be possible O_o" unless one of the albums is a compilation of some sort.. that being said, i think the news reporter are confusing the facts, which made me confused too.. this is what i believe for now [i'm not saying it's right though.. but it's my take on the news reports] they'll be staging a huge concert thingy in dec, before leaving for army.. apparently 3 new songs will be performed during the concerts.. march, they will release a new album [probably 9th?] to celebrate the 10th anniversary, before they leave for army.. i don't know if it makes much sense, but this is what i think for now..

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Guest Esta♥


What happened to Kassuma in Soompi?

I remember her consistent posts of Shinhwa videos on Youtube.

I love her for that! :)

Did she break a rule here?

People in Soompi are getting to misunderstand Shinhwa a bit in terms of their future activities.

They think that Shinhwa is going to break up after their 9th album because of the army.

I tried to clarify it in the Pictures Thread.

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Guest sunnydays.

Okay so my andyfan bias-ness is kicking in. I hate the last pix. Why is andy hidden so far in the back. he looks like some one who happened to walk by as the members are taking a photo. :(

Random thought about shinhwa: even thou it's fun to see Shinhwa members releasing their solos at the same time (cuz they do promo's together) I wander if it's actually a good idea. Do you think it causes a hinderance in their sells cuz fans have to shell out some much money at once. Or perhaps too strong a rivalry? Wouldn't the member who sales the least cd/ or gets the least recognition feel really down? Of course on the positve side they do promos together so it seems like their morally supporting each other. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. :)

Haha, i'm sorry about the Andy picture. ^^; Yeah, it is kinda weird that he's just back there... hmm.

A lot of people have already answered, & my answer has pretty much been said already by Amy & Nat. About rivalry, the Shinhwa boys know all too well to not let that get to them... yes, it is rivalry in the music business, but they know to think to support each other rather than oppose one another. Besides, don't you think it's better to see the Shinhwa boys promoting their solos together, rather than individually? (: I think it's better. More fun. Puahaha.<3

& They always support each other, no matter what. Even if only one Shinhwa member is doing solo activities, the other members would visit that member, or text message, or whatnot. It's wonderful, really.

Even though it IS probably better for them to release their solos at different times, I think for this year, it was a bit inevitable. In the beginning of the year, they started their individual activities knowing that they're doing Shinhwa activities by the end of this year, so they knew that they all had to start early in order to be able to focus on the Shinhwa activities. It wouldn't have made sense to start at the later part of the year because it would run into the Shinhwa activities. Even if we know NOW that the 9th Shinhwa album won't be released until next year's Spring, they still have Shinhwa activities by the end of this year - they have the concert & 3 new songs to learn.

thanks, riz, for the pics. we need more goodies like that since we've been talking about sad stuff (warning issues, a*** talk, competing solo jibs - aacckk, why did i list those down!?!).

btw, peeps, aside from the birds query, i need your help on another thing. i need to know who goes "nanananana~" at 3:33 of 'i pray 4 u' right after andy's rap. i'm seriously in love with that voice (i actually think there are two voices and i just hope one is hyesung's, but it's unlikely coz he's main vocals right?). :sweatingbullets: i'm sorry, i know it's an old song but it's one of my faves and so if you have the time to analyze the song (like me!), please help me out. thanks! :D

No problem, Andie. (: Keke, when you wrote down "a***" I was like, "O__O what kind of swear word is that?" But I realized... it's the enlistment thing. LOL. XD;

"I Pray 4 U" has grown so much on me lately! I think it's because ever since I saw Minwoo & Dogwan perform it on YDH's Love Letter, I started listening to it more~ :P & I LOVE the MV, so cute & summery. (; Anyway, about your question on the "nananana~" part... I NEVER EVEN REALIZED THAT PART! But I agree, it's a beautiful part. O__O Anyway, it's harmonized, so there's two people on that part... I know Dongwan is the bottom part, & it sounds like Hyesung on the top. But it could be Minwoo too, so i'm not sure. I'm pretty certain about Dongwan though. (:

Hey! I have a question, Shinhwa's 9th JIB will be released in nov/dec this year and 10th will be release march next year is that right? I can't remember where I read that from, but I think I read that. Can anyone confirm with me again? :D thanks.

just a suggestion: What about for the next few pages, who ever owns the page puts a warning that mentions that only shinhwa discussion can be discussed here and put the links to the various member's thread so that they know where to go to discuss about them.?

What Nat said, so far, it's said that Shinhwa's 9th jib will be released in MARCH of 2008, aruond the time of their 10th anniversary. I don't think a 10th album will be able to be released, because they don't have time to make another album... I think that was a typo on the media's part.

That's a good suggestion... I think we should start doing that. (:

- -

OKAY, MORE PICTURES. Because I say so. (:



^ Haha, I love Junjin's expression. ^^;





WAHHH, I MISS SHINHWAAAAA T______________T These pictures + listening to "I Pray 4 U"... I can't take it. x__x;

(credits to soompi, orange crush, etc)

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Heheh... I'm goinig to lighten the mood with some pictures :sweatingbullets:




^ heeheh. my all time favourite <3 what dorks!


I recently bought Shinhwa's concert dvds...

I'm in love with them.

I love all the energy that they give during all their perfomances, I'd be dead tired after just one! And they do it for like two hours. I especially notice Minwoo's energy (hehe, maybe I'm biased) he's always jumping around stage and towards the end when the others were starting to tire out he still ran across the stage. Dongwan is very full of energy too (:

They're such dorks. I think I've seen one of the concerts posted on Youtube before.

Lala. riz Thanks for the pixxors! Too cute for words <3

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