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Guest lenakeem

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Guest noona13

thanks winksassy...jinnie looks great here!

ha and i still remember watching a video where he says he's not confident about his dressing....way to go!

hi! guys :D

i just want to share an information (not sure if this is already been said) hehe ^__^

guess who recently won an award for Asia Most Fashionable Artist ???












here the link


anyway i miss Shinhwa

I'm waiting for their new album

but for now i will support their solo activities


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^ omo minwoo with a cigarette!! hope its just for his photoshoot and he dosent smoke anymore *worries*

jeabie hello ^^ hope u get to meet at least one of the guys. lucky that ur going to korea. i want to go there lol

juhjenn HI!!!!! hehe krizza told u? tell her naomi misses her!! :] ahh u should come here often we are a huge big family in this thread and ur welcome to join anytime ^^ and spazz about the guys hehe. who dosent love eric? i kno soo many people who love eric and cuz he's just sho hot and cute haha. yes eric is going to the army. *sad* but they will be 2gether 4ever ^__^

samshiku thanks for uploading!!! i will watch in a little while.finally some clips of them i havent seen before. its time to spazz over them again like crazy haha

winksassy thanks for the info on jinnie!!! yay hehe yes he is very fashionable haha but out of shinhwa i think hyesungie more fashionable? anyways thanks for the link:P

----EDIT---- i own a page? yay i have something to share... but i will come back later to post cuz i needa go somewhere i promise i will re-edit ^^-------------------

*Back in like a million years* xD okay lol anyywaayys as i promised well i didnt get the whole page cuz it didnt work for me so u will have to go to shinhwa biz but i did get a few....


hehe my fav ricdy ^__^ anyways its just poses how shinhwa look alike so go here --> http://shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=1412

btw u need to have a shinhwa biz account so see it. so if u dont have one sign up ^^ its another great place for shinhwa lovers.

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Guest samshiku

haha i just found these..ironically off suju's thread hahaha

DONGWAN IS SO CUTE...i wanted to say that but so odd..so decided to post it here lol







credits: suju thread + pic source

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Guest nutzie

hmm.. why am i not surprised? hahahaha.. i knew he was gonna be on chinchin, i'm just not sure how to watch it -_-" he looks so dorky in the 2nd-3rd set of caps =X do you know that he was on sukira too? there were some pics in the suju thread too [i think it was on monday] but i didn't save them.. maybe i'll go back and save the caps [when i'm super bored, that is]

er.. minwoo's album.. what kind of concept's he going for? although the photos look cool with the foggy stuff.. erm.. yeah.. that colorful hoodie looks good in the black and white shot ^o^ the ones with vertical lights look similar to the concept in shinhwa's 8th album O_o" but in the last pic, the lights look like a curtain, how cool~

i bet junjin's most fashionable award can be credited to minwoo, since he's the one who always buys/gives junjin clothes ^^~

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You can download the video from shinhwasarang/shinhwachangjo.

I quickly watched it and it was interesting how DW when comparing senior/junior, SUJU is more like Shinhwa (being goofy when they are around each other on TV) where DBSK is more like H.O.T. (who are more serious when on TV).

And DW mentioned Song Hye-Gyo again. I guess he really likes her. I forgot where he said it, (was it in MC Mong radio or YSMM?) that his ideal woman is Song Hye-Gyo.

EDIT: DW said about Song Hye Gyo in MUZ interview on 6/28/07 not MC Mong Radio or YSMM.

hmm.. why am i not surprised? hahahaha.. i knew he was gonna be on chinchin, i'm just not sure how to watch it -_-" he looks so dorky in the 2nd-3rd set of caps =X do you know that he was on sukira too? there were some pics in the suju thread too [i think it was on monday] but i didn't save them.. maybe i'll go back and save the caps [when i'm super bored, that is]

er.. minwoo's album.. what kind of concept's he going for? although the photos look cool with the foggy stuff.. erm.. yeah.. that colorful hoodie looks good in the black and white shot ^o^ the ones with vertical lights look similar to the concept in shinhwa's 8th album O_o" but in the last pic, the lights look like a curtain, how cool~

i bet junjin's most fashionable award can be credited to minwoo, since he's the one who always buys/gives junjin clothes ^^~

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Guest paigehk

Eric is going to the army next year? Are the other members going too?

It's pretty sad, but i know it will happen sooner or later.

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If you guys did not watch Music Space HQ with DW, you must watch it. It's the best quality that's out there of him singing live.

I have to learn how to cut out the interview and save just DW's singing so that I can put it in my iPOD.

He was such a goof-ball during the interview.

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Guest theLEGEND

If you guys did not watch Music Space HQ with DW, you must watch it. It's the best quality that's out there of him singing live.

I have to learn how to cut out the interview and save just DW's singing so that I can put it in my iPOD.

He was such a goof-ball during the interview.

I've seen the cuts for both Dongwan feat. Byul's Performance and Dongwan's So Sick Performance somewhere in Shinhwa Changjo's forum. :)

I put alot of Shinhwa's clips in my iPod.. X-Man, Happy Together, YSMM, Infinite Challenge and MVs too. There are more to come though. :D

EDIT: I'll post some pictures so that I'm not considered spamming the thread. :P





Credit: Soompi Thread and Orange Crush.

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Guest nutzie

okie i'm back with sukira pics =D







they're taking pictures at the end of the show.. and as you can see.. tada~


credits - soompi super junior thread & picture source [sorry xh, i'm copying you ^^"]

don't ask me anything about these caps, i didn't take them =P

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Guest sunnydays.


HIs album pictures are AMAZING. I love them. >;] "Photoshop me!" LOL. But seriously... haha, the smoking thing isn't too thrilling, but he still looks good anyway. (; I love it when he wears the fedora. LOL. Goodness... *fans self* :P Thanks so much mal for posting those up!

XH, thanks for links to their 4th fanmeeting. (:

& thanks to everyone who posted Shinhwa/Minwoo/Dongwan pictures!

LOLOL Dongwan IS SO DORKYY XD Robocop. <3

Nat, thanks for the pictures. D: I think he looks weird though... he looks super old with that hat & those types of sunglasses. XD; Do you know when is his next performance? Or Minwoo's? Haha, I swear, I'm addicted to the whole "watching it live" thing on TVAnts... that time when we were spazzing over Dongwan with Krizza & Rozzy, it was so fun. XD;

mommy alice - Song Hye Kyo? Really? woww... awww, I can see that though. (: She's really pretty & sweet. LOL I think Dongwan has a thing for sweet girls. Anyway~~ ^^;

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Guest samshiku

Minwoo's THANKS TO section in his 3rd jib...

i'll just translate the shinhwa bit...

And of course, my dear members! Dongwannie album daebak![meaning sell well..], Hyesungie same goes to you, using beautiful music to receive more love!

Andy May you achieve success in you acting career, jinnie-ya, I WILL give you a song this time as a present~Eric YOU!! PLay with me^^

We are shinhwa!

credits: shinhwachina[kor-chi]

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Guest jheizhee

er.. about the rosary thing, i never noticed ^^" so i don't know either.. as for andy's happy together, i think yes, it was aired.. i saw andy cuts on youtube.. hold on lemme find that for you..



andy [seriously] looks the best amongst the she-men.. he just looks like a super flat-chested, rather bulky girl.. pms.. just see it for yourself.. i almost fell off my chair.. andy's tricks are super funny..

thanks for the links...:) ur right, andy is the prettiest even with muscles and everything..hehe..i wanna have the hair style like andy...its cute...or i guess its just cute on andy....and the moment i saw pms, i just cracked up...so funny...i wish i understand what they were saying though...but its okei :) thanks again...

jheizhee, i also notice the rosary (rosaries, actually, he has a white one and a black one, but i think the black one only looks like a rosary coz it doesn't have all the beads) that's always part of wannie's get up these days. wannie looks totally hot but i kinda feel skittish about him wearing the rosary (isn't it inappropriate? at least that's what i learned in sunday school)...i'm not bashing at all, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable...

oh so its just a get up...i thought he wears it for God to guide him or something like that...since its his first solo and everything.....

oh new names(i mean usernames)hello to all the newbies.. i hope you are having fun discovering(or rediscovering) shinhwathe very first pictures that fans shared in the net(in korea) of wannie was with the rosary thing..i think its because of the going-back-to-the-80s trend that is happeningyes he is..eric, wannie and minwoo is supposed to go to the army next yearreally??i think its because of too much expectations..im havent heard the album yetbut oh well..and yes i LOVED (as in with capital letters) minwoo's second album

i'm not actually new here...i've been welcomed here like a couple hundred pages back already...i'm just not participating in this thread that much...i do come here whenever i have time...but i'm more of a silent "fan"....and i just never introduced myself...but thanks for the hello and yes i'm having fun here...as always :)

so the rosary thing is a trend? hmmm....i never knew that...

nehoo, so i guess i should introduced myself now. my name is jennifer as well..like one of the new girls here....hmmm my story of me liking shinhwa is a bit long...so ya...i'll just leave it like that...:)


i forgot to comment on dongwan liking song hye gyo....that's the first time i've heard that...hehe dongwan has good taste...i like her...i think she's really pretty...

and minwoo's message to shinhwa on his album....so sweet...the eric part..."play with me"...cute...and the "we are shinhwa"...aaawww...i miss them together...

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Some highlights from Music Space interview:

He said he always wanted to sing with Byul, always liked her voice, and found out that she's in the same company as DW so she participated in duet with DW.

Host asked how many members went solo in Shinhwa and DW said "3" and was corrected by the audience, it's "4". Minwoo, Hyesung, AND JUNJIN. DW forgot JJ.

DW asked advice from the members...asking weren't you nervous....Minwoo cracked up and "you are in trouble" and that it's really nerve wrecking and it's different than being on stage as Shinhwa.

Andy told him not to do solo album (I guess because music industry is not doing so well) but when members all came together and participated in his album.

Eric after looking at DW's album jacket called DW to meet him because he felt DW lost too much weight and wanted to see him himself. DW told Eric he won't drink because he is recording but will have some fruits. Eric told DW that he looks like "skinny bum (begger/homeless)"! LOL! Sounds like something Eric would say to DW!

DW thought alot of what is the image of "man" which he wanted be. It was funny because DW said, someone said, "oppa.." oooops, DW covered his mouth laughing and everyone is like "who is she?" DW said it was female who told him that "thinking about how to be a man itself is not a man". DW said being a "man" just comes natural not something you create. The he said, "I like I'm like lady-like!" LOL! He is such a goof-ball!

When asked about future plans DW said, First because he has to concentrate on his album activieis, he won't meet any girls ..... for a little while anyway.....end of the year there's plans for Shinhwa's album... so he wants to work 'tightly' on his solo activities.

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Guest nurkeyandie

^^ mommie alice, thank you so much!!! i saw that perf and i really thought it was his best i've seen so far! i wanted to ask you for a translation but i felt shy. :sweatingbullets: now i understand what they were saying! :D aww, it was sweet of eric to be concerned about wannie's weight loss...i admit, it was pretty drastic and i hope he and hyesung will stop trying to lose weight!

and thanks, everyone, for the smokin' hot pics and all the links and info about our boys!

(seeing all these pics of minwoo and dongwan and hearing about and watching their solo perfs/activities make me so excited about sungie's 2nd jib! i can't wait!!! :D )

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Guest aindy

Some highlights from Music Space interview:

He said he always wanted to sing with Byul, always liked her voice, and found out that she's in the same company as DW so she participated in duet with DW.

Host asked how many members went solo in Shinhwa and DW said "3" and was corrected by the audience, it's "4". Minwoo, Hyesung, AND JUNJIN. DW forgot JJ.

DW asked advice from the members...asking weren't you nervous....Minwoo cracked up and "you are in trouble" and that it's really nerve wrecking and it's different than being on stage as Shinhwa.

Andy told him not to do solo album (I guess because music industry is not doing so well) but when members all came together and participated in his album.

Eric after looking at DW's album jacket called DW to meet him because he felt DW lost too much weight and wanted to see him himself. DW told Eric he won't drink because he is recording but will have some fruits. Eric told DW that he looks like "skinny bum (begger/homeless)"! LOL! Sounds like something Eric would say to DW!

DW thought alot of what is the image of "man" which he wanted be. It was funny because DW said, someone said, "oppa.." oooops, DW covered his mouth laughing and everyone is like "who is she?" DW said it was female who told him that "thinking about how to be a man itself is not a man". DW said being a "man" just comes natural not something you create. The he said, "I like I'm like lady-like!" LOL! He is such a goof-ball!

When asked about future plans DW said, First because he has to concentrate on his album activieis, he won't meet any girls ..... for a little while anyway.....end of the year there's plans for Shinhwa's album... so he wants to work 'tightly' on his solo activities.

tnx for these, mommie alice..

so funny about that one with Eric.. but they're all sooooo sweet~!! :wub:

those M album scans are soooo HOT~!!!

but i don't like the one with a cigarette..

tnx for sharing..

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Guest prizzyy

ah! <333 the bong looks SO HOT SO HOT SOOOO HOTT in 3rd jib <3

love his clean look <3333

wannie's forgetful =X dont let jinnie know about this! haha!

and eric's sweeeet <33

thanks for sharing malzzy and mommie alice! ^^

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