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Guest lenakeem

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Guest aindy

xmkaex tnx so much for the links..

not tired of listening to his Handkerchief performances.. it's so romantic..

first time hearing his So Sick version in full.

kinda annoyed that the one with MC Mong was not finished.. plus MC Mong always butts in with some blah blah blahs..

any kind soul with an audio/mp3 version of it?

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Guest sunnydays.

nat - Oh, i was talking about Music Tank... I didn't know he was going to be on it, so I wasn't online. x__x Gahh, i'm sorry.

angelix - Mal (is alright to call you that? ^^; ) thanks so much for the news! :D Whaaa, that gets me so excited... I really want to listen to his new style. Wow, 9 composed... i'm so proud of him. >;] I love Minwoo, he ALWAYS gives back to the fans. He's amazing.

& HYESUNGGG singing! With Group S! Kekee~ that's awesome. :D Congratulations to Park Kyung Lim. she's so cute. (:

marian - Thanks for the links. (: HIS DUET IS SO PRETTY<3 Gosh... I was about to cry... that song sounded so sad, but really sweet. D: Handkerchief, HIS STAGE PRESENCE WAS SO MUCH BETTER! :D<3 There's something about his voice, I think he's still recovering, because it sounds like he's still straining a bit more than usual to reach the high notes. x___x DONGWANNN, PLEASE GET BETTER SOON! Nevertheless, his performance was awesomee, & I LOVE LOVE LOVE his voice >w<; <3 "So Sick" -- I love the acoustic. =D His english got better, I think. He did a greaaat job. (: High part in the bridge was a BIT off, but it's alright - he was sitting downn, & it's hard to belt when you're sitting down. :D


Page owneed. >:] yay, haven't done in a long time. keke. So, I will picspam.








(credits to soompi)

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Guest Krain5

FLiPSiDE thanks for the pics!! ^_^ I love it when our boys are together like that. But where's our Andy in the bottom pic? (Maybe taking the picture)

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Guest xc_chox

i thought it was supposed to be out the 10th, but is it delayed or something because of the leak? because if it was really supposed to be out today in korea, the fans would have uploaded scans of the photo jacket in the album. i wonder what's going on...

i actually did listen to minwoo's 3rd and to be quite honest, ......... i didn't love it. his winds album was so amazing (i loved every single song on that album), so maybe that's why i was disappointed in this one, but all the songs kinda sound the same, and none have that catchy vibe that the songs from his 2nd album had. is his title song stomp? i wish he would've gone with untouchable part II instead. i like that one. i don't like listening to The 'M' Style though. the tune sorta sounds like uhm junghwa's recent "sexy" song and the chorus part sounds exactly like JT's sexyback.

i feel bad for criticizing minbong's album so much...but i am really really anxious to see the jacket photos! they're going to be ubber hott!

lol true. we all kinda forgot about ricdy. i have no idea what eric's up to since i don't keep up-to-date with him. and andy...i think he's doing absolutely nothing. i've pretty much given up on him for this summer.

awww.... i thought it wasn't as great as his second album but it's still great....

the more i listened to M's 3rd album the more i liked it

it has such a jazzy feel

i think that i like it as much as his winds album


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Guest jheizhee

hello everyone. before i ask some questions again...i just wanna comment on the pics above. everytime i see their "looks" before...it just reminds me how much they've changed....the hair...gosh hehe...especially junjin...it looks like he touched some static object or something...its all up and everything hehe...

nehoo, first question...dongwan...has he always been wearing rosary whenever he performs?...i just noticed it during his couple performances of handkerchief...i dunno...i just find it hot...a big turn ON...:)....speaking of performance...i'm really scared for him...i know he's nervous and all...i just hope his voice doesn't break...i keep remembering the time when he had his solo performance on the shinhwa's state of the art in japan concert....dongwan oppa, fighting!

and second...andy...i saw a recent picture of him in happy together..ummm probably 10 pages back...has anyone seen it? or has the show been shown? i'd love to see our pretty andy...if anyone has clips of it, could you post them here.....thanks...

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Guest nutzie

er.. about the rosary thing, i never noticed ^^" so i don't know either.. as for andy's happy together, i think yes, it was aired.. i saw andy cuts on youtube.. hold on lemme find that for you..



andy [seriously] looks the best amongst the she-men.. he just looks like a super flat-chested, rather bulky girl.. pms.. just see it for yourself.. i almost fell off my chair.. andy's tricks are super funny..

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Guest jeabie


I'm a new member from Thailand. Thank you for all of your posted about my darling. (5555)

Hope more and more ppl. love Shinhwa like me and all of you.

Ah!! for next 2 week, I'll go to Korea. Pls, pray for me to get a chance to met one of them(Shinhwa).


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Guest noona13

is it true that eric's going to the army next year? oh no.... i thought he'd be exempted since he hurt himself in the accident.... :(

jeabie - hi there! i'm new here too....enjoy your trip to korea! hope you get to meet the boys :)


I'm a new member from Thailand. Thank you for all of your posted about my darling. (5555)

Hope more and more ppl. love Shinhwa like me and all of you.

Ah!! for next 2 week, I'll go to Korea. Pls, pray for me to get a chance to met one of them(Shinhwa).


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Guest nurkeyandie

hi, peeps (especially to those new to this thread, like me!)!

nat, thanks for the links... :lol: park myung soo's bangs and that star barrette he had on - nearly killed me! and yes, andy's pretty (edit: and is it just me or did andy really call mc yoo "unnie" in the first clip, when mc yoo distracted him when he was singing? hahaha!). :lol:

jheizhee, i also notice the rosary (rosaries, actually, he has a white one and a black one, but i think the black one only looks like a rosary coz it doesn't have all the beads) that's always part of wannie's get up these days. wannie looks totally hot but i kinda feel skittish about him wearing the rosary (isn't it inappropriate? at least that's what i learned in sunday school)...i'm not bashing at all, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable...

jeabie, have fun in korea! i really hope you get to see shinhwa there (and if you do, pls tell us about it)!

riz, thanks for the pics...sungie's hair! hahahaha! :lol:

mei, i think all the shinhwa boys have been seriously injured before so if injury is a basis for exemption then they could all be exempted? not sure though. i think they're all still going anyway as they want to fulfill their duty. if and when they do go, i'm sure we'll all be patiently waiting for them to come back.:)

edit: my 50th post in soompi and of course it's on this thread! :D

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Guest loving_D

aww why don't you like minbong's album T.T haha[nah kidding its ok ^^]

i think minbong's album has a heavy touch of r&b and it's even jazz-infused this time round...if you note his progress from ist jib til this one..

his music style has been evolving and i think that 3rd jib is starting to represent 'M - style' ..

the prev 2 albums were rather commercialized-pop i felt..and his 1st jib honestly didn't work for me :P

and he has more autonomy over this album due to experience, confidence etc so i really think that this album showcases minwoo's CURRENT taste in music..cos i think music taste is constantly changing/evolving as you grow older..

yeah, i get what you're saying. maybe im too used to the mainstream pop/rnb that he had in his 2nd album. :sweatingbullets: this is definitely his first album as a songwriter/composer (since he wrote/composed like 9 of the 12 songs). im not sure i dig his taste so much, but i do give him props for trying to write his own songs (not many artists do so today...)

his 1st jib didn't work that much for me either. i liked untouchable and bee ya from that album.

mei, i think all of the shinhwa boys have been seriously injured before so if injury is a basis for exemption then they could all be exempted? not sure though. i think they're all still going anyway as they want to fulfill their duty. if and when they do go, i'm sure we'll all be patiently waiting for them to come back.:)

yeah true. they've all been injured at some time. i don't think eric's injury will exempt him from army (although it was pretty serious). andy had quite a big spine/back injury a few months before eric had his accident. and he isn't getting exempted.

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Guest samshiku

yo just updated loads of real pics in the pic thread yesterday found in pryme's cy of minwoo's trip with him to some place..i dunno maybe one of you guys can hazard a guess? i think i saw CHINESE words?? haha

and haha JUST found this...hyesung so cute


HAHA i remember this


and how the rest of them can only laugh at his predicament


credits: bestshinhwa+pic source

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Guest sunnydays.

About the rosary thing -- actually, i've seen Eric with it on before. I remember watching a Shinhwa clip, & I saw Eric wearing a rosary around his neck. I don't exactly remember which clip, but I think it might have been from a while ago (a year ago? two years?)... anyway, I would like to say that the cross shows their Christianity (although the rosary is more Catholic). But I don't know, it could be just like a fashion thing... which might be a bit uncomfortable, yes, like what Andie said. What do you guys think? ^^;

Nat - Haha, thanks for the clips. (: Andy looks like a... MANLY girl, but he could definately pass of as a girl. LOL. When I saw Park Myung Soo, i LAUGGHED my head off XD;

Mei - Yeah, it's true Eric is going to the army. Although he did have that injury, I read somewhere that he does want to serve his country - he even gave up his US citizenship to be able to participate in the Army service. (: It's very good of him to do so, even though it will be sad for Shinhwa (especially Eric fans D: ) & fans when he goes... he's the first one out of Shinhwa to go to the army.

jeabie - Hi. (: Have fun in Korea. AND YESS, that'd be amazing if you see/meet them! :D

XH - HAHAHA. Hyesung is so weiiird.<3 Thanks for the pictures!

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Hello all~ I'm new to this thread [:

Krizza [labingtatlo] told me about this thread~

& I finally came & visit [:

haha. Eric is my fave Shinhwa member but I also love the others lovingly!

shinhwa changjo fighting! =D

I saw the CHRONICLES OF SHINHWA CHANJO and that made me love Shinhwa so much more!

They're a such a loving group of boys :D

&& I can't wait for their next album! WHEE~

*read from a post*

Eric's going to the army?

Anyway, I'm Jennifer ^^

New to this thread~

see you guys around!

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Guest angel2nyt
nehoo, first question...dongwan...has he always been wearing rosary whenever he performs?...i just noticed it during his couple performances of handkerchief...i dunno...i just find it hot...a big turn ON... :)
oh new names(i mean usernames)hello to all the newbies.. i hope you are having fun discovering(or rediscovering) shinhwathe very first pictures that fans shared in the net(in korea) of wannie was with the rosary thing..i think its because of the going-back-to-the-80s trend that is happening
*read from a post*Eric's going to the army?
yes he is..eric, wannie and minwoo is supposed to go to the army next year
i actually did listen to minwoo's 3rd and to be quite honest, ......... i didn't love it. his winds album was so amazing (i loved every single song on that album), so maybe that's why i was disappointed in this one, but all the songs kinda sound the same, and none have that catchy vibe that the songs from his 2nd album had. is his title song stomp? i wish he would've gone with untouchable part II instead. i like that one. i don't like listening to The 'M' Style though. the tune sorta sounds like uhm junghwa's recent "sexy" song and the chorus part sounds exactly like JT's sexyback.i feel bad for criticizing minbong's album so much...but i am really really anxious to see the jacket photos! they're going to be ubber hott!
really??i think its because of too much expectations..im havent heard the album yetbut oh well..and yes i LOVED (as in with capital letters) minwoo's second album
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Guest samshiku

First hour of 4th fanmeeting!!

phew! took the afternoon to do this :P

Shinhwa's 4th fanmeeting

MC: Leejihoon [haha i love the choice]

1. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt1


2. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt2

Ricsung performance! ^^ whereby after the perf eric says that sungie was the one who told eric that eric needs him to succeed lol

3. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt3

Dongwan's solo^^

4. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt4

Minwoo's solo...MUST watch his reaction AFTER the perf

5. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt5

Ricsung team up to play charades lol....

6. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt6

WanDy and MinJin's turn...

7. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt7

Punishment for charades...

8. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt8

Andy's Special - Magic show! 1st part

9. Shinhwa 4th fanmeeting pt9

Andy's Special 2nd part


the next part of the fanmeeting will be up soon...they celebrate wansung's bdae and wannie cries T.T cos apparently soon after that fanmeeting andy left...so wannie was saying that he really hopes they can be 2gether 4ever

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Guest winksassy

hi! guys :D

i just want to share an information (not sure if this is already been said) hehe ^__^

guess who recently won an award for Asia Most Fashionable Artist ???












here the link


anyway i miss Shinhwa

I'm waiting for their new album

but for now i will support their solo activities


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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver

er.. about the rosary thing, i never noticed ^^" so i don't know either.. as for andy's happy together, i think yes, it was aired.. i saw andy cuts on youtube.. hold on lemme find that for you..



andy [seriously] looks the best amongst the she-men.. he just looks like a super flat-chested, rather bulky girl.. pms.. just see it for yourself.. i almost fell off my chair.. andy's tricks are super funny..

OMO!!! that was so hillarious Andy is too funny I've seen this before it makes me laugh everytime

I watch it thankz 4 posting!


I'm a new member from Thailand. Thank you for all of your posted about my darling. (5555)

Hope more and more ppl. love Shinhwa like me and all of you.

Ah!! for next 2 week, I'll go to Korea. Pls, pray for me to get a chance to met one of them(Shinhwa).


welcome to soompi you'll definently love this thread I know I do

its really cool to see new members signing up and taking intrest in our boys

anyway post lots follow all the rules!

........*waves to new members*

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Guest Krain5

jaebie and juhjenn (Jennifer)- Hi! Welcome to the thread! Hope you have fun in Korea jaebin!!


Omo omo...(runs and cries in the corner). :tears:

But thanks winksassy for the news regarding Jinnie. I’m so proud of him. And he looked so good accepting his award. Yay Junjin!! :rolleyes:

This lifted my spirits after thinking about Eric leaving.

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