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Guest lenakeem

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Isnt' Minwoo the one who wanted to have a concert/show in MGM in Las Vegas? If so, doesn't he have to promote in US if he releasing album in US? I hope his dream comes true and he get to perform in MGM.

Hmmm, don't remember if I gave my sister copy of M's CD. If I didn't I guess I have to convince her to like M so that she can take me to Las Vegas (just in case M has concert there!) LOL!

I did tell you guys she likes Hyesung's CD alot and that she took it to work to listen to it in her office? She told me she liked Shinhwa's music better because it's more mellow than Bi or Se7en. Geez, she is becoming an old fart! LOL! She is attending operas, classical concert, and etc.....(these music put me to sleep!) LOL!


Due to the opening of music company "M Rising", Lee Minwoo has become a music producer and will act as a composer in Kim Dongwan's first album making.

Lee Minwoo joined the M Rising opening ceremony on 7th. He and CJ Music signed an album contract, and M's 3rd jib will be scheduled to be released in June, and he will formally enter the American market.

Credits: My Daily (source), nuriko126@bestshinhwa (cn translation), cognizantfire@angelicalharmony (eng translation), angelicalharmony, cognizantfire@shinhwachangjo, shinhwachangjo

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Guest PalmPanda

it's called beautiful sunday. andy was an MC on it for awhile. as for jung ryeo won, you probably got those pics from jahye because she circled ryeowon's head...there was this theory in the andy thread that she had a little crush on andy in the old days. and we were curious about their friendship. so yeah, theres WonDy for you. they're just good friends, i believe. and we found out that they're pretty close.

Thanx for the info Angie. I've only seen a few eps with Andy where he showed his super strength but I never knew Ryeo Won was on too. I only heard that she had a thing for Andy coz a friend asked me to look for banjun with WonDy in it. She wanted to see their chemistry. :P I thought she was pretty until I heard the rumor she had a thing for Andy and she used to date Jinnie, lol. Nah, I still think she's pretty but she acts too feminine for my liking. :huh:

you can watch some beautiful sunday clips here.


Thank you soooo much Robotic!!! I've never seen these before! And thank God it's not youtube coz my country still can't watch youtube. :( Gah! I'm gonna go spazz over some Shinhwa goodness now!

I managed to buy this DVD from eclickkorea last time but I'm not sure if it's still available. I hope you can find it soon.

Thanx JC! I almost managed to buy it from eclickkorea a few months ago too but just as I was rechecking my order, I hit back to look at it again and it said 'out of stock'!!! I was so bummed coz it was out of stock the minute I was about to order it! I mailed the website and they said it just went out of order... ~~>.<~~ I'm so sad coz the package is so beautiful and the boys *ahem* men are so hot in it! My next move is going to a friend's house who has it and swipe it from her to make a copy... lol.

devylann - hahaha i don't think andy's fluent enough to have a conversation with ryeo won..

I think Andy's English is fluent enough. True, he hardly ever spoke it besides the rapping in Shinhwa's songs but the guy spent a few years in the States, went to an international school and went back and forth to visit his family. I'm sure somewhere along the way his English must have improved. :sweatingbullets: Plus... judging from the little bit of English he spoke in the Old School radio show he was on with Min Woo, I think his accent is almost flawless and totally sexy!!! And when he spoke English in overseas concerts his English was perfectly fine. Then again, I might be biased coz I'm head over heels in love with the guy! :wub:

mommie alice - i knoww!! it's kinda old, but the happy together episode, where they're playing the platter game thingy.. my friend was laughing her head off when i showed her that, and she even told me to show our other friends too.. i have it with english sub, so i can send it to you if you want.. pm me okie? there are also banjun dramas, that is, if your sister likes watching dramas.. there's ya shim man man too..

LOL, that totally reminds me! I cracked up so hard when I was watching that. So I'd second the X-Man and Love Letter eps coz no one can help falling for them after watching those two shows. Happy Together is always hilarious and another one that never fails to crack me up is Heroine 5. If only I can understand the drama part at the end. It seemed hysterical! :lol:

From KBS Global 08.05.07

Singer Lee Min-woo, a member of the idol band Shinhwa, will enter the U.S. market with his 3rd regular album.

My GOD!!! That's is amazing news!!! I got goosebumps just reading it and imagining him performing at Madison Square Garden or sth! But it got me thinking though, if he were to promote his solo career in the US, releasing albums and whatnot... I hate to think it will interfere with Shinhwa. :( It might be even harder to see them together when everyone is super busy with their solo activities... :tears:


OMG!!! I own a page for the first time in Shinhwa's thread!!! :w00t: I'm just gonna post my fave pix of the boys!

Incredibly hot but would be so much hotter without the cig...


A little walk down the memory lane... hehe


I don't know where I got this but it's so darn funny!


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Guest Gamecock28

I learned of Shinhwa when Eric's "Super Rookie" drama came out. Didn't really pay much attention to who they all were at the time as I was more interested in movies and dramas than K-pop music. :mellow: However, that all changed when I had to spend three weeks on my sofa after trying to blow out my knee. :( I ended up watching a lot of Korean game shows, particularly X-man, which somehow led me to YSMM. That is how I finally got to know Shinhwa, laughing my keister off at their antics. :w00t: I'll admit I still haven't heard much of their music, but I'm working on it.;) My favorite is Hyesung. I love the way he laughs.

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DongWan is MinWoo's first client? WHOOHOO!!!! Thats so cool that Minwoo is writing a song for Wannie!! I'm soo excited for this summer! O_o and MinWoo's 3rd album is actually going to be sold in the US??! June 28th is now in my calendar - totally going to go buy that cd!!!

Thanks samshiku for the pic spam! Love the Wannie gif, lol what a dork!

oh and Kelly, totally agree with you...I thought they looked like they newlyweds too and they're even in white :w00t: WanDy!!!

oh, and speaking of wedding pics, Palm where on earth did you get that last pic?! ROFL that is photoshopped right? *looks more closely* yes, yes I do believe it is....RicSyung AHAHA oil and water look so happy together lol

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You are so talented. Thank you so much for the calendar.

Do you have the page numbers in Soompi where your other calendars are located? I want to look at them again. :)

Thank you.

AS I have Promised...


DO NOT HOTLINK!!! Credits cutiepad and soompi!

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Guest xbabii_M

5/7 [news] Kim Dongwan, First Customer of M Rising

Awww~ that's so sweet! Shinhwa all the way! Wonder what song Minwoo will compose for Dongwan?? And I was confused when they said "Kim Dongwan hopes to have a song which has the same name as "Bump" from M's 2nd jib." So does that mean that Dongwan's new album will be like pop? I thought he would do more of a ballad. Anyways, can't wait for Dongwan's album. It's THIS month!!!!!! GAHHHHHH! LOL And can't wait for Minwoo's 3rd jib too. And it will be entering the US market this June?!?! Gonna tell EVERYONE in my school to get his album before school ends. LOL Hope he will have a concert in the US [with the rest of the Shinhwa members] (:

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Guest nutzie

huff just finished qss 7..

at first i was lamenting on why things turned out that way.. tae joo is like a rag doll being tossed back and forth by hyerin and joonhyuk.. brat, come to me, and i'll keep you as my rag doll ^-^v am i weird or what? i thought the last part of tae joo quitting was so hott!! he looks evil and sarcastic, but i can't help smiling the whole time O_o" okay i admit i'm weird.. but dudee, that was so hot, the way he got back at hyerin.. i want tae joo - eun soo back T-T

i soo can't wait for the next episode.. amy, if you see this, i love you!!! oh is there anyway i can get the files? i want to burn it for my aunt, since she's a k-drama freak.. hohohoho.. i can send it to her and let her watch it, so she can see the hotness of eric =P

mommie alice - i think i have the april calendar.. cos it's my birthday month and eric's on it =P

palmie - the one of andy with cigg looks kinda photoshopped.. well i'm hoping it is =P

xbabii_M [sorry, what's your name again? hahaha i have a short term memory] - i'm not sure what that line's supposed to mean either.. i thought it meant that the title of the song that M's composing for dongwan is called "bump".. no?

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You just finished QSS 7? You are almost half way done! LOL! I won't say anything about QSS since there will be some of you who are not at current episodes but QSS is not going in the direction that I expected.

Who's in April calendar? That'll be my birthday month too.

Oh and xbaii_M's name is eunyoung. I remember because her Korean name is same as mine!

ONLY 9 pages more to go before we reach 1000! Who'll own the 1000th page?

huff just finished qss 7..

at first i was lamenting on why things turned out that way.. tae joo is like a rag doll being tossed back and forth by hyerin and joonhyuk.. brat, come to me, and i'll keep you as my rag doll ^-^v am i weird or what? i thought the last part of tae joo quitting was so hott!! he looks evil and sarcastic, but i can't help smiling the whole time O_o" okay i admit i'm weird.. but dudee, that was so hot, the way he got back at hyerin.. i want tae joo - eun soo back T-T

i soo can't wait for the next episode.. amy, if you see this, i love you!!! oh is there anyway i can get the files? i want to burn it for my aunt, since she's a k-drama freak.. hohohoho.. i can send it to her and let her watch it, so she can see the hotness of eric =P

mommie alice - i think i have the april calendar.. cos it's my birthday month and eric's on it =P

palmie - the one of andy with cigg looks kinda photoshopped.. well i'm hoping it is =P

xbabii_M [sorry, what's your name again? hahaha i have a short term memory] - i'm not sure what that line's supposed to mean either.. i thought it meant that the title of the song that M's composing for dongwan is called "bump".. no?

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Guest nutzie

hahaha.. yeah i'm not there yet, cos i'm waiting for the subbed version by amy.. i can't stand not understanding anything.. with variety shows i can handle it, but drama's all about the talking.. so yeah.. i'm still lagging behind.. hahaha..

eric's in the april calendar =P perfecto for me~~ it's lynda's birthday month too..

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I am reposting this from Que Sera, Sera thread.

There is a group of supporters of Que Sera Sera and we would like to show our support for this awesome series !

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------See message from Xena below...

Ok ladies and gents; 'que sera sera' needs you!


(was that dramatic enough for y'all, I rehearsed it all night!!!)

'QSS' has managed to make me cry my richard simmons off and it's managed to totally annoy the crap out of me... The performances have made me gasp for as much air and snivel almost as much as Han Eun Soo. I've even contemplated, you know, carelessly, giving it all up and leading a life of debauchery, in following the self destructive lead of the modern anti-hero, Casanova, Romeo; Kang Tae Joo (of course, I'm kidding. But you knew that right?). The two protagonists have knocked my socks off, so I fear, it's a lost cause. I see everything they do through rose-tinted spectacles; they have been that impressively brilliant (all hail Eric Mun and Jung Yoo Mi. ~Sorry I had a moment~). And no, I am not forgetting the fabulous contributions from the ensemble cast, accomplished direction and crew *bows to them all*...

Anyway, what was my point? Ah, yes! Seeing as how it has sadistically ruled my life for several weeks in anticipation of it, I wanted to give a little back *dabs tissue to eyes* (~forgive me I had another moment!~), before I no longer care about it *ahem* lol *PEACE* =P

I want you guys to support it. I want to know what you love and hate about it. We shall be immensely tolerant with comment's people. All that we ask is that they are honest and from the heart. So if you have been going as crazy as moi, if you perceive yourself as a critic and a reviewer in the making I urge you to post and tell 'QSS' exactly what you think of it.

Sock it to QSS here:


*Thank-you javabeans*

PS folks if you need to be reminded that articulate ramblings pertaining to the drama are preferred: pauses; then *clears throat* "articulate ramblings are preferred" ...


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Guest xbabii_M

xbabii_M [sorry, what's your name again? hahaha i have a short term memory] - i'm not sure what that line's supposed to mean either.. i thought it meant that the title of the song that M's composing for dongwan is called "bump".. no?

Oh and xbaii_M's name is eunyoung. I remember because her Korean name is same as mine!

ONLY 9 pages more to go before we reach 1000! Who'll own the 1000th page?

Yup! Eunyoung. LOL (:

And wow! almost 1000 pages?!?! I hope I'll be able to leave a post on that page (: Hehehehe

And no matter what the title or genre of music Minwoo's song for Dongwan is, I know I'll love it!

And does anyone know when Hyesung and Eric's albums are coming out????

So many albums this year! Dongwan, Minwoo, Hyesung, Eric, and best of all, Shinhwa's 9th jib! Can't wait! And boy! I'm going to be broke this year!

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Anybody has problem loggin into shinhwa.biz...

i can't login.....it keeps on telling me that it is redirecting me after I logged in..but the screen I was directed to still shows me as not logged in...*confused*

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I'm in the middle of watching Star King show and I had to come here and tell you guys about 5/5/07 episode. There's 4 guys look-alike contastants (sp?) and they are look-alike of Lee Seung Ki, Cho Seung Woo, Park Ji Sung (soccer player), AND Junjin. Junjin-look alike looks nothing like Junjin so he calls himself as WHO-jin! LOL! What's so funny is each of them are showing their dance skill and Junjin-look-alike choose WILD EYES as his dance. Eventhough he looks nothing like Junjin, I was so happy to see someone imitating our boy(s)! LOL!

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Guest cutiepad

You are so talented. Thank you so much for the calendar.

Do you have the page numbers in Soompi where your other calendars are located? I want to look at them again. :)

Thank you.

Who's in April calendar? That'll be my birthday month too.

ONLY 9 pages more to go before we reach 1000! Who'll own the 1000th page?

Hi mommie alice... good to see you back...

i don't keep track of which pages of soompi the calendars are in...

however I do have a thread in shinhwa biz.. its all posted there...

Shinhwa Calendars <--- click here...

in april.. it is Eric... :D

in may .. it is Hyesung... :D

in June.. it is que sera sera.. eric and yoomi.. i love this two to death.. :rolleyes:

in july and august .. it is Andy .. :D

in sept .. it is minwoo....

i haven't decided on the following months.. who it will be.. lets see... :)

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You know what, I felt like crying after hearing that my baby has his own company...


I'm reading all these articles and I'm thinking what the duce? when did this happen? I should never leave this thread again >< There's so much that I'm missing out on!


- Minwoo's 3rd Album

- Minwoo's US (can someone explain to me in depth about this. SO HES GOING TO TRY TO ENTER THE AMERICAN MUSIC INDUSTRY!?)

- Dongwan's Solo



And there are lots of new faces usernames here! Must try to befriend everybody... what better way of making friends then SHARING!









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Guest kriza_09

ohh so many new members.. i'm sorry i wasn't there to welcome each of you..

5/7 [news] Kim Dongwan, First Customer of M Rising

From KBS Global 08.05.07

Singer Lee Min-woo, a member of the idol band Shinhwa, will enter the U.S. market with his 3rd regular album.

oh woww... 2 great news for today!!!! i was jumping and clapping when i was reading it.. lol.. well, dongwan's soon-to-be-released album isn't really new.. but the fact that it's produced by MINWOO!!!! and he's minwoo's first costumer... can he still be called a customer when he doesn't pay anything?? lol...

and the 2nd news.. minwoo will enter the US market in june???? really?? i won't put high hopes for it though.. how can it be so sudden??? bi hasn't even made his debut and his plan was already announced since feb last year..

actually, when i heard about bi and se7en's plan to enter the US market, i kinda hoped that our shinhwa boys wouldn't do the same.. i really don't like US entertainment industry.. i want them to stay in korea, do activities together as shinhwa, and just have fun.. but i guess they can't be kids forever.. i just went over their 2004 videos.. they laugh a lot.. and they laugh so happily.. i'm afraid they can't laugh like that in here.. and it's not that easy to break into us music industry.. chance of failure is really high.. you just don't expect to succeed with the first album.. ahh i dunno whether i should agree with this.. on one side i will be the proudest fan if one shinhwa member can break into the us market.. but on the other hand i just don't want that innocent smile to leave his face.. well, i'll support him for sure if he really enters the us market..

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