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Guest lenakeem

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Guest poloblue

poloblue: The song was from Shinhwa's Winter Story Album 2004-2005 track number 4. A complete information from me :P

thanks!!! i dont have that album yet, but i want to get it soon!

really can't help but stare at woodong's pics...

and not just minu's pants and caught my attention..

he's also wearing high-heeled shoes.. ^__^

HAHAHAAHHA, well we cant blame him, he is a bit short!

isn't seo ji young THE GIRL who two-timed minwoo??!!!

HUH????? i never knew some1 two timed him!!! i only heard about shin ae and him and their painful breakup.

dv - since mj already gave you the info, i'll answer the other question =P i'm not really trying to get my brother to be a fan.. it's just that recently, he became interested in korean variety shows since his friends started watching it.. and he kept on bugging me and asking whether there's something new to watch, and obviously, most of the stuff that i watch has shinhwa in it [well, it always relates to shinhwa in a way or the other anyway] of course the first one he knows was eric [duhh!! my comp wallpaper is full of eric..] and hyesung [the crab dance].. he knew minwoo and junjin by the time i showed him emergency 19, andy probably because he was in xman a lot with haha [one of my brother's friends look like haha =P] and dongwan.. i'm not sure O_o and then one day he told me to send "korean slow songs".. and you know that most of my k-pop songs are shinhwa songs right? so there goes =P

ah k! convert him! convert him!

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The first one that I've noticed from Minwoo is his heels :P Nevetheless, he looks really HOT!

I've haven't got the chance to watch Bul Sae yet but I've watched The Person I Love. Dongwan's acting skills is really good but his character in the drama is <_<. Sometimes, I just wanted to punch my computer screen. About Shin Hye Sung's 2nd jib, I hope it's not going to be delayed anymore! At first it was supposed to be out in March and the moved it to April and now it's Mid-May. I really can't wait!

I've read across this news from QSS thread. I'm surprised! I thought they would be getting engaged or married. I just hope the best for the two of them. How long have they been together? 3 yrs?

Yeah, Wannie's character really ticked me off...I wanted to beat him over the head and say what the heck are you doing??!! I hope Hye Sung's 2nd jib isn't delayed more either....it seems like we've been waiting forever for it.

i have the same query as you are way back, MJ..

is that concert the one Andy dancing to Into my Heart with a big wiggy on his head?? :lol:

I've always wondered where that pic was from :w00t: Andy looks so funny with that HUGE afro wig.

Just to quickly touch on Eric and Park Shi Yeon's breakup (or not). I'm getting confused as to whether they actually have broken up or not.. There are conflicting articles everywhere. <_< If they have broken up, I'm glad that they are still on good terms and plan on staying friends - which is not usually the case with breakups. Although it makes me a bit sad b/c I thought they would totally get engaged and married later on.

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Guest ericmania

4/27 [news] Eric Breakup Confirmed by Agency, Eric and Park Si Yeon


Park Si Yeon and lover Eric's breakup has gotten official confirmation.

Park Si Yeon's agency Lee Ya Ki Entertainment released a document on 27th, using the topic "About Park Si Yeon breaking up rumours, the stance of the agency". In the document, it said, "After confirming with Park Si Yeon, she did break up with Eric about a month ago."

Also it said, "Starting from a few months ago, because of their character difference, they had quite a few disputes, and although they had worked hard to avoid these, but it wasn't easy, so at the end they ended their lover relationship, and feel that having the relationship as oppa-dongseng in the entertainment industry will not leave a lot of harm to each other, therefore they agreed on the break up."

Lee Ya Ki Entertainment said, "Now, to relieve the pain brought to the heart because of the break up, Park Si Yeon have gone to Thailand on 26th, and is there now. After the break up, she planned to go abroad for vacation, but because of the Baeksang Entertainment Daesang, she postponed these plans." and "The time for coming back is not planned yet."

They also said, "Although Park Si Yeon continues to want to express the good image of the best couple in the entertainment industry, but she really cannot control it, so she expresses her deepest apologies."

Since Park Si Yeon and Eric started to be in a relationship as the best couple in the entertainment industry in 2005, there have continuously been breakup rumours recently.

Credits: Star News (source), jojoyu7@shinhwachina (cn translation), cognizantfire@angelicalharmony (eng translation), angelicalharmony, cognizantfire@shinhwachangjo, shinhwachangjo

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Guest kriza_09

so they really do break up????? i don't want to believe any article unless it's coming out of eric's mouth..

but if they really do break up, i hope the media doesn't make a big fuss about it..

breaking up is painful, but to be reminded of it everyday when you just want to forget the pain.. and to be obliged to explain to other people about the pain.. i couldn't even tell my close friends when i broke up.. :tears:

as much as i want to hear something from him, he should go away (from the media) for a while, take a vacation or something, and then come back to clear up everything once he's settled down.. i mean, he doesn't owe any explanation to the media.. and fans would understand him..

oh and i hope the members won't be too mean to him.. you know what, all i imagine is them having drinks and teasing him in purpose of cheering him up.. >"<

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Guest nutzie

kriza, you're right.. neither of them owes any explanation to any of us.. whether they break up or not, right now, there's no way we can find out the truth unless they voluntarily have a press conference or something.. whatever it is, i hope they're both happy and not too affected by this..

i think it's because they went public during the relationship [with what, the best celebrity couple in 2005 and whatnot] that their breakup becomes a big news..

no matter how mean the members usually are, i trust them to cheer him up, like he usually would have done when the other members are down.. afterall, he's the leader, so the members would feel obliged to cheer their leader up you know ^o^

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Guest xbabii_M

[07.04.27] Eric and PSY breakup; only a scandal?

4/27 [news] Eric Breakup Confirmed by Agency, Eric and Park Si Yeon

I'm so confused. Did they break up or not? I hope they didn't. I really liked them as a couple. But if they broke up, what can you do. I mean hopefully it was for the better. But I still hope that they are together.

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Guest theLEGEND

i have the same query as you are way back, MJ..

is that concert the one Andy dancing to Into my Heart with a big wiggy on his head?? :lol:

the song is Endless Love from their 5th album..

Yes, that's the one. Andy performed "Back To The 80's" and he looked so cute during that performance. LOL! :lol: Thank you so much for answering my question <33

Yeah, Wannie's character really ticked me off...I wanted to beat him over the head and say what the heck are you doing??!! I hope Hye Sung's 2nd jib isn't delayed more either....it seems like we've been waiting forever for it.

I've always wondered where that pic was from :w00t: Andy looks so funny with that HUGE afro wig.

I know! I just wanted to beat and ask him to come back to reality. I heard Dongwan is going to be in another drama after his solo album? I can't wait to see that drama besides JunJin's.

I really hope too that it doesn't being delayed. We've been waiting for it like for ages!

4/27 [news] Eric Breakup Confirmed by Agency, Eric and Park Si Yeon


So it's official now? I'm glad that they will remain as sister-brother relationship and it's not like a painful breakup. I wish they would still be together.

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Guest angel2nyt

Shinhwa To Get Together After 3 Months Of Solo Activities.


Shinhwa are getting together after 3 months of solo activities, to participate in a press conference for Shinhwa Sneakers.

They will be holding the conference on 23 June*, at Ilsan’s Kintex 5A Hall at 7pm. This will be the first time they appear together again as Shinhwa since the last fanmeeting in February.

The ‘Shinhwa Sneaker’ is a project under GoodEMG and TempleCode, and the sneaker is named after Shinhwa. The casual line design has attracted a lot of attention from local and foreign fans.

Gagman Choi Guk will be the MC for the lauching party, and guests stand a chance to win Shinhwa’s autographed sneaker through games and quizzes. This allows more interaction between Shinhwa and the guests, and more than 3000 consumers will be invited to the launching party.

Shinhwa said, “We really like the sneakers, and we hope that more people will get to know about this brand through this event.”

The Shinhwa Sneaker is available on templecode’s website (www.templecode.co.kr), and the Shinhwa members who are currently busy with their solo activities will get together again at the end of the year to prepare for their 9th album.

* The event was originally planned to be hold on 13 May, but it had been postponed to 23 June, due to some members’ schedule.

Credits: melxXz@ShinHwaChangJo.net (translation), jojoyu7@shinhwachina (cn translation), yonhap (source).

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Guest lexine

^^ thanks for sharing.

it's supposed to be 13 mayyy! i wish it'd be 13 mayyyy! june's like so so so far away! But I am glad they are getting together again!

And yeahh, eric and psy don't owe anyone any explanation. And I am glad they are going to be friends still! :D

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Guest sunnydays.

AWWW, YESSS, I CAN'T WAIT FOR SHINHWA TO COME TOGETHER AGAIN. (: *sigh* I miss them so much. I can't wait. It's gonna be great~<3

& about Eric.

I don't know, I truly am confused. Either way, I think I do n't want them to break up... they just seemed so good for each other, you know? Even though I love Eric & all & I want to marry him. LOLOL. (; But yeah... well, I just hope that neither of them get too hurt by it. =\

But, I don't know... I don't think I'm going to believe that they HAVE broken up until Eric says so himself.

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Guest xmkaex

there's so much news..x___X

Pictures of MinWoo & DongWan - 43rd Baek Sang Awards--WOODONG...my favorite couple! haha both of them look so handsome. lol minwoo and his aviator shades. i didn't notice he was wearing bell bottoms and heels until you gals metioned it. heck, if minwoo looks good in it, im okay with it xD

Andy's new look - haha, i think im going to have to get use to hair. i liked his hair during the 8th jib promos and stuff. he looks tired in these picture... i hope he stays healthy and get some rest.

Eric and Park Shi Yeon's break up- aww.

even though i was okay with the couple, it's sad to see them break up. i wish the best for the both of them. im glad that they still remain friends and the break-up didn't blow up or anything.

Shinhwa To Get Together After 3 Months Of Solo Activities - this is exciting! i love it when they're all together. it's like a family reunion...lol well after all, they're like brothers. i can't wait till their 9th album either, because will see more of them as a group. ^_^

Minwoo At Hi Seoul Festival-i saw some more photos of minwoo andi love his outfit. esp the hat for some reason.

i order M IInd Winds Girlfriend Edition at shinhwachango.net a few days ago [i think they're still selling some]. it comes with a cd and vcd ...^________^ can't wait till it arrives.

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Guest aindy

you are very much welcome, MJ..

so it's really official.. Eric and PSY called it quits..

i really dunno how to react..

im still grateful they are stil friends despite of their split up

thought that they'll end of to be forever till the end..

[07.04.27] [Pics] Andy In Ha Ja Go Show (Epi 29/4) Photo Sketch

No Hotlinking Allowed And Properly Credit



Credits : Sbs.co.kr + Oceans six + angelix @ Shinhwa.biz

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shinhwa together YAY! can't wait. but it was supposed to be may 13!!! but it dosent matter no more. as long as we get to see them im happy ^^ cant wait! but 1 more month. we can do it!! lol

eric and PSY break-up? like some others i won't really believe that they broke up unless they have a confrence that eric or PSY says that they broke up or not. so confusing i hope they didnt. i dont really know PSY that well though..

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Guest nutzie

aww andy's in haja go?? crap, it's tomorrow's episode >_<" i can't watch~ i still need to studyy!! andy looks so cute in pink though =P scratch that, he looks hilarious ^o^

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Guest picklypickly

Hey, this is from an episode of nonstop right? Does anyone know which one? I think andy looks like bubble gum in the haja go caps. lol. bright pink, sparkly bubble gum.


And I was reading some backlogs when you guys were talking about Junjin's banjun with BSG. heads up if y'guys know how to use torrents, I downloaded the episode from D-addicts and they were subbed too! they also had some of his other ones with BSG and even minwoo's banjun if you're interested.

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Guest nutzie

i see arm muscles!!! but his legs are so.. not tanned =X andy ahhh!! go tan your legs will ya?? summer's coming =P

ooh, there are the subbed versions there?? thanks picklypickly~ will go look for it once my exam is over =D

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