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Guest lenakeem

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Guest itz Nhari

calm down girls. let them have their fun. there is enough shinhwa love going on within this forum. :D

Seriously, I can't calm down either.

I gotta go listen to Hyesung's "벌" song...SO LOVELY

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Guest s3xyminwoo

Thank you samshiku for the pics of eric at the airport

he looks absolutely gorgeous (:

he looks so springy with his shorts LOL

in NYC it snowed and how theres like inches of snow wherever i go

anways, im suprised that there aren't crowds of fans there

probably becuase they didn't know about it

tht's good news (:

he didn't have to go through a whole lots of trouble trying to get out of the airport


the last time a owned a page, i promised that i would post pictures or something

however i wasn't able to keep my promise

therefore, this time, im going to post something that i made for them (:


--- EDIT x2 ---

this is a random one (:

just felt like doing it LOL


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Guest sunnydays.

^ I AGREE! Gahh, here in VA, it's still snowing. =__=;; For goodness sake, it's already March... yeah, I was surprised to see not a lot of people crowding around him. (: Haha, but he looks so disguised though! Rawwrr, I wanna be able to wear shorts outside like Eric. T__T; LMAO.

riz - if shinhwa members come here and read our posts, wouldn't eric know our plan of kidnapping him then? so 2 things that he's gonna do, run away from us in fear of getting caught, or surrender himself willingly.. i'd like to think it's the 2nd one =P

oops.. i think i commited the krizza O_o"

LMAO. He's SO gonna surrender himself willingly. (; Besides, even if he does run away, we'll prolly be able to track him down. LMAOO. See, right now, we know he's in Singapore. >:]

just posted more pics! on the shinhwa pics thread

--> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=5246934

its like a habit now haha..really quite the collection thread..i was looking back all 22 pgs the other day and laughing again to myself...lol

Thank you so so much. (: Going to the Shinhwa pics thread makes me so happy all the time. <3 I really appreciate all you've done. >w<;


OMGGGGGGGGG T_____________T I WANNA GO SEE ERIC! OMG... the beach, huh? Wow... (; *sigh* Thinking about the beach, I really wish it's summer already. =( Mangg, I wanna see Eric! LOL. I hope he's doing well. >w<;


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^ OMG thanks so much for the news!! ahhh cant wait until the subs come out ^^

LOL omg too bad i dont live in SG -sigh- or id definatly go stalk eric XDDDD. cuz my friend lives in cali. i told her to go to eric's parents and say hi and introduce herself and say shes a great friend of eric's lol! for some reason eric looks funny and cute with those shorts lol hehe. i smiled when i saw him wearing shorts =P

btw i posted some pictures at the picture thread go check them out. http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...6178&st=420

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Guest susymoon

hi,can you guys help me?i need to get junjin mv´s/clips specially dancing and funny ones and not from youtube or clubbox please

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Guest nutzie

xh - hukkk!! he's in sentosa??? rawrr.. can you imagine him wearing a bikini?? yummmm~~ okay maybe not -__-" he'll just look silly..

missy2006 - hahaha i think it's more of mission impossible *MI music cue!!* and then you see a hoard of fans crowding behind a tiny bush, with eric 1 yard away.. somebody disguising as a crab [hyesung??] shuffling by quickly with a camera in claw.. eric caught a glance of the crab and turned quickly cos he thought it was hyesung and smiled =P he comes and pats the crab, and in a slow motion, you see the hoard of fans running from behind the bush and abducting him with a rice sack and in just a second, the que sera sera filming crew can't find him anymore.. next morning's newspaper and tv news headline : "top star eric mun abducted while filming in singapore" and in a land far far away, eric nutzie linh and riz are enjoying themselves *wink wink* [end of story]

guys, even though it's so tempting to get worked up over such polls, we also have to keep in mind that these are not official polls, and they're not objective anyways, so why bother spending your time and energy going there? let's just have fun here and spazz over shinhwa =P

streetpunks - because the message was left only 2 hours before him leaving.. it's kinda a hush hush thing, but if you're in singapore, you now know.. so stalk him!!!!

goshh.. he looks so hot in just shorts and sandals.. he will blend in well in singapore, except for his height and his aura =P in sentosa, he's gonna compete with the sun on who's brighter =P i think those 2 girls at the last 2 pictures are stalking him.. or are they part of the crew? =P

riz - it's not snowing here anymore~~ but it's still cold -__-" what do you think about my mission impossible: eric story? hahahaha.. i have too wild of an imagination =X

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Guest Rowane


you may have already heard about this or if not you've probably noticed some of the changes taking place...

a copyright law was recently revised by the korean government because of the pressure from the major broadcasting companies (SBS/KBS/MBC). the companies have already begun taking action against clubbox owners. as a result of this, many clubbox owners have deleted their clubbox, deleted their files, or increased the security on those who visit their clubbox.

so you've probably noticed that these changes are reflected in this thread. many files are unavailable for download (ex. LQ Jumong EP 81) and the quality of some of the files has gone down.

the enforcement of these laws are supposed to get even stricter in the coming weeks. on April 16, 2007, broadcasting companies will not be limited to sue for sharing video files but also music, pictures, scans, lyrics and captures. from the information i've read, each infrigment is supposed to result in a $1500 fine.

how does this affect us? since most of us live outside of korea, i doubt that we are at much of a risk to any legal issues. however, it is still a risk. it will also be more difficult for files to be uploaded since they can't be found on clubbox. so uploaders, please be aware of the risk you are taking when you upload. downloaders, please be respectful.

if the enforcement continues, please be aware that this thread may be closed.

credits: http://arashi.vox.com/library/post/oh-my-5.html


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Guest Jennie

FLiPSiDE: You live in VA also? Me too. Friday was really cold and snowy. Oh once again, thanks for the clip you send to me. Although I saw it already, BUT, I was glad that I get to see the clips in HQ, the one that I had before you gave to me was normal, not HQ.

Eric: When I saw in him in flip flops, I want to head to a place where its warm, so I myself can where flip flops also. It doesn't have to be in Singapore, but somewhere I can get away with the cold weather. <_<

itz Nhari: Yeah, listening to Hyesung's music is the best way to cure everything. Rather if you are sad, mad, sick, tired, happy, etc. Hyesung's voice and music, is the best dose of medicine. Hopefully, you are happy now?

Final Note: Since Hyesung's 2nd album is now push back, does that mean, I have to reset my so call "Countdown clock to Hyesung' 2nd album" from March 23, 2007 to somewhere in April? :blush:

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Guest kriza_09

guys, i need your help... >"<

i'm preparing something for shinhwa 9th year birthday.. at first i made this in dedication to all shinhwa fans.. so i was just focusing on their friendship alone.. then i thought i might as well use this chance to introduce the real shinhwa to nonfans.. who knows if my work can turn some people into shinhwa fans.. ^^ so i added the important events they went through since debut that also show their friendship...

now my question is... if i want to attract people to be shinhwa fans, i should let them know the whole shinhwa personalities, shouldn't i? like all the hard times they went through.. the accidents.. how hard working and down to earth they are.. etc.. coz i think people who don't know shinhwa that well, would only think that shinhwa is a group with strong friendship that always have fun, joke around, and didn't go through too much hardship.. that's what i thought after watching all shinhwa videos on youtube.. i'm glad i chose to take the time to read those old articles about them and found out that they are really...beyond words. so i want to make something that would be more informative rather than only giving sweet reminiscence.. but then if i include those, i'm worried people will be bored... so what should i do?

please consider these 3 groups of audience:

1. fans

2. non shinhwa fans, but kpop fans - so they should already know about shinhwa from tvshows etc, this might include fans of other artists who also like shinhwa bcoz they're dorks/funny/etc..

3. non kpop fans - this is the one i'm most worried about.. i have to make it as attractive as possible and at the same time it also has to be informative since they don't really know anything..

what do you think?? which one is better for which group??

please pm me about ur thoughts.. thank you..

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I've been thinking, its well known that Minwoo and Junjin are "the dancers" of the group, if those two were to battle for bragging rights/pride for THE dancer of the group who would "stomp the yard" and who would "get served"?

All (constructive and positive) comments are welcome. My guess theres only one way to find out.

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Guest xuann

xh - hukkk!! he's in sentosa??? rawrr.. can you imagine him wearing a bikini?? yummmm~~ okay maybe not -__-" he'll just look silly..

missy2006 - hahaha i think it's more of mission impossible *MI music cue!!* and then you see a hoard of fans crowding behind a tiny bush, with eric 1 yard away.. somebody disguising as a crab [hyesung??] shuffling by quickly with a camera in claw.. eric caught a glance of the crab and turned quickly cos he thought it was hyesung and smiled =P he comes and pats the crab, and in a slow motion, you see the hoard of fans running from behind the bush and abducting him with a rice sack and in just a second, the que sera sera filming crew can't find him anymore.. next morning's newspaper and tv news headline : "top star eric mun abducted while filming in singapore" and in a land far far away, eric nutzie linh and riz are enjoying themselves *wink wink* [end of story]

guys, even though it's so tempting to get worked up over such polls, we also have to keep in mind that these are not official polls, and they're not objective anyways, so why bother spending your time and energy going there? let's just have fun here and spazz over shinhwa =P

streetpunks - because the message was left only 2 hours before him leaving.. it's kinda a hush hush thing, but if you're in singapore, you now know.. so stalk him!!!!

goshh.. he looks so hot in just shorts and sandals.. he will blend in well in singapore, except for his height and his aura =P in sentosa, he's gonna compete with the sun on who's brighter =P i think those 2 girls at the last 2 pictures are stalking him.. or are they part of the crew? =P

riz - it's not snowing here anymore~~ but it's still cold -__-" what do you think about my mission impossible: eric story? hahahaha.. i have too wild of an imagination =X

Haha.. It's gotta be his aura man. His height's pretty ok here... Haha. I wonder if he'll still be here tmr so that i can stalk him. i'm too busy today.

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Guest nutzie

hahaha.. well, i thought of my guy friends, and they're short compared to eric.. so his height might stand out also =P and of course, his face *yumm* i think the filming might take a couple of days, so just pray that he'll still be there tomorrow..

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Guest nutzie

no they're not.. hahaha.. they were in japan like, a month ago? eric's currently somewhere in singapore [reportedly sentosa] for que sera sera filming.. the rest should be in korea..

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Guest aindy

Me too. Freakin ay!!!!

AHHHHHHHH. I don't want to come to Soompi anymore.

It annoys me too much..

im not surprised..

another useless topic..

who's better and who's not..

it's your choice if you want to vote or not..

they have their own talents and vocals when it comes to singing..

but just like missy2006 said, there's enough Shinhwa lovin' here..

not just enough... it flows!! :)

itz Nhari, what a coincidence!!

Lover is played right now here in my player..

s3xyminwoo,love the pics.. thanks for sharing!!

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streetpunks - because the message was left only 2 hours before him leaving.. it's kinda a hush hush thing, but if you're in singapore, you now know.. so stalk him!!!!

goshh.. he looks so hot in just shorts and sandals.. he will blend in well in singapore, except for his height and his aura =P in sentosa, he's gonna compete with the sun on who's brighter =P i think those 2 girls at the last 2 pictures are stalking him.. or are they part of the crew? =P

riz - it's not snowing here anymore~~ but it's still cold -__-" what do you think about my mission impossible: eric story? hahahaha.. i have too wild of an imagination =X

Yea i am in Sg but I have no time and I am so sad!!!!

How i wish i was there with the other girls in Sentosa

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Guest nutzie

i'm back to do my spoilers again~~

andy looks choo kyoote again.. he has ribbon as tie =X oh ji hyun mentioned something about eric, but i don't know what.. he was asked something about his height and that's when he mentioned eric.. i think he did O_o" oh ji hyun makes andy his rival.. hahaha.. reminds me of pms and eric rivalry.. eru kangin andy all attacked him back =P bweee lee team lost [andy's in lee team] because of eru =( andy's 9th.. hahahaha andy and haha dancing~~ so cuteee~~ [by the way, the topic is, don't know why, this person is famous because of his/her looks]

andy vs haha sam haeng shi.. english battle.. but andy lost =( haha said something about mc yoo, park myung soo and kang hodong.. looks like every one's playing sam haeng shi today..

kim jae woo and baek bo ram performed and got 7 points.. suju performed as whacked up teletubbies.. hahaha.. ai my tummy hurts.. [they got 5 points] oh ji hyun is performing.. whoaaa he carried kang ho dong O_o he got 4.. i think today's judges are lenient.. solbi is performing magic with choi hyun woo [i think?] it looks painful >_<" what the hell.. they got no score??

anyways.. lee team wins in the end [yayeee] .. the xman is oh ji hyun..

end of report, brought to you by nutzie!! see you again same time same place next week!! annyeong~!!

edit -

ooh, i finished the 1st episode of dongwan's drama.. i love his car~~ it's soo cutee!! it's the type of car that i want [because i'm tiny short] han eun jung-dongwan couple is so cutee!! but i'm scared of what will come next.. just because i know he's gonna turn evil >_<" nooo~~

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