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Guest lenakeem

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13/3 [news] Shinhwa to receive Japan Golden disc "best asia artist" award

yay! Congrats to Shinhwa!!

im so proud of them..

they really deserve all of these for their hardwork and undying love for their fans & for themselves too.

im so happy!!

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Guest moon-soon

yeyow poh... i look through the posts and i saw dongwan's pics and i just KNOW my sister is going to be crazy when she sees it...

ate ai: haha... we are finished practicing..!!!! just the recording...!!! woooo!!! i couldnt wait to record!!! but please... when you hear us sing... dont laugh at my voice!!! because i know its not soooo gooood!!!

but... i want to share that when my classmate and i had a fight she said... "Shinhwa ai ugly! why do you even like them?? they are sooo dumb!!!" Nd i replied "NEVER insult Shinhwa ever again...!!! insult me but don't you ever insult shinhwa!!! " i said in top of my lungs just then my teacher went inside and our teacher said "your right JOey... dont ever dare to insult shinhwa" she was crushed!!! dont think of me as evil but its just that i dont want them to insult shinhwa... i hate it!!!

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Guest samshiku

DOngwan looks so marriageable!! aww but i do miss his sunshine smile...

he gets very involved in the emotional state of his character huh...


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Guest aindy

Yay! Coolsmurf just posted Lee Ji Hoon's performance on the new X-Man featuring our Andy!

I almost died laughing at the end! Andy is indeed suave! :D

Lee Ji Hoon's star battle featuring Andy

God I love his sense of humor! :)

i was laughing the whole time while watching this..

thanks a bunch for sharing, palmpanda..

Andy is so cute in here.. but he kinda lost some weight..

congrats to Shinhwa!!

they truly deserve it... so proud of them.. :)

joey, of course i won't laugh :lol: i don't have a good voice either..

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Guest prizzyy

our teacher said "your right JOey... dont ever dare to insult shinhwa"

omg your teacher's so cool!!! =D

my teacher would just dismiss it as kiddy sqabbling~

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Guest qaxlod

<embed pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' src='http://dory.mncast.com/mncHMovie.swf?movieID=10007600820070304213230&skinNum=1' width='420' height='374' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'></embed>

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Yay! Coolsmurf just posted Lee Ji Hoon's performance on the new X-Man featuring our Andy!

I almost died laughing at the end! Andy is indeed suave! :D

Lee Ji Hoon's star battle featuring Andy

God I love his sense of humor! :)

AHAHAHA, hilarity ensues - I laughed so hard! I love Andy's new haircut...but he does look a bit thinner huh

^ ginnie, u can use JASC software or Adobe Image Ready to make gifs :)

13/3 [news] Shinhwa to receive Japan Golden disc "best asia artist" award

Congrats to my boys!!!!! They deserve it!! :lol:

Now...to address Dongwan's wedding pics - *falls off bed and dies* I wanna marry him!!

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Guest PalmPanda

but... i want to share that when my classmate and i had a fight she said... "Shinhwa ai ugly! why do you even like them?? they are sooo dumb!!!" Nd i replied "NEVER insult Shinhwa ever again...!!! insult me but don't you ever insult shinhwa!!! " i said in top of my lungs just then my teacher went inside and our teacher said "your right JOey... dont ever dare to insult shinhwa" she was crushed!!! dont think of me as evil but its just that i dont want them to insult shinhwa... i hate it!!!

Lol, that's kinda like my friend's reaction when I told her I love Shinhwa too. She's a fan of TVXQ so when I told her I'm in love with Shinhwa she was like... "Why??? They're so old!!!" I just said "They're only 5 years older! If they're old, then we're both old! Besides, they're not old, they're mature and experienced!" ;)

Then last night, I showed Love Letter to my sister coz she wanted to know what the show's like. I've been raving about the Shinhwa boys like how funny, random and hot they are. I was glad that she laughed so hard. Then all of the sudden she asked, "Is Junjin gay? He looks so effeminate. How come he's so girly?" :blink: I was like "Junjin??? GAY??? Out of all people, you think Junjin is GAY? He's like the toughest, coolest macho man there is!!! If Junjin is effeminate, then the entire male population must be gay!" :huh: I guess she just saw his cute dance or actions and mistook them for being girly. I felt like smacking her head but she's my unnie so I can't. :sweatingbullets:

My sister was actually a fan of Shinhwa way before me but then she fell under the spell of TVXQ. (No bashing here, I'm also a fan of TVXQ but I just prefer Shinhwa. ^_^) I'm glad I showed it to her coz now she's drooling over Eric again and finally understands why I love Andy so much. :P

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Guest samshiku

haha i guess girls prefer DBSK bcos of their age...

well that's ok! cos i love them for who they are anyway...i like the fact that they are mature men who already

have gone through the rough young adulthood of their lives...^^

they really do age beautifully...

in fact, back in 2000-2001 when they were the hottest thing on mtv and i remember seeing 6 ahem* ugly boys [lol!] and i'll switch the channel promptly. i have only a vague impression of a disgusting purple-haired boy and that's it. i was thinking 'my BSB is better^^'....and now i officially love the purple haired boy the most..irony of life lol

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Guest sunnydays.

hello! haha im in a good mood today so i guess i'll join this BIG soompi shinhwa family <33

i bet there are quite a few people i know too~ =/

oh, im prizzyy from s-shinhwasarang btw! you might have seen my name when mal posts some articles..

nice to meet you! =D

Hi! (: Welcome to our awesome Shinhwa family~~ :D I visit s-shinhwasarang, but not too often... x__x;; I should keep going there, but I keep forgetting. Oh well LOL<3

Anywayy, yeah, welcome! Nice to meet you~ (:

14/3 [news] Dongwan's filming for Wedding scene in Person I Love



& woww, the girl's dress is so pretty T___T;;

The pictures look real... Dongwan really looks like he's getting married. So handsome *___* Well, he's handsome anytime, so =P LOL ~ Gosh, I looove his smile. (: Haha, I still gotta watch his drama. Dongwannn<3 I haven't been in Dongwan-mode for a while, hopefully I'll be in it soon, I miss that guy. Haha! XD;

Thanks so much for the pictures. (:

haha i guess girls prefer DBSK bcos of their age...

well that's ok! cos i love them for who they are anyway...i like the fact that they are mature men who already

have gone through the rough young adulthood of their lives...^^

they really do age beautifully...

in fact, back in 2000-2001 when they were the hottest thing on mtv and i remember seeing 6 ahem* ugly boys [lol!] and i'll switch the channel promptly. i have only a vague impression of a disgusting purple-haired boy and that's it. i was thinking 'my BSB is better^^'....and now i officially love the purple haired boy the most..irony of life lol

I AGREE! They do age beautifully. (: I remember back when I didn't know Shinhwa & I was just starting to like Kpop, my friend sent me a bunch of videos... a couple of them were Shinhwa (the suck&blow game, Hyesung's high kick & Minbong's attempt at the high kick, & also when they were in egg costumes), & I remember thinking to myself, "Why do they look weird O__O that guy has too long hair..." LOL & like, a couple years laterr, the guy with the long hair turned out to be Eric (how ironic! XD) & those "weird-looking guys" turned out to be so freaking handsome.

Haha, it definately is ironic, samshiku!XD

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Guest nutzie

i've just finished watching new xman #2 [why? cos they just came out with the subs =P] well, i have something to say.. KYAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~

do you guys know that both andy and junjin performed? but they performed separately.. as usual, junjin's performance was a powerful dance.. of course it's good, but it's expected isn't it? anyways, he's got 4 =P which is good, considering the judges were pretty sucky -__- but andy's performance shocked the hell out of me.. he performed a serious dance~!!! kyaaaa!! my eyes went O_O and i was covering my mouth the whole time cos i was so shocked.. well, he may not dance as good as junjin, but at least he tried, and he looks so cool~!!! i'm gonna watch that performance again =P he danced to "my love" but i think he brought "sexy back" =P ew, that's just cheesy.. he got 3 =(

you know what i just realized though? junjin got 4 and andy got 3.. but when they performed together they got 7 =P

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^ omg lol! nuuuu i must not read it xD i wanna see the x-man with subs * goes to download it* *tries to not read spoiler* =P

Lol, that's kinda like my friend's reaction when I told her I love Shinhwa too. She's a fan of TVXQ so when I told her I'm in love with Shinhwa she was like... "Why??? They're so old!!!" I just said "They're only 5 years older! If they're old, then we're both old! Besides, they're not old, they're mature and experienced!" ;)

Then last night, I showed Love Letter to my sister coz she wanted to know what the show's like. I've been raving about the Shinhwa boys like how funny, random and hot they are. I was glad that she laughed so hard. Then all of the sudden she asked, "Is Junjin gay? He looks so effeminate. How come he's so girly?" :blink: I was like "Junjin??? GAY??? Out of all people, you think Junjin is GAY? He's like the toughest, coolest macho man there is!!! If Junjin is effeminate, then the entire male population must be gay!" :huh: I guess she just saw his cute dance or actions and mistook them for being girly. I felt like smacking her head but she's my unnie so I can't. :sweatingbullets:

My sister was actually a fan of Shinhwa way before me but then she fell under the spell of TVXQ. (No bashing here, I'm also a fan of TVXQ but I just prefer Shinhwa. ^_^) I'm glad I showed it to her coz now she's drooling over Eric again and finally understands why I love Andy so much. :P

omg lol ! wow thats funny how she thinks junjin is gay xD i loved what u said to ur sister haha way to go! =P and yes out of all the shinhwa members she says junjin is gay o.o and yes he's macho and tough and cool. i used to not like jinnie cuz he seemed cold but now i love him too ^^ hehe especially jindy lol haha

OMMMMGGG! dongwannnn ahhhh hes sho hot in those pictures -drool- jun eun's pretty in that dress too. im jealous of jung eun T___T who else is?

HAPPY PI DAY EVERYONE! i didnt have pi day today but in class we did eat cake -___- i want some pie! lol haha

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Guest nutzie

palm - actually, my brother's case is quite the opposite.. he thinks that junjin's cool.. pssh, he even clapped after watching junjin dancing for the couple selection of xman germany special.. see the power of my shinhwa lovingness? =P he's amused by junjin's attacks in dangyunhaji too O_o

naomi - sorryyy~~ but i just had to spazz, cos there's no other place i can spazz in.. go go watch it!! recommended =P

joyce - i think it's already 15th there right? HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY~!!! *gives a huge box with dongwan hidden inside =P*

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Guest kriza_09

13/3 [news] Shinhwa to receive Japan Golden disc "best asia artist" award

i haven't slept since yesterday and i was so tired and sleepy but then i read this and now i'm awakeee!!!!!!! lol..

congratz to shinhwa!!!! you guys made my day!! ^^

13/3 [Trans} Shinhwa White Day message to legend (Pic)

jinnie's msg is so long!!! ^^

to shinhwa and shinhwa changjo!!!!

HAPPY WHITE DAY!!!!!!! March 14!!!


hope you get to eat a lot of pie today.... and hope you get my joke.. i know it's lame.. lol.

Oh.. by the way you're looking for Shinhwa 5th fanmeeting pictures right? I'll try to make some screencaps and I'll post it here. I'll try my best to post them as soon as possible.. =D

umm.. actually.. i believe i was the one requesting for 5th fanmeeting pics??? or did nutzie also ask the same thing???

Isn't it great news that Shinhwa won the award and DW's rating going up!

If you haven't seen his drama yet, you guys should really check it out. It's getting sooooooo GOOD!

yeah it's really good.. but i always tear up every time they show dongwan's face... >"<

argghhhhh... everytime i watch one episode, i have to watch a lot of shinhwa videos to remind me it's not the real dongwan..lol..

haha i guess girls prefer DBSK bcos of their age...

in fact, back in 2000-2001 when they were the hottest thing on mtv and i remember seeing 6 ahem* ugly boys [lol!] and i'll switch the channel promptly. i have only a vague impression of a disgusting purple-haired boy and that's it. i was thinking 'my BSB is better^^'....and now i officially love the purple haired boy the most..irony of life lol

me too!!! i bought a vcd of their old MVs back in 2002... i thought their dance was really awesome.. but i didn't bother about the members at all.. at 1 vid i stopped to think 'hey i thought they have 6 ppl in the group???? oh well...' *shrugs* and when my mom said korean guys are good looking, i said no they're not and they have the weirdest hairstyle on earth.. the MVs that left the most impression to me was YO! and all your dreams... and yes i did notice the colorful haired short guy... i thought they're like rascals or punk wannabe... MVs don't tell much about their personalities.. =(

but hey even though i tried to get away from them, in the end i came back to them again!!! ^^

i just finished eric's drama *thanx to crystalis* ahh i love eric-juyeon!! they're so cuteeeeeee... i'm gonna miss them..

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Guest leeweng

i was laughing the whole time while watching this..

thanks a bunch for sharing, palmpanda..

Andy is so cute in here.. but he kinda lost some weight..

congrats to Shinhwa!!

they truly deserve it... so proud of them.. :)

[b]joey, of course i won't laugh :lol: i don't have a good voice either..

pninchme!pinchme! he's such adorable while watching this!tnx aindy shi!!


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Guest nutzie

kriza - i think it was you who asked, but it doesn't matter anyways, cos mj's gonna share it here, and everybody gets to ogle at them =P hahaha.. where the hell do you get so many pi numbers from?? i didn't know it was pi day until i saw it on newspaper today.. hmm.. white day should be yummy though O_o" especially if it's spent with shinhwa guys.. kyaaaa~~~ *imagination runs wild* hahaha.. actually, their style isn't as wild as j-rock groups.. and maybe because i went from j-rock [to j-pop] and finally k-pop, i didn't find their style too crazy or anything.. although, i have to say, compared to now, their styles back then were quite bizarre, with the silver/gold overalls [hae gyul sa] or the painted face thingies.. dongwan's painted face was scary >_<" but compared to now... hahahaha actually that makes me want to laugh =P

i want to watch KSA too~ should i make an account specially for that? [i don't have a youtube account =X although i make daily trips to youtube] but i want to watch it badlyyy!!! *cries* i'll make one just for amy =P or steal my bro's account.. hahahaha *i'm so evil*

please ignore this post.. i'm not in my sane mind..


katelin - so far, there's no info on when exactly the 9th album is going to be released, but it's around fall [or so they said]

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lalarips - Hey prizzyy! *waves* Welcome to soompi :) Really appreciates all those articles you translate for us ^^

i just finished eric's drama *thanx to crystalis* ahh i love eric-juyeon!! they're so cuteeeeeee... i'm gonna miss them..

^ Happy white day to you too ^^

I know, weren't they the cutest? I 'm glad there wasn't any cry my eyes out scenes...they do tend to get a bit boring lolz

The ending was a bit corny, but I liked it way :)

And the NGs at the end...it looked like Eric was so much fun to film with. He's always making the crew laugh with his little actions. It seems no one is immune to his dorkiness :rolleyes:

It was too bad that the ratings weren't very high. I blame it on episodes where they tried to developed some kind of relationship between kang team leader and ju yeon rather than our Eric...it made the show feel kinda slow. The rest was pretty exciting though....especially the last two eps. It's probably the only drama that ends their last few eps that way lolz

i want to watch KSA too~ should i make an account specially for that? [i don't have a youtube account =X although i make daily trips to youtube] but i want to watch it badlyyy!!! *cries* i'll make one just for amy =P or steal my bro's account.. hahahaha *i'm so evil*

please ignore this post.. i'm not in my sane mind..

^ lolz

Don't steal your poor brother's account. I made another account for someone else who couldn't view KSA videos no matter how many times I added as a friend. :sweatingbullets: So you can use it too ^^

username: crytss

password: pseudo

Your comment about jrock>jpop>kpop ...haha, I'm the same so ShinHwa's hair and makeup didn't seem too weird to me either. I just figured they were like the jrock/jpop boys who have awesome personalities despite their mvs lolz


On another note....considering I haven't posted any new ShinHwa pics and stuff lately (shame on me)....one of my photobuckets seems to have miraculously ran out of bandwidth :blink:

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Guest xmkaex

^ thanks for uploading and subbing KSA too. i really enjoyed the drama. ^_^

^ ginnie, u can use JASC software or Adobe Image Ready to make gifs :)

13/3 [news] Shinhwa to receive Japan Golden disc "best asia artist" award


On the 13th march, 6pm, Shinhwa will receive the award "BEST ASIA ARTIST" at the 21st Japan Golden Disc Award Cemerony.

Japan gold disc is the same as Korea Golden disc which is based on albums sales and internet download to choose the winner.

Shinhwa release their first single album <Suns in our hearts> and their first album <Inspiration#1> in Japan last year, their album sales was close to 10 thousand which win them the Best Asia Artist award.

Shinhwa "Last year, we received lots of love and care, to be able to win this award is our honor . In future, we will bring interesting activities, so everyone please continue supporting us"

Credit: ocean6 + Dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=922.0


13/3 [Trans} Shinhwa White Day message to legend (Pic)



really thankful for the love and care that everyone has always shown to SHinhwa. because of your love, Shinhwa will do our very best in whatever we do be it in japan or around the world. To return a gift to everyone on White day, we, shinhwa, will leave a personal message and our signatures

From left to right


to the legend

white day with love


from dongwan

everyone in legend

happy white day~

please accept my sweet

(Below is a drawing with the wording "this is a sweet")


the legend

3.14 white day


the legend

happy white day


to:the legend

I love you (Draw a sweet at the back)


to the legend

it has been a long time

3.14 is white day!

time pass so fast

really want to give the sweet personally

sorry! ㅋㅋㅋ

everyone, please always remember us, shinhwa

ho ho ^_^

Credits : ocean6 + dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=921.0

congratulations to shinhwa :lol:

haha dongwan picture of the candy is so "sweet" lol

haha i agree. thanks for the pictures!

I feel bad for not posting so often.. but I gotta say, there's no other group like Shinhwa.

You see artists promoting themselves silly in Japan and all these other countries trying to make a mark. Shinhwa comes in and does a few concerts, release a single and an album.. basically minimalist promotion. Yet, they walk away with nearly 100 K in CD sales and an award for being the best asian artist of the year.


White day (March 14th) is where the guy gives a gift back to a girl who gave him chocolates on valentine's day. ^ ^


yeah that's what's amazing about shinhwa. im so proud of them.


IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i couldnt ask for a better birthday gift than this one (except maybe a concert in the philippines..hahaha)

tomorrow's my birthday and im so so happy to hear this..

dongwan's drama has also finally has better ratings

HAPPY BRITHDAY! cuties79.gif

~best wishes

o0o your brithday is on White Day too..how cool

hello! haha im in a good mood today so i guess i'll join this BIG soompi shinhwa family <33

i bet there are quite a few people i know too~ =/

oh, im prizzyy from s-shinhwasarang btw! you might have seen my name when mal posts some articles..

nice to meet you! =D

oh, i recognise some people here! =D

ive been a silent reader for a long time too =X

but ive come out from my shell! (just like hyesung <333)

btw i love hyesung like crazyy! anyone here too? =D

see you around! i'll be hitting back this thread =D


edit// haha i put wannie's pics up but malzzy got to it first~

its all the same though =D

hey, i think i've seen you around before.

welcome to the shinhwa thread. yeah, we are like family here xD

^ hi dongseng *waves* <333 ^___^ finally you've come out from your cute shell ^___^ Looking forward to see your presence here *gives hyesung shaped chocolate :D*

14/3 [news] Dongwan's filming for Wedding scene in Person I Love

woahhh, dongwan looks so handsome in his wedding suit. ^_________^

but it's also heartbreaking to see him marrying the other girl. =\

Lol, that's kinda like my friend's reaction when I told her I love Shinhwa too. She's a fan of TVXQ so when I told her I'm in love with Shinhwa she was like... "Why??? They're so old!!!" I just said "They're only 5 years older! If they're old, then we're both old! Besides, they're not old, they're mature and experienced!" ;)

Then last night, I showed Love Letter to my sister coz she wanted to know what the show's like. I've been raving about the Shinhwa boys like how funny, random and hot they are. I was glad that she laughed so hard. Then all of the sudden she asked, "Is Junjin gay? He looks so effeminate. How come he's so girly?" :blink: I was like "Junjin??? GAY??? Out of all people, you think Junjin is GAY? He's like the toughest, coolest macho man there is!!! If Junjin is effeminate, then the entire male population must be gay!" :huh: I guess she just saw his cute dance or actions and mistook them for being girly. I felt like smacking her head but she's my unnie so I can't. :sweatingbullets:

My sister was actually a fan of Shinhwa way before me but then she fell under the spell of TVXQ. (No bashing here, I'm also a fan of TVXQ but I just prefer Shinhwa. ^_^) I'm glad I showed it to her coz now she's drooling over Eric again and finally understands why I love Andy so much. :P

haha you tell them girl xD

same thing with my friends..they all like tvxq and rain. -_-

but me, i stick to shinhwa :lol:

haha i guess girls prefer DBSK bcos of their age...

well that's ok! cos i love them for who they are anyway...i like the fact that they are mature men who already

have gone through the rough young adulthood of their lives...^^

they really do age beautifully...

in fact, back in 2000-2001 when they were the hottest thing on mtv and i remember seeing 6 ahem* ugly boys [lol!] and i'll switch the channel promptly. i have only a vague impression of a disgusting purple-haired boy and that's it. i was thinking 'my BSB is better^^'....and now i officially love the purple haired boy the most..irony of life lol

haha i remember seeing minwoo in pictures with purple hair.

i was thinking: "O_o wow that's really strange" but now like you, i love him too. xD

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