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Guest lenakeem

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Guest Rajibu

I heard some of my friends talking about Shinhwa splitting up >_<"

but after scamming this page I guess they were just making me mad (^_ ^)b * pheww... *

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Looks like there are many misinformed people...


Have you all read that post in this music section by an employee of Yesasia called Stefan?

He mentioned that Yesasia sales count towards cd sales in Korea....

Are you all convinced to buy from Yesasia for Shinhwa's albums or annyoung.com?

I read that many of them are claiming faster delivery from annyoung as well as getting freebies like posters instead of having to buy them separately (Yesasia)...

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Guest sunnydays.

while we're on the topic of their fans, i actually just became a fan of Shinhwa this summer. after seeing the "once in a lifetime" mv i was hooked to their music. and after seeing super rookie i was hooked to eric. and after seeing a numerous amount of gameshows, mvs, interviews etc. i loved all of them. they are all really like-able because they all seem like genuinely nice guys and they all can be funny and in their own ways. they're also not pompous or self-centered which is a great quality for an entertainer to have. they also have a genuine friendship and brotherhood which is awesome and respectable. it seems like a lot of groups (at least in america) break up nowadays because singers compete for the lead and so they end up doing their own thing.

i think its a compliment to Shinhwa that they have such a wide and diverse group of fans all around the world. it means that they're music and style is listen-able to a lot of people since you would think that most older people wouldn't like their type of music or that people wouldn't be interested because they don't understand the language. language isn't really a barrier anymore. personally i don't understand a thing (well at least most of it since i can catch several words like sarang..haha..) but i still love their music and listen to it a lot (i've been listening to once in a lifetime like everyday!! can't get enough of it..) and i watch a lot of their youtube videos (thank goodness for youtube!!.. it really brings the world closer to each other). hopefully one day they'll travel around the world and stop by america. i don't really know how popular they are in america though since it seems like a lot of korean americans aren't really into korean music even though there are a lot of them who are. So i totally understand you nutzie your friend's korean friend thought that Shinhwa was no longer together. i have a korean friends who probably doesn't even know of shinhwa.

and about them going onto gameshows and such..i actually like it a lot since you can see their personalities more like flipside said and they are definitely really entertaining to watch because they can be so funny without being extreme or stupid. i really enjoyed the ya shim man man episode (don't remember the episode number) because you got to hear some personal stories and they were all funny just with the things they were saying.

(: Hii! Haha, that's great that you became a Shinhwa fan. I definately agree with what you said. Once In A Lifetime is such a powerful song, isn't it? I think each Shinhwa member has an overall good balance of "roles" in their group... which also contributes to their strong hold as Shinhwa. Yeahh, I agree that some of Shinhwa's music cannot only appeal to younger kids, but also to older people. It's good. :D I agree with you, language definately is not that big a barrier... music is just so universal, & that's really more powerful than the language of the lyrics. I LOVE watching them on youtube, because even though I don't understand what they're saying (if there are no subs XD; ), I can tell their emotions through their actions. >;] A lot of my korean american friends like Shinhwa too... haha~~ Oh yeahh, & I LOOOVE hearing their personal stories! :P

FLiPSiDE: reaLLy? in Baguio? ate is already felling well though...

i don't remember who said this but all 3 of us LOVES shinhwa...



Hahaha, thanks for the news about Krizza. (: You should come post here more often~~ That's great that she's feeling well. Yeahh, relatives in Baguio, used to go there a lot when I was younger. ^__^; Anywayy, WOW 20 days is so close! Can you tell Krizza that we need to do our graphic battle for Shinhwa's birthday? (: Thank youuu <3

3/3 [trans] GOODCY article: Junjin's autograph session on 23/2

2007 23/2..

we,and junjin and andy, are worried for each other if we are cold..

ah.. now it isnt the star and the fans, but just like a family..

a very pleasant day indeed.. ^_^

Wow. I LOOVE that. (: It's great that they can actually feel that... to me, that's very powerful.

Thank you for sharing! <3

Hope non of the fans / JunJin / Andy got sick from the cold >__<;

i remember us [soul shinhwa forum family, if you know that forum] had a lot of talk about their army enlistment and all of use hoped for the whole shinhwa group to go together, so they can comeback together, because it'll definitely hurt us to see shinhwa only having 5 members. we already did experience that, and those were difficult times. however, i also belive that being able to dance is an excuse for you to do real army thing. you might be able to dance, but you can't do all things a normal person can do. plus, knowing that you went through an accident and you had surgeries and all, you would of course, be weaker than a normal person.

i am now positive it's charlie park. i remember the day i watched it. haha

soompi is actually relying more to being a dbsk forum, i always see stuff about them around the forum, but that does not hold me back from still being a shinhwa fan. i am actually happy that this thread is still alive, not mentioning i am greatly disappointed with junjin's thread.

Hahah~~ It's alright. (: It's not a crime to have two favorite boybands & such :D But just as long as you tie it into Shinhwa, Edward might be lurking around here... O___O;; Anyway, wow, I never really thought of what you said about the army thing (I guess it's cuz I wanna avoid that topic T__T; ). That would be VERY hard to have only 5 Shinhwa members come back from the army, & one of them still in... yeahh, that was a hard year. =\ Charlie Park! HAHA DOESN'T HE LOOK SO DIFFERENT NOW?! XD;

Looks like there are many misinformed people...


Have you all read that post in this music section by an employee of Yesasia called Stefan?

He mentioned that Yesasia sales count towards cd sales in Korea....

Are you all convinced to buy from Yesasia for Shinhwa's albums or annyoung.com?

I read that many of them are claiming faster delivery from annyoung as well as getting freebies like posters instead of having to buy them separately (Yesasia)...

Gahh~~ So... what do you think, would it be better to buy from Yesasia or annyoung.com? ^^;

But I mean, either way, I would buy Shinhwa's album, definately. It's a just a matter of wanting better service & those freebies... (;

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thx Ginnie!!

anyway i thought these were cute..

The Chronicles of Shinhwa: eating prawns

Andy & Hyesung:

Andy uses his hands too while hyesung opts for the chopsticks


hyesung is trying his best! andy has alr started eating..

[ig] 1546271183449095m36f6cdoa9.jpg[mg]

hyesung will not give up!

[mg] 153143215668636m36f6fbew3.jpg[/ig]



he is STILL trying to peel his prawns while andy finishes his food

[im] 1557411285900386m36f853xp7.jpg[/mg]

[ig] 15314478216691m36f882uf4.jpg[/im]



almost there..

[ig] 154626868730352m36f8fffm8.jpg[/im]



[ig] 153144640519577m36f98crq0.jpg[/im]

he can finally enjoy that ONE prawn after fighting the tedious battle of peeling it with chopsticks^^



omg lol hehe hyesungs just so adorable haha dosent give up to unpeel the prawn with the chopsticks haha xD i love ur captions theyre funny hehe



omg thanks for telling us ^^ i didnt know that but yay!!! lol

waahh~~ xman's just over.. so yep, i'm gonna give spoilers.. hold on..

so andy didn't play at the beginning of dodgeball, so that made me sad, cos he was just sitting at the side >_< but then they had new rules for xman.. instead of the usual blocks in the middle of nowhere, there were these 2 circles thingy, in which you can stay inside and get hit by the ball, but you won't be out of the game.. and they can "touch" other team members to substitute them.. the kang team's tactic was so funny.. poor jang hoon ajusshi, getting hit so many times by andy and lee ji hoon.. but anyways, andy won at the end.. yayy~~~

andy didn't play at sam haeng shi, so yep.. but star battle, although andy didn't perform, was pretty interesting as well.. lee sang mi performed park myung soo's song.. shin dong did some dance with so bang cha's music with eeteuk and eun hyuk, and jang hoon ajusshi's performance was, i thought very interesting.. he was standing in this platform thingy, with lee sang mi, and then when he was literally singing something about flowers, some flowers came up from under the platform.. later on, a huge grasshopper and fried chicken came out as well =P and heechul sang the song using buzz's mo chang [impersonation?]

ooh ooh, cute andy moment was when he was pretending to play guitar, and then he started laughing because ajusshi was playing behind one of the girls [okay that sounded gross, but when you see it, it's funny] his rank actually kinda surprised me.. he was 4th.. but then again, he looks pretty as a girl =P shin dong also surprised me actually O_o but whatever.. pretty andy~ he even got sent to kang team because lee hyuk jae thought he might be the xman =P

ooooh thanks for the spoilers lol xD i just had to read it. =P aw that seems like andy didnt really do anything. what was the question or w.e. they call it to find the x-man? do u know?

oh man i just came across these heart-breaking caps T.T

on a lighter note..


credits: bestshinhwa

omg thats sooo sad. poor dongwannie :( but he was just doing that for the drama. but somehow when ur looking at him u feel sad but then he looks cold/evil which i think is what he needs to do for the drama?

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hey! I was wondering if Shinhwa is still a group. I heard a rumour that they broke up.

But last time I checked in here, it stood they're on a "break" since others members in shinhwa are busy with their schedule.

And sorry if it's asked before... It's kinda long to look throught like 900 pages for the answer.

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Guest theLEGEND

Looks like there are many misinformed people...


Have you all read that post in this music section by an employee of Yesasia called Stefan?

He mentioned that Yesasia sales count towards cd sales in Korea....

Are you all convinced to buy from Yesasia for Shinhwa's albums or annyoung.com?

I read that many of them are claiming faster delivery from annyoung as well as getting freebies like posters instead of having to buy them separately (Yesasia)...

I'm still not really convinced to buy from Yesasia (although 3 years ago, I was a regular customer of Yesasia but I'm not a Shinhwa fan yet) so.. maybe I'd still go with annyoung or eclickkorea? =D

Thanks ginnie for keep updating the Shinhwa's Pictures Thread. I haven't seen some of them yet. I'm so looking forward to watch Eric's Que Sera Sera drama.

hey! I was wondering if Shinhwa is still a group. I heard a rumour that they broke up.

But last time I checked in here, it stood they're on a "break" since others members in shinhwa are busy with their schedule.

And sorry if it's asked before... It's kinda long to look throught like 900 pages for the answer.

HUH?! Who can come out with this kind of rumor? Geez.. I've never heard such rumor about them breaking up :blink: I want to clarify it again, they are not going to break up EVER!!

Even.. they are going to release their 9th album around fall this year. Yes, true that they are busy with their own solo activities but like Shinhwa has told us before, they will going on like FOREVER!! =D


nutzie: I wasn't planning to watch at first because I was so tired but I changed my mind. There's a news that they are going to change the format again early April. I hope it's going to be entertaining :P

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Guest xmkaex

oh man i just came across these heart-breaking caps T.T


ahh that makes me feel sad seeing dongwan crying

im sorry this is the correct link!

Here is a sneak preview of eric's new drama "Que Sera Sera".


credits: Eric Voice + ShinHwaChangJo.net

haha eric looks so suave.

does anyone know what kind of character eric will be playing?

hopefully it will be different from super rookie and KSA, because i wanna see a new side of his acting xD

oh yeah and when does the drama start airing?

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Guest kriza_09

aww..jinric & wansung^^








credits: bestshinhwa

i know what they were doing!!!! first dongwan was playing with hyesung... and eric saw it!!! so eric was going to seek revenge... and you know when you're seeking revenge, you always start with the one that he loves the most... who's the one hyesung cares the most??? JUNJIN!!! so eric did the same thing with junjin...which of course attracted hyesung's attention.. meanwhile, junjin realized eric was getting too close to him.. and he knew that hyesung would be hurt if hyesung saw them, which is the last thing junjin wanted to happen.. so he pulled himself from eric.. but of course it was too late!! hyesung already saw them, although after that he pretended he didn't see anything.. and he learned his mistake, which is why he shooed dongwan away.. but eric still wouldn't let junjin go.. junjin said 'why are you doing this?? if hyesung sees us.....' eric cut him 'he already did.. and he started the game first with dongwan.. i'm just playing his game..' and junjin 'sounds fun.. i'll join the game.. might as well teach him some lesson..' so he did it with eric!! which of coz made hyesung turn his head!! lol..

and when the four of them were playing their game, good minwoo and good andy were seriously doing the interview.. ^^

Have you all read that post in this music section by an employee of Yesasia called Stefan?

He mentioned that Yesasia sales count towards cd sales in Korea....

Are you all convinced to buy from Yesasia for Shinhwa's albums or annyoung.com?

I read that many of them are claiming faster delivery from annyoung as well as getting freebies like posters instead of having to buy them separately (Yesasia)...

Gahh~~ So... what do you think, would it be better to buy from Yesasia or annyoung.com? ^^;

But I mean, either way, I would buy Shinhwa's album, definately. It's a just a matter of wanting better service & those freebies... (;

so far what i know is yeasia is not a korean website.. i think it's hongkong coz everytime i ordered from them, the package was always sent from hongkong.. and what i know about how they work is they already have the stock, which they preordered from the korean dealer before the cd was sold in public... the cd's bought by yesasia count toward korean sales.. when we order something from yeasia, they just send what they already had in stock.. so the cd we bought also counts toward korean album sales.. HOWEVER, even if we don't buy from yesasia, yesasia ALREADY bought those cds.. so although the cd we bought from yesasia counts toward album sales, it WON'T change the number of sales.. because yesasia ALREADY bought those cds, which were already counted toward the album sales.. (i just have to repeat that again to make sure you get my point)

i don't know about annyoung.com though.. i don't know their system and such.. BUT!!! brian (ftts) once asked the fans to support his album sales.. and he left some links that will count toward album sales.. one of them is annyoung.com.. he should know better than us, shouldn't he.. so until now i believe that buying from annyoung.com is SAFER (although i can't guarantee 100% because i still don't know how they work) than yesasia..

but if you really want to make sure that you have helped shinhwa in their album sales, i'd recommend you join some forums like shinhwachangjo.net.. usually when shinhwa is going to release an album, they take orders and they will buy directly from korea... the negative side is.. shinhwachangjo.net is based in spore.. you will have to wait for some time until the person who buys the cd go back to spore and ship the cd from spore to wherever you live.. and of coz there is some extra shipping cost since they have to double ship it.. but i'm sure 100% that the cd you buy will add to their album sales... so for me, it's worth all the extra work and cost.. or you can other websites that do the same thing and located closer to you..

hey! I was wondering if Shinhwa is still a group. I heard a rumour that they broke up.

But last time I checked in here, it stood they're on a "break" since others members in shinhwa are busy with their schedule.

And sorry if it's asked before... It's kinda long to look throught like 900 pages for the answer.

shinhwa is NEVER on a break.. even when they're doing individual activities, they NEVER have that 'on a break' status.. in 2005, they still did battle shinhwa and a few CFs together.. even now, they still appear together in fanmeeting, concerts (valentine concert n kpop superlive), and such don't they.. they even meet up to discuss their new album (which is why shinhwa was late to the fanmeeting).. so yeah, they're NEVER on a break.. and they're NOT breaking up either.. they NEVER did, do, or will..

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Read a page or two back and why this thread is moving slower...

I don't really think it's because that ShinHwa fans are too lacking in soompi...it's just that I think since ShinHwa's international fanbase has been around so much longer, the international forums are more developed as well. Usually, the updates that are posted here have already been repeated quite a few times on various ShinHwa forums and I guess I've commented on them already and weird to comment on there on here again....lolz

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haha eric looks so suave.

does anyone know what kind of character eric will be playing?

hopefully it will be different from super rookie and KSA, because i wanna see a new side of his acting xD

oh yeah and when does the drama start airing?

There isn't much character description except occupation and a little on the genre of the series. The press conference for Que Sera Sera will be sometime this week (March 9th tentatively) and the official website should be out about the same time. So, we will know more about each of the characters by this week. There will be translations at the Que Sera Sera thread and I am sure Shinhwa websites.

So far what we know is he worked as a event manager for three years and went into planning department within a well known mall. Some news have said that he will be a penniless playboy...And this sort of contradicts with "event manager" / planning department occupation description. He will also form a love triangle with Jung Yoo Mi and Lee Kyu Han. Lee Hyu Han plays the rival. There is also another actress, Yoon Ji Hye. Initial synopsis mentioned contractual love between Eric's character and this actress's.

It will be different from Super Rookie and KSA because this is not a comedy.

Drama starts March 17th. It is a weekend drama on MBC. So, Korean time 9:40 pm Sat and Sun on MBC.

Hope this helps.

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Guest nutzie

xh - holy crap, those caps gave me a freaking shock >_<" i was like, huh why the hell is dongwan crying? but i realized a second later that it's from the drama.. but it's still painful to look at them, so i had to scroll down quickly >_< and that jinric wansyung caps are so funny too~~ poor andy and minwoo, stuck between all the crazy people around them =P

cherilyn08 - your name is cherilyn or che right? next time i'll type that instead =P anyways, after thinking about it, being able to dance doesn't really mean you can do the real work at the army.. because i heard [well i don't know if it's the same for different countries, but whatever] you have to carry about 70 kg of weapons, ammunition, food drinks and all that crap, and walk for miles.. i think if you recently went through surgeries like eric, you might not be able to survive.. hahaha.. well, take kim jong kook for example.. he's so buff, yet because he had problems with his body [i'm not sure what], he's doing clerical work.. maybe eric would do that too? heheheh.. *wishing*

strawberry16 - naomi.. right? hahaha.. i'm not exactly good with names -________-" the question for this week's xman is who looks good as a member of the opposite gender, or something along those lines.. yeah andy didn't do much as usual, but he's cute anyways.. hahaha.. i think they tried to photoshop pictures of the artists into some sort of cartoon of the opposite gender and if i'm still thinking straight, they photoshopped andy into


which i thought was so cute, but they could have just shown

all those roles that he played in goldfish

instead right?

mj - well, i hope it's gonna be better than this one at least.. and hopefully andy gets to stay with the new arrangement.. it's only because of him i'm sacrificing my sleep every sunday morning.. if he goes, there goes my eye candy >_<"

kriza - your story for the caps is soo funny~~ and the funny thing is, it really kinda fits into the whole picture caps =P

weird.. i backtracked on 2 pages, and 2 posts were about shinhwa breaking up -___-" why the hell are we at 900+ pages for if shinhwa's breaking up? wouldn't we be screaming and crying our butts off instead of talking about all these stuff then? O_o"

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Guest angel2nyt

Looks like there are many misinformed people...


Have you all read that post in this music section by an employee of Yesasia called Stefan?

He mentioned that Yesasia sales count towards cd sales in Korea....

Are you all convinced to buy from Yesasia for Shinhwa's albums or annyoung.com?

I read that many of them are claiming faster delivery from annyoung as well as getting freebies like posters instead of having to buy them separately (Yesasia)...

i purchase dramas from yesasia, but not cds... i purchase them from eclick since they have the poster that is supposed to be free while in yesasia they dont have it plus the fact that their sales doesnt affect the hanteo charts which is sad cause hanteo charts are one of the basis for singers in winning daesangs and bonsangs

There isn't much character description except occupation and a little on the genre of the series. The press conference for Que Sera Sera will be sometime this week (March 9th tentatively) and the official website should be out about the same time. So, we will know more about each of the characters by this week. There will be translations at the Que Sera Sera thread and I am sure Shinhwa websites.

So far what we know is he worked as a event manager for three years and went into planning department within a well known mall. Some news have said that he will be a penniless playboy...And this sort of contradicts with "event manager" / planning department occupation description. He will also form a love triangle with Jung Yoo Mi and Lee Kyu Han. Lee Hyu Han plays the rival. There is also another actress, Yoon Ji Hye. Initial synopsis mentioned contractual love between Eric's character and this actress's.

It will be different from Super Rookie and KSA because this is not a comedy.

Drama starts March 17th. It is a weekend drama on MBC. So, Korean time 9:40 pm Sat and Sun on MBC.

Hope this helps.

it will be against crazy in love right??

awww that's just sad cause i watch crazy in love religiously..

i really really hope this one is different from ksa.. because the drama really bored me.. i dont know why... thank goodness this is going to be a sad drama and i hope to see a more serious-looking eric in it(not that i dont like eric as a goofy person).. its just that..im such a critical person when it comes to dramas/movies

aww..jinric & wansung^^








credits: bestshinhwa

ahahahaha.. it seems that sungie behaved when he saw eric and junjin having fun


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it will be against crazy in love right??

awww that's just sad cause i watch crazy in love religiously..

i really really hope this one is different from ksa.. because the drama really bored me.. i dont know why... thank goodness this is going to be a sad drama and i hope to see a more serious-looking eric in it(not that i dont like eric as a goofy person).. its just that..im such a critical person when it comes to dramas/movies

Crazy in Love will end soon, think around March-ish. Crazy in Love starts at about 9:55pm..haha..so you could technically watch 9:40-9:55 of QSS. hehe..just kidding..I hope you will still watch QSS.

After Crazy in Love, it will be Green/Blue Fish. (Nutzie, you interested?) This is about adultery or lovers after marriage or something like that. But, yeah.. Crazy in Love ends and Green/Blue fish starts on April 7th. By that time, QSS is already at episode 7. So, not exactly fair to compare them.

I think Crazy in Love isn't too high in the ratings too, and Green/Blue Fish's plot is really solemn for me. The real ratings challenge may just be another historical drama which is getting some better ratings now..Dae Jo Young on KBS. It has 100 episodes or so. That is going to be the real challenge to QSS's ratings eventhough it is a different genre altogether. So, I think if QSS can maintain ratings as well as White Tower (QSS replaces White Tower at MBC), then I think QSS has already done well....You know how those people in Korea like to watch historical dramas...Somehow Eric's series are always going against some historical dramas, Super Rookie it was against..(Ocean God? or something like that I forgot the name of it) and KSA was against Hwangjini by Ha Ji Won. Now, QSS has Dae Jo Yong (sp?). Not to mention Dongwan's was against the mighty profitable Jumong.

Worry not that Que Sera Sera will be anything like KSA *eventhough I didn't mind KSA or Super Rookie at all*. QSS was once promoted as a melodrama. So, it will be a love drama. I think a lot of people are more confident of this drama because of PD Kim and the collaboration with the writer. Both of them won awards for their work and is still regarded as one of the highest regards for MBC as a station. I posted the name of the awards at QSS's thread a long time ago so sorry I can't recall the name right now except it was for MBC's weekend "Best" series.

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Guest peachesncre4ms

does anyone know or have any clue if shinhwa is gonna be at the hollywood bowl in l.a this coming may????

^_____^ and is any shinhwa fans going to the concert?

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Guest vignette


Eric with cat. Eric demonstrates to you how you may use a cat's tail; for SHOE-POLLISHING. :wacko:

Eric and his crazy ideas, he is the only one I can think of who will thinking of using a cat as a substitute shoe polish.

The Chronicles of Shinhwa: eating prawns


I saw the vod and I was really shaking my head because it's really hard to peel praws using a chopstick. Hyesung should learn to loosen up a bit especially if the setting is just casual. Go use your hands like the rest of your friends.

But if he want's to reduce his food intake, then do as you pleased. I'm sure by the time the rest of t boys are finished you only managed to consume half of what they had. Less calories, less fat going to your cheek which I so like.

Read a page or two back and why this thread is moving slower...

I don't really think it's because that ShinHwa fans are too lacking in soompi...it's just that I think since ShinHwa's international fanbase has been around so much longer, the international forums are more developed as well. Usually, the updates that are posted here have already been repeated quite a few times on various ShinHwa forums and I guess I've commented on them already and weird to comment on there on here again....lolz

I'm guilty of doing as you said, normally I check the other forums first before going to soompi so by the time I get here Ihave already replied to some the news posted and I don't feel like repeating myself.

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Guest angel2nyt

Crazy in Love will end soon, think around March-ish. Crazy in Love starts at about 9:55pm..haha..so you could technically watch 9:40-9:55 of QSS. hehe..just kidding..I hope you will still watch QSS.

After Crazy in Love, it will be Green/Blue Fish. (Nutzie, you interested?) This is about adultery or lovers after marriage or something like that. But, yeah.. Crazy in Love ends and Green/Blue fish starts on April 7th. By that time, QSS is already at episode 7. So, not exactly fair to compare them.

I think Crazy in Love isn't too high in the ratings too, and Green/Blue Fish's plot is really solemn for me. The real ratings challenge may just be another historical drama which is getting some better ratings now..Dae Jo Young on KBS. It has 100 episodes or so. That is going to be the real challenge to QSS's ratings eventhough it is a different genre altogether. So, I think if QSS can maintain ratings as well as White Tower (QSS replaces White Tower at MBC), then I think QSS has already done well....You know how those people in Korea like to watch historical dramas...Somehow Eric's series are always going against some historical dramas, Super Rookie it was against..(Ocean God? or something like that I forgot the name of it) and KSA was against Hwangjini by Ha Ji Won. Now, QSS has Dae Jo Yong (sp?). Not to mention Dongwan's was against the mighty profitable Jumong.

Worry not that Que Sera Sera will be anything like KSA *eventhough I didn't mind KSA or Super Rookie at all*. QSS was once promoted as a melodrama. So, it will be a love drama. I think a lot of people are more confident of this drama because of PD Kim and the collaboration with the writer. Both of them won awards for their work and is still regarded as one of the highest regards for MBC as a station. I posted the name of the awards at QSS's thread a long time ago so sorry I can't recall the name right now except it was for MBC's weekend "Best" series.

aaahhhh... crap.. QSS is in the 9.40 slot ??

so people can watch at least 25 minutes of daejoyoung.. ahahaha since its in the 9.30 slot..

but didnt super rookie had good ratings??? were you talking about haeshin(god of the sea)??

why is it that i watched/i am watching all the dramas you are talking about...hahahaha??

i wish they put it in a nicer timeslot..haeshin was awesome and so was hwangjinyi and dang dae jo young is another choi soo jong drama hahahaha(and as they say, you can never go wrong with choi soo jong)

hhmmm... no matter how good a drama is, when you are in the wrong timeslot, its not good for you

yah i know about dongwan's drama however netizens(especially the japanese ones) have been giving so much support to it and a lot of people have been praising it, so the ratings are not that much of a big deal.. i hope eric's drama will be the same.. whats the name of the lead female jung yu mi??(i love sidus hq people..hahaah)

i wish you would remember it, because i dont.. i remember they gave kim pd a special director's award in 2005 however mnikss didnt win any awards in the asian tv awards(the best drama series was given however to another korean drama... no not haeshin.. but to ijuksa)

i have nothing against eric's acting.. its just in ksa, the plot from the beginning was good, but it became boring..

by the way, i heard eric's talent fee for one drama is one billion won??i dont know if its for just one episode or its for the whole series..

he must be so damn rich

for some weird reason, it took three million years to finish this post

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but didnt super rookie had good ratings???

Super Rookie did well..it even scored higher than Sad Sonata's last episode's ratings...

I am just saying that Eric's series always has a historical drama on some other channel.

whats the name of the lead female jung yu mi??(i love sidus hq people..hahaah)

Jung Yoo Mi is right.

Sidus ..Yeap..


About time..I guess flipping the channel is so easy. So if a viewer wants to watch QSS, there is always that button to change the channel. And if the viewer already follow DJY..it is not a matter of timeslot. It is a matter of which one fits the taste better. People who watch White Tower now..those are the viewers that will change taste this coming March 17th. Will they continue to watch MBC or flip to SBS/KBS..that is the question.

p.s. Yes, it is God of the Sea..hehehe..I am bad at remembering names.

p.p.s I will get the award's name. and update you later. Sorry I can't search through all those pages now.

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Guest angel2nyt

Super Rookie did well..it even scored higher than Sad Sonata's last episode's ratings...

I am just saying that Eric's series always has a historical drama on some other channel.

Jung Yoo Mi is right.

Sidus ..Yeap..

sad sonata was boring..hahahah, which was the complete opposite of super rookie..

i really hope QSS will have decent ratings..if im not mistake dae jo young is just having 20 something ratings

the dramas in this timeslot are all a bit sad...

i hope the chemistry will be there... im trying so hard not to complain about eun hye's management declining it, since we all know that eric and her can make such a cute onscreen couple

by the way, we better stop talking too much about the drama, or else

anyways, is something wrong with oceans six.. or am i the only one having problems with it


About time..I guess flipping the channel is so easy. So if a viewer wants to watch QSS, there is always that button to change the channel. And if the viewer already follow DJY..it is not a matter of timeslot. It is a matter of which one fits the taste better. People who watch White Tower now..those are the viewers that will change taste this coming March 17th. Will they continue to watch MBC or flip to SBS/KBS..that is the question.

p.s. Yes, it is God of the Sea..hehehe..I am bad at remembering names.

p.p.s I will get the award's name. and update you later. Sorry I can't search through all those pages now.

you have a point there, but sometimes its also about the timeslot.. since these are really good dramas in one timeslot, one drama is different that another one but sometimes we would want to watch all of them..

i will only watch the three of them in the internet

again, we beter stop talking about this already

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i really hope QSS will have decent ratings..if im not mistake dae jo young is just having 20 something ratings

the dramas in this timeslot are all a bit sad...

Me too.

Eric fighting!

The script is also written by two writers that won 2004 4th Annual Monte Carlo TV festival for the Best Production,this is also MBC's highest honor/award to date (quote fallineric's fans comment).

I am quoting my own post..that's too weird. but here's the information. And yeah..I just remembered that this is not the drama section. =) See you at QSS thread if you choose to watch it.

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