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Guest lenakeem

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moon-soon - hie krizza's little sis!! are you joey or alex? =P and can you please tell krizza to take care of herself? she's been sick a lot these days >_<

kriza - right!! hahah.. i'm just kidding.. i think i've heard about junjin's blindness thingy.. which also sparked the rumour that he might not be going to the army because it's considered a disability or something.. but right now, i'm not sure O_o"

mal - psychological warfare?? what the heck -___-

cherilyn08 - hie again~~ hahahah.. well, maybe it's hard for them to gain younger fans, but it's much easier to gain older fans [i don't mean old as in like, gramma old, but older teens, like myself *hohoho*] and besides, even though shinhwa members themselves are getting older, inside, they're still like a bunch of little kids.. and that's why i love them too, cos they still play around like i do =P and yeah, i like super junior better compared to dbsk too yep, eric and shi yeon are still together i think.. there were pictures showing them whispering at the drama award thingy, which i thought was so cute =P

ginnie - and how did you move to being an eric fan? hahaha.. for me, it was eric first, cos i knew eric before i knew shinhwa.. but the ones that i could identify immediately was minwoo too, and then hyesung [in songs, because his voice was distinctive]

xh - what the heck?? asking dongwan to stay away from fans? why didn't he ask his readers to stay away from reading his articles instead? that's just ridiculously stupid -____- ahaha the ricjin baby made me laugh.. i think he looks closer to looking like eric.. except maybe the nose? but according to science.. nevermind, i'll let them live in the fantasy of the ricjin baby =P and mindy is so funny!! it looks like andy's wiping minwoo's sweat nonstop.. hahahah.. by the way, where's the clip from?

riz - would i consider shinhwa my best friends? of course!!! they're my husbands!! hahaha just kidding =X i think they're best friends, to the point that they treat each other like brothers.. i don't even treat my own brother that well =P hahah i don't like my nose either, but i inherited it from my grandfather [lots of our relatives have the same nose =P], and it's said that the nose brings a lot of good luck O_o" i don't think i should do a surgery on it should i? =P

http://youtube.com/watch?v=6ZGaIh-oFbw <-- clip of junjin's accident.. joyce, were you referring to the same clip?

ginnie - hahaha eric with wings.. my first thought was "huh? eric's turning into a chicken??" it's true that eric kinda frightens you at first, because he's got pretty sharp glare.. thank goodness the first time i saw him was in super rookie, cos you just get the full dose of stupidity from him =P oh my, he likes fishing? i wish that he could fish me =P [mind you, my nickname is "fish" *blush blush*] "in shinhwa, he is the most quiet and shy." ahem, excuse me??? quiet and shy doesn't belong in the same sentence as "eric" O_o hahaha i just can imagine the mp3 player accident.. and i agree with the director, i love his voice too =P

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ginnie - and how did you move to being an eric fan? hahaha.. for me, it was eric first, cos i knew eric before i knew shinhwa.. but the ones that i could identify immediately was minwoo too, and then hyesung [in songs, because his voice was distinctive]

ginnie - hahaha eric with wings.. my first thought was "huh? eric's turning into a chicken??" it's true that eric kinda frightens you at first, because he's got pretty sharp glare.. thank goodness the first time i saw him was in super rookie, cos you just get the full dose of stupidity from him =P oh my, he likes fishing? i wish that he could fish me =P [mind you, my nickname is "fish" *blush blush*] "in shinhwa, he is the most quiet and shy." ahem, excuse me??? quiet and shy doesn't belong in the same sentence as "eric" O_o hahaha i just can imagine the mp3 player accident.. and i agree with the director, i love his voice too =P

I meant Minbong was one of the first I could recognize? I think it was because he was most active. Eric didn't talk at all because this was an older clip of shinhwa...he didn't talk at all in most older clips. or the camera didn't focus on him much.

About the article, some of the points apply to Eric before Bulsae. But he still is not very active/talkative with people that he doesn't know well. He has mentioned this many times and also described that himself on the episode of Nugu Nugu (the one with Se7en next to him). And earlier on in his Shinhwa life, you really don't see him talking or sometimes just hidden. But, right now...after Bulsae and all that, I don't think he could just keep quiet because the host would prompt some questions at him too. I translated this article into english because I think besides being the leader and dorky person, this is another side of him when he is serious and is working.

In another poll in Soompi, I see that most people recognize Shinhwa's dorkiness and entertaining aspects of the members. It seemed that we don't acknowledge *enough* that Shinhwa members all have their serious/passion for work side i.e. Minwoo recording his album, producing his concert, Hyesung choosing his next step /next songs carefully...I think these are basis for their success and popularity- hard , hard, hard work.

Yes, Eric likes to fish...I think this is in most of his biodatas? There are pictures of him fishing too...but of course with goofy expression. I'll post later if you are interested.

About the translation..I tried to keep it as much as possible to the chinese descriptions. The Chinese and Korean language I think is more descriptive/imaginative and not as straight-forward as English. So, yeah, some parts need a bit of imagination, not to be taken literally.

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thank you for the pictures ginnie *hugs* there are about TWENTY SEVEN BATCHES ^^ give or take the similar ones i grouped together, such as the Yo! pix you put in one post ^^

THANK YOU!!! to everyone with their opinions,(although long i still read every one of them ^^), news pix, vids all contributions!!

EDIT: OMG 9-0-0

9 years of Shinhwa, 9th album due to be out this year...^^

Will be back with pictures, i've stored them in my external HD so not so easy access right now........

But here are some vids i've saved for viewing pleasure ^^

Shinhwa V GOD (they're so young ^^)

Shinhwa 3 sentences with their names (i still think JunJin is quite hyper here...) XD

JunJin's ghost story during the Once in a Lifetime interview

Dongwan being.....Dongwan XD

One of Shinhwa's infamous interviews of them messing around

The love of JinSung

RicSung love? ;)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TZnJm094Ic" target="_blank">Shinhwa being Shinhwa at rehearsels.....;)

%5burl=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-CAHSPPRug%5dJinSung%20playtime%20<33333" target="_blank"> (i wonder if it's like this all the time.... ^^;)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-CAHSPPRug" target="_blank">JinSung playtime <33333</a>

Hyesung and his special technique...</a>

Our Superman....</a>

Andy V KHD part 3...

Andy V KHD part 2^_^;

(anyone know where i can d/l this WHOLE show, preferably with Chi subs or Eng subs.... )

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Guest nutzie
I meant Minbong was one of the first I could recognize? I think it was because he was most active. Eric didn't talk at all because this was an older clip of shinhwa...he didn't talk at all in most older clips. or the camera didn't focus on him much.

About the article, some of the points apply to Eric before Bulsae. But he still is not very active/talkative with people that he doesn't know well. He has mentioned this many times and also described that himself on the episode of Nugu Nugu (the one with Se7en next to him). And earlier on in his Shinhwa life, you really don't see him talking or sometimes just hidden. But, right now...after Bulsae and all that, I don't think he could just keep quiet because the host would prompt some questions at him too. I translated this article into english because I think besides being the leader and dorky person, this is another side of him when he is serious and is working.

In another poll in Soompi, I see that most people recognize Shinhwa's dorkiness and entertaining aspects of the members. It seemed that we don't acknowledge *enough* that Shinhwa members all have their serious/passion for work side i.e. Minwoo recording his album, producing his concert, Hyesung choosing his next step /next songs carefully...I think these are basis for their success and popularity- hard , hard, hard work.

Yes, Eric likes to fish...I think this is in most of his biodatas? There are pictures of him fishing too...but of course with goofy expression. I'll post later if you are interested.

About the translation..I tried to keep it as much as possible to the chinese descriptions. The Chinese and Korean language I think is more descriptive/imaginative and not as straight-forward as English. So, yeah, some parts need a bit of imagination, not to be taken literally.

oh true true!! but i think the first one that i recognized was eric, as i said, because i was researching on him, but it's true that minwoo's probably the easiest to distinguish, since he's at the front most of the time, whether it's performances or interviews.. and the fact that eric's the leader actually surprised me, cos i thought it was minwoo at first.. actually, in older video clips, eric and andy were like statues =P thank goodness they started talking.. hahaha..

i think he started being more active/talkative because hosts keep asking him to do the "do you smell anything burning?" line.. hahaha.. just kidding =P but i think it's also because they started going on variety shows [the ones that i know of are xman and love letter] and because he appeared with the members, he can open up more than when he's alone..

and can you please post those fishing pictures?? please~~ well, when your photobucket accounts are working well that is =P

anybody wants mini oranges? i almost finished a whole bag O_o"

we're at page 900 *throws confetti*

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Guest sunnydays.

^ LOL. I want oranges. (: Same, the first one I recognized was Eric... only because I knew him before I knew Shinhwa. ^^; Just like you! Haha, & I think the next one I recognized was Minbong. Can you believe, I used to not like Minbong... =___=;; I was so wrong, mang. LOL. After I got to know Shinhwa & him, I completely changed my mind about him. (: He's a sweetie<3

[2004 Magazine Translation]

Eric, attached with wings.

Thanks so much. (: Ahh, I definately agree with you! Shinhwa shows so much of their playful, dorky, funny side that people who aren't necessarily fans aren't really shown their hardworking side. Definately, they're so hardworking. & so dedicated too. O__O <3 Awww, & Eric! So adorable... LOL the mp3! (: Haha, yeah, his acting has definately improved, & he will continue to improve as well. I also agree that he seems quiet & shy in public.... puahaha, but we all know his goofy, romantic, cute side! ^__^; LOL. Thanks Ginnie. (: <3

HAHA THE FISHIES! Whatta funny guy XD; I like the part where he takes in "mother nature"'s emotions & thoughts... very Eric-like. (:

riz - would i consider shinhwa my best friends? of course!!! they're my husbands!! hahaha just kidding =X i think they're best friends, to the point that they treat each other like brothers.. i don't even treat my own brother that well =P hahah i don't like my nose either, but i inherited it from my grandfather [lots of our relatives have the same nose =P], and it's said that the nose brings a lot of good luck O_o" i don't think i should do a surgery on it should i? =P

http://youtube.com/watch?v=6ZGaIh-oFbw <-- clip of junjin's accident.. joyce, were you referring to the same clip?

ginnie - hahaha eric with wings.. my first thought was "huh? eric's turning into a chicken??" it's true that eric kinda frightens you at first, because he's got pretty sharp glare.. thank goodness the first time i saw him was in super rookie, cos you just get the full dose of stupidity from him =P oh my, he likes fishing? i wish that he could fish me =P [mind you, my nickname is "fish" *blush blush*] "in shinhwa, he is the most quiet and shy." ahem, excuse me??? quiet and shy doesn't belong in the same sentence as "eric" O_o hahaha i just can imagine the mp3 player accident.. and i agree with the director, i love his voice too =P

Oh thank you so much. (: haha, your husbands! XD; Mang, wouldn't that be like... the best thing ever... XD; haha~~ Yeah, definately, they're like brothers. (: Haha, well, if it means a lot to your family, then maybe you shouldn't get surgery... besides, I bet you look fine. =P But I mean, it's your own nose after all... so if you REALLY REALLY REALLY hate it, then I guess you can get it. o__o;; but if it doesn't bother you most of the time, then I think you should leave it.

Btww, I watched the video... so sad. T___T; My heart was racing so bad when they showed JunJin in the stretcher... & my heart felt like it was breaking when they showed Dongwan getting in... wow, his expression, he looked so mad at the police when the police wasn't letting him get through... but towards the end, I was happy. (: They look out for each other so much. <3 Haha, JunJin gulping down his food~~ LMAO & Dongwan, Hyesung, & Eric were eating his food too. XD; Haha<3


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Guest Jin4ever

Happy 900 th page !!!

Even though i’m more a silent fan but i came here almost everyday to get update bout Shinhwa’s news. I don’t know why but I enjoy so much reading all your guys posts cos I realised how faithful you guys are towards the boys. I’ m quite a new fan but these boys grow deeper and deeper on me. For the first time in my life i can calling myself as boyband's fan.

it really break my heart to read about jin's accident and blindness...now i admire him even more.....He did change a lot cos he used to be super crazy and hyper in the early days (4th jib). I always thought Eric and junjin are the weirdest member in th group lol (not in the bad way). Geshhh i love them all :)

Thank you everybody for all the pics.

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Guest lenakeem

hii. anyone have pictures from dongwan&hyesungs birthday?

i have one.. but its not what i want..


a pictures from this.. but like a one that shows dongwans shirt better

thankks :D

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Guest kriza_09
^ Haha...ditto. Though Minu is my favorite, but Andy's not that far behind (I'm not sabotaging the poll :phew: ) so I voted for the dear boy :) Reading the comments....seems like Minu was the person that got ppl into kpop in the first place lolz ShinHwa power

i voted for andy!!!! because i'm leaning to andy mode right now!!! ^^

it's their fault that they don't come out on tv as much as andy..

shinhwa is the first group that i really can't decide who my favorite member is.. although shinhwa is the first and only group that i became a fan of, i did like a few groups in the past.. but i always only liked 1-2 members and couldn't care less for the other members even if they left the group..

well, i used to like hyesung, minwoo, junjin better than dongwan andy eric.. simply because the later don't stand out as much as the former during shinhwa performance.. but after learning more about shinhwa, including all their problems and serious stuff that they don't show us in front of camera, now i like them so much equally..

when junjin came out with his solo album (including the article about his hard time as a child) i love junjin the most, when the news about hyesung starting his momjjang project came out, i love hyesung the most, when dongwan wrote his cute diary entry, i love dongwan the most, when minwoo came out with his new hair, i love minwoo the most, when eric showed his new all-can-fit dance, i love eric the most, when andy got cuter by seconds on xman, i love andy the most.. ^^

Dongwan Diary Post 27/3


It's Oppa! (2007-02-27 23:22:52)

[Dongwan]Ha Ha Ha

telling me to stay away from my fans?~~

i depend on them to survive

isn't that obvious!...^^

aww.. he never forgets us, doesn't he..

i used to think that artists don't like it when people say he wins/accomplishes something just because he's popular/has a lot of fans.. i think some artists take 'without the fans he's nothing' as a negative comment.. and i know some artists who would respond 'i'll prove it to you it's not true'..

it surprised me that shinhwa actually thinks without the fans they're nothing.. let me remind you guys of the cool side of eric:

I don't even want to lower myself to the standards of playing around with words on whether its 'singer' or 'musician'. If we must say, then we aren't musicians but the public's singer. We are icons for the teens and perform to give joy to an audience...

.... Just as each person has their own particular food suited to their taste from the large variety of foods, if our food does not suit your taste, eat something else. We dont cook for people who dont like our food. Luckily there are people that love the food that we work so hard to make and again we just work hard for those people. You expressed it as a "simple" code progression but in your ignorance you have actually expressed exactly what we have wanted to do for this genre...

....We lacked a lot, but just from the attempts, each of us gained so much. And that's enough for us....

....When we autograph saying to go well in an exam for the fans, they come back with report cards showing that they came first. With the music and stage we perform, the audience goes wild and is happy. From those fans we gain strength and we work even harder and perform. Give happiness and gain happiness....

...And if your words are not just simply attention seeking through the controversy, if you have anything further to say, then I hope you come and see me personally.

and that goes for everyone who did, do, or will criticize shinhwa.. ^^

[HQ] 20070225 Shinhwa's State Of The Art Full Concert In Shanghai On Dragon TV


^ anyone remember 2 fans hugged minwoo and junjin on stage (saw pictures of shanghai's state of the art tour concert last time with those fans in it -_-)? yep, that's one of them (tsk tsk how bad -_-) and lol the chinese fans behind me screamed so madly at them and started cursing in chinese o_O;; i had to cover my ears from all those screaming during the concert *_*!

she seems to be just a little girl.. i'll forgive her..

but if hugging minwoo on the stage will make other fans screaming and cursing, next time i go to their concert i'll make sure to hug and kiss each of them.. ^^

More importantly, I think Shinhwa has managed to widen the age group that they appeal to. So, in essence they now attract people in their teens, twenties, thirties, fourties and fifties. I wouldn't be surprised if there are fans in their sixties either. The teeny booper groups that you mentioned attract mostly teens (hence the name of their genre). As Shinhwa adjust its fan base based on age group, I still think Shinhwa has a net gain of fans.

Plus, I'd rather that Shinhwa take in more people with buying power and more loyalty to the group Shinhwa than teeny booper fans that jump on the next bandwagon way too easily. There is always some other group that is younger and newer.

hmm..you should check them out earlier! :P

yup.. shinhwa has fans from all age group.. even "4-5 year old kids, those in the age group who don't really know much".. ^^

but it's true.. i'm not a teen anymore... and i like shinhwa!!! ^^ actually i became a fan AFTER i passed my teen age..

actually i was never the type of person who's into fangirling.. i did like some groups until 3 years ago.. but even then it only went as far as buying their albums.. i wouldn't go to their concert (unless it's a free VIP ticket..lol..) and i wouldn't buy their expensive original concert DVD.. piracy is popular in my homecountry, so....=p

and yeah, shinhwa attract all people from all age group.. my brother also liked shinhwa.. yup, my 15-yr old brother who is the leader of his basketball school team and already has a girlfriend.. >"< even my father, who thinks fangirling is a waste of time, enjoys watching shinhwa.. he laughed the hardest when junjin was trying to imitate that triple-joint kid, and he said 'that kind of person will be successful' when he watched minwoo going back to the stage during 2005 summer story festival..

I guess they're all more like "brothers"... but, I mean, I've never actually heard any of them really talk verbally about their closeness with each other. But, you can DEFINATELY see it through their actions. & Actions speak louder than words. (: <3

i think verbally, they actually tend to attach each other.. lol..

some of their actions, you can never make sense of it if you see them as mere 'best friends'.. i don't think there exist 6 guys above 15 yrs old living in a modern lifestyle who love each other like shinhwa.. but if you try a different frame of thinking, see them as 'real brothers' instead of mere 'best friends', then you can kinda make sense of it.. although i still doubt there exist 6 real brothers who love each other like shinhwa..

[2004 Magazine Translation]

Eric, attached with wings.

i was laughing when i read through the article.. sorry but some of the sentences are just comical for me.. maybe this is how hyesung felt when he watched bulsae..

how eric is described in the article obviously does not match how i'm picturing eric right now (i just watched 2 vids: eric with his banana song and eric with his pikachu bag)

"After he lets his fishing rod into the misty river, what he waits for is not those fishes caught, but the moments of deep thoughts that he derives from mother nature. Emptying his emotions with no hesitation and filling in with new inspirations as rewards, he does not regret even if he was to return empty-handed."

-> maybe he was just composing his 'fish song' ??? or maybe he was thinking of how well the fish would go with his 'hyewan' soup... or maybe he was wondering what he would find if he split a fish (apparently he has tried that to a porcupine and he found chestnuts!!) lol..

and i simply just cracked up at this sentence..

"In Shinhwa, he is the most quiet and shy"

as i said before, eric has multiple personalities, which are very distinct to each other.. and this article shows one of them.. lol..

i think they're best friends, to the point that they treat each other like brothers.. i don't even treat my own brother that well

before knowing shinhwa, i didn't treat my brother that well too.. actually i didn't like him.. you know how boys in their puberty act.. i couldn't care less if he wasn't my brother.. and he thinks the same way too.. but i'm glad shinhwa has changed our relationship.. i think he also learned from shinhwa..

They look out for each other so much. <3 Haha, JunJin gulping down his food~~ LMAO & Dongwan, Hyesung, & Eric were eating his food too.

i know!!! how can they eat a patient's food!!??? poor jinnie needs to eat a lot to gain his strength back!!! besides, food for a patient is very bland isn't it??

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Guest lokeyee

[03/01]Shinhwa Minwoo Solo Concert in Japan

Do not hotlink. May bring out with full credits only. TQ.


Shinhwa LeeMinWoo (M) is currently fame in Japan.

LeeMinWoo will be holding his first solo concert in japan "LeeMinWoo Japan Tour M Live Works in Tokyo & Osaka" on March 18th & 31st in 'ZEPP Tokyo' & Osaka 'Grand Cube', the ticket preorder sales had once again showed his popularity in Japan.

Specially on Feb 23rd to 26th through Shinhwa Official Japanese Fansite (www.shinhwafan.jp) the ticket preorder were all sold out, it was totally out of expectation.

Although there's no promo activites or advertisement going on in Japan, but on the first day sales 10minutes it had sold out more than 80% of entrance ticket, the response from the japanese fans had made the concert become like a big occasion.

Management company GOOD EMG, related staff express on the march 1st, "Besides than shinhwa fans in japan, during these period through solo album and a few times trip to japan for intervies, LeeMinWoo (M)'s popularity had increase alot. Fans who did not manage to purchase the concert ticket keep calling in their request to the office on the phone, because of this matter we are making a discussion whether to have an addition concert in Tokyo".

Being holding his solo concert for the first time in Japan, LeeMinWoo is currently busy preparing for the concert, as Japan the starting venue he will also be holding solo concerts in China, etc place in Asia.

Lee Min Woo express, "First time holding a solo concert in overseas, to be able to get so many people's care and attention, i am grately thankful. I will work hard on the preparation, with the best performances to repay everybody."

Addition, before leeminwoo's japan concert, he will be releasing his Life album "M Live works" during mid march.

This album will consist of 2CD which include 2005 jan 13th & 14th in Seoul 88Stadium which minwoo had his first solo concert 'M's GirlFriend' & 2006 Dec 2nd & 3rd in Melon Ax Hall 'M Live Works 2006-2007" and so on live audio scene.

Credits to:


Cn Trans:yujin@bestshinhwa

Eng Trans:amane@http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA

==>FRM http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA/inde...?showtopic=2264

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Guest s3xyminwoo

[03/01]Shinhwa Minwoo Solo Concert in Japan

Ohh baby! 80% of tickets sold out in just 10 minutes?! Amazing!

So proud of Minwoo!

And I'm very thankful to the Japanese fans

Minwoo is so loved (:

An additional concert in question??

that's good news and bad news!

good - more minwoo

bad - overworking himself

id rather not have him do it, his health is most important!

P.S. Happy 900th Page Shinhwa Forum (:

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Guest stephypham

i think this is my first post in here? (: i really liked shinhwa back then, but i got to knoe them MORE & i ' officially ' became obsessed with them. i love their cuteness & dorkineess. every video i see of them, their either fooling around or laughing at eachother (: i love their personalities ! <3

DongWan - so cute. i love his dorkiness & smile <3

MinWoo- DAYUM. x3 haha thats all i can say (:

Eric- he`s so charming in every way.

Andy- i love his heart dance ! lol

Hyesung- beautiful voice.

JunJin- preetty coool guy.

dongwan is my most obsession<3 hes so adorable ! lol

p.s. minwoo`s concert [ 80%] were sold in 10 minutes?! wowww =) that`s amazingg. GO MINWWOOOO ! =)

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omg yay! 300th page!! weeee!!! ^^

samshiku thanks for the pictures!!! i was in a mindy mood this other day and i am really tired today because i came home so late and got so much hw to do and when i saw ur pictures it just made my day better ^^ lol xD can i hava hug? =P

hun wun gal thanks for the clips ill watch them when i have time ^^ btw i loved how u said 900th page and 9 years of shinhwa ^^ lol

ginnie wow i didnt notice that o.o maybe cuz when i voted not as many people voted yet but thats really cool how their fame is real close to eachother. cuz most groups have 2 or 1 person that has fame wayyy more than the rest and yeah. :sweatingbullets:

------ my comments---------

lol dongwan was so cute in that message to fans. lol he's all like i wouldnt want to ignore my fans hehe wannie's so sweet to his fans hehe ^O^

wow thats amazing O.O 80% tickets sold in 10 min? thats crazy but not for shinhwa fans ^^ lol hehe SHINHWA CHANJO!

btw does anyone have any pictures of when shinhwa were in those red shirts during x-man in germany and they had those kind of hats (dont kno what theyre called) and sungie had a devil kinda thingy over his head lol if any of u have it can u post? since theres no more pm anymore

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Guest qaxlod

Happy 900th SHINHWA CHANGJOers! ^_^

I am so happy for Minwoo. His concert all sold out in Japan! That's SHINHWA right there! ;)


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Guest angelix

minwoo is the best <333 ^^

3/1 [news] Hyesung, Not a problem, if change to be a trot singer!


Basically, a lot of singers are going into the trot market now. so the netizens voted for those who they did will not a have problem if they want to be a trot singer and all of them voted for Eru.

Hyesung rank at fourth, with 337 voted (10%). Hyesung recently did a duet with Lyn "love..after" and as the main vocal in shinhwa, netizens think that he wont have any problem if he want to go into trot.

Credit: oceans6 + dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=846.0

-- -----

i.e suddenly reading this, reminds me of super junior T doing that rock go song ... heh ._.;;

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Guest vietgirl604


I must get them LOL.

Gals, do you HEAR DV getting excited? LOL! (For those of you who are new to this forum, DV is one of male fan (I think we have 2?)...my adopted Shinhwa forum son, who wants to buy everything Shinhwa advertise! LOL!)

I could just imagine his excitement...jumping up and down! LOL! DV: You better get a job so you can buy one of each!

It's too bad sneakers are for men. I wonder if they can come out with women's version of Shinhwa sneakers? If they do, it'll be so popular they won't able to keep it on the shelves!

The more I think about it, the more I'm amazed about Shinhwa how after 8 years, they are getting more popular! Shinhwa jeans, Shinhwa shoes....WOW!

LOL Yeah, DV wants Shinhwa everything..everything that they advertise/endorse. I think I would get the guys' sneakers anyway..smallest size LOL. Of course they're just going to get more popular..they are indeed SHINHWA.

Thanks to ginnie we've been seeing great pictures of Shinhwa since they debuted and current pictures.

1. Who do you think changed to most?

2. Who do you think changed the least?

1. MinWoo. A lot of people think that he hardly changed but I think he went from a very adorable, short, cute, baby-like little boy to one of the SEXIEST men---if not THE sexiest---ever!

2. I have no idea..

LOL ..is it wrong for me to hate those 8 people who said that Shinhwa should stop?! RAWR.

Thank you so much for the pictures ESPECIALLY the first picture of Dongwan. I have never seen that picture and he looks so good! Hope you don't mind me putting it on my work PC screensaver. (Can't do it at home because I'll never hear end of it from my husband and my sons! :P )

It would work with my younger son since he gets excited about anything I buy him but my older son doesn't let me shop for him anymore so he won't go for it.

Actually forget about them, I WANT THEM for me! LOL!

I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT THAT FIRST PIC OF DONGWAN..he's so hot there..it's like a flawless picture. I love his hair at that length..perfect. Haha, kids tend to not like what their moms buy them..but Shinhwa sneakers! HOW AWESOME lol.




Those sneakers are available for sale through the website. I think Shinhwa Changjo members get the first sales and then it is will be open to the public in April?

But the site is in Korean...How are people planning to buy if you don't read the language? I wonder too if the site is open to international sales outside of Korea?

Really?! Shinhwa Changjo members get first sales? I find that awesome.

hey... about eric's album... surely the contents will be rap right?? or will he sing?? in anyways i still want to hear it...

by the way im labingtatlo's or krizza's younger sister... she's my unni... and she ask me to tell you this...

my sister is in bed sick after they had their fieldtrip in Baguio... her foot hurts after they had just climed a mountain... her foot is now swollen... its kinda big actually... so she couldn't post right now... she says she would be missing a lot but well ... she couldn't walk far!!!

HI! Wow, how cool that you both love Shinhwa. Tell Krizza that LYNDA wants her to be all better, soon..and that I miss her.

Ohh baby! 80% of tickets sold out in just 10 minutes?! Amazing!

So proud of Minwoo!

And I'm very thankful to the Japanese fans

Minwoo is so loved (:

An additional concert in question??

that's good news and bad news!

good - more minwoo

bad - overworking himself

id rather not have him do it, his health is most important!

I agree with you about not wanting MinWoo to do it because it's too much work and all that..and WOW, 80% of tickets sold in ten minutes..that's crazy.

YAY, I get to be on the 900th page LOL. I can't wait until we get to 1000th.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest samshiku
omg yay! 300th page!! weeee!!! ^^

samshiku thanks for the pictures!!! i was in a mindy mood this other day and i am really tired today because i came home so late and got so much hw to do and when i saw ur pictures it just made my day better ^^ lol xD can i hava hug? =P

lol Sure!^^ ~huggies!!~

and call me xh ;)

anyway i love eric in this

[pic] Ricdy – The Legend Galleria A&E


Credit to shinhwa.jpn + shinhwachangjo.net

happy 900th everyone!!

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Guest aindy

ginnie, no problem.. :)

you've made us happy with your contributions..

we'll patiently wait until your account has restored.. :D

samshiku, those caps are really heartbreaking.. made me teary as well..

thanks so much for sharing..

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