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Guest lenakeem

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^^ SHYHEART! Welcome!!!

I see your first 2 posts belongs to the WE LOVE SHINHWA thread! HURRAY FOR THAT!


I've seen the english subbed version of once in a lifetime. i'll go search for it! brb!


CLICK HERE! even though the subs aren't that easy to read, I hope you'll be able to! :D

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Actually forget about them, I WANT THEM for me! LOL!




Those sneakers are available for sale through the website. I think Shinhwa Changjo members get the first sales and then it is will be open to the public in April?

But the site is in Korean...How are people planning to buy if you don't read the language? I wonder too if the site is open to international sales outside of Korea?

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Guest shyheart

LEXINE, thanks for welcoming me...

im happy too that my first 2 post (now, 3 lol), is here in this thread. that's how i love SHINHWA....

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credit on the pics+bestshinhwa







Shinhwa boys are asking you to PAY ATTENTION!

It is tough to go back to posting their more classic pictures...

I am not sure if you will get so confused ....time-confusion..haha..

but here you go:







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Seriously, Dongwan scared me..as I was saving this picture.












thanks ginnie for the pics... so cute, its like a NOW and THEN pictures... lol

hmm..yeah..they are cute then.. and now...hahaha..

ironically I posted the not-so-cute YO pictures after you comment. =)

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Guest allsmiles

Thank you soooo much for all the pics you've posted ginnie! I don't have many of them. ^___^

And, lol. Although I had some mental preparation after this line:

Seriously, Dongwan scared me..as I was saving this picture.


.. I still got a shock. Hahaa

That aside, ^___^ I can't wait for them to churn out their 9th album and do all their group activities!

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same here xD. the only person that knows that im a fangirl..is my sister.

-_________- gah, she makes fun of me so much

awww those picture are so cute.

minwoo's gonna be a great hubby to a lucky girl and a wonderful dad oneday. xD

haha krizza if you do that you can give all of us v.i.p passes to the set

muhaha :lol:


i was really hoping for subs. oh wells, as long as it has shinhwa, im happy :D

congrats! :D

AHAHA! I am totally with you guys....My mom totally would freak if she knew I fangirl-ed...and my sister is also the only one who really knows...although she fangirls more over viet singers... :rolleyes:...

I LOVE SHINHWA!! CAN'T WAIT TILL THEIR 9th album comes out!!!!! :lol: THANKS TO ALL for all the lovely pics!!

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Guest sunnydays.

riz - from my biased point of view, i think dongwan broke his nose or something, and then got a surgical procedure done to fix it =P

yes dongwan got plastic surgery for his nose.. i think it was either he broke it(due to an accident) or ive read in one site that he had some problems.. i forgot..

ive also read that junjin had nose surgery.. i forgot why.. im digging up archives now

hahaha.. yah i wont wear it either.. gosh.. i wouldnt want dirt on anything that is shinhwa


yes, dongwan got plastic surgery

i think it was just recently

i remember reading blogs and stuff about it back in the summer of '05

unless i was reading old diary entries.

dongwan has like a breathing problem, which is why he kind of gives off a nasaly sound sometimes, but u honestly cant really tell because he sings so well :wub:

anyways, yeah. so he had to get surgery to fix it, but he also ddidnt like his nose, and decided to fix the structure at the same time.

im PRETTY sure this is correct.

whether or not dongwan went under the knife, hes still a beautiful person inside and out. and he's still REAL. <3

Oh, alright, thanks guys. (: Aww... poor Dongwan, breaking his nose x__x;; Is that why he has that scar-looking thing on his nose? Gosh, those Shinhwa boys mang... so accident-prone. I worry about them sometimes. :P Oh, & JunJin too? Huh... well, I guess we can figure out by trying to compare their younger pictures with their newer ones... huh, I think I'll go do that... LOL. XD; But yeah... I mean, even with plastic surgery, as long as artists are true as themselves (personality-wise), fans & people can totally look past the surgery stuff.

this question reminds me to a similar question asked to shinhwa during an interview at the filmsite of the making of battle shinhwa cf, which happened to be around their 7th year anniversary..

i think the question was 'who has changed the most?'

and junjin immediately lookedstared at a certain member.. and he said 'people DO change.. there are people who change for the better.. there are also people who change for the worse..' then he was asked 'which member has changed for the better?' and he answered 'andy.. minwoo hyung.. dongwan hyung.. eric hyung... and me.' lol.

as for me... i also think HYESUNG changed the most...physically. his facial features kinda change if you compare him in the 'TOP' days.. and i think he has double eyelids now??

the others don't really change that much.. it is the hairstyle that makes them look different.. when eric shaved his head, i was surprised that he hasn't changed much from the 'i pray 4 u' days..

junjin, i think he's 2nd after hyesung.. well, his hairstyle always changes but i don't think he has changed that much.....physically.

but non physically.... ahh watching their 4th jib videos always breaks my heart.. i even noticed the difference before i knew what happened.. and i am really GLAD that they won the daesang in 2004.. i think it's really important to him..

for pesonality, i think junjin is the one who has grown the most.. and he has become mature because of shinhwa.. if it wasn't for shinhwa, i doubt he would be who he is now.. i mean, personality-wise..

anyway, i don't know why but i always find it wonderful that they spent their youths and became mature within shinhwa...

Yeah, I agree with you... physically-wise, most of them look pretty much the same from when they debut, it's just that their faces all matured & their hairstyles frequently changed. Hmmm, now that you mentioned it, Hyesung does look quite different. & Andy, yeah, he still looks so young O__O;; <3 haha whatta cutie. (:

btw, x__X;; I feel really bad for not knowing this... but, I've heard bits & pieces of what happened around that time of the 4th jib... & I was wondering, can you (or anyone) explain in detail? ^^; Like, I know that Andy left temporarily, & Shinhwa was VERY changed by this... & JunJin had stage fright or something? Is that why his personality changed so much? O__O;; & what about the other members... Yeah, I dunno, I've heard bits & pieces, but I'm not sure when they happened chronologically. Sorry for the question, & thanks to anyone in advance. ^^;

Becuase of insomia I spent a good portion of last night thingking how good a strategist and businessmen are Shinhwa

Good Stretegist:

As a group they are already well established, so what did they do? They went on and established solo careers without breaking up the group.

As Savvy Businessmen:

Shinhwa now is no longer just a boyband they are now a brand!


But what really impresses me is how they never lost sight of the fact that they owe everything to their loyal fans. Is there any other artist or group who actually has taken the time to pay tribute to their fans? I honestly don't know any.

LOL... haha, insomnia ^__^; But I agree with what you said. They're really smart when it comes to business... I think they work together to achieve their full potential as businessmen... & even when they get their, they launch themselves into totally new levels. See noww, almost all of them have (or will be having) their own albums, which yeahh, promotes not only themselves, but also promotes Shinwha (indirectly). & their move to GOOD ent, it was very risky, but they managed to make it. Very strong, indeed. (: <3 & YESS SHINWHA BRAND. That's definately gonna help. :D & it's all for the fans, I agree, which is so heartwarming >w<;

Ginnie - THE PICTURES! Thank you. :D PUAHAHAHA, i looove the yo pictures... Eric looks soo handsome/hott in those pictures. (: & MINBONG OMG! Hahaha, he's soo adorable. >:] & the IvyClub pictures are NICE. >w<; Tee hee, they look good in uniforms ~<3

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hahahaha.. shinhwa guys are asking us to pay attention?? we already paid attention to them since eons ago =P but anyways, since they asked..

*pays attention and ogles at the guys*

and ginnie, i agree with you, dongwan freaked me out for a moment there.. he looked j-rockish.. it's freaky.. it doesn't even look like him or fit his personality at all.. what was he thinking?? even minwoo or eric [whom i thought are the most daring in terms of looks] didn't even go that crazy..

riz - i think the scar that dongwan had [i think i read this somewhere] was caused by some fights or something.. and the thing that happened with andy, there was a lot of controversy over this.. and whatever i said after this shouldn't be taken as the truth, rather, it's all rumours that i've heard or read before.. there was the story of andy going back to the US to finish his studies, his parents wanted him to finish high school, and andy being abused by SM.. i repeat, i don't know if any of these is the truth, but these are what i've heard..

regarding junjin's personality, i don't think it was caused by andy leaving during 4th album.. his change in personality was because of the accident [when was it?] where he hit his head and had to go to the hospital.. i've posted the video clip from youtube twice, but if you haven't seen it, i can look it up for you again [just tell me..] and that's why he's more reserved i guess.. because he used to be so crazy and daring, and because of the accident, i think he thinks twice before doing anything crazy and life threatening..

i'm saving this thread from the 2nd page~ *supernutzie theme*

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dongwan, i think he has changed the least.. actually, he doesn't change at all.. other than during the 3rd and 4th album period, he always looks the same since debut..

haha that's what i thought..lol

but change or no change, dongwan's still has a great personality :D


But what really impresses me is how they never lost sight of the fact that they owe everything to their loyal fans. Is there any other artist or group who actually has taken the time to pay tribute to their fans? I honestly don't know any.

After writing all this I now realize that while SHinhwa is good for my wellbeing (making me laugh and feel good)...they definitely are not good in helping me in controlling my insomia....makes me think too much.........lol :rolleyes:

i agree, they never give up on their fans and their fans never give up on them. that's what makes shinhwa the best. ^-^

hello! first time to post here... i just recently noticed shinhwa when i happened to saw a video of them in you tube. without me noticing it, im hooked with every video of shinhwa and began to search the net for them.. im amaze for the longevity of this group that i cant help but admire and love them...

i especially love eric, hehehe.. dont know why..

i pray at night that the group last forever and they sell more albums and more projects for them to come...


haha welcome to the shinhwa thread! ^-^ i got hook by shinhwa through youtube too xD

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Guest angel2nyt

hahahaha.. shinhwa guys are asking us to pay attention?? we already paid attention to them since eons ago =P but anyways, since they asked..

*pays attention and ogles at the guys*

and ginnie, i agree with you, dongwan freaked me out for a moment there.. he looked j-rockish.. it's freaky.. it doesn't even look like him or fit his personality at all.. what was he thinking?? even minwoo or eric [whom i thought are the most daring in terms of looks] didn't even go that crazy..

riz - i think the scar that dongwan had [i think i read this somewhere] was caused by some fights or something.. and the thing that happened with andy, there was a lot of controversy over this.. and whatever i said after this shouldn't be taken as the truth, rather, it's all rumours that i've heard or read before.. there was the story of andy going back to the US to finish his studies, his parents wanted him to finish high school, and andy being abused by SM.. i repeat, i don't know if any of these is the truth, but these are what i've heard..

regarding junjin's personality, i don't think it was caused by andy leaving during 4th album.. his change in personality was because of the accident [when was it?] where he hit his head and had to go to the hospital.. i've posted the video clip from youtube twice, but if you haven't seen it, i can look it up for you again [just tell me..] and that's why he's more reserved i guess.. because he used to be so crazy and daring, and because of the accident, i think he thinks twice before doing anything crazy and life threatening..

i'm saving this thread from the 2nd page~ *supernutzie theme*

i actually watched that clip about the accident already, and everyone was really in a not-so-good mood.. i actually got a glimpse of junjin will blood on his head.. and the expressions on the other shinhwa members' faces really :tears:

Oh, alright, thanks guys. (: Aww... poor Dongwan, breaking his nose x__x;; Is that why he has that scar-looking thing on his nose? Gosh, those Shinhwa boys mang... so accident-prone. I worry about them sometimes. :P Oh, & JunJin too? Huh... well, I guess we can figure out by trying to compare their younger pictures with their newer ones... huh, I think I'll go do that... LOL. XD; But yeah... I mean, even with plastic surgery, as long as artists are true as themselves (personality-wise), fans & people can totally look past the surgery stuff.

have you seen pictures of dongwan's mom, and when you look at her nose and dongwan's nose ..they look pretty much the same, which i think was weird..(or maybe because it was just a great surgery).. bt who cres anyways.. his personality always, always shines brighter than his physical appearance

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Guest theLEGEND

WOW~ I've missed so many pages. I have to backlog for like ALOT! Thank you for those of you who've shared the pictures and news. I've never seen some of them. They look so cute during Eusha Eusha days <33

I just want to welcome to those of you who are newbies in this thread. WELCOME! =D

I came across a few new threads that were posted over at Korean Celebs Pics. I'll just list them out..

All Time Favorite Korean Boyband

All Eyes On Shinhwa

Reminiscing Of Shinhwa

I think that's all.. Please drop by and write some replies ;)

Since we are talking about surgery here, do you guys know who else went under surgery? Honestly, I have nothing against plastic surgery. The main reason which gets me so attracted to Shinhwa is because of their personalities and looks come second :P

I just love SHINHWA for who they are. SHINHWA FOREVER!! <333

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Guest devylann

Enjoy these 2 vids first...more will come tonight!

070226 Arirang Showbiz Extra Shinhwa MIS Fanmeeting-syoungin


070226 Mpick Battle in Shinhwa MIS Fanmeeting[bestshinhwa]


credits: syoungin + bestshinhwa

thanx for da links!! omg!! they're truly the BEST ever!! i just fall in love over and over again!! not bc they're great entertainers but bc they're sooo silly and "REAL"!!1 so hard to find celebs be real... that's why i love them!! and also...they're alwase sooo appreciative of their FANS...(US)!!! :)

oh..i just got their winter story6-7!!! wow!!! loved it!! i really like their "beautiful" song!!! they alwase make me weak in the knees!! :P

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Guest moon-soon

hey... about eric's album... surely the contents will be rap right?? or will he sing?? in anyways i still want to hear it...

by the way im labingtatlo's or krizza's younger sister... she's my unni... and she ask me to tell you this...

my sister is in bed sick after they had their fieldtrip in Baguio... her foot hurts after they had just climed a mountain... her foot is now swollen... its kinda big actually... so she couldn't post right now... she says she would be missing a lot but well ... she couldn't walk far!!!

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Oh, alright, thanks guys. (: Aww... poor Dongwan, breaking his nose x__x;; Is that why he has that scar-looking thing on his nose? Gosh, those Shinhwa boys mang... so accident-prone. I worry about them sometimes. :P Oh, & JunJin too? Huh... well, I guess we can figure out by trying to compare their younger pictures with their newer ones... huh, I think I'll go do that... LOL. XD; But yeah... I mean, even with plastic surgery, as long as artists are true as themselves (personality-wise), fans & people can totally look past the surgery stuff.

dongwan got the scar thingy when he was younhger. a knife fight ROFL =D

but yeah i agree with you! as long as dongwan is true to himself then im fine with it

and dongwan admitted to it too.

hes not ashamed of his choices. i mean personally, if somebody really has that low self-esteema nd wahts to do plastic surgery, then why stop them? i mean sure they wont be 'natural' but as long as they're happy right? i dont like my nose. LOL


thank u so much for all the pics 'ginnie' !!

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