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Guest lenakeem

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Guest theLEGEND


To everyone here and SHINHWA

Wish you the best in the year 2007

Looking forward for all SHINHWA's projects (group or solo)

Mun Jung Hyuk, SBS Drama DaeSang Mini Series Best Male Actor

Mun Jung Hyuk, Kim Jung Eun, Han Hye Sook, Lee Bo Young, Son Ye Jin - Top 10 Stars

Thank you for sharing the good news with us~!! Congratulations to ERIC!! He won 3 awards!! <3 We'll wait for your next projects :)

1/1 [news] eric, park shi yeon "NEWS award" expressions

on this day, eric looked over to park shi yeon with a happy look, and this was caught on camera, becoming hot talk.

1/1 [trans] 2006.. Shinhwa reigns?

31/12 [news] JunJin, " So I am really not Iron Man"

Is there any downloadable clips about this Eric and Park Shi Yeon moment? Whee.. do they arrived together as well? What's up with Eric's tie? :P

Look at that! Shinhwa's been (extremely) busy since the first day of the year 2006 and yet we felt that they were not doing lots of promotions and going to variety shows and stuffs. I guess they were focusing more on overseas projects. I hope in this new year, we will be seeing them more on shows :) I'm glad that JunJin finally admitted that he needs to take a break sometimes. I'll be looking forward for SHINHWA's upcoming projects be it solo/group activities! :D

as u know, or may not know, i only joined this thread towards the later months of 2006 and missed out on alot!!!!!

so, i have a few questions!

4. whats day after day??? is it a shinhwa song? which album is it in???

hope u guys can help me!!!!!


Okay.. I can only answer this question. It's an OST for SBS Drama Love Moments and Shin Hye Sung is the singer :)

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but what happened to jun hyosung and gina? (i remember how wannie complimented jun hyosung because he thinks she's pretty and when the mc mentioned it on the show, wannie was blushing! wargfklvdkr!~ jun hyosung and i have the same birthday though :blush: )

they're debuting next year right?

you mean they got someone who didn't reach the end of the show and released her first before they released the others?

and they got minu to work with her????????


which one is she then?

from which group?

she did make the 30 of her batch, right? lols, of course she did.

is she that girl who left the show?

hm.. this SAT is so mysterious.

why am i so darn curious anyway????



^i wasn't really into battle when the programme started airing

i only catch a few episodes as and when i feel like =X

hence im really bad w their names..

she's really mysterious!

when i saw the making of "eraser" mv..SAT gave me a feeling of a grown-up feminine girl arnd minwoo's age

cos her voice is so sexy and sweet..

but it did occur to me tt she MIGHT be one of battle's competitor..

cos good enter is grooming a handful of them to debut as singers..

and if my memory did nt store the wrong stuff..i supposed i did read it tt good enter is training a girl frm the comp to debut w battle

[Caps] 061227 Andy On MBC Goldfish


he looked wickedly CUTE


^eric's sooo funnnny!

haha, as if the gir's gonna cheat by copying his ans for an exam LOL

and CONGRATS to his win..i bet tt's the best new yr gift

by the way thank you angelix for those news..

linda is really lucky..she has worked with jay chou and now junjin

this is the first time i have heard of someone saying that junjin's eyes are secluded

what does that mean.. lonely??far??

and dongwan wont be posting diary entries this month i think because he's too busy filming his drama

^and not to mention...linda worked w utt too..he's one of the hottest vj ever

ya..i was wondering if she meant SEDUCTIVE, instead of secluded...

i missed wannie's entries...i wished he post soooon!

When Minwoo's tired, he turned on his special "Eric Channel"...

^tt's cute! and personalized too haha

minwoo looked damn gorgeous in these caps.

as u know, or may not know, i only joined this thread towards the later months of 2006 and missed out on alot!!!!!

so, i have a few questions!

1. what is 'shinhwa forest'???? if theres shinhwa forest, i wanna live there!

2. whats CJ music??? i thought shinhwa are with goodemg? everytime i see cj i think shinhwa changjo cos of changjo=cj

3. whats 'lamodo style' star zone???

4. whats day after day??? is it a shinhwa song? which album is it in???

5. 8th fanmeeting, 8 people in 8 different places. heard about it but, do u guys have n e pics???

6. 'sweet guy' a drama??? HUH??????? i never knew about this! where the hell was i? LOL so its a drama with eric? all ive herad of is firebird, super rookie and ksa!

hope u guys can help me!!!!!


i have some of the answer

#2 CJ is a printing company for their cd IF IM NOT WRONG..

#5 it's 6 members in 6 different places..i only rmb junjin went dongdaemun and he has the most number of fans turning up there

the fans doesn't know who's gg which places..and it's nt some popularity thing..it's more of fun and surprise for fans

i do have their pics..but unfortunately tt was before my computer crashed.

#6 sweet guy is a drama eric's supposed to film before invinsible parachuting agent w lee da hae..but due to contractual (and monetary??) prob..it was delayed and hence invinsible was shot first

hope i helped :)

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Guest chibimarukochan

eric looks funny in that suit but so cute. congratulations to him for winnning these awards. i'm looking forward to WOLF if he's going to be continuing the filming fo rthat

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happy new year to all the shinhwa fans! <3

hope everyone and of course our shinhwa boys will have a happy and successful new year!

of course, congratulations to eric for winning THREE awards! he's off to a great start in 2007 already :)

also, if anyone is interested, i just uploaded on youtube a segment from a chinese talk show minwoo did when he went back to china a few months ago

here's the link:

watch how minwoo interacts with his manager. they're so cute together :D

i'll also post up translations if anyone is interested and would like it

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Guest sarah_luisa

yeah please post the translation... i kinda understand but n0t sure that they compare his manager to kingk0ng :P

and to s1xt1n: wahhhhh...andy is our baby...rofl...he's so adorable..i juss want to pinch his cheeks...O.O...esp. in the eusha eusha days...with the ribbons in his hair...rofl. nd minwoo too! nd oh! hi i'm rozzy! wahtz ur name?


oh, my name is sarah :sweatingbullets:




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Guest tvxqsaraeng

Wow.....so much has happened.....^-^~~~ CONGRATS to Eric for the award!!! I was surprised to see that he went publicly with his girlfriend!!! lolz....

CONGRATS TO SHINHWA for Bongsang!!!^^~ keke

And that MV...wow....i didn't even know it existed.....Whose Beega??? lolz..That's a great song and its supposed to have a part two........(needs to go searching....) Andy was awesome in it but HE GOT BEAT UP!!!!! gha!!

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Guest sunnydays.

hah!! i found something to share!! funny version of eusha eusha!!


- minwoo farting

- jin ah!! don't play with fire!!

- hyesung cheating and showing middle finger O_o

Thanks Nutzie. (: i remember seeing this before & saving it as one of my favorites. :D i loooove how they play around with the equipment afterwards... & them singing Eusha Eusha was sooo energetic, I wish I was there dancing with them. ^^; Thanks again<3


1/1 [news] eric, park shi yeon "NEWS award" expressions


1/1 [trans] GOODEMG : congrats to eric!


1/1 [news] Eric "will work harder in the upcoming year"


1/1 [trans] 2006.. Shinhwa reigns?


31/12 [news] JunJin, " So I am really not Iron Man"


[Pics] 070101 Eric At SBS Drama Awards






Credits : mydaily + oceans six + http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=278.0

OMG thank you so much for all the news!

o1. Ahh, Eric & Park Si Yeon! They really are adorable (even though it breaks my heart... U__U *cough*LOL XD; ). They both look great, although I'm not a big fan of what they're wearing. ^^; Ah well. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF THEM! I can totally imagine Eric looking at her & smiling... awwww, sooo cuute. >w<; *sigh* They must be really happy. (: Wonder if they went out to celebrate afterwards? Prolly ~ Hehe (:

o2. Congratulations to Eric... I'm SOO proud of him. He has gone a long way in his career, & he's even willing to get better. Shows you how serious he is about this & how goal-oriented he is. (: HE ISN'T JUST ANOTHER PRETTY FACE WHO GOT INTO ACTING BECAUSE OF HIS GOOD LOOKS. U__U One day, Eric will show the world that it's really his talent & passion for acting that got him into it. =D From Firebird, to Super Rookie, to Invisible Parachutist Agent (& Diary of June in there somewhere =P), he definately has improved. <3 Yay Eric ^^ FIGHTING!<3

o3. Oh woww... Shinhwa has had yet another successful year. It was very eventful. So many injuries though... x__x;; Hopefully this 2007, that number of injuries will DECREAAASE ~ Teee hee. & I'm so proud of every single of the members. (: They've done so much... wahh, Shinhwa >w<;; Makes me so happy to be a Shinhwa fan!

o4. Haha JunJin, the iron man <3 Gotta love his determination, although he does get a bit stubborn. ^^; It's good that he realizes he needs to pay attention to his health more. But JunJin, fighting! <3 We love you. (; can't wait to hear his new duet & watch his new MV. (:

o5. HAHAHA ERIC! He's so funny... his pictures at the drama awards, that cutie. (: He's so playful ~ I'm glad he's showing his playful side more, & not just with Shinhwa members. =D Thanks for the pictures ~ LOL Eric's peace sign ^o^ V

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i'm finally back!!! well not really.. my computer is still pretty much useless, so i'm posting from my bro's comp..

firstly, another bonsang award~!! wheee!! oh my, i'm so behind -________- that's just sad..

and guys, thanks for the translations and pics for the past few pages.. although i can't save them, they're still eye candies..

oh yes, happy new year to all of you, i hope you guys have a great year ahead ^o^

meh, i have nothing to share.. but i'm gonna keep lurking around for a bit until my computer is done being ill.. =P

hah!! i found something to share!! funny version of eusha eusha!!


- minwoo farting

- jin ah!! don't play with fire!!

- hyesung cheating and showing middle finger O_o

i love the performance, i remember that ^_^

soo incredibly cute. hehe. and aww i see u're using my avvie (:

as u know, or may not know, i only joined this thread towards the later months of 2006 and missed out on alot!!!!!

so, i have a few questions!

1. what is 'shinhwa forest'???? if theres shinhwa forest, i wanna live there!

2. whats CJ music??? i thought shinhwa are with goodemg? everytime i see cj i think shinhwa changjo cos of changjo=cj

3. whats 'lamodo style' star zone???

4. whats day after day??? is it a shinhwa song? which album is it in???

5. 8th fanmeeting, 8 people in 8 different places. heard about it but, do u guys have n e pics???

6. 'sweet guy' a drama??? HUH??????? i never knew about this! where the hell was i? LOL so its a drama with eric? all ive herad of is firebird, super rookie and ksa!

hope u guys can help me!!!!!


#1) shinhwa forest was either the name of their fanmeeting or the theme. remember that fanmeeting they had.. where junjin performed a solo? and he sounded so good! it was celebrating eric and andys bday.. but eric culdnt make it (wolf accident)

#2) cj.. is this music producing company i think?! LOL.

#5) its actually 6ppl in 6 differnet places.. i think that thing is wrong o_o cuz theres only 6members... LOL. as for pictures, i have none :( it shows clips from it on the special edition!

#6) i've never heard of it either. maybe it wus jus like a one-epi appearance?

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Guest justine22

I'm so proud of Eric's success and accomplishments as an actor!!! He's definitely a "triple threat"... he can rap, dance, act and he even composes rap lyrics... so I guess that makes four... :D

I'm not a fan though of his outfit at the awards show. There's too much going on that suit of his but maybe he wore that to represent the personalities of the acting roles he did on the 2 series so I guess, it works. :D

I've known even before that Eric has a gf and I've read before that she was in My Girl. I watched My Girl but never really made it a point to find out which one is his gf so it's the first time I've seen her from the posted pics from the awards ceremony. I was just surprised that it's her... she does look better now than in the drama series. As much as it hurts to believe that our Eric has someone special in his life, we can only be happy for him for whatever makes him happy. :)

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Guest harumi_chikamatsu

UI#%"+åKR+i+pdpf :blink:

Watched Happy Shares Company... Hyesung~!!! OMG! We gotta see him topless! His biceps *drooling*

Even though he was wearing a shirt you could see them well.. :w00t::):D:lol:

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Guest sarah_luisa

And that MV...wow....i didn't even know it existed.....Whose Beega??? lolz..That's a great song and its supposed to have a part two........(needs to go searching....) Andy was awesome in it but HE GOT BEAT UP!!!!! gha!!

:unsure: unfortunately i search it and found out there's n0 continuation until n0w,

i really wanna know what happen next

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Guest dooode

hey everyone, im new to soompi. my friend michelle (coolieever) got me into shinhwa and told me to join here ^^ my name is kyle. my favorite song/mv is 'wild eyes' but can someone tell me why theres only 5 people in it? arent there 6 people in shinhwa?

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Guest harumi_chikamatsu

my favorite song/mv is 'wild eyes' but can someone tell me why theres only 5 people in it? arent there 6 people in shinhwa?

WILD EYES is from 4th album. Andy was in the USA during that time thus he's not in the MV, or the album.

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Guest dooode

WILD EYES is from 4th album. Andy was in the USA during that time thus he's not in the MV, or the album.

oh thanks, why was he in the US? ahh, sorry for being so n00b-ish

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oh thanks, why was he in the US? ahh, sorry for being so n00b-ish

hi kyle! welcome to soompi.. welcome to 'we loves shinhwa' (:

he wus in the u.s.a because of problems there. either regarding school, or his citizenship thingy or family.

i 4get.. LOL

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hi kyle!! welcome!

yea...what christine said. keke..now all we have to do is get u to join orange crush..rofl.

x]. michelle tld u about them? cool. guyz letz load kyle wit lots of fun shinhwa clips! rofl. x33.

uh..i'll be back with clips so this isn't a spam post..O.O


well...i juss rewatched this..O.O..itz really touching (i have no idea what htey're saying...rofl..but still..there are a little bit of eng. translations in the comments)

plus..i think itz interesting..that juss by seeing a few seconds of them dancing..they can tell what song it is..that's pretty amazing.


and who can forget shinhwa's cute dance they made for manwon hangbok..:]


puahh..the "oh! concert mv"..it shows off their dance moves..and also..little clips of them in concerts...and plus..i juss realized it was the song "oh!" that tey were rehearsing the dance moves for in..i think it was minwoo showing off his house? nd den it shows them rehearsing.


minwoo showing off his house clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8LMpycnrDo

anddd of course who can forget them showing off the dorm where they lived. i found an extended version? itz about 6 and a half min long..:D. the others wunz were like..4 min sumting. rofl.


i'll post links to other fun links later...:D

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