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Guest lenakeem

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eepz..i have the sheet music for the song first love..buh i don't have the song. =[[[...does newun have it...nd want to pm it to me? i would be really thankful. :]]]]]]. i was goin to get it off of bww2..buh the link expired.

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Guest malgretout

-___- oh man i haven't been in soompi for tooooo long and lots has happened in this thread since! but anyway, i just glanced at the first page and i'm loving the edits being done! it looks good and i just read the fav. actor part for andy and awww cute: wandy love!!! anyway just wanted to post to say thanks for continuous updating of the thread/page! ^__^

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Guest serawong

When they came singapore for concert, me and my friends manage to get near them....

so... for Minwoo, he is just my height... manage to get a chance to stand next to him... i'm 168cm.

Well, actually for Minwoo, i dun really care how talll is he.... i still love him the same, together with the rest of the 5...

the statistics given is like when they launch themselves since back then.... people get shorter i suppose as they grow older... epecially for those who lift weights and train... i find sometimes they do get shorter.... :P

weight wise, will be different every now and then, depending if they work out or not... busy or not...

As for andy and dongwan, they are also about my height. I say probably around 170cm or so.... Junjin is the tallest.... like 180cm, and eric and hyesung is just shorter than him slightly.

That's all i can provide accordingly to what i see for myself when they were here =)

Minwoo is the same heigh as my father accordin to those stats. i also don't think that he is short, minwoo is part of the average heigh group. as far as i know accordin to physicians average height for most men is between 171 - 179, if he was below 170 then he would be short.

i'm also one of the shortest of my HS friends, but my friends were really tall, i'm 1.65cm like 5,4 and one of my friends is 180, when we were in junior high she was like godzilla to the rest of us. her brother is like 1.90 (he is like a giant).

BTW there is one thing strange in those stats how minwoo's weigh is less than dongwan and andy??? he looks skinnier than both of them.

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lol okay first FLiPSiDE! i saw that written in one of my textbooks and i wus like. :o !! SOOMPIER?! LOLS. [as in i saw 'flipside' written in my textbook]

anyways i think the weight thing MITE be wrong.. i mean theres no way they're that light =| LOLS. my friend is like 140 and hes only like 5'9 and hes not buff AT ALL. well hes not skinny to the bone either but yeah. hes not super built like them =\

wow we've been tlakin about their heights and stuff recently. LOL

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Guest nutzie

mommie alice - thank you!! it sounds pretty much the same as what i heard in korean videos when you mouth it out.. don't worry, i understand about the romanization thingy, cos i can read the korean words for a bit too.. thank youu!!

krazie4adream - i have the mp3 of eric & lyn's song.. if you want, please pm me your email address and i'll send it to you.. probably not tomorrow though, cos i'll be out for the whole day ^^"

angel2nyt - what cute pics!! thanks very much for sharing~

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so... for Minwoo, he is just my height... manage to get a chance to stand next to him... i'm 168cm.

Well, actually for Minwoo, i dun really care how talll is he.... i still love him the same, together with the rest of the 5...

As for andy and dongwan, they are also about my height. I say probably around 170cm or so.... Junjin is the tallest.... like 180cm, and eric and hyesung is just shorter than him slightly.

That's all i can provide accordingly to what i see for myself when they were here =)

I also got to see the boys upclose..

Minwoo is really short :lol: i was quite surprise when i saw him haha.. but he's gorgeous :wub:

JunJin and Eric is very tall..

Andy & Dongwan are average height... but i think andy is taller than dongwan.

actually i think Hyesung has the same height as eric & junjin.. just that he hunch his back which makes him 1-2cm shorter

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Guest cognizantfire

hyesung actually hunches his back????

that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDD

i love hunching my back as well!!!!

oh btw if anybody has sheet music of shinhwa, can you pm me????? i've been longing to play their songs on the piano but i can just play the melody without the accompaniament. makes it not as good to listen to. i would really appreciate it if anyone can pm me the sheet music!

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Guest poloblue

anyways i think the weight thing MITE be wrong.. i mean theres no way they're that light =| LOLS. my friend is like 140 and hes only like 5'9 and hes not buff AT ALL. well hes not skinny to the bone either but yeah. hes not super built like them =\

wow we've been tlakin about their heights and stuff recently. LOL

maybe the weight was from when they first debuted!!! they use to be really skinny so i think the weight might have been from then!!! now it makes more sense why DongWan is only like 60kgs! lol

yeah, we have been talking about their height and weight alot lately. if i ever meet them, i'll ask them for their height and weight for u girls, k???

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lol okay first FLiPSiDE! i saw that written in one of my textbooks and i wus like. :o !! SOOMPIER?! LOLS. [as in i saw 'flipside' written in my textbook]

anyways i think the weight thing MITE be wrong.. i mean theres no way they're that light =| LOLS. my friend is like 140 and hes only like 5'9 and hes not buff AT ALL. well hes not skinny to the bone either but yeah. hes not super built like them =\

wow we've been tlakin about their heights and stuff recently. LOL

:) actually hyesung is very skinny but has cute chubby cheeks. He needs to gain some weight or perhaps exercise more :D

I consider Junjin, DW & Andy are thin. DW is not as big as I thought he was especially with those muscles I saw in the pictures. Eric has a lean body, Minu is not tall but his body is sooooo fine..

angel2nyt, thanks for the pictures. Agree with nutzie, the pictures are cute!

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Guest vignette

Then Minwoo's stage- you feel that he is in control. He's very sure and confident? He tells the dancers, there and there. And he's got all the effects and timings he wants in his head...when the lights should go on, when the music pauses, etc. He spends quite a bit of time thinking about it? Everything's planned, and he knows what he wants. The way the stage director speaks to them is very different too. To Jinnie, his tone sounds like he's teaching sometimes...but to Minwoo they're on a more equal level? Or it's just my imagination.

Hyesung's kinda similar to Minwoo...but lonelier since he doesn't have any back up dancers. He's very meticulous about the sound and positioning. Hyesung fidgets alot with his earpiece and wants to put on the perfect show.

Dongwan, I think, is less concerned with the technical stuff, and just sings his songs. He seems more concerned and focused on his own performance than anything else...like is he singing on key rather than if the echo is too loud etc.

I think you are right in your description of M and Hyesung. I watched their Brand New Special DVD and saw how particular they are in preparing for a show. Normally they make adjustments to their performances depending on the stage of the venue and those two will really take the time to check on how the lights will look. How the dancers will move on the stage even to the point of making some last minute changes in the steps for the dances they make.

Hyesung is particular about what key to start a song and the right blending of the sound system.

About Dongwan, I think his also very particular about the technical aspects. We made some comments about it after their Thai concert and even in the previous concert clips.

I just hope the Junjin can slowly develop his confidence as he ventures into a solo career.

I thought Minwoo was shorter than Dongwan....I guess they are same height... :blink:

Are they talking about Japan concert? I read somewhere that they'll be releasing recent Japan concert in DVD. I don't think it's released yet.

"Mommie" Alice

I thought the same and my friends who saw them in Singapore said Minwoo is the shortest amongst the 6 guys.

I hope the DVD for the Japan concert will have an english subtitle as well.

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Guest katelin_kim


i always thought eric, hyesung and jinnie were 6ft. O_O iono... it looks like they really are... O_O and... iono but minwoo looks shorter than andy! XP haha

^is that show where he got his foot sprained or sth? but he still danced? i think i watched that thing last year when i still got kbs world! gawd, im so freaking envious of kang soojung! TTOTT; she always pairs up with minwoo!!! :tears:

i'm not sure but ther are 4 most funny eps

one was Minwoo and the guy from HOT ( Jand something), M was acting like that guy's girlfriend, it was hilarious

other was M and KJK , Minbong haad to kiss other guys :D:sweatingbullets:

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Guest cpopbaby19


i wanna watch those~~~ TTOTT; stupid mom, disconnected our other cable (cuz it had kbs!) -O-; im suffering right now cuz i only got arirang and it has crappy shows! XP except for the music shows and some classic dramas! :phew:

wow, man.. this thread is movin kinda fast! ^__________^V

yes! minu is not short! no no no! it's just becaus ethe other 5 guys are taller, that's why they say he's short.

ah! can you just send me the link? haha... maybe i'll ask my friend from our choir to play in in his piano and i'll try to get it in bass guitar and my oppa can do it in rythm... ^^ wow! and another friend, not from the choir though, can try it on his flute. waaa!!!~~~ i want angel!!!!!!

well, i always do that... imagine things. what if shinhwa is in this show? what if shinhwa acted here instead of them... wow! i so so wish!


okay, why are u still up at 3 am? LOLs XP

heh.. can't be bothered quoting, so it might seem really random..

i have the song with lyn and eric on mp3!! since i feel like being a good girl, does anybody want it?? you can just pm me if you do okie?

i have that picture of eric in the orange rain coat ^^

xjapan actually disbanded first, before one of the members died.. he appeared to have committed suicide [hide was found hung in his own apartment] when they were in a discussion about getting back together.. they're real crazy good musicians.. when you hear the songs, you can tell that it's an x japan song.. and the remaining members also performed at hide's funeral.. it's pretty heart wrenching.. i'll try to find the video later on.. my favorite has to be longing.. it just holds a special meaning for me ^^ actually, i've just checked, i have tears in my computer too!!

i've seen this guy at school who looks like shindong [from super junior] with a different hairstyle.. hahaha.. i so wanted to laugh when i saw him.. but yep, so far, none looks like shinhwa yet.. they look too unique to have lookalikes ^^"

aah, i'm so happy you guys are about my height~ i'm the shortest amongst my friends [actually, we have a friend shorter than i am.. she's not even 5' =P but she doesn't go to our school..] they always tease me about it >_<"

okie now, the video of hide's funeral..


oh according to wikipedia, 4 fans attempted to commit suicide, 2 of them succeeded.. isn't that crazy?

God. that sent me shivers. seriously. gawd thanks for the link. imma watch it now. i suddenly got freakin curious! TTOTT;

RIP to Hide...

Hey guys. I haven't been here in a WHIIIILE. x__O;; so many pages I had to catch up on.. XD;;

Anyway, LOL I love the statistics about the Shinhwa guys. Now I feel less embarassed that I do look at that stuff too. HAHAHA. (: Sometimes I actually mark it out and see how tall the guys would be compared to me... when I marked out JunJin & Eric, I felt so short compared to them. T__T;; hahaha ~ Ahhh I miss Shinhwa. =X I've been watching Super Rookie lately though. GOSH Eric is so damn fine. <3 LOL.

Thanks everyone for the youtube links. I looove watching those clips, especially when i'm in a bad mood... always makes me feel better. (: Ahh~<3

Shinhwa Changjo. I missed this thread. :D

LOLS. just like 3 months ago.. i watched super rookie! XP and my dad tagged along while i watch it. and he LOVED it! LOL. hahahahah! it was so funny cuz he was reacting abt what happened! XP kaakaka.. hahhaa i guess he liked the plot, cuz its not a sappy love story..! hahaha :w00t:

im not mommie alice but i'll answer your question

if your talking about the dangyunhaji with shin jung hwan

its from xman #14

here's a youtube link:


OMG. lol i laughed too hard on that episode!!!! XP

and also in the episode where dongwan imitates eric's googoo icecream cf. LOL. hahahahahahha it was funny. HILARIOUS!!! <3

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katelin_kim- It's jang woohyuk :) They are so cute together....wonder why no one ever thought of them doing a project group :blink: It would be SO cool hahaha

Wow...this thread suddenly just like MOooooved... lolz

It's very possible that Minwoo weighs more than Wandy...with his working out and all. Muscles does weigh more than meat or fat ^^

Hmmm....where I live... Ricsyungjin are more average height for guys...so I guess Minwandy would be a bit short.... cuz they're shorter than my bro...and he's pretty tiny at school lolz The shock when I went to my first year of high school after summer...everyone just like sprouted???

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Guest cpopbaby19


where are u living? O_O are ppl there giants or sth? LOLS. hahha anyway yeah,, now you said abt woohyuk and minwoo together... i hope they'll have some little project together and they're gonna shake their sexy booties!! :w00t: <3 i've always liked woohyuk dance, and also minwoo! XP


anyway, what year did Hide die? im just curious... [; thanks! ^^V

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katelin_kim- It's jang woohyuk :) They are so cute together....wonder why no one ever thought of them doing a project group :blink: It would be SO cool hahaha

i agree, they should release an album together.. like Group S, kangta & vaness.

They are like the best dancers in Korea!!

In where i live.. JinSyungRic are considered tall.


hyesung actually hunches his back????

that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDD

i love hunching my back as well!!!!

no you cannot hunch your back.. it's not nice at all!

I consider Junjin, DW & Andy are thin.

Junjin & andy are definitely NOT thin.

Have you notice how muscular Jin is

Andy is getting fatter haha :D

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In Korean dictionary, it saids: absurdity; nonsense; preposterous; wild

It's really hard to describe it correctly.

Let me give you an example:

"Someone ask you personal question, and you were so surprised at that question that you didn't know what to say.... you are at lost for words..... ("hwang dang ha da" describes your feeling you felt at that moment)."

Does that make sense??? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

Ah thank you for the explanation! I understand i think in Chinese we have a something like that too. Thank you again!

I would consider Andy and Hyesung average height. Junjin was thin but not anymore he's starting to work out alot now. Andy was really thin back in the days but now he's starting to let himself go (or in a nice way "eating very well" :lD ) but from the Japan concert pics it doesn't seem like that anymore i guess all that dance practice has toned him up and now he looks pretty fine B)

I think Eric is getting really thin after the accident.

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