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Guest lenakeem

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Guest qaxlod

Angelix thanks for the link!

OMGSH I love the fact that this thread is moving so fast!

Thank all of you guys for coming to this thread and making this happen!


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Guest sunnydays.

may i suggest something? bring a ladder =P just kidding..

FLiPSiDE wouldn't it be good if shinhwa members are soompi members and visit this thread? i would just freeze on my seat if they ever reply to our messages =P

on a second thought, they would be thanking us too, along with shinhwachangjo, during concerts and performances *dreamy look*

*shakes head* i'm going crazy..

HAHAHA I would freeze too. XD; I would think that they would be a bit... surprised, but perhaps thankful for being such supportive & loving fans. (; Haha ~ That would be so cool though.

Angelix thanks for the link!

OMGSH I love the fact that this thread is moving so fast!

Thank all of you guys for coming to this thread and making this happen!


Me tooo. :D SHINHWA CHANGJO (; <3

WOW watched the Throw My Fist MV. I like that song. O__O The story was... confusing. XD;; I felt that they didn't really complete it... I don't know. u__u;; Buut the song is greaaat. :P

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Guest qaxlod

^ I quite liked the video. Very very nicely made. SLICK <3

Plus the story theme was quite interesting as well.

I'm sure for their next MV where all of them could be in it, it is going to be SICKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!

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Guest pandan

Actually i dun understand the story line at all....

Eric and Dong Wan? their boss want them to destroy each other???

wat is Jun jin/andy role?? the same goes to Hye Sung & Min Woo...Really blur... :unsure:

Apart from the story,the song 'throw my fist' is fantastic and the Shinhwa guys are so elegant & perfect!! :P

My perspective of the story: The rich mafia boss just wanna have fun, and sent dongwan and eric to kill each other. In the meantime, he asked andy and junjin to pose as dongwan and eric to fool them (again, to have fun). In the end, the two met, and I presume they finished each other? But after that, the boss hired another pair of killers (aka hyesungie and minwoo), I presume (again) to have more fun.... The story ends here.

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wow minwoo and hyesung had such a small part

but even though minwoo only had like 10seconds

when he clenched his jaw, when he wus coming out of the elevator

i wasilke



anyways HAHAH i wus so confused at first i wus like how the hell can he be chasing HIM when HE is chasing HIM instead!?

and then i finally got it whne it was junjin and andy HAHAA

la la that music video was pretty cool

our boys were lookin fineee

edit edit:

wow you know what. im going to watch the m/v again LOL our boys were mad sexxy!

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Guest qaxlod

Shinhwa's Inspiration #1 Album Ranked #4 on Japan's Oricon Chart

*1 「Beautiful Songs~ココロ デ キク ウタ~」


*3 Every Little Thing

*4 神話(SHINHWA)

*5 10-FEET

*6 MONGOL800

*7 浜田省吾 「The Best of Shogo Hamada Vol.2」

*8 浜田省吾 「The Best of Shogo Hamada Vol.1」

*9 ステイシー・オリコ

10 ダニエル・パウター

11 アンジェラ・アキ

12 倉木麻衣

13 クリスティーナ・アギレラ



16 m-flo

17 V6


19 「R35[アールサンジュウゴ]」

20 くるり

This is simply amazing. That's out SHINHWA <3

Credits: Japania

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Guest sam chin

My perspective of the story: The rich mafia boss just wanna have fun, and sent dongwan and eric to kill each other. In the meantime, he asked andy and junjin to pose as dongwan and eric to fool them (again, to have fun). In the end, the two met, and I presume they finished each other? But after that, the boss hired another pair of killers (aka hyesungie and minwoo), I presume (again) to have more fun.... The story ends here.

Thanks so much for the explanation. I do understand now... :D

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Guest babylikekiss

Not only were the guys hot,the cars were hot too

Man,both black and white

The story was a little bit confusing,aww,but Eric and Dongwan's pose when they're about to throw their fists at each other was priceless

Last scene with MinWoo and Hyesung was pure hotness,especially when they looked back at each other,although i don't understand why they appeared ^_^,the side view of Minwoo's face nearly made my heart stop <3

But hyesung and Andy are really not suit to acting all gangsta,it's weird seeing Andy's grim expression

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Guest vondunker

I wanna thank all the shinhwa-fans who helped with my enquiries. You guys are so passionate. Im glad shinhwa has fans like you.

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I guess Sangsang plus DID have both Andy and Minwoo instead of one or the other.

Anyway, I did some translations for the beginning when the 4 male hosts did little Shinhwa question interview. The actual game of guessing the words, I didn’t translate because it was difficult to understand but in the end, Andy got 2nd place and Minwoo got 3rd place. They were expecting Andy to be the last place because of “his lack of understanding Korean language and because of his American background”. The words they had to guess was used by much older generation and now kids in their 10s are using it with shorter version.

I don’t know all the 4 male hosts name so whenever one of the ask question, I won’t distinguish which one asked questions or commented but refer them as 4H. And of course, M = Minwoo and A = Andy.

Anyway, here’s some translation and if I made mistake, please feel free to correct me. Some are not direct translation but you’ll get the basic idea. Please keep in mind that I was trying to do this late at night with my husband getting mad at me because I wouldn’t go to sleep when I’m suppose to be at work 6 am today.

4H: “Where is everyone (meaning all the members)? Why only two of you are here

M: “We have the most time.”

4H: (Couldn’t believe that was the case).

A: “It’s the truth.”

4H: “Aren’t you here because you are doing some kind of activity” (meaning to promote something)

A: “No.”

4H: “Aren’t you the main character in the movie” (looking at Minwoo).

M: “Yes”

4H: “How can you be main character just like that?”

4H: “I don’t understand. Until I see it with my own eyes, I won’t believe it.”

M: “I’ll invite you to the opening.”

4H: “I don’t want to go!” (He’s jealous! LOL!)

4H: “Dongwan and Eric did the acting first. Did they give you tips?”

M: “In truth, no one helped me”

4H: “How about Andy?” (Andy is acting guilty)

M: “In truth, he never helped me”

4H: :If you (M&A) were born as a female, who in Shinhwa will you be interested in?”

M: “I have reasons for not liking…

Junjin is too greedy and hard-headed

Eric is too good looking.

Dongwan is too noisy (talks too much)

Hyesung is too much of perfectionist/picky (couldn’t understand exact Korean word they used)

So the result is Andy.”

4H: “You can propose to each other then.”

4H: “Then we know the result of who Andy will choose. He’ll choose Minwoo.”

A: “In truth, I’ll probably choose Eric” (M is acting like he’s feeling is hurt!) LOL!

A: “Minwoo is good looking…he does everything good and Eric is good looking AND earns a lot of money.”

4H: “So you choose diamond (money)”

A: (laughing but no other comment)

4H: Asking Noh Hyun Jung (NHJ - female host) “If you could date one member in Shinhwa for a day, who will you choose?”

NHJ: “I like everyone in Shinhwa….Eric and Minwoo are so talented. (Can’t remember exactly what she said)

4H: “So Eric is 1st choice and Minwoo is the 2nd choice.”

NHJ: “Andy is also very good.”

4H: “So Andy is the 3rd choice.”

(4H commented something about her liking young men (Andy) but she’s being sneaky about it or something like that.)

4H: “Andy’s name is Lee Sun Ho. Why Andy?”

A: “Before debut, the manager(?), because I came from US, he named me Andy.”

4H: “Was that your name in US?”

A: “No, my name was Jason.”

4H: (made comment about Jason being name in horror movie….I forgot the name of the movie)

4H: “Andy fits you better”

4H: “How about you Minwoo?”

M: “I’m just M”

4H: asking NHJ “If you were to have American name what would you choose?”

NHJ: “Erica”

4H: “As I said, Eric is her choice…she’s even relating her name to Eric”

4H: “Let’s talk about bad drinking habits among members…who has the worst drinking habit?”

A: “Andy… I don’t do it anymore but when I’m drunk, I want to make people laugh”

M: “Andy used to put ghim (dry seaweed) as his mustache and would sing “ho-rang-na-bi (tiger butterfly) song”

4H: “Junjin doesn’t like to lose in drinking….I went drinking with him and he kept on saying to me, ‘you know hyung that I like you’”

4H: “One time I was next to Junjin and Kang Ho Dong (they were drinking together) and I keep on hearing Junjin telling Kang Ho Dong…’you know hyung that I like you’” (I guess when Junjin is drunk, he says that to everyone! LOL!”

4H: “Junjin and Kang Ho Dong were having drinking contest….then for the 2nd round they went to Kang Ho Dong’s house…didn’t finish drinking until it was time for NHJ’s morning show”

4H: “Kang Ho Dong’s manager took Junjin home and when Junjin got out of the car, he rolled off from the car because he was so drunk! HOWEVER, there were some Shinhwa fans around his house and when Junjin heard them saying, ‘there’s Junjin/Shinhwa’, Junjin got up right away and walked STRAIGHT home acting like he wasn’t drunk!”

4H: “Kang Ho Dong’s manager couldn’t believe that person who was just on the floor all of sudden got up because fans were looking at him…..what a professional conduct”

4H: “Was there any instance where the group almost broke up?”

M: “Yes…one time when we were living together and we had strict rules…couldn’t do anything without the manager’s permission….I asked Eric to go out for a drink….we were late next morning for practice because we overslept… was too tired from drinking from night before…no one woke us up and rest of the member left without us….when we got to the studio, rest of the members were on their knees for 2 hours. The manager knew that Eric and I went out and everyone was being punished. Manager got mad and told us to quit! Eric got mad and said ‘okay, I quit” and then I said, ‘I quit too’.

M: “Andy started crying and got up and told the manager ‘I quit too!’…but when the manager yelled at Andy to ‘SIT DOWN’, Andy said ‘yes sir!’ and was on his knees again right away again!

A: “When you are on your knees for 2 hours…it hurts a lot”

4H: “So that’s why you got up to stretch your legs?”

A: “Yes, I was getting cramps on my legs”

M: “Eric and I came back to apartment to pack….I asked Eric, where/what am I going to do…Eric told me I can go with him back to US and we can do something together”

M: “As we were packing, we heard loud hurried foot steps…so I thought they are coming back to tell us good news that we don’t have to go”

M: “Hyesung came first and said, ‘you didn’t go yet?....what can we do…if opportunity happens, we’ll meet again’”

M: “Junjin came next and said, ‘hyung….keep in touch’”

M: “then another running step and this time it was Andy running up crying saying, ‘hyung, you don’t have to go’ and Junjin and Hyesung hit Andy because he wasn’t suppose to say that…they agreed to play tricks on us”

4H: “Did you know Andy was originally suppose to be member of HOT? Kangta confirmed it”

A: “yes, Tony and I got phone call to meet Lee Soo Man to meet him at the park parking lot. We didn’t really believe it but decided to go anyway. Car pulled up with Lee Soo Man in it and he rolled his car windows down and put the music really loud from his car and told us to dance. Of course, Tony right way did his dancing but I didn’t know how to dance so I did really bad imitation of break dance…I did head spin and fell and did other break dance and fell….all of sudden Lee Soo Man told us to get in the car and took us to the karaoke place to test us on singing. Of course Tony sang good but I didn’t know how to sing…I sang (don’t know the name of the song) and I was terrible. He told us to get in the car again and told us to sign the contract”

4H: “so in the park parking lot you guys were dancing?”

A: “yes, with people in the park looking at us”

4H: “so whenever Lee Soo Man said to get in the car, it meant you passed?”

When M&A didn’t know the answer, they had opportunity to make a “chance phone call” and of course Andy chose Eric. It was so cute when Eric answered “what’s up man”! LOL! I think Andy woke him up…Eric’s voice was really husky and low….and as soon as Andy told him he’s on Sangsang plus, Eric’s voice changed! LOL! When Andy asked Eric the question from the show, Eric told him to wait (he was getting paper and pen to write the hints down so he can ask his father). I guess Eric’s parents are in Korea???? Eric bragged how good he was in this game show because he previously answered correctly twice. I think he was just kidding. Minwoo called older celebrity but he told him to guess it himself! LOL! Eric later sent phone message and told Andy the answer but it was wrong so Andy got hit by NHJ.

Well, I think that’s it. Have fun reading!

"Mommie" Alice

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Guest serenity8

LMAOOO... erm.. i just watched the mv.. i mean they are hot and all, but i couldn't stop laughin at their 'evil' looks.. minwoo and hyesung's parts are TOO SMALL!! :X!!! >.>... lol, so small that its kinda random.. O.O.. i mean, the mv's kinda...i dunno, it made me dizzy after watching it..

but all in all.. pure hotness~

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Guest qaxlod

I was going post translations up from SANG SANG PLUS but I guess you did already.

I'm Korean so I'm really good at translation ^^;;

Did you guys watch SANG SANG yet? ITS SOOO FUN

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Guest angelix

Yes I did :) it was really funny and awesome

thanks mommie alice for spending the time to make the translations *hearts* <33333

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Maybe you can do the rest of the translation on the game part of the show? or do the full translation?

I'm sure people wouldn't mind more translation! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

I was going post translations up from SANG SANG PLUS but I guess you did already.

I'm Korean so I'm really good at translation ^^;;

Did you guys watch SANG SANG yet? ITS SOOO FUN

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4H: “Was there any instance where the group almost broke up?”

M: “Yes…one time when we were living together and we had strict rules…couldn’t do anything without the manager’s permission….I asked Eric to go out for a drink….we were late next morning for practice because we overslept… was too tired from drinking from night before…no one woke us up and rest of the member left without us….when we got to the studio, rest of the members were on their knees for 2 hours. The manager knew that Eric and I went out and everyone was being punished. Manager got mad and told us to quit! Eric got mad and said ‘okay, I quit” and then I said, ‘I quit too’.

M: “Andy started crying and got up and told the manager ‘I quit too!’…but when the manager yelled at Andy to ‘SIT DOWN’, Andy said ‘yes sir!’ and was on his knees again right away again!

A: “When you are on your knees for 2 hours…it hurts a lot”

4H: “So that’s why you got up to stretch your legs?”

A: “Yes, I was getting cramps on my legs”

M: “Eric and I came back to apartment to pack….I asked Eric, where/what am I going to do…Eric told me I can go with him back to US and we can do something together”

M: “As we were packing, we heard loud hurried foot steps…so I thought they are coming back to tell us good news that we don’t have to go”

M: “Hyesung came first and said, ‘you didn’t go yet?....what can we do…if opportunity happens, we’ll meet again’”

M: “Junjin came next and said, ‘hyung….keep in touch’”

M: “then another running step and this time it was Andy running up crying saying, ‘hyung, you don’t have to go’ and Junjin and Hyesung hit Andy because he wasn’t suppose to say that…they agreed to play tricks on us”

"Mommie" Alice

They make me wanna cry........ :tears::tears:

Thanks Alice for translating it and sharing with us!!

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Was there a definte answer to where we can buy specical edition of 8th jib so that Shinhwa gets sales credit? I think it was posted if you buy it from Yesasia, Shinhwa won't get sale credit?

I want to buy it from place that Shinhwa will be getting credit. Know anywhere?


"Mommie" Alice

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