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Guest lenakeem

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Guest coolieever

i just came home from a vacation trip and this thread has grown so much.

i was so bored in the car that all i listen to were mostly shinhwa songs on my cd player. i couldn't leave my boys at home. xD

0o0o0... well coming home from the trip my parents were listen to the radio. my dad turned it to the vietnamese radio news channel..which i don't really like listening to.

T____T but my batteries on my cd player ran out. somehow i started listening and the radio people were talking about how korea came from bicycles to cars and vietnam came from bicycles to motorcycles and hasn't yet came to cars. they also talk to this vietnamese person that worked at KBS. and then i continued listen for a while.


then all of a sudden shinhwa's ONCE IN A LIFETIME came on. i was so happy. x 10. they only played a clip of it though. but it made my day. i was hoping they play it somemore but after that they just talked about korean dramas and how popular it it getting now a days and that if protray family and love lives. and i kept on sing "ONCE IN A LIFETIME, FLY TO THE STARRRRR" all the way home.

gahh, seriously? you have just inspired me to listen to the viet stuff on the radio....

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Guest miss':bella

Hi! I'm Giulia ^_^

and I'm a Shinhwa fan :)

my favourite is Andy but I like all of them :wub: :wub:

I've made some icons of them..

if you wanna take a look ^^

Nice to meet you! A new fan? KEKE ^^


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Guest xmkaex

^ of course it's huge. :P

WanSyung being cooked by RicMin! *DELICIOUS* =O

CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/inde...6;boardseen#new

^ LOL!! :lol:

that's so cuteee^^

dongwan the mermaid..err.. i mean merman. :lol:


hyesung fell while trying to do a taekwondo kick during the concert at jeju island.

it was funny because he went in the back after he fell and started to fan himself.

poor hyesung. don't worry you guys, he didn't have any injuries.

just that he was very embrassed :P

^ There's a translation for that one..

and its here ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4342.0


[Round 5] Best, all around male singer

Shin Hye Sueng was elminated! Please help the last Shinhwa member get to the final round!

Vote for Minwoo!


i vote for minwoo! come on guys! FIGHTING!~

Hi! I'm Giulia ^_^

and I'm a Shinhwa fan :)

my favourite is Andy but I like all of them :wub: :wub:

I've made some icons of them..

if you wanna take a look ^^

0o0o your icons are so pretty!!

:sweatingbullets: that reminds me..i need a new signature and avatar. T_______T

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Guest miss':bella

wow. this thread is HUGE. o.O

LOL. It's not that huge compared to other threads (like DBSG or SUPER JUNIOR).

We don't spam ;)

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Guest krngrl03

Hey guys, i was wondering if you guys know when shinhwas new MV will debut?

They said it was going to come out on August 16th!

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Guest coolieever

They said it was going to come out on August 16th!

really? that soon!!! heheh, i wanna be one of the first people to see it.....

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

what MV came out from their 8th album- State of the Art?????

umm..only Once in a Lifetime!!! [love that mv, my favorite!!!] and the new one, Throw my Fist is coming out, too, but yeah...its because its gonne be the song for the Japanese Album [i can't till then!!!!] so yeah....

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Guest sunnydays.

Hi! I'm Giulia ^_^

and I'm a Shinhwa fan :)

my favourite is Andy but I like all of them :wub: :wub:

I've made some icons of them..

if you wanna take a look ^^

Oh wow... your icons are gorgeous. (: Inspired me to make more Shinhwa icons, LOL <3 I've been working on some for the past week now. haha ~ XD;

They said it was going to come out on August 16th!

Wow, so soon! Thank you for this information. Can't wait to see it. :D

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its so hard to keep up! LOL. I swear when I come on soompi now, its just to vote for people HHAHAHA. Its fun though, seeing us win.. or close to winning or w/e us = shinhwa btw LOL


LOL christine finally touchhed the 8th jib. i know i know i know TOTALLY TOTALLY late LOL

but at least i have it!




i wus sqealing and laughign so hard (i dont know why i wus laughing) when i wus purchasing it LOL the clerk person looked at me funnie. LOL

anyways yeah. wheee shinhwa shinhwa


HI to the new person, too lazy to scroll down adn see who. pretty icons wheeeeeee

AND OMG 16TH OF AUGUST! :w00t: cant wait to watch.

eric looks lke one sexy gang leader LOL

edit:: wow i just read what i wrote. do i sound high or what ? =P

and now for christine's serious side.

shinhwa got voted as china's favourite korean artist. hyesung was 4th and minwoo was 9th. ISNT THAT SPECTACULAR! GAHHH!

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[Round 5] Best, all around male singer

Shin Hye Sueng was elminated! Please help the last Shinhwa member get to the final round!

Vote for Minwoo!


haha.. of course..

i voted already!

lets support minwoo oppa!!

They said it was going to come out on August 16th!

oh i see..

better watch out for it!

hahaha.. im sooo excited!

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^i feel your pain too!! with all these other young and talented boy bands coming out, its hard for our shinhwa to be number one! but it doesn't matter because shinhwa is a legend! their songs are classic!! i mean many people got into k-pop because of these guys, i know i did (: man i love these guys they are the best. it's werid cause when there are polls with shinhwa members and dbsg, or super junior members, i always choose shinhwa members, because it feels like i'm betraying them if i don't choose them. like it doesn't matter if they aren't good looking or can't dance ( which aren't true) but i always need to choose them cause they are SHINHWA, they are the best, and always will be. man i have never typed up this much on soompi ever...but i feel good, because its all for our lovable shinhwa!! shinhwa forever!!!

i usually never post anything, but just read what other ppl wrote. but until i fee like supporting shinhwa a lot right now, and i'm such a good mood reading how good shinhwa is doing right now! i wanna post a lot of htings on shinhwas forum, so that it could reach to dbsg's and super junior's forums!

i agree... but i doubt the new bands will be popular for long. i mean, they may be flashy and stuff, but theres too many newbie singers. they are overwhelming, and they usually lose a bunch of popularity when people return to school and stuff and start to focus on their favorite singers. its like this every year. so many new people during the summer and when fall comes around, their dead. they are young.. some may be talented, but will they last? no. but some do last, but noon will beat our lovely shinhwa boys. they are perfect. or their imperfections(if they have any) are what make them perfect.

plus. what i love about shinhwa is that when they were young, they were soooo cute!!! and as they got older they grew into these hott sexy people that get better looking every year(except maybe andy who is still too cute) but these new bands, they arent cute now and they try too hard to be "hot" as they age they will change, but not for the better. they try too hard, shinhwa is just natural, they are sillly and fun and childish. and people love them for that. they are natural and so they are irrisistable.

hmm.. since everybody's talking about loyalty.. i'm gonna give you my share!! [since i'm bored and there's still some time before going to gym..]

shinhwa's exactly the reason i got into k-pop, more precisely, eric.. first i watched super rookie and during the first episode or so, i thought he was kim rae won [i watched lots of dramas before, but never really got into k-pop] seriously, they looked similar from certain angles, especially with the hair and stuff..

and then i started looking up for info and before i knew it, i found shinhwa and started listening to the songs.. and here i am, gushing about shinhwa =]

for some reason, i've never really gotten into any other groups.. dbsk - watched their banjun drama, entertaining, but never bothered to listen to their songs for some reason.. ftts - got to know it after shinhwa [because of brian in xman and love letter] so it became my 2nd fave.. super junior - they're alright, 3rd favorite? because i watch super junior full house..

but the 1st place in my heart will always be occupied by shinhwa.. i guess it's true that first love is never forgotten =]

like my cousin said, there's something to like in each and every member, unlike the previous bands i liked before [i was into j-pop and j-rock before too..] i could write out a whole list of good things about each member even if they're at the bottom of my list.. seriously, they're really the legend of the entertainment world.. even their personalities are so entertaining by themselves.. haha..

i think i could go on and on doing this, but i need to go and eat =P and i don't think people wanna read my crap any further so.. byeee!!

we are so alike... like, when i first got my state of the art poster and put it on my wall, i sat on my bed staring at it(i could seriously look at it forever) in my mind i went throught and started thinking about stuff that i love about each and every member and before i knew it my mom was yealling at me because i had been sitting there for over 3 hours... >< but i still had more stuff that i liked about them and i had not even gotten to the part about how they love eachother so much.... like, i know my posts are always so long and i always spend a long time on the computer whenever i go on soompi because i have to read what everyone said about shinhwa, then i have to click on every link and stare at every picture, and by the time i begin to write what im gonna post... i have so much to say so i go back and edit what i wrote, taking out some stuff that i think is important but im pretty sure everyone else here feels that way so i dont havet o say it out loud.

what is going on in here?? :huh: i don't understand why so many of you are so sad and disappointed. shinhwa has more fans than ever right now. you might think that those younger boy bands have more fans and crazier fans, but thats just in these kinds of forums. in korea, shinhwa dominates. in japan, shinhwa dominates. my cousin lives in korea and i ask him what kind of music he listens to or which singers are the most popular. you know the usual, sg wannabe, groups like that. but he never mentions those younger boy bands (not mentioning names). then i ask him about them and he just shakes his head and says, "they're not popular in korea. the only reason they're popular in other countries is because they have flawless skin."

so don't worry people! shinhwa is not being replaced or taken over. and all of them have to go to army some day. we'll be waiting when they come back.

flawless skin??!?!? im sorry, but i laughed so hard when i read this... most korean celebs skin looks "flawless" or "clear" because of all the makeup they are wearing. im sorry but thats the fact. of course there are those few who really do have nice skin, but they do get blemishes or pimples sometimes. they dont try to hide it. the same for plastic surgery, female celebs, korean ones, i can only think of like...3 or 4 young celebrities that have not had plastic surgery.. and they have natural beauty thats why i like them.. liket he girl thats gonna be in the new mv... some people commented that she looks like song hye gyo... yeah. id be willing to bet that she got it done. its so sad... just live with yourself. stupid people. and you would be suprised the number of guys that get plastic surgery too.... the majority dont, but a suprising number or guys!! get themselves "fixed". YOU CANT FIX ANYTHING THATS NOT BROKEN!!!! which is an additionaly reason on top of my mountain high pile of reason why i like shinhwa. when i see people wasting their monely like that, it makes my sad that im korean and also "one of them" even though i would never do anything like that.

labingtatlo-i agree with everthing you said. so true.

christine- all i can say is... your so funny!!!! haha. and congrats on (finally) getting the cd

ahhhh!!! im finally done catching up.... there are 2 new pages from when i started reading this morning.... T.T this is scary how fast this thread is movine... and too many polls and voting and junk... arg!!! and if shinhwa doestn win i will be pissed...... anyways, thank you everyone that posted pics, news, or links... or whatever i didnt remember to mention... too much stuff swimming around in my brain. must go sleep...

-edit- did i just own a page???? how long has this been? i guess staying up late does have its rewards. :D

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^ LOL thank you. I am so happy myself too that I got it.

Okay yeah, I started kissing it LOL

Don't worry, I have no shame. :w00t::w00t:

Anyways I was looking through my photobucket.. and awwwwwwwwwed (or laughed) at these couple-y pics





^ they actually look like a couple here. i dont know why LOL












wow most of these are minwoo

credits to: naver, soompi, shinhwachangjo, shinhwasarang, minbongstalkers.. where else hmm GOOGLE haha.

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Guest kpoplvr

I have absolutely no idea what's going on here and I'm ashamed. This is my home... :[... i just know the thread is growing fast. :D

Well first of all, happy happy joy joy that I see a lot of new names... again. [Well you're all new to me anyways].

Oh! I notice kk12 is using my avvie still. <3 Thanks hon-- PM me if you want a new one. Hahah. ^^* But oh-- remember to credit me in your sig please. :sweatingbullets:

OMG!! XTINE MY FOO. <33 Thank you for sharing those pics!!!

The first WanDy one is sooooo kawaii & omgomgomg. Sungie &Minwoo.... KAWAIIIII. :]

So hello my fellow Shinhwa fans &now I'll go catch up &vote in polls so Shinhwa can win and such.

....*shutting up*

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Guest nutzie

haaaa~ eric and dongwan with their bottles.. sho cuteee~!! the one with eric minwoo and dongwan's soo cute tooo~!! bloated faces >_<" thanks christine!!!

*right click*


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