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Guest lenakeem

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Guest grumpynomore

i was looking for leadernim's quotable quote for his thread when i found this old transcript of one of the boys' interview.

i find this to be another proof that even though we all have our own favorites, SHINHWA is one... I can't really

have one without the other. How can one not love them ALL?!

i was laughing so hard reading this esp since it's the first time i've seen it :D

Interview during 1st or 2nd album times


1.From elementary school to before entering high school, what kind of boy were you?

Eric- CHUNJAE {prodigy) (in elementary school, my friend did a confusing (?) thing

and hit me from the rear to the brain and it seem like an abnormal perfection was created)

2.In your childhood days, what did you do?

Eric- flower arrangement, knitting, chinese jumprope, sae sae sae (handgame)...bbae

go dah

3.Elem, Middle, High school, how were your grades?

Eric- in elem, school was a heavy responsibility, middle school: avg, high school: at

least worth a high prize


8.if the group went out on a meeting, which member would be most popular?

Andy: i think Eric hyung, cuz he's the leader (then eric says, "andy yah! just because

I'm shinhwa's leader, doesn't mean i'd be popular on a meeting.")

10.Which member seems least sophisticated?

DongWan and HyeSung: hm... we can't say Eric. He's not like this everyday, but once

when were practicing, he pulled his belt up to his chest and mesed up his hair, seeing

him dance like that was really funny

Which members seems like they catch bugs best and why?

Shinhwa: Eric. Eric probably hates mosquitos the most. when he sleeps, if there's

even one mosquito, he won't sleep, until he kills the mosquito

Andy: Eric hyung really hates bugs, but he's fascinated by them. I've seen him say,

"wow, how can they look like this??" and put the bug on a sheet of paper and burn it.

hyung!! you're scary

13.Who has the worst sleeping habit?

MinWoo: Eric. he has sleeping habits that a person can't have. If you talk to him,

he'll answer you, if you sing he's rap for you. once i did a beatbox and he did one too

and sometimes eric sleeps with his eyes open.

Interview during 1st or 2nd album times

1.From elementary school to before entering high school, what kind of boy were you?

Eric- CHUNJAE {prodigy) (in elementary school, my friend did a confusing (?) thing

and hit me from the rear to the brain and it seem like an abnormal perfection was created)

HyeSung- only when i was in kindergarten, I made the little girls' minds fluuter, I was a

young prince(?) whack~ then as time went by...

Andy- one word- gae goo jang ee( troublemaker/jokester)

2.In your childhood days, what did you do?

Eric- flower arrangement, knitting, chinese jumprope, sae sae sae (handgame)...bbae

go dah

HyeSung- the neighboorhood below was BukHanSan(SoYuRi) in their children's

nursery I was sent. Above our house was a mountain, below it a brook. In the

summer with my friends, we'd go to the brook and catch crawfish. In the fall we'd

gather chesnuts(bahms) in the winter, we'd go sledding and have snowball fights.

Andy- chinese jumprope, the rose of Sharon (MuhGungHwa) blossomed and so on...

3.Elem, Middle, High school, how were your grades?

Eric- in elem, school was a heavy responsibility, middle school: avg, high school: at

least worth a high prize

HyeSung- as much as I saw that I studied you won't believe me. In MS i received top

grade award (woodeuung sang) in HS- went to school in America and first it was hard

because of English, then I got stable and won a high prize (please believe me!!)

Andy- ele. A and B's MS- A,B,C's HS- A, B, C, d's

4.When you were little, what did you want to be?

Eric- soldier, dad

HyeSung- president

Andy- singer, actor, comedian

5.Have you ever gotten into lots of trouble by a teacher?

Eric- In elem. school, I hit my friend and he got ssang kopi (nosebleed in both sides)

I too then got hit by the teacher and it seemed as if i would get ssang ko pi too

HyeSung- In elem school, 3rd grade, at lunch I didn't know we couldn't leave school

and I left. The teacher found out and I got in BIG trouble in the gym in front of the

student teacher

Andy- In elem. school, I did my homework wrong and got scolded

6.From all the school award you've received, what is the biggest?

Eric- top grades( woodeungsang) In America, in MS (8th grade) i got all A's and


HyeSung- Food Award ( Bahp Sang) as a joke, Elem- I got top grades award

Andy- I got so much, I can't remember

7.Were you a good vacation homework model?

Eric- Vacation Homework copying Eric!!

Steve- It was the 3 days before the end of vacation all-nighter have to finish style

Andy- my mom helped me with a lot of homework, so i did a majority of it.

8.if the group went out on a meeting, which member would be most popular?

Andy: i think Eric hyung, cuz he's the leader (then eric says, "andy yah! just because

I'm shinhwa's leader, doesn't mean i'd be popular on a meeting.")

DongWan: minwoo. MinWoo's bright laugh would get him all the popularity

Shinhwa: Jin b/c he's good looking

MinWoo: dongwan- he'd tell funny stories and make everyone laugh

DongWan- Andy, girls these days like guys that are cute

9.Which Member is most afraid of Ghosts?

ShinHwa: Hyesung, we can't choose anyone else, when he watches scary shows like

To Yo Mystery) he runs away, and when we start telling scary stories, he covers his

ears w/ his hands and says, "stop it!!"

10.Which member seems least sophisticated?

DongWan and HyeSung: hm... we can't say Eric. He's not like this everyday, but once

when were practicing, he pulled his belt up to his chest and mesed up his hair, seeing

him dance like that was really funny

11.Which member seems like a player and why?

MinWoo: Jin, he's good looking

DongWan: Jin has a "muht jin" look in his eyes so a lot of girls would probably follow

him around. I heard a lot of girls at school are standing in line...

(Jin waving his hands and denying what they have said. "No, not at all. I don't think

I seem like a player at all, why is everyone being like this?)

12.Which members seems like they catch bugs best and why?

Shinhwa: Eric. Eric probably hates mosquitos the most. when he sleeps, if there's

even one mosquito, he won't sleep, until he kills the mosquito

Andy: Eric hyung really hates bugs, but he's fascinated by them. I've seen him say,

"wow, how can they look like this??" and put the bug on a sheet of paper and burn it.

hyung!! you're scary

13.Who has the worst sleeping habit?

MinWoo: Eric. he has sleeping habits that a person can't have. If you talk to him,

he'll answer you, if you sing he's rap for you. once i did a beatbox and he did one too

and sometimes eric sleeps with his eyes open.

14.What was probably a nahl la ri?

Shinhwa: you were probably a nahl la ri, huh noona[interviewer is an older girl]

(everyone is avoiding the question)

DongWan- ask our lawyer

15.Who would probably be the BEST with kids?

JunJin: MinWoo hyung, if you see him with his dong, "jjang", you'll know

MinWoo: Jin. once my neice came over and she says, "JunJin oppa took care of me."

She said he held her and talked to her.

16.Who trusts others too much?

HyeSung: JunJin. once we hid his sunglasses and watched for his reaction. Jinee was

searching around the house, but he didn't suspect any of the members, so I told him

"we hid it, so you have an hour to find it, if you don't find it in an hour, we'll give it to

you." Anyone else would have been like, "give it back now" and would have gotten

mad.. but Jinee searched for an hour, and after an hour, he gave up and was sitting

down looking depressed, we saw that and we had to give his sunglasses and tell him

we were sorry.

17.Which member can laugh and forget about ANYTHING, no matter what and can

be carefree?

DongWan: i can never be carefree, just my laugh is carefree. puhahahaha!!

Eric: MinWoo has a carefree personality. he laughs a lot too. even when he gets mad,

he lets it go quickly and makes everyone else comfortable

18.Which member, when they get mad, is so scary that nobody else can go near him?

Eric: Andy, not enough that nobody can go near him, but when he gets scary enough

that he can't control his strength, he turns the house upside down, when he's mad

he's as strong as Hercules. even if he just hits the person next to him, it hurts enough

that you think, you're going to go flying, but once he calms down, andy says in a cute

voice, "hyu uh ung, i'm sorry, he he he."

(andy says: i don't get mad unless they don't give me food when I have to eat ramen)

19.who seems like they'd be a family man?

Eric and MinWoo:: DongWan, he's good at washing dishes

Eric:: HyeSung, he's good at taking care of others and he's good at arranging his things.

DongWan: Minwoo, he's good at taking care of his friends. he's busy so that wouldn't be

easy, but when u see him call up his friends in a jun joo (city) frequently, then u think

later on, he'll have a nice family.

20.Which member would look the BEST with a shaved head?

Shinhwa: Eric, the shape of this head is nice and he looks like a primitive person,

heehee j/k. we've seen an old picture of him with a shaved head, and it looked good

on him.

21.Which member uses money the least? (a scrooge)

MinWoo: Jin, will a day come when Jin uses money? or is he someone that doesn't

know he has to use money?? when we go to the supermarket to buy things, he says

he left his wallet at home, Jinee-yah I'm sorry, i'm not saying you're a scrooge

or anything.

HyeSung: It's true, Jinee doesn't spend money, but that's cuz he doesn't carry around

his wallet.

22.Which member looks good in the clothes they wear?

MinWoo: Eric, he looks good in anything he wears, i guess cause his shoulders are

wide, and his legs are long.

Eric: Andy, once on a show, we wore white suits, and Andy, he looked good in it.

23.Who would go well with older people?

Shinhwa: Andy!! he's the youngest, so he'd get a lot of love from older people

24.Who is most like "Hyungum" from the cartoon, "Unplugged Boy?

Dongwani, minwoo, hyesungie, andy, eric, jinee (everyone is choosing themselves)

hyungum is silly, but he's nice and pure. he has style and a lot of clothes.

25.Which member would look the best as a girl?

DongWan: Jinee, he looks pretty

HyeSung: we went to kangwon for a an ENG shoot, and we went to my uncle's house,

when my aunt saw JunJin, she asked, "is that a girl member?" she said Jinee looked

soft, like a girl.

26.Which member is cuter than they look?

Eric: MinWoo. most fans know him as, "tough guy lee minwoo." outside minwoo

seems tough, but when he gets home he acts cute.

Andy: Eric hyung, when you see Eric talked w/ his mom, who lives in the US and see

him being cute and talked in a HIGH VOICE, you'd laugh so hard you'd collapse,

you should hear him say, "hiyee mommy" ina high voice sometimes.

27.Who is most stubborn?

Eric: dongwan, once he starts getting stubborn, nobody can do anything about it, if

he even THINKS he's right, he won't give up, but after he realizes he's wrong, he

stops being stubborn and says he's sorry.

28.Who's the mama's boy?

Shinhwa: of course andy.

29.Who has the worst wang jja byung?(conceited like a prince)

ShinHwa: hm.. well you'd have to see us out on the streets, so we can't know for


30.Who has trouble riding scary rides?

Shinhwa: Manager hyung, when we went to an amusement park, we were riding

roller coasters, but he was riding a sing-song car.

31.Who would be the best fighter?

HyeSung: Andy, he's strong. I've never see him fighting with anyone, but before when he gets mad, he becomes as strong as Hercules, so Andy would be a good

fighter too.

Eric: Jinee, he looks mild (soon hae) but his hands are big, so if he lets his fists fly...

>.< ((you're screwed)) our height is similar, but his hands are bigger, you should

compare our hands sometime.

32.Who probably doesn't wash much?

Why do the heavens give Shinhwa this test... is Hyesungie's face turning red????

HyeSung: but I wash my face!!

well... if he hadn't said that, we could've juss forgotten it...)

33.If ShinHwa were to be #1, who would cry the most?

HyeSung: I'd think we'd all cry.

34.Who would be the leading part for, Chun Ihl Yoo Hon (their song on 1st album)?

Minwoo: HyeSungi, HyeSungi crying a thousand tears. i'd think he'd be a good main character for a sad love story

Andy: Eric Hyung! I think Hyung would know the sadness of crying a thousand tears out of his nose (kohl moohl) ((watery nose))

(NG! Andy's suhllong ((corny)) joke)

35.You're at Lotte world, and there's a lot of people. a lil girl 2 or 3 years old, starts

following you around saying, "Daddy!!" a lot of people are you are staring and

thinking this is interesting, what would you do?

Eric: I'd buy her icecream and quietly admonish her, and then send her off... but if

she keeps doing it, then i'd get mad.

DongWan: he'd call the little one, "MOM!!" and follow her around (touch touch 02)

Hyesung: "she says I'm her dad" and brag to the other people.

Minwoo: "Aigo, my daughter" and hug her.

JunJin: "what's wrong? There's your dad, right there" and let someone else deal

with her.

Andy: "YAH! I'm not your dad"

((so mean... ))

36.What would you do if you're watching TV, with your parents a really heavy

something u just can't watch, kiss scene comes on??

Eric: i'd start doing something else.

DongWan: I'd say NEWS!" and change the channell or start talking to his mom about

his day.

HyeSung: I'd just watch.

MinWoo: i'd watch my parents closely and say, "MOM, you did this with dad too, huh?

HyeSung: I'd just watch.

MinWoo: i'd watch my parents closely and say, "MOM, you did this with dad too, huh?

((embarass them))

JunJin: i'd turn the volume on louder and TRY to embarass my parents.

Andy: i'd say, "MOM! what's that? how do you do that??

37.Who probably got hit by girls and cried when they were little?

Eric: Andy, he's the youngest.

DongWan: HyeSung, he always got hit by girls, so he dreamed of being a taekwondo

so nyun ((taekwondo master... unsure))

HyeSung: JunJin.

MinWoo: JunJin, they'd say, "Are you a guy or a girl??" ::smack:: he was probably

so pretty, he made girls jealous and got hit a lot!!

JunJin: Andy. he's so cute, so girl probably bugged him alot.

Andy: Eric hyung, he's tough now... but when you see him when he was littl, he

seems like he cried a lot... when u imagine what he must have been like back then,

you'd get the feeling he was proably that kind of person.

38.Who cries easily?

Eric: HyeSung, he cries when we see sad movies.

DongWan: JunJin, he's most sensitive.

HyeSung: none, i've never seen any of them crying... ((he was prolly the one crying ^-^ V))

MinWoo: HyeSung, he cried when he read, "Ah Buh Ji" (father) and when Andy asked

"Hyung, did the father die??" HyeSungi ran away crying.

JunJin: Andy, i've never seen him cry, but he's so sweet, I'd think he'd cry easily.

Andy: HyeSungi hyung, when he read "Ah Buh Ji" (father) he cried.

Credits to whoever who translate and posted this

and to beck77 frm soompi


and i'm making an appeal to SHINHWA subbers/translators. I know you gals have done a lot already...

and we're very thankful...but I'm hoping someone can sub the boys' interview/conference when they moved to

GOOD E. from SM.

usako630 just uploaded the clip...



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thank you for sharing the translations<3

MinWoo: HyeSung, he cried when he read, "Ah Buh Ji" (father) and when Andy asked

"Hyung, did the father die??" HyeSungi ran away crying.

awww haha i can actually picture that!

DongWan: he'd call the little one, "MOM!!" and follow her around (touch touch 02)

LOL!!!!!! :lol: thats such a wannie-type of answer. -____-

+++ awww wannies good at dishes! wooo :D

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Does anyone else miss Shinhwachangjo.net immensely? Because I do TT___TT

It's really a treasure trove for newer Shinhwa fans, since its database contains Shinhwa material from 2004 till now.

A greater feat than you know for an English Shinhwa site.

For some reason (well, actually, I kind of saw it coming, but I really shouldn't say why ^^::), but it's been kind of forlorn there right now.

So can everyone be awesome and go dig around, leave a comment and keep the enthusiasm going?

Discover new stuff about Shinhwa, start new stuff about Shinhwa or just reminisce about older stories~

Don't let the site go!

It's been around for quite awhile, it has the BEST Shinhwa-based clubbox (still gold, meaning there are ppl downloading often), and its staff are some of the best Shinhwa fans :)


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Guest Nekka

In late 2007 I registered myself on SHJC but I never posted there, I rarely gone because my English was very bad, it's been so long that I didn't gone there that I even forget my username and passwords, (I wonder if I could redo an account with my current nickname)

I will definitely immerse myself in this forum because like Amy said, we shouldn't let him die

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Guest grumpynomore

awwwwwwwwww crystalis! i've recently been digging through shinhwachangjo.net and i kinda know how you fee.

there are so many articles and tidbits about shinhwa there. i still have over a hundred pages to read.

i know shinhwabiz is around but i'm hoping we can keep visiting shinhwachangjo.net too.

i want to be a part of it. any ideas on where should i start?

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In late 2007 I registered myself on SHJC but I never posted there, I rarely gone because my English was very bad, it's been so long that I didn't gone there that I even forget my username and passwords, (I wonder if I could redo an account with my current nickname)

I will definitely immerse myself in this forum because like Amy said, we shouldn't let him die

awwwwwwwwww crystalis! i've recently been digging through shinhwachangjo.net and i kinda know how you fee.

there are so many articles and tidbits about shinhwa there. i still have over a hundred pages to read.

i know shinhwabiz is around but i'm hoping we can keep visiting shinhwachangjo.net too.

i want to be a part of it. any ideas on where should i start?

Thanks, gals, for warming up to the idea :)

I think just leaving SHCJ as it is until Shinhwa comes back might not be such a good idea, since it gives people a chance to find out if they really can't live without it or not lolz

I'm not really sure how to go about this either ^^:

Unfortunately, I'm already handling more than I can handle of Shinhwa stuff T^T....which sounds kinda weird considering they're on hiatus lolz

I know, I'm already setting a bad example T_T

But here are some ideas:

1. Introduce yourself at the Coat Rack if you haven't :)

2. Dig through the Bookself and comment on anything you find interesting.

3. Talk about anything in the Living Room. It's never too much to wax your undying love for Shinhwa lolz

4. I don't know how many people know this, but the Piggy Bank is an awesome place for Shinhwa fans without their own credit cards to buy/trade Shinhwa/kpop stuff.

5. Since SHCJ no longer seems to have their own translator, help keep the Reading Room as least semi-updated with outside translations. Some fans like things all in one place, so they might be drawn to SHCJ because they can just get their updates there.

6. Say thanks if you've ever downloaded from their clubbox in the clubbox thread.

7. Should be easy enough to post pictures in the Walk-In Wardrobe.

Most of all, don't be afraid to post. If you make a mistake, I have it on good authority that the mods don't bite...or at least, not very much ^^::

That's all I can think of right now ^^:: I know it's not much, especially for older fans who have done this for some years now. For myself, I'll try to post in the downloads forum whenever I upload :) It would really help out alot if someone can repost the Shinhwaglish links to SHCJ though.

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recently i've been missing shinhwa so i been going through my hard drive rewatching the videos with them. they always make me laugh. still have to rewatch LL & xman.

plus just heard the new song that eric featured in. i miss hearing his voice!! two more years to go right? i'll be waiting.

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Guest la-mer-bleue

Hiya~! :D I am new to this thread but I've actually been a fan of our beloved Shinhwa for over four years now. ^_^ I just visited shinhwachangjo.net's clubbox (http://clubbox.co.kr/shcjcjbnet) a few minutes ago only to find out that it has downgraded to silver. :( Could you please help turn it gold again by downloading as many files as possible for the next four weeks? shcjcjbnet is truly the greatest Shinhwa clubbox out there. Let's do our best to make it stay gold until our oppa come back as a group. And if it is not too much to ask, would you mind taking the trouble to spread the news to other changjos so that we can save all those precious videos? T0T Thank you very much~~! :)

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Guest grumpynomore

Hello ladies!

sorry i haven't started posting @ shinhwachangjo.net yet. kinda got off track with the recent

released of leadernim's rap feature :P but i will soon.


a clearer version of SHINHWA'S KISSING GAME!never fails to make me laugh :lol:

ROTFL @ jinnie's priceless reaction @ 0:19 looking at wannie. looks like a kid wondering what his

hyung is about to do again :lol:

c/o erichoachoa

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Guest 2MaLuv

Hi! I registered on ShinhwaChangjo ages ago but I cant post anything up for some reason... I keep getting a board message saying an error has occurred... please help... i want to span the site with shinhwa stuff! =P

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Guest ixia320


same with me, i registered a week ago but haven't received my email confirmation so ican not post any reply and keep getting the error message. i requested the admin to send me my email link but none yet to date. hu hu hu...

... my favorite for the week, hyesung and sungmin, they sing beautifully together, heysung is very handsome here.

have a happy day!!!

Hiya~! :D I am new to this thread but I've actually been a fan of our beloved Shinhwa for over four years now. ^_^ I just visited shinhwachangjo.net's clubbox (http://clubbox.co.kr/shcjcjbnet) a few minutes ago only to find out that it has downgraded to silver. :( Could you please help turn it gold again by downloading as many files as possible for the next four weeks? shcjcjbnet is truly the greatest Shinhwa clubbox out there. Let's do our best to make it stay gold until our oppa come back as a group. And if it is not too much to ask, would you mind taking the trouble to spread the news to other changjos so that we can save all those precious videos? T0T Thank you very much~~! :)

what happens if the clubbox is downgraded from gold to silver? is it dangerous? thanks.

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Guest ixia320


i found something :


i can't stop giggling... enjoy...

we are really missing the boys...

have you guys watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxwebKFuT6g?? theres 4 parts to it!! and it has eng subs!

must watch, if you miss their goofiness in games!

its hilarious! wannie is <3 and his 'freestyle dance' puahahahahha!! havent laughed so hard at a shinhwa vid in ages

saved to my disk, thank you so much, mwah!

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i found something :


i can't stop giggling... enjoy...

we are really missing the boys...

saved to my disk, thank you so much, mwah!

haha no problem :) your link is just as good!!! i never realised, but ive only watched the ending of 10th anniversary like twice.. so i doubt i wouldve picked it up anyway.. so cute!!! awwww and their hug + wannie's smile at the end <3

also if anyone misses wannie's random goofiness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PbnX0hjO6E

lol at him trying to do the splits at the end!!!

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Guest 80slitenite

I don't know if this was mentioned before but for anyone who has a tumblr, Nerie's got a Shinhwa one going.^^


its been posted before, but i'm in the mood for one of my fav shinhwa tributes.

Shinhwa back to nothing tribute


i love the dark shinhwa theme with the song. happens to be one of my fav Chinese songs

I hope some of our European Changjo were able to see Dongwan during his vacation. His pictures are gorgeous as always. +_+

ah speaking of Shinhwa kissing, which member do you think had the best kiss? All 6 is an acceptable answer. XD







i wish i had clips for all of them.

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