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Guest lenakeem

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Hi, hi~

Nothing serious, just thought this would be fun to speculate on...

I saw an interesting thread in allkpop: http://www.allkpop.com/forum/index.php?/to...le/page__st__40

Do any of you think you'll be able to rate Shinhwa?

Or is brave enough to? Especially in front of other Shinhwa fans >.<

I've watched a lot of Shinhwa performances and I dare to say I think I know pretty much where they lack and excel in...

However, I do admit I couldn't spend an equal amount of attention to all their solo stages, since it would require all 24hours of my day~

I have a number in mind, but I wonder if it's because of my own bias that it might be too high...hmm...

Also, I do not watch as many stages of other kpop artists as I used to and I really don't know where the standards lay nowadays~

And there are moments like this since their debut:

So it makes me wonder if their teamwork wasn't already too perfect from the moment they debuted :)

And an interesting thing that happened...

I was watching Hyesung's New Challenge from Shinhwa (Japanese debut video doc), and they did a small intro to Shinhwa to people who might not know who they are...

Because I've seen those MVs etc a million times, there are times when I get too 'used' to them and their 'amazing-ness' and novelty do fade a litte >.< However, yesterday, when I thought about how those short clips might look to new eyes, I felt this new sense of 'pride' rush through me lolz

So I wonder, if being a long time fan may cause my rating of them to be lower than they deserve...


If someone will attempt this...I might give this a shot too~

What do you think?

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Guest bugrepellent

Wow, what a thread crystalis.

I do have a number in mind too, but I'm afraid to rate them simple because it wouldn't be fair to them. I wouldn't go and discuss with Allkpopers though...I just don't like the site, and I don't think any of us do. Anyway I kind of miss them and am anticipating RicWan's return at the end of this year (wow.......time flies by fast).

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Guest Nekka

Personally I am unable to judge Shinhwa,even if I love them all, I think they are not at the same level separately (but they shine so much when they are together) so either I'm afraid to be bias or to underrat them

they are so present for me musically in my life,that it's impossible ... :mellow:<_<

and I'm afraid of others shinhwa fan :lol::P ...

but I'd be happy to read the chronicle of one of you

PS:And I want to read yours Crystalis! I love reading your posts or opinions B)

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Guest prncssptri

that's a very interesting thread you found crystalis! you should try make one! :lol:

it's funny reading some of the posts and there are LOTS of biases hahaha..

and yea, i agree with all, i might be too biased if i have to rate them! each members may not in the same level, BUT if you have to score their teamwork (like others did in the thread), it'll definitely compensate that!! HAHAHA

but i don't know, it's kinda hard to rate them too cause obviously they've been around for so long thus they have the experiences and, trying to be objective, i find that their stage performances are very consistent in terms of vocals or whatnot unlike new idols *no offense to anyone, i sometimes listen to them too xP* they've improved so much through their experiences in the biz!

ok ok so yes, i'm bias! HAHAHA they'll still be my #1 :P

Happy Shinhwa Month!!

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Amy what an interesting thought. I would love to try it but as a newbie, I'm pretty 'scared' of judging them but if you come up with something I will take a peek :D Hope you'll put it here instead of Allkpop (hehe I still refuse to sign up as a member there)

I saw this at Eric's Japan fansite about upcoming airing of Shinhwa on Mnet (not sure if that is Mnet Japan or Korea). And this is what I got from the mighty Google translate. :lol:

• “Mnet Live SHINHWA features” CS Mnet

(TV Edition) Apr.03 (Sat) 24:00 - 25:00

(Rebroadcast) Apr.06 (Tue) 25:00 - 26:00

(Rebroadcast) Apr.07 (Wed) 16:00 - 19:00

• “Chapter 2009 SHINHWA bags Korean Star” CS Mnet

(Fist airing) Apr.14 (Wed) 8:30pm - 9:00pm

(Rebroadcast) Apr.15 (Thu) 12:30 - 13:00

Source: ericfan.jp

I don't know what to make of the 'strange' timing (25:00 & 26:00?) on Apr.3 & 6 :lol:

And too bad it doesn't let me copy the original Japanese text neither

Not sure what the show is about but hopefully some mighty SHCJ will be able to stream it.

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Also, I do not watch as many stages of other kpop artists as I used to and I really don't know where the standards lay nowadays~

And there are moments like this since their debut:

So it makes me wonder if their teamwork wasn't already too perfect from the moment they debuted :)

Forgot to comment on that. Other than Shinhwa, I don't follow other K-pop artists neither (some quick news caps may be but no time to explore the performances).

One thing I have to say, even though I'm not fond of Shinhwa's debut style (well may be it was popular back then :P ) and some of their earlier songs but one thing for sure their dance number were AWESOME! very clean, powerfull & so much in unison with each other. Back then they spent so much time practicing and under the iron fist of SM they had to practice & practice hard. That paid them off handsomely though. As time went by, with members solo works, they have less time to gather for practice and you could see their dance performance not as sharp and synchronized as they used to be plus 'aging' would also be a big factor also. They are also more relax and less 'demanding' on themselves too :lol:

In any case, Shinhwa's other uniqueness qualities are more than enough to make up for a little slack in dancing in recent years.

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Guest rose_liana

wah~ that is a very interesting thread Amy unni!!

totally agree with phiphi .well, i do want to try to judge them but in the same time,like most of you, i'm scared too.since i still considered myself as a new fan of Shinhwa... :lol: i was like lack of knowledge bout them..

but, i believe, if someone have started this interesting topic first, other will start to follow and give some comment too... :)

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I was cruising through some stuff on the net and found an article that Yoona performed Shinhwa's Wild Eyes on the most recent Family Outing episode...anything about Shinhwa will definitely bring me alive. hehe

I miss them so much!!!!!!!!!

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Guest hikkie

thanks IHJJ ........from FO2 ...glad she choose wild eyes :lol: :lol: this song keep playing in FO 1 and now 2 ^^

it would be good if shinhwa did this by themself ........** miss them too

thank u for that article crystalis , i cant judge them too .........* well but my friends always did that ...that group is good in that bad in this .......i belive every group has weak and strong side and need chemistry to love them , as much one group is good but if i didnt have chemistry with them it not work for me hehe

usually i only lurking *same like phiphi ......i like to watching all , korean world is kinda new to me ,so really attracted .......but i cant found and love a group as much like shinhwa XDD so biased !!

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Guest prncssptri

crystalis, your youtube channel is suspended? T.T soooo saaaaaddd!! you're one of the biggest contributor for engsubbed shinhwa vids :( :( i hope you'll keep updating ShinHwaGlish! :lol: crystalis fighting!!!

ihjj, hikkie, that was awesome! i kinda thought why hikkie faved this vid.. hahaha turns out she danced to Shinhwa's Wild Eyes! can't miss that of course!! anything with Shinhwa, i'll take it! i miss them so so much!!!


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Guest rose_liana







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Don't know why but I feel happy today....

Probably cuz it's Shinhwa's 12th Anniversary.....

And knowing them celebrating it together making it even more special.

A very good reason for a :bizlove: pic spam!!!!

Happy 12th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!














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Guest prncssptri


You've brought us happiness and laughter to your worldwide fans..

you're life long friendships has truly helped us to really understand what the word "friendship" means..

Hope we'll see you reunite soon so that we can once again wave our orange balloon with pride :)

Forever Shinhwa ♥

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Guest 1wawa3


You've brought so much laughter into all of our lives, although you might not know it.

Your friendship is one of the most endearing I've ever seen.

Your never changing love for the fans although it has been 12 years is heartwarming.

Never change.

We will be here when you reunite and become Shinhwa again.

2012, please come faster.

I love the pictures Dongwan posted. Awww. Everyone celebrating their anniversary. Too bad Andy wasn't there. ):

LOL I love how they all dressed up for the dinner.

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